Halloween week arrives, the veil grows thinner, signs are everywhere, pay attention, it’s a time of magic.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in Taurus that is perfected at 3:49pm eastern/ 12:49pm pacific. Something we value is reaching a climax in our lives, we are either celebrating achievements around this height or marking an ending. Personal income may be climaxing in some way, something you have built may peak, a possession in question may hit the wall, your pleasure principal may culminate on some high note, or something you have stubbornly fixed upon may wrap up. Mercury exits the intense field of Scorpio where he was bound to get to the bottom of some deep, buried matter, and moves into the lighter, more adventurous territory of Sagittarius. Talks, writing, agreements, decisions, and sales will now play out through the higher mind, through a sense of expansion, luck, a strive for prosperity or happiness, and may take on interests in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, political, religious, or educational needs. This is where Mercury will Retrograde next week so you will get more opportunity up ahead to revise and rework what starts now. Mercury squares Neptune today so there will be some news that saddens but has Karmic resonance, meaning that it is destined to fall this way to push you on towards something more character building.
Tuesday the Sun and Pluto dance bringing some opportunity to step up on a personal level to reach goals tied to your sex life, divorce, financial picture, dealing with a death, or welcoming a birth. If you need the aid of someone in a higher position this should be available to you today. Taurus Moon adjusts to Mars in Sagittarius so your need to make money or be valued is going to push you where the action is involving that legal, travel, media, educational, political, religious, wedding, marketing, or publishing matter is playing out.
Wednesday, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The Moon moves into Gemini and brings all kinds of talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, writing, local activities, short trips, sibling or neighbor interaction, transportation, and decisions into play. Something going on behind the scenes will challenge you and put you face to face with someone over that legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, wedding, or educational matter. Make adjustments in communications or transportation tied to your financial arrangements, divorce or sex life, it’s about responsible energy that you will be glad you took. The Moon finally meets with Venus to smooth out agreements, meetings, or decisions involving key people, focus on love or money.
Happy November! The November Monthly is up on this sight, posted on Oct. 31st, if you want to look ahead come back on Wednesday to read it! Thursday Gemini Moon adjusts to Pluto so the talks or decisions again will need to bend a bit around goals, authority figures, or Plutonic themes such as sex, divorce or high finance. Venus comes to oppose Uranus, wiz BANG! This puts you and another person face to face over love, money, original ideas, independence, freedom, or change and it’s exciting or shakes things up big time. The Moon ends the day embracing Zeus for emotional healing, happiness, expansive ideas or offers, meetings and talks that go big and broaden your horizons.
Friday the Moon opposes Mars at 5:21am eastern/ 2:21am pacific and goes VOID for the rest of the day. All day voids give us the opportunity to process, to utilize our inner mechanisms, to flow with the magic of the day and allow things to develop within. This one hinges on the ideas, words, news, offers, decisions, agreements, writing, or sales that push us in key relationships with others involving legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, education, travel, distance, import/export, global interests, foreign policy or people, politics, religion, weddings, adventure, or expansion. Let that sink in, let your ideas move you along today without the need to control the outcome or shape destiny, tomorrow it will land you just where you need to be.
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Wrap up the money making interest on Monday, it’s time to stop making money in this way or with these people/in this situation, or it’s all about you reaching some big goal or achievement involving your income now. Possessions and values also peak in endings or celebrations today. Mercury in your ninth house means the weeks ahead will amp up in talks, offers and decisions involving legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, politics, religion, or travel. Write, sign, negotiate, meet, choose, in these areas. The impending Retrograde will be taking you back over this to fine tune it up ahead.
Tuesday puts you in the drivers seat over sex, divorce, finances, death, or birth, and asks that you take a responsible position in dealing with those in charge or around goals you have in handling any of this. There is opportunity for you to reach your objectives. Adjustments are in the mix around earnings and the legal, media, travel, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matter. Action/reaction is required.
Happy Halloween, behave! Wednesday Gemini Moon takes over and puts you into some confused or sad thinking in the beginning of the day. This brings you one on one with someone over the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or wedding need. Talk it out, write it up, make the sale, or make the decision. Adjustments around sex, birth, death, divorce, or the big financial matter are on tap, set limits or deal with them through the talks, writing or agreements. Tonight brings harmony between you and another over the ideas or decisions, open up.
November is here, can you believe it? Thursday ushers our 11th month in with adjustments in talks or decisions involving the authority figure, goal, career, reputation, fame, father, or ambition. Venus/Uranus is going to light an electrical current between you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, opponent, client, or other key person over love or money. Change, excitement, independence, or originality is in the mix. Tonight brings lucky talks or meetings, writing or agreements, sales or offers, say yes.
Friday sits in a VOID Moon that activates through Gemini Moon/Mars in Sagittarius. This means your ideas, decisions, agreements, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, sales, writing, offers, or ideas involve someone else and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matter. Let your mind flower around this without trying to imprint upon outcomes or expectations today, something is evolving. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely, to get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday’s FULL MOON in Taurus is your peak moment when something about who you are, your identity in life, your image, brand, or body, is hitting a high point, and you see an ending as well as a celebration or achievement. It puts you out there in a pretty major way. Mercury moving into the deepest part of your chart means that the weeks ahead bring decisions, talks, agreements, or ideas into the picture about loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, divorce, settlements, commissions, a partner’s money, investments, your sex life, reproduction, death, or birth. It’s time to communicate about these topics, you may hear news or receive offers, or make big decisions here. There is a challenging aspect today in all of this that involves an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or events and something going on behind the scenes.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you with key people and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, religious, or political aim. Step up and make your presence known, put yourself into the mix and look for ways to evolve the situation in powerful ways. Adjustments are in the area of sex, divorce, finances, death, or birth and the action going on around these themes.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns your attention to income as you work out that issue involving aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities and open up communication with someone over sex, divorce, shared finances, a death, or birth. You will need to make adjustments involving a partner, agent, attorney, or other key person, again involving your feelings about making money and any serious limits or responsibilities here. The day ends on a positive influence around being of service, work, the details, health, or animals and the love or money flow here.
Happy November, just 2 months left of 2012! Thursday brings more adjustments involving income and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding interests. You will be one on one with someone today over work, health or pets and an unexpected, shocking, surprising, exciting, or changing matter involving hospitals, retreat, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual matters, or clandestine affairs. The day ends with some lucky energy around your sense of value or earnings.
Friday is an all day VOID that urges you to sit with the emotional sense of value and what is going on with your income level as well as over what is going on with your sex life, divorce, shared financial picture, a death, or a birth. Let the day inspire your ideas, process where you are in the scenario, let any actions, passion or anger absorb, wait out the day to act on expectations at a later time, something new is coming to light. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday brings a FULL MOON in the mystical part of your life so you will feel things well up and peak around Karmic relationships, hidden agendas, clandestine romances, hospitals, prisons, retreats, addictions, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, film, music, art, or dreams. This is a time of the year when these topics may reach a high point in celebrations, achievements or endings. Mercury, your ruler, moves into Sagittarius today and turns your thoughts and decisions towards romantic or business partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, competitors, or opponents in the weeks ahead. This is the time to meet, talk, write, sign agreements, make sales, pitch ideas, propose, or get more connected through short trips, local activities, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, or electronics. Today there will be an issue involving your career, the boss, dad, an authority figure, your reputation, or fame in the mix.
Tuesday brings opportunity your way through your work, service, health, or animals. You have an open door to change things through powerful people and the big financial picture. Your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, a death, or birth, may also be channels that align for you through your efforts and services. Adjustments with a partner, representative, opponent, client, or other key person are on tap and will revolve around actions taken, passion or anger.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns the focus to you, your body, image, identity, brand, or personal goals. Overcoming some confusion or sadness involving goals, career, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or an authority figure is part of this today and the talks, meetings or decisions with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other key person will help you get to the heart of the matter. Be willing to make some adjustments through limits or responsibility involving your health, work or animals. End something here or commit to something now. The day ends with love, kids or creativity on a high note, enjoy.
Happy November, it’s here already! Thursday starts with adjustments involving your sex life, divorce, a death, birth, or big financial matter. It then puts you one-on-one with someone over shocking, exciting, changes or shake-ups. This involves love, kids, creative projects, aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You want to opt for spontaneity and new directions. Something lucky is in play for you tonight, its big, expansive, happy making, say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such warrants some inner soul searching or time dedicated to going with the flow with absolutely NO interest in controlling the outcome. For you this involves a partner in your romantic or business life, or an agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key person. There is action, passion or anger in the mix but all you have to do is allow the day to play out as it will (with the exception if you think you might be in any danger, in that case avoid confrontation). The day means to take you to a new level in connection with relationships, allow for the flow to take you there. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday is a FULL MOON in your 11th house and as such is bringing a major peak for you with an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or event. This is a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius where he is going to open up conversations, invitations, offers, sales, writing, agreements, meetings, ideas, and decisions in the weeks ahead around your work, services, health, and animal interests. Today this will mean dealing with some issue at a distance, in travel plans, with legal matters, in media, marketing, or publishing, with weddings, or higher education.
Tuesday opens up opportunity for you with love and relationships, kids and partners, representatives or competition, and with your creative projects or interests and any key people in the mix here. This is powerful energy that puts you in the spotlight and allows for change or evolution. Adjustments arrive involving work, health, pets, and any social interests in the mix.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is going to start with the need to deal with sad or confusing energy related to legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding needs. Hospitals, research, retreat, artistic needs, romance, or spiritual direction will be part of this and put you one on one with someone over the work, health or animal needs. Talk things out, come to terms, negotiate. Adjustments with the lover, child or creative project are due and require some limits, responsibility or ambition. Tonight brings the home into focus under positive stars for love or money.
Happy November! Thursday adjustments with key people start the day but you will quickly find yourself in a one on one situation with another person that is exciting, shocking, or spurs shake-ups or change. This is going to revolve around home, real estate, moves, family, mom, or roommates, and goals, ambitions, authority figures, career, or reputation. There is something big happening tonight behind the scenes, involving a clandestine romance, spiritual interest, hospital, film, music or art interest, dealing with an addiction, or research, and it’s lucky, happy or prosperous for you.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such is putting you into a womb-like territory to nurture some inner growth. It will focus in on the hospital, addiction, artistic interest, spiritual pursuit, clandestine romance, Karmic connection, dream, or magical experience, and any actions taking place with another person involving health, work, service, organization, or animals. You should go with the flow, allow for what transpires to key you into something deeper and trust that tomorrow will bring more understanding and insight. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday is a FULL MOON in your Midheaven and this brings a major peak for you on the career front, with a big goal or ambition, your reputation, fame, father, the boss, an authority figure, or your leadership style. It’s a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. Mercury moves into your 5th house and in the weeks ahead will be opening up meetings and talks, helping you reach agreements, get offers, make sales, pitch ideas, or make decisions, all involving your love life, lovers, kids, recreational interests, and creative projects. Open up the lines of communications! Today this will meet with some challenge involving sex, divorce, death, birth, or a big financial matter to be worked through.
Tuesday opens up an opportunity for you at home, with real estate, property matter, moves, renovations, roommates, mom, or family. The open door here is to work, services, details, organization, cleaning up or clearing out, co-workers, people you hire to work for you, health interests, or animals. Step up, make changes. There is an adjustment today involving kids, creative interests or your love life, actions here involve goals, career or authority figures.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is turning your attention to social interests. Friends, groups, the internet, events, parties, social networking, astrology, or charities are all in focus. First you need to deal with some issue here involving sex, divorce or a big financial matter and then you need to have a talk or make a decision involving the kids, creative project or lover. Adjustments at home, with real estate, family, or moves are also in the mix as you set some limits or take on more responsibility. The day ends with positive energy all around the meetings, ideas, short trips, local activities, talks, and agreements involving those friends, groups, parties, events, the internet, astrology, or charities, it’s all about the love or money.
Happy November, just 2 months left in 2012! Thursday begins with adjustments involving work, health or pets and spring from emotional energy around that social vibe. You will quickly find yourself today involved with something exciting, shocking, unusual, or changing that involves another person. For you this will focus on travel, people at a distance, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, politics, or religious interests and the news you hear, talks or meetings you have, short trips or local activities that ensue, writing, agreements, or decisions that play into it, and how love or money is affected as a result. Shake things up, be spontaneous. The day ends with some big, positive energy around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. Say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID which means that you will be jumping off emotional energy you have around your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, social activities or events, astrology, or charities, and balancing this with the actions, passions or anger involving other people and your love life, children or creative projects. It’s a day to allow for the flow, hold no expectations other than to participate with what comes, and let events inform you of what you should be focusing on once this day passes. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in fellow earth sign, Taurus. This is bringing a legal matter to a peak or a climax around a trip, in connection to someone at a distance, an import/export or foreign interest, an educational matter, a media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting topic, a wedding, a political or religious event, or some adventure that is peaking at this moment. It’s about celebrating achievements here or marking endings. Mercury, your ruler, moves into Sagittarius today and you turn your thoughts to home, moves, real estate deals, renovations, roommates, mom, or family in the weeks ahead. This is going to gear up more talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, writing, sales, offers, proposals, short trips, or local activities here and may involve your brother, sister, neighbor, vehicles, or electronics in more ways. There is a challenge to this today as you deal with a partner, agent, attorney, client, competitor, or opponent in the mix.
Tuesday is going to put you in a power position in meetings or talks involving love, kids or creative projects. You should be able to take the lead, shine your light and make positive changes that are about evolving the situation here. Adjustments are in the mix today around legal, travel, media, educational, wedding, or marketing needs tied to home, family, moves, real estate, or roommates. Take action or react to what comes.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns your focus to career, goals, ambitions, and dealing with authority figures. You will need to deal with that confused area around the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, client, or opponent, and have a talk or meeting with someone about the home, real estate interest, move, renovation, roommate, or family. Make adjustments in talks, decisions or agreements as necessary, with a nod towards settling limits, cutting losses, taking on more responsibility, or putting more ambitious energy into the mix. Tonight the energy aligns beautifully for you around making money or being valued and reaching goals. Embrace the love or let the money flow.
Happy November, we are now only 2 months away from 2013! Thursday starts with adjustments around kids, lovers or creative projects and the emotional goals in the mix. You will soon find that you are one on one with someone today over exciting, shocking, freeing, or changing matters involving the sex life, divorce, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, settlements, investments, death, birth, or reproductive needs, and that your income or value system is in the equation. Look for love or money flow again and be willing to shake things up and be spontaneous. Tonight brings luck and something big for you around goals, career, ambition, reputation, fame, father, the boss, your leadership, business, status, or authority figures.
Friday is an all day VOID so you are entering this with a resonance from that emotional high point, goal, career matter, ambition, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or authority figure, and it is going to push you around home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates. The thing is that you are meant to experience today on an inner level, to allow for what comes, let it inspire new horizons within you, and trust the process without expectation, tomorrow shows you more. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON peaking around your sex life, divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, reproductive needs, a death, or a birth. This means things are culminating here, that you are either celebrating achievements or marking endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius where he is going to amp up your communications and transportation over the weeks ahead. It’s going to mean more talks, writing, agreements, meetings, news, offers, sales, short trips, local activities, sibling or neighbor involvement, vehicle or electronic interests, moves, or decisions. Since we Retrograde here next week you will have time to review and revise. Today there will be some issue in all this tied to work, services, health, or animals, to overcome.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you to step out and make money and this in some way ties into major changes and evolution around the house, with a move, a real estate deal, renovation, roommate, mom, or family. Adjustments are still ongoing today and involve your sex life, divorce, major financial matter, a death, reproductive need or a birth. Actions and reactions are part of this story.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is shifting focus to travel, media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, political, or religious interests. You will have some issues to resolve involving work, health or pets here and need to have at least one important talk or meeting. Make adjustments around making money by setting limits or dealing with losses or more responsibility. The day ends with lovely energy around you and that trip, legal matter, media, marketing, publishing, education, or wedding plan. Look for the love or money here.
Happy November, just 2 months left of 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving home, moves, real estate, roommates, or family and that travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding plan. You will find that you are one on one with someone today in a way that you could never have expected. This may be about a new person on the horizon or some shocking or exciting moment with a current partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. It’s going to be about freeing things up, trying something different or changing things and focus in on your love or income needs. Tonight brings luck around travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans.
Friday is an all day VOID so you will be moving through the sea of inner being, laced to your thoughts and ideas, and incubating some interest that puts you in the direction of expansion, higher education, travel, import/export, foreign interests, media, marketing, publishing, legalities, weddings, politics, or religion. Allow for the inner processing to occur, gather information, listen to the news you hear but don’t engage expectation or form opinions until this process is complete today. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday is a FULL MOON in your opposite sign and this means one thing: a major peak in relationship to someone else. It can mean a climax with a romantic, marriage or business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent, and it can mean this is a time of celebrations, achievements or endings here. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and turns your thoughts to making money and what your value is in life. Talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, writing, and decisions in the weeks ahead will focus in on these topics and with Mercury Retrograding here next week you can be sure you will have extra time to rework or reapproach the situation as called for. Today this is going to mean some challenging energy involving your love life, kids or creative projects to overcome.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you in a big way and it stems from you stepping up on a personal or physical level and getting into meetings or one on one talks with people, getting out there locally or through a short trip, writing or signing agreements, and opening up your world in some powerful new way. There will be adjustments today involving a key person and the money you earn, actions or reactions are part of this.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is turning your focus to the shared financial resources, a divorce, death, birth, reproductive needs, or your sex life. Dealing with the issues around kids, love or creative projects and having talks or meetings, signing agreements or making decisions, involving income are part of the day. You will be called upon to make a personal or physical adjustment regarding that sex, divorce or financial matter. Tonight the energy opens up for you with some lovely love or money prospects coming through behind the scenes maneuvering or hidden interests, all good.
Happy November, just 2 months left of this most powerful year, 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments around news, agreements, talks, meetings, or writing and the sex life, divorce or big financial matter. You will be one on one with someone in a very shocking or exciting way today that focuses in on hidden agendas, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, clandestine romance, development, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, Karmic lessons, or magical moments, and what is going on with work, paperwork, health, co-workers, people you hire to work for you, or animals in the mix. This is going to shake things up, bring change, inspire, or help you break free. Look at your love or income needs. Tonight is lucky or expansive for you with finances, sex or divorce.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such is asking that you enter with an inner attention so you may process where you are with the divorce, sex life, reproductive matter, death, birth, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, settlement, investments, commissions, royalties, or other outside resource, taking a real look at the actions or reactions surrounding your personal income and sense of value. Let the day bring what it will here, look at it, don’t hold expectations yet, there is something to learn, it may focus on what you are passionate about and where anger is triggered. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday brings a FULL MOON mid-day in your 6th house. This means that something you’ve been working on wraps up, you are recognized on the job, you land a job or quit one, you celebrate achievements on the job or with co-workers or employees or see one exit the scene, that a health matter peaks as you achieve goals or it wraps up, or you hit a high point with animals or environmental interests. Mercury moves into your sign today and thoughts will turn to your needs, your body, image, brand, identity, or goals. Talks, meetings, agreements, offers, sales, writing, short trips, sibling or neighbor interaction, transportation needs, electronics, and local activities will all support this focus on you and your needs as well. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will have opportunity to fine tune it then. Today there is a challenge for you in this at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, or family to overcome.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you in something artistic like film, music or fine art, in spiritual pursuits, a clandestine romance, hospital matter, dealing with an addiction, research, or development, that can open doors for you to make big money or transform a earning potential in big ways. Adjustments involving work, health or animals will arrive and push you to act on them.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday starts with challenges at home, with moves, real estate, family, or roommates and your feelings about key relationships. Talks with this key person or decisions about them are necessary today and some adjustments are in the mix involving your feelings about them and what is going on behind the scenes, in film, music or fine art, in spiritual pursuits, a clandestine romance, hospital matter, addiction you are dealing with, research, or development of a project. Get serious, set or deal with limits, responsibilities and ambitions here. Tonight brings positive alignment for you with key people and social avenues such as parties, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. Look for love or money flow here.
Happy November, you’ve made it to month 11 of 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving earnings and a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, competitor, or opponent. You will then find that you are one on one with someone over changes, excitement, shocking developments, or weird experiences and it will focus on the kids, lover, creative project, or recreational interest, and the aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, events, astrology, or charities. Be open to new things, expect shake-ups or freedom or change. Tonight your ruler aligns with the Moon for some lucky or expansive energy around key relationships, it’s open.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such is requesting that you fall back into the flow, go within and allow for what comes with no expectations today. For you this builds from emotions around a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent, and your own needs for passion, action or anger being expressed, how your identity is sitting with you presently, what you want on a personal or physical level, or how your image or brand is being dealt with. Let things unfold and go with the flow, tomorrow brings more understanding. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in your 5th house. This means you should be feeling a peak around a love relationship or with your lover or the pursuit of love, or a climax around a creative project, recreational interest, or with a child. This is about celebrations and achievements here or about endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius today and your thoughts turn inward. In the weeks ahead you may be thinking, writing, talking, meeting, and making decisions in private, focused on research, investigations, clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, spiritual pursuits, or Karmic balance. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will get a chance to rework things a bit. Today there is a challenge for you in it involving the news you hear, a sale, decision, or talk about it all.
Tuesday brings an opportunity for you on a powerful level with a personal or physical aspiration, or something involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. This puts you right in the middle of it with an opportunity to evolve or empower, say yes. Adjustments today involve feelings about a lover, child or creative project and what is going on behind the scenes, in secret, at a hospital or other institution, involving an addiction, artistic or spiritual interest, research, investigations, or a clandestine romance.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns your thoughts to work, paperwork, health, or animals. You will need to deal with some challenging news or decisions here first thing and then have a talk about that hospital, institution, addiction, film, music, art, spiritual interest, romantic ideal, or retreat/isolation. Adjustments around limits, responsibilities or losses and a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or events will also come into play. Tonight brings harmony for you with the health matter, work, paperwork, or animals, and goals you are reaching for, ambitions, career, prestige, reputation, fame, and dealing with authority figures, dad or the boss. Look for love or money to flow nicely here.
Happy November, you’ve made it 5/6ths of the way through 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving work, paperwork, health, or pets. You will then be one on one with someone in shocking or exciting ways over home, real estate, moves, roommates, renovations, or family and the career, goals, ambitions, status, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures, the boss or dad. This is about change and shake-ups, look to the love or money flow for clues. The day ends with luck or expansion around work, paperwork, health, and animals, say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID so you will need to let go and let the higher powers incline what comes. It is not a day for expectations or controlling outcomes but one to go within, allow and see what transpires. Your love life, children and creative projects along with your aspirations, friendships, group affiliations or activities, parties, events, charities, astrology, social networking, and the internet, will be key in what plays out. It will allow you to process actions taken, reactions in the mix, passion, and anger. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in your 4th house. This means that something is peaking in a big way at home, with a move, a real estate deal, property matter, renovation, roommate situation, family matter, or mom. You will be in celebration mode, marking achievements, or noting endings here. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and your thoughts turn to more social interests in the weeks ahead. This will mean more talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, short trips, local activities, ideas, and decisions involving friends, groups, parties, events, social networking, the internet, astrology, and charities. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will get plenty of opportunity to review and rework here. Today this will point out any issues you have around earning, income or possessions in question.
Tuesday brings a big opportunity for you to step up into a position of leadership, to step out on the career front, with a business launch, reputation, fame, or towards a big goal or ambitions. You can also deal with authority figures under this energy, and all of it is linked positively to powerful changes and what is going on behind the scenes. Adjustments today involve home, roommates, moves, real estate, family, and friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday starts with a focus on your love life, kids or creative projects and a need to deal with the income matter here and talk about the event, friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity matter at hand. Make adjustments around goals, career, with authority figures, or ambitions, by setting limits, dealing with them or taking more responsibility. Tonight brings harmony around the love life, kids or creative project through travel or with someone far away, in legal matters, with media, marketing or publishing, in weddings, or with higher education.
Happy November and counting down just 2 more months of 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving kids, lovers or creative projects and what is going on behind the scenes or is hard to pinpoint. You will find that you are one on one with someone today in shocking or exciting ways that play out over news, talks, offers, sales, meetings, writing, agreements, short trips, local activities, and the travel plans, distance, media, marketing, publishing, educational interest, wedding plans, or legal matters. This is about shaking things up, something new, freeing, or bringing big change. Look at the love or money flow for more insight. Tonight brings something lucky or expansive for you with a lover, the pursuit of love, children, recreational activities, or a creative project, say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such should be approached with the idea that you will go with the flow, take an inner course and allow for some processing and incubation of ideas and events. For you this will stem from your feelings of being lovable, your current love life and lover, children, fun, and creativity, and point to aspirations, events, parties, causes, missions, freedom, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or change. You can look at actions taken, passion and anger in the mix as you check in with the balance between these two arenas, tomorrow brings more insight. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in Taurus and emotional peaks for you around agreements, decisions, writing, sales, offers, meetings, talks, ideas, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, moves, siblings, or neighbors. This is a high point of celebration, achievement or endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius today and your thoughts turn to career, ambition, reputation, fame, goals, status, authority figures, the boss, leadership, dad, and achievements in the weeks ahead. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will be plowing back over this field in revision up ahead. Today there is an issue involving your own personality, body, image, brand, or identity in the mix and your artistry, spirituality, romantic ideal, addictions, research, or something involving institutions that must be dealt with in the process.
Tuesday opens up an opportunity for you to step up and take charge through legal channels or offers, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, higher education, wedding, politics, religion, or travel. You will see something transform with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, events, or social networking in a positive way. Adjustments involving career, reputation, fame, goals, ambitions, authority figures, or leadership are in the mix today and you need to talk about it, write it up, deal with agreements, or make sales to accomplish the adjustment.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday starts with overcoming some issue around home, real estate, family, roommates, or moves and puts you in a talk or meeting with someone over this and the goals, career, authority figures, leadership, ambitions, reputation, or fame. You will need to make an adjustment involving the limits or responsibilities on a legal level, in media, marketing, publishing, educational outlets, travel plans, import/export, or wedding plans. Tonight brings harmony for you around home, real estate, family, or roommates, and the big financial matter, divorce or sex life.
Happy November, you have only 2 months left to go of 2012!
Thursday starts with adjustments involving home, real estate, family, moves, or roommates, and the aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You will then be one on one with someone in an exciting or shocking way regarding income and the shared financial matter, divorce, sex life, reproductive need, death, or birth. This is about shaking things up, introducing freedom or independence, awakening things, and bringing change. Look at the love or income flow in the picture and be open to the new. Tonight brings luck or expansion for you around home, moves, renovations, real estate, property matters, roommates, mom, or family. Say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID so you must enter the day knowing that holding expectations can work against you and that just allowing and letting things flow while committing to some inner work will open things up positively. This launches from feelings about home, moves, real estate deals, property matters, roommates, renovations, mom, or family, and opens on career, goals, reputation, direction in life, fame, status, leadership abilities, ambitions, dealing with authority figures, your father/father figures, the boss, and achievements. Look at actions, reactions, passions, and anger in the mix and let the whole things incubate. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in Taurus that is perfected at 3:49pm eastern/ 12:49pm pacific. Something we value is reaching a climax in our lives, we are either celebrating achievements around this height or marking an ending. Personal income may be climaxing in some way, something you have built may peak, a possession in question may hit the wall, your pleasure principal may culminate on some high note, or something you have stubbornly fixed upon may wrap up. Mercury exits the intense field of Scorpio where he was bound to get to the bottom of some deep, buried matter, and moves into the lighter, more adventurous territory of Sagittarius. Talks, writing, agreements, decisions, and sales will now play out through the higher mind, through a sense of expansion, luck, a strive for prosperity or happiness, and may take on interests in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, political, religious, or educational needs. This is where Mercury will Retrograde next week so you will get more opportunity up ahead to revise and rework what starts now. Mercury squares Neptune today so there will be some news that saddens but has Karmic resonance, meaning that it is destined to fall this way to push you on towards something more character building.
Tuesday the Sun and Pluto dance bringing some opportunity to step up on a personal level to reach goals tied to your sex life, divorce, financial picture, dealing with a death, or welcoming a birth. If you need the aid of someone in a higher position this should be available to you today. Taurus Moon adjusts to Mars in Sagittarius so your need to make money or be valued is going to push you where the action is involving that legal, travel, media, educational, political, religious, wedding, marketing, or publishing matter is playing out.
Wednesday, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The Moon moves into Gemini and brings all kinds of talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, writing, local activities, short trips, sibling or neighbor interaction, transportation, and decisions into play. Something going on behind the scenes will challenge you and put you face to face with someone over that legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, wedding, or educational matter. Make adjustments in communications or transportation tied to your financial arrangements, divorce or sex life, it’s about responsible energy that you will be glad you took. The Moon finally meets with Venus to smooth out agreements, meetings, or decisions involving key people, focus on love or money.
Happy November! The November Monthly is up on this sight, posted on Oct. 31st, if you want to look ahead come back on Wednesday to read it! Thursday Gemini Moon adjusts to Pluto so the talks or decisions again will need to bend a bit around goals, authority figures, or Plutonic themes such as sex, divorce or high finance. Venus comes to oppose Uranus, wiz BANG! This puts you and another person face to face over love, money, original ideas, independence, freedom, or change and it’s exciting or shakes things up big time. The Moon ends the day embracing Zeus for emotional healing, happiness, expansive ideas or offers, meetings and talks that go big and broaden your horizons.
Friday the Moon opposes Mars at 5:21am eastern/ 2:21am pacific and goes VOID for the rest of the day. All day voids give us the opportunity to process, to utilize our inner mechanisms, to flow with the magic of the day and allow things to develop within. This one hinges on the ideas, words, news, offers, decisions, agreements, writing, or sales that push us in key relationships with others involving legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, education, travel, distance, import/export, global interests, foreign policy or people, politics, religion, weddings, adventure, or expansion. Let that sink in, let your ideas move you along today without the need to control the outcome or shape destiny, tomorrow it will land you just where you need to be.
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Wrap up the money making interest on Monday, it’s time to stop making money in this way or with these people/in this situation, or it’s all about you reaching some big goal or achievement involving your income now. Possessions and values also peak in endings or celebrations today. Mercury in your ninth house means the weeks ahead will amp up in talks, offers and decisions involving legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, politics, religion, or travel. Write, sign, negotiate, meet, choose, in these areas. The impending Retrograde will be taking you back over this to fine tune it up ahead.
Tuesday puts you in the drivers seat over sex, divorce, finances, death, or birth, and asks that you take a responsible position in dealing with those in charge or around goals you have in handling any of this. There is opportunity for you to reach your objectives. Adjustments are in the mix around earnings and the legal, media, travel, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matter. Action/reaction is required.
Happy Halloween, behave! Wednesday Gemini Moon takes over and puts you into some confused or sad thinking in the beginning of the day. This brings you one on one with someone over the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or wedding need. Talk it out, write it up, make the sale, or make the decision. Adjustments around sex, birth, death, divorce, or the big financial matter are on tap, set limits or deal with them through the talks, writing or agreements. Tonight brings harmony between you and another over the ideas or decisions, open up.
November is here, can you believe it? Thursday ushers our 11th month in with adjustments in talks or decisions involving the authority figure, goal, career, reputation, fame, father, or ambition. Venus/Uranus is going to light an electrical current between you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, opponent, client, or other key person over love or money. Change, excitement, independence, or originality is in the mix. Tonight brings lucky talks or meetings, writing or agreements, sales or offers, say yes.
Friday sits in a VOID Moon that activates through Gemini Moon/Mars in Sagittarius. This means your ideas, decisions, agreements, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, sales, writing, offers, or ideas involve someone else and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matter. Let your mind flower around this without trying to imprint upon outcomes or expectations today, something is evolving. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely, to get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday’s FULL MOON in Taurus is your peak moment when something about who you are, your identity in life, your image, brand, or body, is hitting a high point, and you see an ending as well as a celebration or achievement. It puts you out there in a pretty major way. Mercury moving into the deepest part of your chart means that the weeks ahead bring decisions, talks, agreements, or ideas into the picture about loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, divorce, settlements, commissions, a partner’s money, investments, your sex life, reproduction, death, or birth. It’s time to communicate about these topics, you may hear news or receive offers, or make big decisions here. There is a challenging aspect today in all of this that involves an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or events and something going on behind the scenes.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you with key people and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, religious, or political aim. Step up and make your presence known, put yourself into the mix and look for ways to evolve the situation in powerful ways. Adjustments are in the area of sex, divorce, finances, death, or birth and the action going on around these themes.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns your attention to income as you work out that issue involving aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities and open up communication with someone over sex, divorce, shared finances, a death, or birth. You will need to make adjustments involving a partner, agent, attorney, or other key person, again involving your feelings about making money and any serious limits or responsibilities here. The day ends on a positive influence around being of service, work, the details, health, or animals and the love or money flow here.
Happy November, just 2 months left of 2012! Thursday brings more adjustments involving income and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding interests. You will be one on one with someone today over work, health or pets and an unexpected, shocking, surprising, exciting, or changing matter involving hospitals, retreat, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual matters, or clandestine affairs. The day ends with some lucky energy around your sense of value or earnings.
Friday is an all day VOID that urges you to sit with the emotional sense of value and what is going on with your income level as well as over what is going on with your sex life, divorce, shared financial picture, a death, or a birth. Let the day inspire your ideas, process where you are in the scenario, let any actions, passion or anger absorb, wait out the day to act on expectations at a later time, something new is coming to light. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday brings a FULL MOON in the mystical part of your life so you will feel things well up and peak around Karmic relationships, hidden agendas, clandestine romances, hospitals, prisons, retreats, addictions, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, film, music, art, or dreams. This is a time of the year when these topics may reach a high point in celebrations, achievements or endings. Mercury, your ruler, moves into Sagittarius today and turns your thoughts and decisions towards romantic or business partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, competitors, or opponents in the weeks ahead. This is the time to meet, talk, write, sign agreements, make sales, pitch ideas, propose, or get more connected through short trips, local activities, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, or electronics. Today there will be an issue involving your career, the boss, dad, an authority figure, your reputation, or fame in the mix.
Tuesday brings opportunity your way through your work, service, health, or animals. You have an open door to change things through powerful people and the big financial picture. Your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, a death, or birth, may also be channels that align for you through your efforts and services. Adjustments with a partner, representative, opponent, client, or other key person are on tap and will revolve around actions taken, passion or anger.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns the focus to you, your body, image, identity, brand, or personal goals. Overcoming some confusion or sadness involving goals, career, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or an authority figure is part of this today and the talks, meetings or decisions with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other key person will help you get to the heart of the matter. Be willing to make some adjustments through limits or responsibility involving your health, work or animals. End something here or commit to something now. The day ends with love, kids or creativity on a high note, enjoy.
Happy November, it’s here already! Thursday starts with adjustments involving your sex life, divorce, a death, birth, or big financial matter. It then puts you one-on-one with someone over shocking, exciting, changes or shake-ups. This involves love, kids, creative projects, aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You want to opt for spontaneity and new directions. Something lucky is in play for you tonight, its big, expansive, happy making, say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such warrants some inner soul searching or time dedicated to going with the flow with absolutely NO interest in controlling the outcome. For you this involves a partner in your romantic or business life, or an agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key person. There is action, passion or anger in the mix but all you have to do is allow the day to play out as it will (with the exception if you think you might be in any danger, in that case avoid confrontation). The day means to take you to a new level in connection with relationships, allow for the flow to take you there. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday is a FULL MOON in your 11th house and as such is bringing a major peak for you with an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or event. This is a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius where he is going to open up conversations, invitations, offers, sales, writing, agreements, meetings, ideas, and decisions in the weeks ahead around your work, services, health, and animal interests. Today this will mean dealing with some issue at a distance, in travel plans, with legal matters, in media, marketing, or publishing, with weddings, or higher education.
Tuesday opens up opportunity for you with love and relationships, kids and partners, representatives or competition, and with your creative projects or interests and any key people in the mix here. This is powerful energy that puts you in the spotlight and allows for change or evolution. Adjustments arrive involving work, health, pets, and any social interests in the mix.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is going to start with the need to deal with sad or confusing energy related to legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding needs. Hospitals, research, retreat, artistic needs, romance, or spiritual direction will be part of this and put you one on one with someone over the work, health or animal needs. Talk things out, come to terms, negotiate. Adjustments with the lover, child or creative project are due and require some limits, responsibility or ambition. Tonight brings the home into focus under positive stars for love or money.
Happy November! Thursday adjustments with key people start the day but you will quickly find yourself in a one on one situation with another person that is exciting, shocking, or spurs shake-ups or change. This is going to revolve around home, real estate, moves, family, mom, or roommates, and goals, ambitions, authority figures, career, or reputation. There is something big happening tonight behind the scenes, involving a clandestine romance, spiritual interest, hospital, film, music or art interest, dealing with an addiction, or research, and it’s lucky, happy or prosperous for you.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such is putting you into a womb-like territory to nurture some inner growth. It will focus in on the hospital, addiction, artistic interest, spiritual pursuit, clandestine romance, Karmic connection, dream, or magical experience, and any actions taking place with another person involving health, work, service, organization, or animals. You should go with the flow, allow for what transpires to key you into something deeper and trust that tomorrow will bring more understanding and insight. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday is a FULL MOON in your Midheaven and this brings a major peak for you on the career front, with a big goal or ambition, your reputation, fame, father, the boss, an authority figure, or your leadership style. It’s a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. Mercury moves into your 5th house and in the weeks ahead will be opening up meetings and talks, helping you reach agreements, get offers, make sales, pitch ideas, or make decisions, all involving your love life, lovers, kids, recreational interests, and creative projects. Open up the lines of communications! Today this will meet with some challenge involving sex, divorce, death, birth, or a big financial matter to be worked through.
Tuesday opens up an opportunity for you at home, with real estate, property matter, moves, renovations, roommates, mom, or family. The open door here is to work, services, details, organization, cleaning up or clearing out, co-workers, people you hire to work for you, health interests, or animals. Step up, make changes. There is an adjustment today involving kids, creative interests or your love life, actions here involve goals, career or authority figures.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is turning your attention to social interests. Friends, groups, the internet, events, parties, social networking, astrology, or charities are all in focus. First you need to deal with some issue here involving sex, divorce or a big financial matter and then you need to have a talk or make a decision involving the kids, creative project or lover. Adjustments at home, with real estate, family, or moves are also in the mix as you set some limits or take on more responsibility. The day ends with positive energy all around the meetings, ideas, short trips, local activities, talks, and agreements involving those friends, groups, parties, events, the internet, astrology, or charities, it’s all about the love or money.
Happy November, just 2 months left in 2012! Thursday begins with adjustments involving work, health or pets and spring from emotional energy around that social vibe. You will quickly find yourself today involved with something exciting, shocking, unusual, or changing that involves another person. For you this will focus on travel, people at a distance, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, politics, or religious interests and the news you hear, talks or meetings you have, short trips or local activities that ensue, writing, agreements, or decisions that play into it, and how love or money is affected as a result. Shake things up, be spontaneous. The day ends with some big, positive energy around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. Say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID which means that you will be jumping off emotional energy you have around your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, social activities or events, astrology, or charities, and balancing this with the actions, passions or anger involving other people and your love life, children or creative projects. It’s a day to allow for the flow, hold no expectations other than to participate with what comes, and let events inform you of what you should be focusing on once this day passes. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in fellow earth sign, Taurus. This is bringing a legal matter to a peak or a climax around a trip, in connection to someone at a distance, an import/export or foreign interest, an educational matter, a media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting topic, a wedding, a political or religious event, or some adventure that is peaking at this moment. It’s about celebrating achievements here or marking endings. Mercury, your ruler, moves into Sagittarius today and you turn your thoughts to home, moves, real estate deals, renovations, roommates, mom, or family in the weeks ahead. This is going to gear up more talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, writing, sales, offers, proposals, short trips, or local activities here and may involve your brother, sister, neighbor, vehicles, or electronics in more ways. There is a challenge to this today as you deal with a partner, agent, attorney, client, competitor, or opponent in the mix.
Tuesday is going to put you in a power position in meetings or talks involving love, kids or creative projects. You should be able to take the lead, shine your light and make positive changes that are about evolving the situation here. Adjustments are in the mix today around legal, travel, media, educational, wedding, or marketing needs tied to home, family, moves, real estate, or roommates. Take action or react to what comes.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns your focus to career, goals, ambitions, and dealing with authority figures. You will need to deal with that confused area around the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, client, or opponent, and have a talk or meeting with someone about the home, real estate interest, move, renovation, roommate, or family. Make adjustments in talks, decisions or agreements as necessary, with a nod towards settling limits, cutting losses, taking on more responsibility, or putting more ambitious energy into the mix. Tonight the energy aligns beautifully for you around making money or being valued and reaching goals. Embrace the love or let the money flow.
Happy November, we are now only 2 months away from 2013! Thursday starts with adjustments around kids, lovers or creative projects and the emotional goals in the mix. You will soon find that you are one on one with someone today over exciting, shocking, freeing, or changing matters involving the sex life, divorce, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, settlements, investments, death, birth, or reproductive needs, and that your income or value system is in the equation. Look for love or money flow again and be willing to shake things up and be spontaneous. Tonight brings luck and something big for you around goals, career, ambition, reputation, fame, father, the boss, your leadership, business, status, or authority figures.
Friday is an all day VOID so you are entering this with a resonance from that emotional high point, goal, career matter, ambition, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or authority figure, and it is going to push you around home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates. The thing is that you are meant to experience today on an inner level, to allow for what comes, let it inspire new horizons within you, and trust the process without expectation, tomorrow shows you more. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON peaking around your sex life, divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, reproductive needs, a death, or a birth. This means things are culminating here, that you are either celebrating achievements or marking endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius where he is going to amp up your communications and transportation over the weeks ahead. It’s going to mean more talks, writing, agreements, meetings, news, offers, sales, short trips, local activities, sibling or neighbor involvement, vehicle or electronic interests, moves, or decisions. Since we Retrograde here next week you will have time to review and revise. Today there will be some issue in all this tied to work, services, health, or animals, to overcome.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you to step out and make money and this in some way ties into major changes and evolution around the house, with a move, a real estate deal, renovation, roommate, mom, or family. Adjustments are still ongoing today and involve your sex life, divorce, major financial matter, a death, reproductive need or a birth. Actions and reactions are part of this story.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is shifting focus to travel, media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, political, or religious interests. You will have some issues to resolve involving work, health or pets here and need to have at least one important talk or meeting. Make adjustments around making money by setting limits or dealing with losses or more responsibility. The day ends with lovely energy around you and that trip, legal matter, media, marketing, publishing, education, or wedding plan. Look for the love or money here.
Happy November, just 2 months left of 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving home, moves, real estate, roommates, or family and that travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding plan. You will find that you are one on one with someone today in a way that you could never have expected. This may be about a new person on the horizon or some shocking or exciting moment with a current partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. It’s going to be about freeing things up, trying something different or changing things and focus in on your love or income needs. Tonight brings luck around travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans.
Friday is an all day VOID so you will be moving through the sea of inner being, laced to your thoughts and ideas, and incubating some interest that puts you in the direction of expansion, higher education, travel, import/export, foreign interests, media, marketing, publishing, legalities, weddings, politics, or religion. Allow for the inner processing to occur, gather information, listen to the news you hear but don’t engage expectation or form opinions until this process is complete today. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday is a FULL MOON in your opposite sign and this means one thing: a major peak in relationship to someone else. It can mean a climax with a romantic, marriage or business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent, and it can mean this is a time of celebrations, achievements or endings here. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and turns your thoughts to making money and what your value is in life. Talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, writing, and decisions in the weeks ahead will focus in on these topics and with Mercury Retrograding here next week you can be sure you will have extra time to rework or reapproach the situation as called for. Today this is going to mean some challenging energy involving your love life, kids or creative projects to overcome.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you in a big way and it stems from you stepping up on a personal or physical level and getting into meetings or one on one talks with people, getting out there locally or through a short trip, writing or signing agreements, and opening up your world in some powerful new way. There will be adjustments today involving a key person and the money you earn, actions or reactions are part of this.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday is turning your focus to the shared financial resources, a divorce, death, birth, reproductive needs, or your sex life. Dealing with the issues around kids, love or creative projects and having talks or meetings, signing agreements or making decisions, involving income are part of the day. You will be called upon to make a personal or physical adjustment regarding that sex, divorce or financial matter. Tonight the energy opens up for you with some lovely love or money prospects coming through behind the scenes maneuvering or hidden interests, all good.
Happy November, just 2 months left of this most powerful year, 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments around news, agreements, talks, meetings, or writing and the sex life, divorce or big financial matter. You will be one on one with someone in a very shocking or exciting way today that focuses in on hidden agendas, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, clandestine romance, development, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, Karmic lessons, or magical moments, and what is going on with work, paperwork, health, co-workers, people you hire to work for you, or animals in the mix. This is going to shake things up, bring change, inspire, or help you break free. Look at your love or income needs. Tonight is lucky or expansive for you with finances, sex or divorce.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such is asking that you enter with an inner attention so you may process where you are with the divorce, sex life, reproductive matter, death, birth, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, settlement, investments, commissions, royalties, or other outside resource, taking a real look at the actions or reactions surrounding your personal income and sense of value. Let the day bring what it will here, look at it, don’t hold expectations yet, there is something to learn, it may focus on what you are passionate about and where anger is triggered. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday brings a FULL MOON mid-day in your 6th house. This means that something you’ve been working on wraps up, you are recognized on the job, you land a job or quit one, you celebrate achievements on the job or with co-workers or employees or see one exit the scene, that a health matter peaks as you achieve goals or it wraps up, or you hit a high point with animals or environmental interests. Mercury moves into your sign today and thoughts will turn to your needs, your body, image, brand, identity, or goals. Talks, meetings, agreements, offers, sales, writing, short trips, sibling or neighbor interaction, transportation needs, electronics, and local activities will all support this focus on you and your needs as well. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will have opportunity to fine tune it then. Today there is a challenge for you in this at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, or family to overcome.
Tuesday brings opportunity for you in something artistic like film, music or fine art, in spiritual pursuits, a clandestine romance, hospital matter, dealing with an addiction, research, or development, that can open doors for you to make big money or transform a earning potential in big ways. Adjustments involving work, health or animals will arrive and push you to act on them.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday starts with challenges at home, with moves, real estate, family, or roommates and your feelings about key relationships. Talks with this key person or decisions about them are necessary today and some adjustments are in the mix involving your feelings about them and what is going on behind the scenes, in film, music or fine art, in spiritual pursuits, a clandestine romance, hospital matter, addiction you are dealing with, research, or development of a project. Get serious, set or deal with limits, responsibilities and ambitions here. Tonight brings positive alignment for you with key people and social avenues such as parties, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. Look for love or money flow here.
Happy November, you’ve made it to month 11 of 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving earnings and a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, competitor, or opponent. You will then find that you are one on one with someone over changes, excitement, shocking developments, or weird experiences and it will focus on the kids, lover, creative project, or recreational interest, and the aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, events, astrology, or charities. Be open to new things, expect shake-ups or freedom or change. Tonight your ruler aligns with the Moon for some lucky or expansive energy around key relationships, it’s open.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such is requesting that you fall back into the flow, go within and allow for what comes with no expectations today. For you this builds from emotions around a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent, and your own needs for passion, action or anger being expressed, how your identity is sitting with you presently, what you want on a personal or physical level, or how your image or brand is being dealt with. Let things unfold and go with the flow, tomorrow brings more understanding. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in your 5th house. This means you should be feeling a peak around a love relationship or with your lover or the pursuit of love, or a climax around a creative project, recreational interest, or with a child. This is about celebrations and achievements here or about endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius today and your thoughts turn inward. In the weeks ahead you may be thinking, writing, talking, meeting, and making decisions in private, focused on research, investigations, clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, spiritual pursuits, or Karmic balance. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will get a chance to rework things a bit. Today there is a challenge for you in it involving the news you hear, a sale, decision, or talk about it all.
Tuesday brings an opportunity for you on a powerful level with a personal or physical aspiration, or something involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. This puts you right in the middle of it with an opportunity to evolve or empower, say yes. Adjustments today involve feelings about a lover, child or creative project and what is going on behind the scenes, in secret, at a hospital or other institution, involving an addiction, artistic or spiritual interest, research, investigations, or a clandestine romance.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday turns your thoughts to work, paperwork, health, or animals. You will need to deal with some challenging news or decisions here first thing and then have a talk about that hospital, institution, addiction, film, music, art, spiritual interest, romantic ideal, or retreat/isolation. Adjustments around limits, responsibilities or losses and a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or events will also come into play. Tonight brings harmony for you with the health matter, work, paperwork, or animals, and goals you are reaching for, ambitions, career, prestige, reputation, fame, and dealing with authority figures, dad or the boss. Look for love or money to flow nicely here.
Happy November, you’ve made it 5/6ths of the way through 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving work, paperwork, health, or pets. You will then be one on one with someone in shocking or exciting ways over home, real estate, moves, roommates, renovations, or family and the career, goals, ambitions, status, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures, the boss or dad. This is about change and shake-ups, look to the love or money flow for clues. The day ends with luck or expansion around work, paperwork, health, and animals, say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID so you will need to let go and let the higher powers incline what comes. It is not a day for expectations or controlling outcomes but one to go within, allow and see what transpires. Your love life, children and creative projects along with your aspirations, friendships, group affiliations or activities, parties, events, charities, astrology, social networking, and the internet, will be key in what plays out. It will allow you to process actions taken, reactions in the mix, passion, and anger. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in your 4th house. This means that something is peaking in a big way at home, with a move, a real estate deal, property matter, renovation, roommate situation, family matter, or mom. You will be in celebration mode, marking achievements, or noting endings here. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and your thoughts turn to more social interests in the weeks ahead. This will mean more talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, short trips, local activities, ideas, and decisions involving friends, groups, parties, events, social networking, the internet, astrology, and charities. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will get plenty of opportunity to review and rework here. Today this will point out any issues you have around earning, income or possessions in question.
Tuesday brings a big opportunity for you to step up into a position of leadership, to step out on the career front, with a business launch, reputation, fame, or towards a big goal or ambitions. You can also deal with authority figures under this energy, and all of it is linked positively to powerful changes and what is going on behind the scenes. Adjustments today involve home, roommates, moves, real estate, family, and friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday starts with a focus on your love life, kids or creative projects and a need to deal with the income matter here and talk about the event, friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity matter at hand. Make adjustments around goals, career, with authority figures, or ambitions, by setting limits, dealing with them or taking more responsibility. Tonight brings harmony around the love life, kids or creative project through travel or with someone far away, in legal matters, with media, marketing or publishing, in weddings, or with higher education.
Happy November and counting down just 2 more months of 2012! Thursday starts with adjustments involving kids, lovers or creative projects and what is going on behind the scenes or is hard to pinpoint. You will find that you are one on one with someone today in shocking or exciting ways that play out over news, talks, offers, sales, meetings, writing, agreements, short trips, local activities, and the travel plans, distance, media, marketing, publishing, educational interest, wedding plans, or legal matters. This is about shaking things up, something new, freeing, or bringing big change. Look at the love or money flow for more insight. Tonight brings something lucky or expansive for you with a lover, the pursuit of love, children, recreational activities, or a creative project, say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID and as such should be approached with the idea that you will go with the flow, take an inner course and allow for some processing and incubation of ideas and events. For you this will stem from your feelings of being lovable, your current love life and lover, children, fun, and creativity, and point to aspirations, events, parties, causes, missions, freedom, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or change. You can look at actions taken, passion and anger in the mix as you check in with the balance between these two arenas, tomorrow brings more insight. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Monday builds to the FULL MOON in Taurus and emotional peaks for you around agreements, decisions, writing, sales, offers, meetings, talks, ideas, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, moves, siblings, or neighbors. This is a high point of celebration, achievement or endings in these areas. Mercury moves into Sagittarius today and your thoughts turn to career, ambition, reputation, fame, goals, status, authority figures, the boss, leadership, dad, and achievements in the weeks ahead. Since Mercury will Retrograde here next week you will be plowing back over this field in revision up ahead. Today there is an issue involving your own personality, body, image, brand, or identity in the mix and your artistry, spirituality, romantic ideal, addictions, research, or something involving institutions that must be dealt with in the process.
Tuesday opens up an opportunity for you to step up and take charge through legal channels or offers, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, higher education, wedding, politics, religion, or travel. You will see something transform with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, events, or social networking in a positive way. Adjustments involving career, reputation, fame, goals, ambitions, authority figures, or leadership are in the mix today and you need to talk about it, write it up, deal with agreements, or make sales to accomplish the adjustment.
Happy Halloween! Wednesday starts with overcoming some issue around home, real estate, family, roommates, or moves and puts you in a talk or meeting with someone over this and the goals, career, authority figures, leadership, ambitions, reputation, or fame. You will need to make an adjustment involving the limits or responsibilities on a legal level, in media, marketing, publishing, educational outlets, travel plans, import/export, or wedding plans. Tonight brings harmony for you around home, real estate, family, or roommates, and the big financial matter, divorce or sex life.
Happy November, you have only 2 months left to go of 2012!
Thursday starts with adjustments involving home, real estate, family, moves, or roommates, and the aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You will then be one on one with someone in an exciting or shocking way regarding income and the shared financial matter, divorce, sex life, reproductive need, death, or birth. This is about shaking things up, introducing freedom or independence, awakening things, and bringing change. Look at the love or income flow in the picture and be open to the new. Tonight brings luck or expansion for you around home, moves, renovations, real estate, property matters, roommates, mom, or family. Say yes.
Friday is an all day VOID so you must enter the day knowing that holding expectations can work against you and that just allowing and letting things flow while committing to some inner work will open things up positively. This launches from feelings about home, moves, real estate deals, property matters, roommates, renovations, mom, or family, and opens on career, goals, reputation, direction in life, fame, status, leadership abilities, ambitions, dealing with authority figures, your father/father figures, the boss, and achievements. Look at actions, reactions, passions, and anger in the mix and let the whole things incubate. If you are ready to go deeper, looking into your own personal blue print in your chart, a private reading with Zoe may be timely. To get on the schedule or learn more about the details email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/