Monday, October 22, 2012

Beranda » » Gemini Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for November 2012

Gemini Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for November 2012

Evening 3

The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Gemini as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN

Gemini Rising - Your Month Ahead – November 2012

Those of you with Gemini rising will be much concerned with more mundane matters this month, like your everyday routine, health and wellbeing. The Sun is passing through your 6th house and this equates to a time when you will want to do your work and daily chores in a quiet and efficient manner. Mercury is also moving retrograde through this house through the month so you may be reviewing some of the work you did in the recent past. Costly mistakes can crop up during retrograde periods, so be sure to check every detail very carefully. This will be particularly relevant on the 12th as Mercury makes a square to Neptune making all that seems clear anything but so. Also, be mindful not to be too critical of work colleagues as this could cause tension within your work arena. You may be paying particular attention to the state of your health during this month, what you eat and how much you exercise, especially as a result of the new Moon (solar eclipse in Scorpio), which will land in your 6th house on the 13th. A new fitness or work out regime or a diet might be on your agenda.

Venus is in sociable Libra in your 5th house during November, so once you can get away from the mundane chores at work, you will be in a lively mood to go out, to socialize and to let your hair down. Very early in the month, you may meet someone new and different who could light up your life. Don’t let any chances like this pass you by, especially between 1st and 3rd November. On or around the 9th, Venus makes a trine to Jupiter, and this lovely optimistic aspect could see you at your creative best or even taking the odd emotional risk or two!!

Mars is passing through your 7th house of relationships and much can be achieved with your partner during this period although any disagreements may escalate into full-scale arguments if you are not careful. In this sense you will be in a feisty mood. In the second half of the month as Mars moves into Capricorn, your energies will be more focused on the intimate side of your relationship and you may want to feel a little more closeness and intensity from your partner. Any changes you instigate in joint finances or shared resources now could be a future cause of conflict. Passions will rise considerably on 27th as Mars meets Pluto and the sparks may fly in the bedroom and in the boardroom at work. You can strengthen relationships now if you can avoid matters of greed, jealousy and trying take too much control of a situation. If these emotions get the better of you, then problems may soon be on the horizon.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th in Gemini occurs in your 1st house so you will be in a mood to focus on yourself. Now this is fine and you may be able to express your ideas and attitudes in a wide-ranging manner, but the presence of Jupiter could encourage you to go over the top and lead you to be selfish in what you want and what you say. Try to concentrate on the specific details that are important rather than focusing on to wide a range of ideas, and you will gain more success that way.

Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts

Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo  Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces

For A More Personal Look At The Future

As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?

Get in touch with me at providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months. Please note I am unable to do personal readings for free.

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