We launch into the week on the high tides of the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE pushing us out into new territory based on big news, ideas, decisions, talks, agreements, meetings, writing, or sales. It’s a week to say it, sign it, pitch it, sell it, or express it exactly as you see it. Monday this will mean discussing something you value or ways to make money while being adaptive around someone significant in the picture. You should feel like shaking things up a bit or rebelling just enough so that you get some sense of independence. Mars plans on pushing your buttons over work, health or pets today so gear it up, it’s motivation time.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will get the big Mercury/Jupiter embrace coming in with that bigger than big decision, news, talk, agreement, or writing project opening up. This may also involve a local highpoint or short trip. You want to really grab hold of it and launch on it now, there is luck and growth opportunities wrapped up in this if you begin under this aspect. You should find that your communications with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people go well, you can either spur them on to ambitious ends or set limits that are accepted with grace.
Wednesday the Cancer Moon will bring emotions into home arenas and the positive flow around anything you do here involving the imagination or research. The Sun squares this so there may be a moment or two that you feel pulled from your ideas due to communications pulling you about a bit, try to stay in the excitement rather than let it shake you up.
Thursday Mercury exits Taurus and moves into Gemini. This brings everything of the mind to writing, agreements, talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decision making in the weeks ahead and adds a bit more in the personal drive to this New Moon energy. Therefore you may note that today is a high point with the news coming in, the ideas or other Mercury themes. You should have lots of energy at home or with property, family, or roommate situations today that drive you to tackle work successfully here or get into healthy or pet related interests.
Friday what you feel you need to care for at home or with family will align positively with making money but test you a bit where a partner, representative or opponent is involved. Mercury squares Neptune which can be one of those frictional energies that inspires great works in writing, compositions, ideas, fantasy, and romance or it can bring about some disillusionment, weepy feelings, nostalgia, or deception. Since you know the choices, choose to find ways to let your imagination run wild and avoid anyone or thing that could pull you into the downer side!
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Get your money talks in on Monday and Tuesday, this goes for meetings, writing, agreements, or any ideas you have to pitch or sales you wish to make. The planets are supporting your earnings now so work out what you need to with that partner, agent, attorney, or competitor on Monday and then go for the big goal here. You should be motivating with pulling meetings together or any communications needs you have with the New Moon spurring you on. Wednesday brings home matters into view, this can mean tackling research or work behind the scenes there or dealing with moves, real estate, family, or roommate situations. Don’t bank things on what you hear or promise more than you can deliver today, just listen with that inner wisdom you have honed and wait until tomorrow to respond if you can. Thursday gives you more power in negotiations, meetings, writing, agreements, or sales and you may hear news of something important that you’ve been waiting on now. Your ruler is going to motivate you at work, with work around the house or with moves, with your health, and your animals today and this looks positive. Friday will be positive for money making matters at home or through real estate but may push you a bit with a partner, representative or competitor. The Mercury/Neptune square will either bring some great inspiration, inspiring news or breakthrough composition, or it will bring news that confuses, disillusions or seeks to deceive today, so take care with your words and those of others, aim for inspiration! If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will focus strongly on the talks, news, agreements, meetings, sales, or decisions that you are going for on a personal level. This means you are trying to be valued in some way and on Monday this will mean making some adjustments with someone over work, health or pet needs. Tuesday or late Monday this will bring some real major energy around something big that is bound to give you a growth opportunity so speak your mind. That person you are dealing with involving your income today is going to be supportive on the work front or you will find ways to spark ambitious ideas or set limits that are acceptable. Wednesday brings a mixed bag for you with more communications and some inspiring moments involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. However the Sun/Neptune square can bring on ego issues over earnings and the friendship or group affiliation, internet project or aspiration. Something hidden going on here whether that is a conscious hide or subconscious unawareness, take care when going head to head or things may be said that shake things up in ways you are not expecting. Thursday Mercury moves into your earnings zone and will add more personal energy to news coming in about income prospects. It will fuel you in talks, meetings, sales, and agreements about money as well so answer your phone! There is motivating energy around a lover, child or creative project today that should please you. Friday the news or talks about work, health or pets with someone will likely feel limited in some way to start off with but you seem to get the last say when it comes to your own needs or ideas. The Mercury/Neptune square will either inspire you with poetic words or ideas involving income and a friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest, or it is going to spark some kind of disillusionment, confusion or outright deception so aim high and watch that you don’t get sucked down the rabbit hole. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the behind the scenes activities, Karmic connections, research, romance, artistic or spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, or development you are doing on a project. You’ll be in talks, meetings, writing, or dealing with decisions or agreements in these areas and on Monday this will mean making some adjustments with someone over love, kids or the creative venture. Tuesday or late Monday you will feel the big, lucky Jupiter energy as decisions are reached, ideas or news comes, or you have the talk that takes it to the next level. You should see the love, kid or creative matter align today in more ambitious directions or with acceptable limits. Wednesday the focus will shift to income and the beautiful alignment to career or authority figures, reputation and ambitions. The Sun/Neptune square will push you in ways that are meant to inspire you to reach higher but it may bring some foggy sense about the direction you are taking so if this is how you are feeling try to give it a few more days. Mercury moves into your sign on Thursday which will gift you in communications, negotiations, sales, writing, and agreements in the weeks ahead and give you some added ammo for this New Moon energy you are pushing. Look at ways to make decisions about your body, image, identity, and personal needs now, it’s a new you, what do you need? The earning potential is high again today and will motivate you at home, with real estate, family, or moves. Friday you are lucky in making money through behind the scenes activities but you will need to deal with some creative test or one that involves a lover or child and money. The Mercury/Neptune square will either inspire you greatly over some major artistic, spiritual, institutional, or romantic goal or it can cause some disillusionment, deception or confusion here so head this as you go into the day, watch your words and the words of others, let them inspire and guard against falling into any fog. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be social for you so you can expect to be in talks or meetings with friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, or towards your aspirations these days. Monday this is going to mean making some adjustment here with someone else involving home or family. Emotionally you will feel like working behind the scenes today or retreating and doing what you want in private. Tuesday or late Monday you will feel the peak of the lucky energy around the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity news. This can come as an idea, decision, meetings, talk, writing, agreement, or something out in the local arena. More positive energy is swirling around the behind the scenes interests and home. Wednesday the Moon moves into your sign and aligns with Neptune so you may feel inspired to travel, do something in media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal realms but the Sun/Neptune square hints that you may not feel like coming out from behind closed doors just yet. Whatever is shaking things up on the career front may be pushing you to do just that. Thursday Mercury moves into your Karmic house and you will find that it adds more information, communications, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions for you in the weeks ahead about film, music, art, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, research, or development. News may come today as you push ahead in these areas. There should be some powerful talks with partners, representatives or competitors today that motivate or allow you a venue to express your passions, all good. Friday your needs may conflict a bit with home or family since there seems to be some limits or responsibilities weighing in here. There is luck in the day for you with or through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. The Mercury/Neptune square will either open up something highly imaginative for you through travel, legal, media, or educational avenues or it could bring confusion, deception or nostalgia through these realms so take care when deciding things, opt for inspiration and personal expression through these fields. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be pushing you to make career decisions or get in there in talks or meetings, writing or agreements. You will want to have a serious conversation with someone about adjustments or changes via responsibilities, commitments or endings on Monday. This may be about a big goal or ambition rather than career motive or involve an authority figure, fame or reputation. You should have plenty of motivation to go after income today. Tuesday or late Monday brings the lucky Jupiter energy and news or decisions about career, goals, ambitions, bosses, authority figures, dad, reputation, or fame. This is big, put it out there now. Friends, groups, charities, internet, and astrology interests do well today. Wednesday the need to pull back and work alone or on something imaginative will take over. You are in good stead to tackle financials, divorce issues or connect with someone intimately. Sun/Neptune square will mean that you are feeling some peak over your goals, place in the spotlight or career needs as it concerns a partner, representative or competitor. You may not be completely clear about all of it today but it can bring inspiration. Thursday Mercury moves into your social arena and over the weeks ahead you will receive more invitations socially and find you are in more meetings or writing with friends, groups, online, over astrology, or charities. News may come today that amps this up since this personal energy is now adding fuel to the New Moon energy of the week for you. Look for ways to earn money from artistic, spiritual, institutional, or research means today, you should do well. Friday brings some somber news or added responsibilities in the early part of the day but you find that your goals or career direction are lighting up soon after with some lucky moments. Mercury/Neptune square will either push you to motivate and use your imagination in talks, over news, in writing, or agreements today involving career, bosses, authority figures, or a big goal, or it will bring some confusion, deception or nostalgia into the mix. Expect this to involve a partner, representative or competitor. Opt for inspiration and amping up your drive to make something artistic come to life. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the big talks, news, agreements, or decisions you are intimately involved in with some legal, travel, media, educational, or publishing matter. You will need to get serious here about any adjustments that are necessary over your income on Monday. Emotionally you are charged up over a goal or career direction and this should motivate you to take action. Tuesday or Monday late brings the lucky energy into the legal matters, wedding, travel plans, foreign interest, educational need, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, or adventurous desire with news, ideas, decisions, agreements, or talks that will open things up in a way that is due to benefit you so trust the process and be proactive. Your career/income alignment is positive today so cement things one way or the other. Wednesday will become more social with a focus on the groups or friends, internet or imaginative relationships with partners, representatives and other significant people. You are going to push yourself as a leader today and in this you will need to make sure you are seeing your partners, reps or competitors in a true light, there can be some disillusionment or confusion but this square can also bring great imagination and inspiration in creative ways. Thursday your ruler changes signs, moving into your career Midheaven and amping up the New Moon energy of the week for you based around your career direction and goals. This may bring news today or help you get even more intensely into talks, meetings, writing, or agreements. More social energy is in the mix so get with friends, groups, online, or get into astrology or charity interests, all good. Friday you will need to deal with some limit or responsibility involving income but soon after should be seeing some big energy swirling around that travel, media, educational, or legal matter in a lucky way. The Mercury/Neptune square helps you to utilize your imaginative writing and inspired ideas to communicate about goals, career or with authority figures with the partner or representative or it will again bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception through these realms. Pay attention to what is being promised or said by you or them today, keep it clear as you can and opt for creative ways to express the ideas. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the talks, news, agreements, or decisions you are making about the big financial matter, divorce or sexual interest/issue. Monday this means you will need to make some personal adjustments here by way of committing more of yourself or limiting your involvement. Emotionally you are tied into the legal, travel, media, or educational need with some motivating factors pushing you behind the scenes on something. Tuesday or late Monday you will get the big news or make the big decision, talk, or agreement peak around that financial, sexual or divorce topic. This is lucky, expansive energy so whatever you hear or decide should put your into more open space to grow and prosper up ahead. Your legal, travel, media, and educational needs are aligned harmoniously today. Wednesday the focus shifts to career and goals with some inspiring energy around your work efforts. The Sun/Neptune square will either motivate you to use that inspiration to step up through legal, travel, media, or educational avenues or it may cause some confusion, deception or disillusionment here so double check what you are doing. Mercury moves into the legal, travel, educational, and media zone on Thursday to amp up the New Moon energy you are riding on here. Expect more news, conversations, agreements, writing, or short trips involving these themes and the new beginnings you are setting into motion. Career and goals are positively aligned today and you should be able to motivate behind closed doors on something that moves things along. Friday pushes you on a personal or physical level to reach the goal or deal with career needs or authority figures. Soon after you feel this energy there is something lucky and expansive going down with the finances, divorce or sexual chemistry. The Mercury/Neptune square brings news that inspires and motivates you over legal, travel, media, or educational needs and the work, health or pets. This combo can also bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception so guard against any of this while letting your imagination expand your options. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the news, talks, decisions, agreements, or writing involving a partner, representative or opponent. On Monday this means making some adjustments regarding your retreat or what you are doing behind the scenes, in artistic or spiritual interests, clandestine trysts, or research and development. It could also involve a hospital, addiction or other institution. Get serious and set limits or adapt around the responsibilities. Emotional needs are focused on financials, divorce or sex and will motivate you to push things a bit. Tuesday or late Monday brings the lucky, expansive news, agreement, writing, short trip, local activity, meeting, or talk involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Open up the space. Sex, divorce and finances continue to drive emotions today but align beautifully with what you are doing behind closed doors or in retreat. Wednesday the focus shifts to travel, media, marketing, publishing, legal, or educational interests with positive flow here involving creativity, kids or true love. The Sun/Neptune square will either inspire you to take the lead on the sexual, financial or divorce matter to inspire in the creative side of it or help you to motivate where love or children are concerned, or it will cause you to feel confused, disillusioned or deceived on some level. Try to harness the inspirational side of this energy, it can really bring new levels of imagination to life. Thursday Mercury enters your shared financials, divorce and sexual realm and will amp things up on a personal level with the focus here of the New Moon this week. This means you may hear news today or have that meeting, agreement, writing, or short trip that helps you launch in that new direction and eclipse something out. Emotional needs are around legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matters and will bring positive motivation through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities today. Friday the efforts behind closed doors or retreat will challenge you with more responsibilities or limits involving the legal, travel, media, or educational interests but soon after this you will be in a lucky opportunity aspect with a partner, representative or other significant person to help you do something big. Mercury/Neptune square will either inspire your imagination in writing, agreements, meetings, or talks involving sexual/love attractions, financial/creative interests, divorce/kids needs, or it can bring confusing or disillusioning news or decisions about the same. This combo is highly inspiring but can be used to deceive so take care when in conversations or dealing with agreements. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday are going to focus in on the talk, news, agreement, writing, or meetings about work, health or pets. On Monday this means making some adjustment with a friend, group, internet matter, astrology or charity interest, or aspiration. You need to get serious about commitments or limits. Relationships are important today and will bring surprises around creative outlets, love or kids but push you where goals are concerned. Tuesday or late Monday brings the big, lucky news, agreement, decision, talk, meeting, or idea about work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets. This is a growth moment and will open something up so whatever it is trust the process. Partners, representatives and other significant people are aligned beautifully for you today so share some time socially or in dreams you have with them. Wednesday your focus shifts to sex, divorce or big financial matters. There is something tied to home or property interests in this for you and it should go well but you need to step up and take the lead where a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other significant person is involved. Make sure your needs are really being considered today. Thursday Mercury moves into your relationship zone adding more personal energy behind the New Moon energy here that is gearing you up for fresh starts and the eclipsing out of something old. Expect more news or decisions today via the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Your energy around shared financials, divorce or sex are positive and will drive you to reach a goal. Friday will push you a bit with commitments or limits involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity but once you have moved through this there is positive energy around the lucky work, health or pet interests. The Mercury/Neptune square is going to either bring inspired news, ideas, decisions, talks, writing, or agreements involving a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, and the home matter, or it is going to bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception into the mix so guard your words and those of others today and opt for inspiration at home with that significant other. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will focus in on the child, creative project or love interest and on Monday this means you will need to make some adjustment with an authority figure, boss or dad, a goal, ambition, or on the career front. It’s about getting serious, setting limits or committing more. Emotional needs focus in on work, health and pets with positive energy here tied to home or real estate and motivating energy behind legal, travel, educational, or media matters. Tuesday or late Monday you get that big, lucky news, talk, meeting, agreement, or decision involving the child, creative project or love interest. This is about growth, protection, happiness, and prosperity so trust what is occurring right now and if you need to be the one to say something do so. Work, health and pets are under positive energy today so focus what you can here and commit yourself. Wednesday brings focus on partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people with some pretty inspiring talks or news. The Sun/Neptune square will either motivate you in ideas, talks, writing, or agreements to step up in some new artistic, spiritual or romantic way over what you need at work, with efforts or services, in health, or with animals, or it can bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception. Watch your boundaries on the work front today. Thursday Mercury moves into your work, health and pet zone adding more personal energy behind this huge New Moon beginning that you are working off of this week and may bring added news, talks, decisions, agreements, or writing today in these areas. You are eclipsing something out to make a fresh start. Relationships are under positive stars and will motivate you to travel, deal with legal or wedding topics, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests, all good. Friday the relationship energy will stress just a bit over a limited feeling with the goal or career matter or about added responsibilities here that take you away from the person. Soon after this energy comes a very lucky, happy energy involving partners, representatives and other significant people and your love life, children or creative goals. This is about growth and protection. Mercury/Neptune square are again bringing up either a highly inspired, magical bit of news, talk, agreement, idea, or meeting involving work, health or pets, or it is again in the confusion, disillusionment or deception zone. Take care with words today and put yourself into an imaginative reality over your efforts. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday are going to focus in on home, moves, real estate, family, or security needs and on Monday this means serious talks, news, decisions, or agreements involving travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, or ceremonial interests. You want to set limits, commit more or take on more responsibilities here. Your love life, kids or creative projects will be where your emotional needs lie today and there are some wild meetings or communications exciting this. You will be pushing on the shared financial, divorce or sexual need today with vigor. Tuesday or late Monday brings the big lucky news, decision, talk, meeting, agreement, or writing regarding the home, move, real estate deal, family, roommate, or security need. This is opening things up in a major way so trust that it will be about your happiness or prosperity. Wednesday you focus in on work, health or pets and there is positive flow here involving your money so look for ways to earn or spend in these areas. The Sun/Neptune square is going to either bring great inspiration and magic behind what you are stepping up to with a lover, child or creative project and how it affects your money, or it can bring confusion, deception or weepy feelings regarding these arenas so make certain that you are leading yourself in a direction that will support you. Thursday Mercury moves into your arena of true love, children and creative projects adding more personal energy to the news, talks, decisions, agreements, and meetings going on here. This is the same area as the New Moon so you are meant to be starting fresh, launching new desires and eclipsing something out to move ahead. Work, health and pets continue to spark your energy with positive connections to your financial realm so motivate here. Friday you will be focusing on the work, health or pets but there is something limiting or that you need to deal with seriously involving a legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational need. Once you do there is very positive energy at home, with moves, real estate, or family for you. Mercury/Neptune square continues on the highly inspired ideas, news, decisions, agreements, or writing involving creative projects, kids or your love life and the money in the picture or it again will bring some confusion, deception or disillusionment so tread carefully, let it spark your imagination and the magic but see things as clearly as you can. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday are going to focus on siblings, neighbors, local activities, writing, agreements, short trips, vehicles, or meetings that require you to get real about the financial situation, divorce or sexual interest. You want to make some adjustments here around committing more or setting limits. Emotional energy is at home, with family, moves, real estate, or roommates today and will bring some excitement to income along with a big push regarding a partner, representative, expert, or competitor. Tuesday or late Monday the big, lucky news, agreement, decision, talk, meeting, or idea comes through. This is about opening something up in a major way under protective, happy, prosperous stars so trust the information you hear or what you sign is about this. You may also be getting something big with the brother, sister, move, neighbor, vehicle, local scene, short trip, or electronics now. Home and family matters, real estate and roommates, are under positive energy for solid financial, intimate or divorce needs. Wednesday aligns your love life, child or creative project with something very inspiring or magical. You will be in a position to step up over home, family, real estate, roommate, or relocation matters today and this may either spur your imagination and bring great motivation behind your efforts or it can cause some confusion, disillusionment or deception here so make sure you know what is what. Thursday Mercury moves into your home arena and adds personal news, talks, agreements, decisions, writing, or ideas into the New Moon need to make a huge fresh start here. This is about eclipsing something from the past to get a new beginning with your roots, family, real estate needs, moves, roommates, and security needs. Your love life, kids or creative needs are under positive stars that align with partners, agents, attorneys, managers, producers, experts, specialists, or competition so motivate to connect and gear things up. Friday your creative needs, love life or children will show you exactly what you need to deal with financially, in divorce or with your sexual issues, it’s time to set some limits or commit more. Once you get through this there is really positive news or talks involving the kids, creativity or lover. Mercury/Neptune square is again going to amp up the magic and inspiration through ideas, news, talks, writing, or agreements you have over home, moves, real estate, family, or security needs, or it will bring more confusion, disillusionment or deception so again, take care with the words said while letting this energy help you get inspired on some new level. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
Tuesday or late Monday night you will get the big Mercury/Jupiter embrace coming in with that bigger than big decision, news, talk, agreement, or writing project opening up. This may also involve a local highpoint or short trip. You want to really grab hold of it and launch on it now, there is luck and growth opportunities wrapped up in this if you begin under this aspect. You should find that your communications with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people go well, you can either spur them on to ambitious ends or set limits that are accepted with grace.
Wednesday the Cancer Moon will bring emotions into home arenas and the positive flow around anything you do here involving the imagination or research. The Sun squares this so there may be a moment or two that you feel pulled from your ideas due to communications pulling you about a bit, try to stay in the excitement rather than let it shake you up.
Thursday Mercury exits Taurus and moves into Gemini. This brings everything of the mind to writing, agreements, talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decision making in the weeks ahead and adds a bit more in the personal drive to this New Moon energy. Therefore you may note that today is a high point with the news coming in, the ideas or other Mercury themes. You should have lots of energy at home or with property, family, or roommate situations today that drive you to tackle work successfully here or get into healthy or pet related interests.
Friday what you feel you need to care for at home or with family will align positively with making money but test you a bit where a partner, representative or opponent is involved. Mercury squares Neptune which can be one of those frictional energies that inspires great works in writing, compositions, ideas, fantasy, and romance or it can bring about some disillusionment, weepy feelings, nostalgia, or deception. Since you know the choices, choose to find ways to let your imagination run wild and avoid anyone or thing that could pull you into the downer side!
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Get your money talks in on Monday and Tuesday, this goes for meetings, writing, agreements, or any ideas you have to pitch or sales you wish to make. The planets are supporting your earnings now so work out what you need to with that partner, agent, attorney, or competitor on Monday and then go for the big goal here. You should be motivating with pulling meetings together or any communications needs you have with the New Moon spurring you on. Wednesday brings home matters into view, this can mean tackling research or work behind the scenes there or dealing with moves, real estate, family, or roommate situations. Don’t bank things on what you hear or promise more than you can deliver today, just listen with that inner wisdom you have honed and wait until tomorrow to respond if you can. Thursday gives you more power in negotiations, meetings, writing, agreements, or sales and you may hear news of something important that you’ve been waiting on now. Your ruler is going to motivate you at work, with work around the house or with moves, with your health, and your animals today and this looks positive. Friday will be positive for money making matters at home or through real estate but may push you a bit with a partner, representative or competitor. The Mercury/Neptune square will either bring some great inspiration, inspiring news or breakthrough composition, or it will bring news that confuses, disillusions or seeks to deceive today, so take care with your words and those of others, aim for inspiration! If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will focus strongly on the talks, news, agreements, meetings, sales, or decisions that you are going for on a personal level. This means you are trying to be valued in some way and on Monday this will mean making some adjustments with someone over work, health or pet needs. Tuesday or late Monday this will bring some real major energy around something big that is bound to give you a growth opportunity so speak your mind. That person you are dealing with involving your income today is going to be supportive on the work front or you will find ways to spark ambitious ideas or set limits that are acceptable. Wednesday brings a mixed bag for you with more communications and some inspiring moments involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. However the Sun/Neptune square can bring on ego issues over earnings and the friendship or group affiliation, internet project or aspiration. Something hidden going on here whether that is a conscious hide or subconscious unawareness, take care when going head to head or things may be said that shake things up in ways you are not expecting. Thursday Mercury moves into your earnings zone and will add more personal energy to news coming in about income prospects. It will fuel you in talks, meetings, sales, and agreements about money as well so answer your phone! There is motivating energy around a lover, child or creative project today that should please you. Friday the news or talks about work, health or pets with someone will likely feel limited in some way to start off with but you seem to get the last say when it comes to your own needs or ideas. The Mercury/Neptune square will either inspire you with poetic words or ideas involving income and a friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest, or it is going to spark some kind of disillusionment, confusion or outright deception so aim high and watch that you don’t get sucked down the rabbit hole. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the behind the scenes activities, Karmic connections, research, romance, artistic or spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, or development you are doing on a project. You’ll be in talks, meetings, writing, or dealing with decisions or agreements in these areas and on Monday this will mean making some adjustments with someone over love, kids or the creative venture. Tuesday or late Monday you will feel the big, lucky Jupiter energy as decisions are reached, ideas or news comes, or you have the talk that takes it to the next level. You should see the love, kid or creative matter align today in more ambitious directions or with acceptable limits. Wednesday the focus will shift to income and the beautiful alignment to career or authority figures, reputation and ambitions. The Sun/Neptune square will push you in ways that are meant to inspire you to reach higher but it may bring some foggy sense about the direction you are taking so if this is how you are feeling try to give it a few more days. Mercury moves into your sign on Thursday which will gift you in communications, negotiations, sales, writing, and agreements in the weeks ahead and give you some added ammo for this New Moon energy you are pushing. Look at ways to make decisions about your body, image, identity, and personal needs now, it’s a new you, what do you need? The earning potential is high again today and will motivate you at home, with real estate, family, or moves. Friday you are lucky in making money through behind the scenes activities but you will need to deal with some creative test or one that involves a lover or child and money. The Mercury/Neptune square will either inspire you greatly over some major artistic, spiritual, institutional, or romantic goal or it can cause some disillusionment, deception or confusion here so head this as you go into the day, watch your words and the words of others, let them inspire and guard against falling into any fog. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be social for you so you can expect to be in talks or meetings with friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, or towards your aspirations these days. Monday this is going to mean making some adjustment here with someone else involving home or family. Emotionally you will feel like working behind the scenes today or retreating and doing what you want in private. Tuesday or late Monday you will feel the peak of the lucky energy around the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity news. This can come as an idea, decision, meetings, talk, writing, agreement, or something out in the local arena. More positive energy is swirling around the behind the scenes interests and home. Wednesday the Moon moves into your sign and aligns with Neptune so you may feel inspired to travel, do something in media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal realms but the Sun/Neptune square hints that you may not feel like coming out from behind closed doors just yet. Whatever is shaking things up on the career front may be pushing you to do just that. Thursday Mercury moves into your Karmic house and you will find that it adds more information, communications, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions for you in the weeks ahead about film, music, art, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, research, or development. News may come today as you push ahead in these areas. There should be some powerful talks with partners, representatives or competitors today that motivate or allow you a venue to express your passions, all good. Friday your needs may conflict a bit with home or family since there seems to be some limits or responsibilities weighing in here. There is luck in the day for you with or through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. The Mercury/Neptune square will either open up something highly imaginative for you through travel, legal, media, or educational avenues or it could bring confusion, deception or nostalgia through these realms so take care when deciding things, opt for inspiration and personal expression through these fields. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be pushing you to make career decisions or get in there in talks or meetings, writing or agreements. You will want to have a serious conversation with someone about adjustments or changes via responsibilities, commitments or endings on Monday. This may be about a big goal or ambition rather than career motive or involve an authority figure, fame or reputation. You should have plenty of motivation to go after income today. Tuesday or late Monday brings the lucky Jupiter energy and news or decisions about career, goals, ambitions, bosses, authority figures, dad, reputation, or fame. This is big, put it out there now. Friends, groups, charities, internet, and astrology interests do well today. Wednesday the need to pull back and work alone or on something imaginative will take over. You are in good stead to tackle financials, divorce issues or connect with someone intimately. Sun/Neptune square will mean that you are feeling some peak over your goals, place in the spotlight or career needs as it concerns a partner, representative or competitor. You may not be completely clear about all of it today but it can bring inspiration. Thursday Mercury moves into your social arena and over the weeks ahead you will receive more invitations socially and find you are in more meetings or writing with friends, groups, online, over astrology, or charities. News may come today that amps this up since this personal energy is now adding fuel to the New Moon energy of the week for you. Look for ways to earn money from artistic, spiritual, institutional, or research means today, you should do well. Friday brings some somber news or added responsibilities in the early part of the day but you find that your goals or career direction are lighting up soon after with some lucky moments. Mercury/Neptune square will either push you to motivate and use your imagination in talks, over news, in writing, or agreements today involving career, bosses, authority figures, or a big goal, or it will bring some confusion, deception or nostalgia into the mix. Expect this to involve a partner, representative or competitor. Opt for inspiration and amping up your drive to make something artistic come to life. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the big talks, news, agreements, or decisions you are intimately involved in with some legal, travel, media, educational, or publishing matter. You will need to get serious here about any adjustments that are necessary over your income on Monday. Emotionally you are charged up over a goal or career direction and this should motivate you to take action. Tuesday or Monday late brings the lucky energy into the legal matters, wedding, travel plans, foreign interest, educational need, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, or adventurous desire with news, ideas, decisions, agreements, or talks that will open things up in a way that is due to benefit you so trust the process and be proactive. Your career/income alignment is positive today so cement things one way or the other. Wednesday will become more social with a focus on the groups or friends, internet or imaginative relationships with partners, representatives and other significant people. You are going to push yourself as a leader today and in this you will need to make sure you are seeing your partners, reps or competitors in a true light, there can be some disillusionment or confusion but this square can also bring great imagination and inspiration in creative ways. Thursday your ruler changes signs, moving into your career Midheaven and amping up the New Moon energy of the week for you based around your career direction and goals. This may bring news today or help you get even more intensely into talks, meetings, writing, or agreements. More social energy is in the mix so get with friends, groups, online, or get into astrology or charity interests, all good. Friday you will need to deal with some limit or responsibility involving income but soon after should be seeing some big energy swirling around that travel, media, educational, or legal matter in a lucky way. The Mercury/Neptune square helps you to utilize your imaginative writing and inspired ideas to communicate about goals, career or with authority figures with the partner or representative or it will again bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception through these realms. Pay attention to what is being promised or said by you or them today, keep it clear as you can and opt for creative ways to express the ideas. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the talks, news, agreements, or decisions you are making about the big financial matter, divorce or sexual interest/issue. Monday this means you will need to make some personal adjustments here by way of committing more of yourself or limiting your involvement. Emotionally you are tied into the legal, travel, media, or educational need with some motivating factors pushing you behind the scenes on something. Tuesday or late Monday you will get the big news or make the big decision, talk, or agreement peak around that financial, sexual or divorce topic. This is lucky, expansive energy so whatever you hear or decide should put your into more open space to grow and prosper up ahead. Your legal, travel, media, and educational needs are aligned harmoniously today. Wednesday the focus shifts to career and goals with some inspiring energy around your work efforts. The Sun/Neptune square will either motivate you to use that inspiration to step up through legal, travel, media, or educational avenues or it may cause some confusion, deception or disillusionment here so double check what you are doing. Mercury moves into the legal, travel, educational, and media zone on Thursday to amp up the New Moon energy you are riding on here. Expect more news, conversations, agreements, writing, or short trips involving these themes and the new beginnings you are setting into motion. Career and goals are positively aligned today and you should be able to motivate behind closed doors on something that moves things along. Friday pushes you on a personal or physical level to reach the goal or deal with career needs or authority figures. Soon after you feel this energy there is something lucky and expansive going down with the finances, divorce or sexual chemistry. The Mercury/Neptune square brings news that inspires and motivates you over legal, travel, media, or educational needs and the work, health or pets. This combo can also bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception so guard against any of this while letting your imagination expand your options. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will be about the news, talks, decisions, agreements, or writing involving a partner, representative or opponent. On Monday this means making some adjustments regarding your retreat or what you are doing behind the scenes, in artistic or spiritual interests, clandestine trysts, or research and development. It could also involve a hospital, addiction or other institution. Get serious and set limits or adapt around the responsibilities. Emotional needs are focused on financials, divorce or sex and will motivate you to push things a bit. Tuesday or late Monday brings the lucky, expansive news, agreement, writing, short trip, local activity, meeting, or talk involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Open up the space. Sex, divorce and finances continue to drive emotions today but align beautifully with what you are doing behind closed doors or in retreat. Wednesday the focus shifts to travel, media, marketing, publishing, legal, or educational interests with positive flow here involving creativity, kids or true love. The Sun/Neptune square will either inspire you to take the lead on the sexual, financial or divorce matter to inspire in the creative side of it or help you to motivate where love or children are concerned, or it will cause you to feel confused, disillusioned or deceived on some level. Try to harness the inspirational side of this energy, it can really bring new levels of imagination to life. Thursday Mercury enters your shared financials, divorce and sexual realm and will amp things up on a personal level with the focus here of the New Moon this week. This means you may hear news today or have that meeting, agreement, writing, or short trip that helps you launch in that new direction and eclipse something out. Emotional needs are around legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matters and will bring positive motivation through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities today. Friday the efforts behind closed doors or retreat will challenge you with more responsibilities or limits involving the legal, travel, media, or educational interests but soon after this you will be in a lucky opportunity aspect with a partner, representative or other significant person to help you do something big. Mercury/Neptune square will either inspire your imagination in writing, agreements, meetings, or talks involving sexual/love attractions, financial/creative interests, divorce/kids needs, or it can bring confusing or disillusioning news or decisions about the same. This combo is highly inspiring but can be used to deceive so take care when in conversations or dealing with agreements. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday are going to focus in on the talk, news, agreement, writing, or meetings about work, health or pets. On Monday this means making some adjustment with a friend, group, internet matter, astrology or charity interest, or aspiration. You need to get serious about commitments or limits. Relationships are important today and will bring surprises around creative outlets, love or kids but push you where goals are concerned. Tuesday or late Monday brings the big, lucky news, agreement, decision, talk, meeting, or idea about work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets. This is a growth moment and will open something up so whatever it is trust the process. Partners, representatives and other significant people are aligned beautifully for you today so share some time socially or in dreams you have with them. Wednesday your focus shifts to sex, divorce or big financial matters. There is something tied to home or property interests in this for you and it should go well but you need to step up and take the lead where a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other significant person is involved. Make sure your needs are really being considered today. Thursday Mercury moves into your relationship zone adding more personal energy behind the New Moon energy here that is gearing you up for fresh starts and the eclipsing out of something old. Expect more news or decisions today via the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Your energy around shared financials, divorce or sex are positive and will drive you to reach a goal. Friday will push you a bit with commitments or limits involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity but once you have moved through this there is positive energy around the lucky work, health or pet interests. The Mercury/Neptune square is going to either bring inspired news, ideas, decisions, talks, writing, or agreements involving a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, and the home matter, or it is going to bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception into the mix so guard your words and those of others today and opt for inspiration at home with that significant other. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday will focus in on the child, creative project or love interest and on Monday this means you will need to make some adjustment with an authority figure, boss or dad, a goal, ambition, or on the career front. It’s about getting serious, setting limits or committing more. Emotional needs focus in on work, health and pets with positive energy here tied to home or real estate and motivating energy behind legal, travel, educational, or media matters. Tuesday or late Monday you get that big, lucky news, talk, meeting, agreement, or decision involving the child, creative project or love interest. This is about growth, protection, happiness, and prosperity so trust what is occurring right now and if you need to be the one to say something do so. Work, health and pets are under positive energy today so focus what you can here and commit yourself. Wednesday brings focus on partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people with some pretty inspiring talks or news. The Sun/Neptune square will either motivate you in ideas, talks, writing, or agreements to step up in some new artistic, spiritual or romantic way over what you need at work, with efforts or services, in health, or with animals, or it can bring some confusion, disillusionment or deception. Watch your boundaries on the work front today. Thursday Mercury moves into your work, health and pet zone adding more personal energy behind this huge New Moon beginning that you are working off of this week and may bring added news, talks, decisions, agreements, or writing today in these areas. You are eclipsing something out to make a fresh start. Relationships are under positive stars and will motivate you to travel, deal with legal or wedding topics, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests, all good. Friday the relationship energy will stress just a bit over a limited feeling with the goal or career matter or about added responsibilities here that take you away from the person. Soon after this energy comes a very lucky, happy energy involving partners, representatives and other significant people and your love life, children or creative goals. This is about growth and protection. Mercury/Neptune square are again bringing up either a highly inspired, magical bit of news, talk, agreement, idea, or meeting involving work, health or pets, or it is again in the confusion, disillusionment or deception zone. Take care with words today and put yourself into an imaginative reality over your efforts. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday are going to focus in on home, moves, real estate, family, or security needs and on Monday this means serious talks, news, decisions, or agreements involving travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, or ceremonial interests. You want to set limits, commit more or take on more responsibilities here. Your love life, kids or creative projects will be where your emotional needs lie today and there are some wild meetings or communications exciting this. You will be pushing on the shared financial, divorce or sexual need today with vigor. Tuesday or late Monday brings the big lucky news, decision, talk, meeting, agreement, or writing regarding the home, move, real estate deal, family, roommate, or security need. This is opening things up in a major way so trust that it will be about your happiness or prosperity. Wednesday you focus in on work, health or pets and there is positive flow here involving your money so look for ways to earn or spend in these areas. The Sun/Neptune square is going to either bring great inspiration and magic behind what you are stepping up to with a lover, child or creative project and how it affects your money, or it can bring confusion, deception or weepy feelings regarding these arenas so make certain that you are leading yourself in a direction that will support you. Thursday Mercury moves into your arena of true love, children and creative projects adding more personal energy to the news, talks, decisions, agreements, and meetings going on here. This is the same area as the New Moon so you are meant to be starting fresh, launching new desires and eclipsing something out to move ahead. Work, health and pets continue to spark your energy with positive connections to your financial realm so motivate here. Friday you will be focusing on the work, health or pets but there is something limiting or that you need to deal with seriously involving a legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational need. Once you do there is very positive energy at home, with moves, real estate, or family for you. Mercury/Neptune square continues on the highly inspired ideas, news, decisions, agreements, or writing involving creative projects, kids or your love life and the money in the picture or it again will bring some confusion, deception or disillusionment so tread carefully, let it spark your imagination and the magic but see things as clearly as you can. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday and Tuesday are going to focus on siblings, neighbors, local activities, writing, agreements, short trips, vehicles, or meetings that require you to get real about the financial situation, divorce or sexual interest. You want to make some adjustments here around committing more or setting limits. Emotional energy is at home, with family, moves, real estate, or roommates today and will bring some excitement to income along with a big push regarding a partner, representative, expert, or competitor. Tuesday or late Monday the big, lucky news, agreement, decision, talk, meeting, or idea comes through. This is about opening something up in a major way under protective, happy, prosperous stars so trust the information you hear or what you sign is about this. You may also be getting something big with the brother, sister, move, neighbor, vehicle, local scene, short trip, or electronics now. Home and family matters, real estate and roommates, are under positive energy for solid financial, intimate or divorce needs. Wednesday aligns your love life, child or creative project with something very inspiring or magical. You will be in a position to step up over home, family, real estate, roommate, or relocation matters today and this may either spur your imagination and bring great motivation behind your efforts or it can cause some confusion, disillusionment or deception here so make sure you know what is what. Thursday Mercury moves into your home arena and adds personal news, talks, agreements, decisions, writing, or ideas into the New Moon need to make a huge fresh start here. This is about eclipsing something from the past to get a new beginning with your roots, family, real estate needs, moves, roommates, and security needs. Your love life, kids or creative needs are under positive stars that align with partners, agents, attorneys, managers, producers, experts, specialists, or competition so motivate to connect and gear things up. Friday your creative needs, love life or children will show you exactly what you need to deal with financially, in divorce or with your sexual issues, it’s time to set some limits or commit more. Once you get through this there is really positive news or talks involving the kids, creativity or lover. Mercury/Neptune square is again going to amp up the magic and inspiration through ideas, news, talks, writing, or agreements you have over home, moves, real estate, family, or security needs, or it will bring more confusion, disillusionment or deception so again, take care with the words said while letting this energy help you get inspired on some new level. If you would like to look at how all this energy is playing out in your personal chart and what will likely be coming into view in the future for you, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/