February is when we begin to see some of our personal planetary energy move into more mystical territory and it becomes a very good time to get in tune with your magical side, to listen to your intuition, be mindful of signs from the universe, pay attention to your dreams, and visualize. If you have been wanting to get more aligned with this way of conscious living or take it to the next level, make a concerted effort this month.
It's important as you enter this month to ask yourself what dream you really hold for your year ahead. There will be energy behind what you are concentrating on this month to get you there so visualize what you wish to manifest. Personal independence and originality are key.
We start February with both Mars and Venus changing signs on the 1st. Mars is our motivating energy and he is diving into this mystical Pisces today. This means that our actions, passions and anger will be more Karmically linked, unconscious drives will take over, and we will be doing a lot of our activities in secret or behind the scenes. This is good for the arts, spiritual interests, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research, retreat, development, and hidden romantic desires.
Venus enters Aquarius today so she is going to be more extroverted while Mars is going introverted, interesting! Venus here is going to want more detachment or anonymity. She is all about her friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and socializing at events or parties during the next weeks. She wants freedom, independence and to try new things. Since Venus rules our love and income in life, you can expect these affects to be more noticeable here.
Mars will meet up with Neptune on the 4th. This combination can spur you into action on something that is either completely inspired and romantic, artistic or spiritual, or it can push you into doing something that you do not at all see clearly, that may be deceptive, disillusioning or confusing. Be conscious of this today when choosing what to do. At all costs avoid too much partaking of alcohol or substances since the lines will definitely be blurred.
On the 5th Mercury joins in the mystical Piscean waters and turns our thoughts and ideas to these subjects. This is a great period for writers and brings the muse down close to earth. It may bring agreements or sales associated with film, music, art, spiritual interests, psychic abilities, magic, hospitals, dealing with addictions, clandestine romance, research, investigations, or retreat over the weeks ahead. On the 6th Mercury takes his turn meeting with Neptune and what you put in motion on the 4th now gets an answer or more information. Again, since Neptune clouds things as well as inspires, it is great for writing but not the best day to sign a contract if you can wait a day or more.
Our NEW MOON this month is in Aquarius on the 10th. This opens up your best 2 week window of the year to start new social activities, meet new friends, start new projects with friends, join or form groups, get internet projects started, get into astrology, charities, or pursue your aspirations. The CHINEESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE begins now. They say the snake correlates to the sign of Virgo in western astrology so with that in mind you should be entering a year that is going to reward attention to detail, work and efforts, cleaning out and organizing, attention to health, and regard for the environment and animals. Mars will contact Jupiter today to push for something big.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and our ego drive and life vitality is now moving into that mystical plane. Think about pulling back a bit or working behind the scenes, developing projects, putting yourself into more spiritual activities, painting, picking up an instrument, writing poetry, meditating, getting into yoga, starring in a film or making one, tuning into your center, going to the hospital for anything that needs attention, facing your addictions, and taking the lead in your life through these topics.
Saturn Retrogrades today as well. This is the planet of tests, limits, responsibilities, structure, depression, ambition, leadership, mastery, and direction in life. His Retrograde cycle will either give us a breather in financial realms, our sex life or divorce issues or take us back into the past to finish things up, reconnect or release. You have until the first week of July to wrap it up or tweak it!
Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces on the 23rd and will be in his backwards motion until Saint Patty's day, March 17th. Mercury is going to slow things down, mix up communications, and bring any transportation issue to your attention. Mercury is also going to offer you the opportunity to rethink, rewrite, revisit, release, and reconnect over any clandestine romance, addiction, secret, hospital matter, film, music, art, spiritual interest, research, investigation, or development you need to tweak.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th. This brings a work project or job to an end or brings some celebrations, achievement or recognition here. Health will peak in some way at this time as you reach goals, end issues or habits, and mark where you are with your body. Anything going on with pets, animals or the environmental interests you have will crest now too; celebrations, endings or achievements. Venus moves into Pisces today, the last of the personal planets to enter the territory this month and here she sheds her detachment and independent ways a bit and gets more dreamy, instinctive, secretive, artistic, spiritual, and romantic. Venus rules love and income so expect to express love in these ways now and to make money through themes that are associated here.

February highlights two parts of your life; the side that wants to work alone behind the scenes, get in touch with your mystical side, meditate, do your yoga, dream, cuddle up with romantic interests or spend time on film, music or the arts, get to hospitals or deal with addictions, and more or less recharge your batteries, and the side that is social, out with friends, online, with groups, into astrology, charities, and pursuit of your aspirations. You will have plenty of planetary energy in both places so seek balance.
Your ruling energy moves into the mystical, behind the scenes energy on the 1st. This means you will do best when taking action on your own or in secret, through research or following your artistic or romantic bent the rest of the month. You may be doing something with a hospital, prison, retreat, or other institution during this phase or sharing your passions with someone on the down low. Venus moves into Aquarius today so love plays out through social interaction and your income is going to be tied to social networking, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities this month.
Be careful on the 4th. Action taken today will either lead you into something very magical, inspired, romantic, artistic, Karmic, or tied to hospitals and other institutions, OR it will lead you into some undoing, self-sabotaging, addictive, deceptive, or secret mess. Be sure you know which way the wind is blowing before acting.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and your thoughts turn more to the hidden, mystical, research, developmental, investigative, artistic, romantic, and institutional topics. You may hear news today or receive an offer regarding something here. In the weeks ahead you will be in more meetings and talks, writing and agreements, sales and decisions involving these themes. On the 6th Mercury and Neptune get together furthering what took place on the 4th. You get the information today or make decisions, again the same applies, truly inspired and magical or deceptive and confusing.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on the 10th is your best 2 week window to pursue new aspirations, start new friendships or projects with old friends, join or form groups, launch new internet interests or projects, get into astrology, join or start a charity, motivate more on social networking, throw or attend a party or event, and get a new handle on your freedom, independence and original ideas. Today is the Chinese New Year of the Black Snake. It's time to focus more on details, organization, work, health, environment, and animals this year.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and you will officially begin to pour more personal and physical energy into the hospital needs, dealing with addictions, rest, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, film, music, art, or a hidden romance. This puts you in the spotlight here over the next 30 days so step up and take the lead. Saturn Retrogrades today beginning a more introspective or slowed down time where sex, divorce or outside financial resources are concerned. You can go back and focus on anything already underway in these areas during this period that lasts until the first week of July. There may be a boss or dad, a goal or ambition shifting accordingly today.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is your do-over on any research, hospital matters, institutions, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interest, clandestine romance, or hidden agenda. Things will slow down and turn towards the past so rethink, rework, revisit, release, or reconnect in these areas now. If you have any rewrites or agreements, sales or decisions to make in these areas take this time to tend to them.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and brings a peak at work, with the job hunt, co-worker, employee, service, health, environmental interest, or animal need. It is a time when you may garner some recognition here, mark achievements, celebrate, or mark endings. Venus moves into Pisces today and your love life will become more secret or private during this phase or you may retreat from it for a while. Income is affected by her move here so you should look to research, investigations, intuition, the artistic projects in film, music or fine art, hospitals or other institutions, strategies, helping with addictions, meditation or yoga, or development during this phase. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will pull you in two distinct directions Taurus. One will be to push you towards your aspirations, get you more social, out with friends, in group activities, online, into astrology, charities, or social networking, the other will be to push you towards career, achievement, recognition, goals, ambitions, and dealings with authority figures. Do your best to mingle in both territories since they both hold promise.
On the 1st Mars moves into your social arena and here he will begin to push you to get active, motivate, express passions, and deal with anger through what you do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, parties, and social networking. Mars will be here the rest of the month so get ready to get busy in these arenas. Today Venus changes signs as well, she moves into Aquarius where she is going to want more freedom and originality. Here she if focusing on goals, career, ambitions, and authority figures. She may bring a female onto the scene that will affect these areas in the weeks ahead, push your income opportunities in these directions and even spark love while in the pursuit of goals or make love more goal oriented.
Mars will come to Neptune on the 4th. You want to watch this day because it will either push your to do something truly inspired, magical, artistic, romantic, or dreamy with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, OR it will cloud your judgment, bring deception, boundary issues, substance issues, or confusion through the same activities. Since it could go either way, pay attention to what you are doing.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th bringing more thoughts, writing, agreements, offers, sales, information, news, talks, meetings, and decisions around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, parties, events, and social networking. This will continue the rest of the month so put your ideas into play and get ready for more invitations and decisions.
On the 6th Mercury will meet with Neptune for a replay of what happened on the 6th but this time it is about the information, decision or agreement in the mix. Again caution since it is great for inspired ideals and magical moments and very challenging around any deceptions, confusion or boundary issues.
The NEW MOON on the 10th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch a new business, make a new career move, get a new boss, get a promotion, deal with a judge, dad or a boss on new terms, start out towards new goals or ambitions, meet with fame, or get a fresh start with reputation. The CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE starts today and will be about the efforts you make to get more creative, express love and get involved with kids this year. Think work, details, service to others, healthy new approaches, and what you do for animals as keys in your arsenal here.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and puts you in the spotlight now with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, and events. For the next 30 days you will be pouring more personal and physical energy here and taking the lead. Saturn Retrogrades today and will journey backwards from now through the first week of July. This period will lighten up the load when it comes to responsibilities, limits, ambitions, or commitments involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or opposition. You may be going back into the past to rework some goal here or just enjoy the easier transit.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will slow down and bring some mix-ups or changes with friends, groups, parties, internet matters, astrology, and charities during this phase. It is your do-over to go back into the past and rethink, rework, release, reconnect, or rewrite any agreements, decisions, sales, or ideas you had here. You may have a friend from the past show back up or a new one exit the scene during this period.
The FULL MOON on the 25th brings a peak for you with a lover as you celebrate something together or mark your lovers achievements, or it will be a time of endings here. This is the peak in a creative project or interest as well as you wrap things up, see some recognition or achievement, and celebrate. It is also about a culmination with anything involving children. Venus moves into Pisces today and your love life will now be more social or play out through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or parties and events. Income will flow through these arenas as well now. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will focus you in on two different areas of life; your career, ambitions, goals, and dealings with authority figures, and your legal matters, travel plans, educational interests, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, or wedding needs. They are both important so do your best to spread your wings in these areas.
On the 1st Mars moves into your career Midheaven where he is going to motivate you big time to achieve your goals. He will tour here the rest of this month so you can expect more action, passion and sometimes anger playing out as you move on the career front, set goals in motion, deal with fame or authority figures, and make your name. Venus moves into Aquarius today so she is going to want some freedom and ability to express her love or income needs through legal avenues, travel, media, marketing, weddings, publishing, or higher education. Your love life should take wing here and your ability to earn money will be enhanced by what you do in these areas.
Note that the 4th will be one of those days as Mars comes together with Neptune. This may be very inspiring, romantic, artistic, or strategic where goals, authority figures or career is concerned, OR it could bring up addictions, hospitals, deception, boundary issues, or confusion here. Since actions will take place on one side of this or the other, pay attention to what you are doing and what is coming from others.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and brings more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and decisions over the weeks ahead on the career front, with the boss, dad, authority figures, goals, fame, or ambitions. You may hear news today, get an offer or come up with an idea or decision that gets the ball rolling. Note that on the 6th Mercury will meet with Neptune and bring information or decisions to light regarding what occurred on the 4th. Again be careful that you are erring on the side of inspiration over illusion or worse.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius occurs on the 10th and is your best 2 week window of the year to get something taken care of legally, to make travel plans or hop that plane, to start media, marketing or publishing projects or put the ones already in motion out there, to sign up for a class, teach or get certified, to plan a wedding or attend one, or to seek some new adventure. The CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE is today, pushing you into a year that is all about the details, work, service, healthy approach or issues, and animals going on at home, with real estate, family, mom, moves, or roommates. Put in the efforts.
The Sun rolls into Pisces on the 18th and puts his spotlight on you in the goals you are pursuing, your career, leadership abilities, business, reputation, fame, or with any authority figures in the mix. This means you will be stepping up, putting more personal and physical energy here, tying in the identity, brand or image to move ahead, and taking on responsibilities over the next 30 days. Saturn Retrogrades today and will backtrack from now through the first week of July. This will give you time to go back and tend to any ambitions or responsibilities from the past involving work, health or animals. You may get some ease from responsibilities a bit in these areas so that you can get serious about what still needs structure and discipline here.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is going to slow things down or take you into past decisions, agreements, writing, sales, or meetings with bosses, dad, judges, career, goals, ambitions, reputation, and fame. It's your time to rethink, rework, revisit, revise, reconnect, or release here. Watch out for miscommunications or transportation issues in these areas.
The FULL MOON on the 25th is bringing a peak around home, mom, family, roommates, moves, real estate, or property needs. You will be wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrating achievements, or noting some recognition in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces today and will begin to smooth things out on the career front, bring women onto the scene that can help with career, goals or authority figures, let you attract more love or income in these areas or get you and your love interest more goal oriented. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is bound to get your focused on more inspiration and original ideas and this will be playing out in two different areas of life. One will be focusing you on the higher mind where travel plans, foreign interests, education, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, weddings, and legal matters hold court. The other will be focusing you on the deeper more shared arenas of life like your sex life, divorce issues, reproductive needs, or shared financial interests such as loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, or partner's money.
The 1st will see Mars moving into Pisces where you will get more action, drive and determination to do things in the legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, or travel arenas. He will be sparking lots of passion, anger or motivation over these topics the rest of the month. Venus moves into Aquarius today and here she is going to get more experimental, make changes, express originality, and look for independence in those financial arenas, through the divorce or with the sexual interests or reproductive needs. This will bring love into these arenas and also help you attract income while focusing here.
Note that the 4th is the day when Mars meets with Neptune so you will either feel greatly inspired, romantic, artistic, or spiritual around those trips, legal agreements or offers, educational opportunities, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans, OR you could find that actions in these areas are deceptive, confusing or hold boundary issues around them, take care.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 5th amping up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, ideas, and decisions over travel plans, foreign interests, legal matters, education, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. This will be the trend for the rest of the month and may bring news or offers today over these topics. Mercury will meet with Neptune on the 6th and bring information to light over what happened on the 4th. Again this may be inspired or shady, take note.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on the 10th will be your best 2 week window of the year to get a fresh start in your sex life, find solutions to sexual issues, take your sex life to the next level, find reproductive answers or make decisions about it, set a divorce in motion or find ways to stave off a divorce, go after loans, settlements, commissions, or deal with inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, investments, or partner's money in new ways. The CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE begins today so your year ahead should focus on the details, work, organization, healthy approach, and animal needs tied into writing, agreements, decisions, short trips, local activities, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, or neighbors.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th putting a spotlight on you in travels, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, or weddings over the next 30 days. This period will see you pouring more personal and physical energy into these topics and your identity or body, image or needs will be here. Take the lead.
Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This is going to ease up on the limits, responsibilities or ambitions around your love life, kids or creative projects during this phase. It gives you a chance to go back and attend to any past ambitions or goals here and any structures you need to work on or leadership you can take here.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is going to bring any miscommunications, technical breakdowns or transportation glitches up around the travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, legal matters, or weddings. It will also give you your do-over to rethink, rewrite, revisit, release, or reconnect over these topics.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and will mark a peak time for agreements, writing, sales, meetings, talks, ideas, decisions, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, vehicles, or electronics. You will be noting achievements, garnering some recognition, ending something, or celebrating over these topics. Venus moves into Pisces today smoothing things out in the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, and publishing arenas. A woman may arrive on the scene that is beneficial to you in these areas, your love life will play out more over these topics and your earnings will hinge on what you do here. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Expect February to lead you in two important directions Leo: You will be amping things up over big financial matters, your sex life or divorce proceedings on the one hand, and getting a fresh new start with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, competitors, or any other key relationship. This begins on the 1st as Mars moves into Pisces bringing more action, passion and anger to the surface for the rest of the month around loans, debt, inheritance, settlements, investments, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, partner's money, divorce, sex, and reproduction. Expect to get busy. Venus moves into your relationship axis today where she will begin to smooth things out and help you to attract love and income through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and any other key relationship. A woman may be beneficial now.
The 4th may be important as Mars gets together with Neptune and either inspires, brings more romance, artistry, spirituality, or institutional support around that major financial matter, divorce or your sex life, OR it will confuse, bring deception or thrust boundary issues into the equation. Since it could go either way, take care before acting.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th bringing more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and decisions around sex, divorce, reproduction, and all major financial interests. Expect this trend to carry you through the rest of the month. You may get an offer today or news could come in your are waiting on. It's time to put your ideas into motion and communicate the rest of the month in these areas. The 6th will bring Mercury to Neptune and the information arrives regarding the actions of the 4th , again inspiration or confusion abounds, take care.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius begins on the 10th and is your best 2 week window of the year to get a new start with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. You can do something new now that will align you with this key person up ahead, start new projects with current relationships, take them to another level, or meet someone new that will carry forward into your year. Today is the beginning of the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to put a focus for you in the year ahead on the details, work, efforts, organization, healthy situations, and animals interests that affect your income and values.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th which will put the spotlight on you over the next 30 days in your financial axis, sex life, divorce needs, or reproductive needs. This means you will be pouring more of your personal and physical energy into these matters. Take the lead and get out there. Saturn will Retrograde today through the first week of July. This will ease some of the restrictions and responsibilities at home, renovations, with real estate, family, mom, roommates, or moves. It may also push you to look at any past ambitions or goals here to rework them.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will bring any miscommunications, transportation or technical glitches and your opportunity for a do-over on decisions, agreements, writing, sales, or talks about those big financial matters, sex life, divorce, or reproductive needs. You may have someone from the past show up or a situation that allows for you to revisit or release things sexually or financially. Take extra care with documents for loans, investments, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, or any other financial matter during this phase, double check it and hold off on signing until it's over unless it it about old business if you can.
The FULL MOON in Virgo comes on the 25th and brings a peak for you involving income, possessions and values. This will be a high point when you are celebrating achievements or marking endings. Venus moves into Pisces today and begins to smooth things out with the big financial picture, sex life or divorce. A woman may appear on the scene that is beneficial in these areas, you may find that your income is now hinging on sexual chemistry, divorce or the loans, settlements, commissions, royalties, insurance, taxes, partner's money, alimony, child support, or other outside resources now. Love will blossom on deeper levels, sexually and around what you do with the divorce or financial interests. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February draws your attention to two distinct areas of life and asks that you focus your energy here. One will be your key relationships so think about your personal or business partners, agents and attorneys, specialists and advocates, clients and competitors, opponents and any other significant person you would like to move forward with or leave behind and then do something about it. The second area will be your work, health and pet arena. It is a month to really think about aspirations in these areas and then begin to put your plan into action!
The month kicks off with Mars moving into Pisces on the 1st and bringing his fighting spirit to those key relationships. This is going to give you the boost you need to make things happen, take action, express passion, or stand up for what is in your best interest through these key relationships for the rest of the month, expect to start getting busy now. On the same day Venus moves into Aquarius and there she will begin to smooth things out on the job or in search of one, with co-workers or people you hire to help, in your health arena or with animals. She will help your income flow through these topics and may attract a woman or love around what you do here that would benefit you.
Note that on the 4th there is a combination of energy that will either inspire and ignite passion, romance, artistry, spirituality, and positive actions on hospitals or addictions with key relationships, OR it will be about deception, confusion, anger, and boundary issues with these relationships. Since you know this going in, be careful to see which side this is falling on and take care that you deliver up the highest value yourself.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts will turn to the partners, representatives, clients, and opposition. This will be an ongoing theme for the rest of this month and with Mercury here you may receive news or an offer today and begin to see more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, local action, and decisions involving them.
On the 6th Mercury will meet the same energy that Mars met on the 4th so you will get more information today and again your meetings, talks, ideas, decisions, agreements, or sales with key people will either be very inspired, artistic, romantic, spiritual, or about institutions, OR they could be deceptive, confusing or without boundaries and target addictions, hidden agendas or romance, prisons, or isolation. Don't sign it today unless you are really sure about the details.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window of the year to start a new job search, take a new job, launch new work ideas, tackle work building up around your home or other personal spaces, tend to paperwork, get a new co-worker or start something new with the ones you have, hire someone to help you, get your health on track, start a diet, hire a trainer, get to the doctor, join a gym, do something for animals, adopt a pet, go green, or launch some new way to do for the environment. Today is the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. For you this begins a year with a strong focus on you. You may be stepping up a bit more, getting some attention or recognition, or it may be a year when you do take care of your body in a better way, get an image change, change your identity (single to married, unemployed to businessperson, etc), get your brand out there on another level, or go for a personal goal. It will all be about the details, getting organized, doing the work, and simplifying.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th where he will light up those key relationships and put you in the spotlight over the next 30 days with partners, representatives, clients, and opponents. For you this means getting personally or physically into the mix with these people now, taking the lead and letting your needs, brand, identity, or physical interests combine in beneficial ways with them. Saturn Retrogrades today and will backtrack from now through the first week of July. This is going to give you some easement with brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, sales, and in talks, meetings or decisions over this period. Some of the responsibility will let up or you will have an opportunity to deal with any past issues in these areas through setting goals, dealing with authority figures, looking at career needs, or taking the lead.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will be a time when things will slow down or you will have miscommunications, mechanical difficulties or technical breakdowns involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or competitors. It is also the time when the universe gives you a do-over to go back and rethink, rewrite, revisit past people or issues, rework them, release them, or reconnect in some way. It's ok to sign documents with attorneys or agents, etc if they pertain to the past or ongoing issues during this period but better to wait on brand new ideas or options until after if you can do some safely and effectively.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and brings a very personal year high for you. This may be about some recognition for what you have achieved, a celebration for your brand as it hits some all time high, a culmination with something going on in your body as illness ends or a diet is achieved, a celebration of identity as you marry, propose, are finally single, or reach the title you've been working towards. Venus follows all the other personal planetary energy into Pisces today where she will bring love and income opportunities through partnership, representation, clients, and any other key relationship and where she will begin to smooth things out with rivals or these other people, it's going to get easier now. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will bring some real focus on your work life and any inspiration you have been seeking here, it will help you forge some more spiritual connection to better health, and align you with animals even more so if that is possible. It will also bring an equal dose of energy to your love life, joy, children, creative projects, and recreational activities. If someone were to sit you down and ask you what you would like to set in motion in these areas of life for the year what would you say? Well the universe is asking, so get busy!
From the first of the month the energy shifts into these territories.
Mars moves into your work, health and pet arena where he is going to bring more action, motivation, passion, and anger to these subjects. This will drive you through the entire month and stimulate that inspired, magical energy that you naturally have in these areas. Let the job hunt begin, more action with co-workers or people you hire get underway, get yourself to the gym, doctor, trainer, or nutritionist, and do what you can with your pets or for animals. On the same day Venus moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects. Here she is going to help smooth things out and help you attract more love or personal income through what you do here.
Note that the 4th will be one of those days and it will be about the work, paperwork, health, or animals. It will either bring action and great inspiration, artistry, spirituality, or positive dealings with institutions, OR it will bring deception, confusion or boundary issues, addictions, isolation, or anger into the mix in these areas. Since you know it may go either way be aware of what is going on around you, what you set in motion and how you react to others, erring on the side of inspiration.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn to that work situation, job hunt, work piling up at home, co-workers, employees, health, animal interests, or pets. During this phase you may get more information or an offer, and see more meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions around what you do here. Note that on the 6th Mercury will meet with that same energy from the 4th. This will again be about inspiration or deception, etc, and play out over work, health or animals, but today will be about the news, offers, agreements, sales, information, meetings, or decisions so again take heed and focus on the positive side.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window of the year to start a new creative project, get your current creation out there on a new level, fall in love, start something that leads to love, begin a new project with a current lover or take love to another level, do for the kids or see them start some new level or project, and seed your year with what will bring you joy. Today is also the CHINEESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to put the focus of the year on the details, efforts, health, and animal interests that tie in with research, investigations, hospitals, other institutions, retreats, film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, clandestine affairs, and development.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and illuminates that health, work and pet zone over the next 30 days. This is your cue to get more personally or physically involved with work, health and animals. You will be taking the lead, stepping up, getting the spotlight, and perhaps putting brand needs, identity needs, body, or image into the mix in some way. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This will give you some easing up around income and possessions or it will allow you the time to go back into past interests or issues here and deal with authority figures, the boss, dad, or get your goals, career direction and ambitions on more solid ground. What do you want to achieve here that can be reworked during this period?
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will bring some miscommunications, technical breakdowns or mechanical/transportation issues and it will offer you a do-over to rethink, rewrite, renegotiate, reconnect with people, release them or the issues, and rework things on the work front, in the job search, with co-workers, employees, health concerns or interests, or animals. You may have an offer from some past job or pick up that past healthy approach, see a long lost pet return or get back into your animal advocacy. It's best to hold off on signing new documents during this phase but ok to sign on anything tied to past business or interests.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and will bring a culmination to any period of isolation, hospital matter, addiction, romantic affair, film, music or art interest, spiritual matter, yoga, meditation, magic, or psychic interest, research, or investigation. This will be a time of achievements and celebrations or endings in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces today catching up to the other personal planets already here. She is going to begin to smooth things out on the job, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, and pets. You should see that it becomes easier to attract income or love through these areas of life. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is going to be a month that gives you two strong focuses for your attention. One it is going to motivate activity in with your creative projects, children and love life, two it is going to give you some fresh new start and energy on the home front, with real estate, renovations, moves, roommates, family, or mom. You will want to divvy up your time between both areas and give them your attention. If you knew that setting your intentions in these areas and taking some steps in the direction you desire would get your year ahead moving in the right direction, what would you do?
On the 1st Mars moves into the creative process, children's interests and love life. He is going to tour here the rest of the month and he is amping up the action, helping you motivate and make things happen, helping you get in touch with your passion or anger, and moving things along. So get ready to do it. Venus moves into Aquarius today and will begin the process of smoothing things out at home, with family, mom, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or roommates. Here she is going to help you attract income through these means or help your love life take bloom from what you do here. A woman may show up on the scene that benefits you in these areas.
Note that the 4th may be an important day regarding the love life, children or creative project. This is going to be a day that inspires and ignites action here through artistic merit, spiritual approaches, romantic desires, or dealings with institutions, OR it will bring deception, confusion or boundary issues. Since you know it could be about either side of this equation take note of what happens today and look for any issues that could be there while embracing the positive.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn more strongly to creative projects, love and kids. You may receive an offer or make a sale now, get more information or an idea will take hold, have an important meeting or talk, or make a decision. This energy is with you the rest of the month so open up communications and look at agreements. On the 6th Mercury meets with the same energy that occurred on the 4th so now you have more information or a meeting, agreement, sale, writing project, idea, or decision is now in the mix. Again it will inspire or deceive so look closely.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on the 10th is your best 2 week window of the year to make a move, start a renovation, take in a roommate or get a fresh start with a roommate, do something new in the home, buy or sell real estate, get into real estate or interior design, begin something new with family or mom, and get your security needs on better footing. Today is the beginning of the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. For you this is going to mean more attention to the details, work, healthy approach, and animal interests involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. Put in the effort.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th where he will illuminate creative projects, love interests and what's going on with children over the next 30 days. This puts you center stage, makes you stand out, asks that you take the lead, and gets you more personally and physically involved in these matters. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This is going to give you some relief from the burdens you've been carrying and will offer you the opportunity to face any past goals or ambitions over your identity, body, image, or brand. You may deal with the past through authority figures or fame as well.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is going to bring some miscommunications, technical or mechanical breakdowns and transportation issues involving kids, creative projects and your love life or lovers, and it will offer you a do-over to rethink choices in these areas, rework writing, agreements or decisions, meet with past people or opportunities, and reconnect or release.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th bringing a peak experience with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, aspiration, cause, your freedom, independence, or an original concept. You will be celebrating high points, noting achievements, recognition or endings. Venus moves into Pisces today and begins to smooth things out with kids, your creative projects and love life. Here she will add the ability to attract love or income through these topics and may bring a woman into the picture that is beneficial. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is going to direct your attention to what you can accomplish at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, and roommates on the one hand, and the month will also be pushing you in fresh directions with writing, agreements, decisions, meetings, talks, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and local activities. Both arenas will get plenty of energy so get ready to get busy.
On the 1st Mars rolls into your home base and will give the rest of the month more drive and determination to make things happen on the home front, with moves, renovations, remodels, roommates, real estate, mom, and family. This is where you will see more action, passion and anger rear up. Venus moves into a new sign as well today and begin the process of smoothing out your talks and meetings, writing, agreements, decisions, sales, short trips, local activities, and needs with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics. She will help attract more income or love through these areas and may bring a woman into the scene here to benefit.
Note that the 4th is one of those days when all that action, passion or anger will gear up at home or with the property, family, move, or roommate. This may bring great inspiration, romance, artistic opportunities, or spiritual interests, OR it could equally bring deception, confusion, boundary issues, water issues, addictions, chemical or poison issues, or hospital matters to bear here. Since you know this has 2 distinct outcomes take care to embrace the positive and be on the lookout for the rest.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th bringing more thought, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, and decisions around home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, mom, or family for the rest of the month. You may receive news or an offer today or get an idea that gets you moving here. On the 6th Mercury meets with the same energy as what happened on the 4th so more information comes to light and it again may lean towards inspiration or deception so pay attention.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window of the year to launch new writing projects or get your current literary masterpiece out there, to sign new agreements, negotiate new terms, make important decisions, set up new meetings or talks, get a fresh start with sales, local activities and siblings, take or plan a short trip to a nearby locale, get a new neighbor or start a new neighborhood interest, do something new with vehicles or electronics, or come up with a new idea. Today is the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This will be about the details, organization, work and efforts, health, and animal interests tied in with major goals, ambitions, your career, authority figures, reputation, and fame so put in the effort.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th illuminating home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, and roommate situations over the next 30 days. This puts you into the spotlight here and will have you more personally and physically involved. Step up, take the lead, attach your needs, presence, image, or brand to what is going on here. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This period will ease up some of the limits or responsibilities you've been dealing with through hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interests, or clandestine affairs. It will also allow you to go back into any goals or ambitions, deal with past authority figures or career needs in these areas and get serious.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, transportation or technical breakdowns and these will play out over home needs, renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, mom, and roommates. This period will also offer you a do-over to rethink what you want here, rewrite or consider past agreements, look at past sales, reconnect with past people or opportunities, take your exit, release, or revise things here.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and brings a peak moment for you on the career front or with a major goal or ambition . It may be a peak time with a boss, dad or another authority figure, or you may hit a plateau with reputation or fame. It will be a time of recognition, achievement, celebrations, or endings in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces where she will help smooth things out and attract more love or income through women or interests tied to writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, sales, meetings, talks, and decisions. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is going to be very busy for you out in your local scene, with your writing, agreements, sales, meetings and talks, and any inspired energy you have here. It will motivate you with siblings, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, and electronics as well. It is also going to give you a fresh start with your earning power. These areas are where it's at so get ready to get busy.
On the 1st Mars moves into Pisces and right off the bat will show you where some of this action, passion or anger is going to be playing out. Look to the news you hear, talks or meetings you have, local activities or short trips, writing or agreements, sales or siblings, neighbors or vehicles, electronics or decisions coming up and motivate. Venus moves into Aquarius today as well where she is going to turn the trend around income into a smoother operating machine. She will now help attract what you need more easily and may bring a woman onto the scene that is beneficial to your earning power.
Note that on the 4th energy will amp up with passionate or angry words, actions out locally or through short trips, with news, information, writing, agreements, talks, meetings, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics and this may either inspire and bring some energy behind the romantic, spiritual or artistic needs here, OR it could bring deception, confusion, boundary issues, or news about hospitals or addictions, water issues or poisoning to bear. Since you know this take care in dealings today and err on the side of the positive influence in your own actions.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts will turn to the news you hear, talks and meetings, agreements, sales, decisions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and ideas you have. It's a time to put it out there, amp up that inspiration and you may receive news or an offer today that gets the ball rolling. The 6th will bring Mercury to the same energy that you experienced on the 4th but with more information and decision making in the mix. Again this could be very inspired or deceptive, confusing or disillusioning so look closely at what you hear or say.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week period of the year to launch new income prospects or set things in motion that will lead to more money flow up ahead. You can get a fresh start with possessions or look at your values or how you are valued and do something about that now. Today is also the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to be a year about the details, work, organization, health, and animal needs and any legal matters or agreements, travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, educational needs, or wedding plans.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th putting a spotlight on you and your decisions, talks, writing, agreements, sales, local activities, short trips, brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics over the next 30 days. This means you will have more personal and physical energy pouring into these things and you will be able to shine, take the lead and attach your presence, identity needs, brand, or image to what you want here. Saturn, your ruler, Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This will ease things with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and social networking. It will also allow you to deal with any past ambitions or career needs, authority figures or reputation matters here.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, technical and mechanical breakdowns and any transportation issues. It will also give you a do-over from the universe to go back over any past conversations, decisions, agreements, sales, ideas, or local activities to review, rethink or release. This area rules any past issues with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, proposals, or pitches as well and may bring someone from the past back around or a past situation or opportunity into the equation as you reassess what you want. This period will not be the best for signing brand new documents on new opportunities but will be fine for agreements based on past actions or needs.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 25th bringing a peak for you with a trip, foreign interest, import/export deal, legal matter, educational need or interest, media or marketing idea, publishing deal, or wedding plan. This is a time of achievements and celebrations as things climax here or it will mark endings as things come to a close. Venus moves into Pisces today where she will begin to smooth things out with those agreements, writing projects, sales, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, and short trips. She will now help you attract more love or money through these areas and may bring a woman onto the scene that is beneficial in them. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is really going to hone your focus on two distinct areas of life, your income and yourself. To this end you will have more energy and action playing out around earning money and what goes on in that process while you will get some fresh starts involving your own needs, your body, image, brand, or identity, so get ready to get busy.
This gets underway right from the 1st of the month as Mars moves into Pisces. This gets the action started in your earning department! You will have plenty of motivation to go after income opportunities, increase the money flow, fight for what you want, and express your passions here. Venus moves into your sign today where she is going to bring her magnetic charms to you! This is great for revving up your image, attracting more love or income through your efforts or just by showing up and shining Venus's light, and it is good for beauty, photography, make-overs, your brand, and body.
Note that the 4th will bring energy together bound to spark energy over income that either inspires, helps you do artistic, spiritual or research approaches towards earning, OR it will bring deception, confusion or boundary issues around your personal income. Take care that you don't do something that could hurt your potential here today and take care with what comes your way. Keep an eye on your wallet and possessions as well since something could go missing.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn to income. This is going to add talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, local activities, and short trips into the equation with earnings. You may have some money flow opportunities now with siblings or neighbors as well or work something out involving vehicles or electronics. Note that on the 6th Mercury meets with the same energy as the 4th so you will get more information now or get into talks, meetings, writing, agreements, or sales over it. Again it could inspire or bring issues so take care.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window to launch anything near and dear to your heart. You may put something in motion now that gives you a fresh start with your identity, begin some healthy new regime that helps your body, launch your brand, get a make-over, new photos, wardrobe, or get your name out there in some new way. Today is also the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to make the year about the details, organization, work, healthy approach, and animal needs aimed at loans, debt recovery, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, investments, or a partner's money. You may also see this new approach to health or work bring deeper intimacy or enhance your sex life or reproductive potential.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th where he will illuminate income and possessions for you. This will be a 30 day cycle that now puts you into the mix more personally or physically, lets you take the lead, stand out, and if you deem it right, attach your image or brand to getting ahead here. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This period will give you some relief with authority figures, career matters, responsibilities, goals, and ambitions. It will also allow you to deal with any past matters here in serious ways by looking at past commitments or endings.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, technical or mechanical issues, and transportation glitches around income and possessions. It will also offer you a do-over to rethink past decisions, opportunities, revisit past offers, meetings, talks, ideas, agreements, sales, or local opportunities to rework things, release them or reconnect. It's best to hold off signing documents that pertain to money during this phase if you can wait but it's ok to sign on anything already in progress or from the past.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th bringing a peak in your sex life, reproductive cycle or needs or divorce proceedings. It will also bring a peak to any loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance policies, settlements, investments, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, or partner's money. It will be a time of achievement, celebrations or endings in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces today where she will begin to smooth things out with your personal income and help you attract money more easily. You may also earn money with a lover or in some medium about love, women or beauty during this period. A woman may arrive on the scene that can help you earn. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will get you way more physically active and out there pursuing your own interests on the one hand while it will also be giving you some fresh starts in what you do artistically, spiritually, romantically, with hospitals or other institutions, dealing with addictions, research, investigations, and development.
The 4th is going to be a day to watch when actions you take or how you react to others through passion or anger will either be inspired and further your artistic interests, spiritual aims, hospital needs, or romantic desires, OR it will bring actions that have some deception, confusion or boundary issues associated with them. You may need to watch out for addictions or doing something self-sabotaging as well. Since you know it could go either way take care with what you do and how you react.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn to your body, image, brand, and identity. For the rest of the month you will want to have talks or meetings, deal with agreements or sales, get out there locally or in short trips, and make decisions about your needs here. Note that on the 6th Mercury will meet with that same energy from the 4th so more information comes to light or you hear news, get an offer, see talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or decisions about what happened. Take care.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window to start new film, music or other artistic projects, take what you are working on artistically to a new level, start working at a hospital or check yourself in for procedures, start a research project or investigation, get into yoga, meditation, magic, psychic interests, or spiritual matters, get a new footing with a clandestine affair, or face an addiction and get some new help here. Saturn Retrograde today through the first week of July. This is going to bring a bit of a lifting of burdens associated with legal matters, travel plans or with people at a distance, media, marketing or publishing interests, educational pursuits, or wedding plans. It will also offer you a chance to get serious about any past goals or career matters that have these themes in need of some attention.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, mechanical or technical difficulties, or transportation glitches and these are going to swirl around you, your brand, identity, body, or image. This period will also offer you a do-over on a personal or physical level when you can go back, rethink choices, revisit past people or opportunities, release things, or reconnect. Look at past agreements, sales, decisions, and local interests focused here.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 25th bringing a peak highpoint with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, manager, producer, advocate, competitor, or opponent. This will mark achievements and celebrations or endings. The details, work situation, paperwork, health, and animals will matter with this peak relationship. Venus moves into Pisces today and brings her charms directly to you! This period will bring things more easily for you and help you attract more love or money. It's a great time to have photos done, get a new wardrobe, make-over, change your identity in the name of love, or make money through your brand or personal efforts. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
It's important as you enter this month to ask yourself what dream you really hold for your year ahead. There will be energy behind what you are concentrating on this month to get you there so visualize what you wish to manifest. Personal independence and originality are key.
We start February with both Mars and Venus changing signs on the 1st. Mars is our motivating energy and he is diving into this mystical Pisces today. This means that our actions, passions and anger will be more Karmically linked, unconscious drives will take over, and we will be doing a lot of our activities in secret or behind the scenes. This is good for the arts, spiritual interests, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research, retreat, development, and hidden romantic desires.
Venus enters Aquarius today so she is going to be more extroverted while Mars is going introverted, interesting! Venus here is going to want more detachment or anonymity. She is all about her friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and socializing at events or parties during the next weeks. She wants freedom, independence and to try new things. Since Venus rules our love and income in life, you can expect these affects to be more noticeable here.
Mars will meet up with Neptune on the 4th. This combination can spur you into action on something that is either completely inspired and romantic, artistic or spiritual, or it can push you into doing something that you do not at all see clearly, that may be deceptive, disillusioning or confusing. Be conscious of this today when choosing what to do. At all costs avoid too much partaking of alcohol or substances since the lines will definitely be blurred.
On the 5th Mercury joins in the mystical Piscean waters and turns our thoughts and ideas to these subjects. This is a great period for writers and brings the muse down close to earth. It may bring agreements or sales associated with film, music, art, spiritual interests, psychic abilities, magic, hospitals, dealing with addictions, clandestine romance, research, investigations, or retreat over the weeks ahead. On the 6th Mercury takes his turn meeting with Neptune and what you put in motion on the 4th now gets an answer or more information. Again, since Neptune clouds things as well as inspires, it is great for writing but not the best day to sign a contract if you can wait a day or more.
Our NEW MOON this month is in Aquarius on the 10th. This opens up your best 2 week window of the year to start new social activities, meet new friends, start new projects with friends, join or form groups, get internet projects started, get into astrology, charities, or pursue your aspirations. The CHINEESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE begins now. They say the snake correlates to the sign of Virgo in western astrology so with that in mind you should be entering a year that is going to reward attention to detail, work and efforts, cleaning out and organizing, attention to health, and regard for the environment and animals. Mars will contact Jupiter today to push for something big.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and our ego drive and life vitality is now moving into that mystical plane. Think about pulling back a bit or working behind the scenes, developing projects, putting yourself into more spiritual activities, painting, picking up an instrument, writing poetry, meditating, getting into yoga, starring in a film or making one, tuning into your center, going to the hospital for anything that needs attention, facing your addictions, and taking the lead in your life through these topics.
Saturn Retrogrades today as well. This is the planet of tests, limits, responsibilities, structure, depression, ambition, leadership, mastery, and direction in life. His Retrograde cycle will either give us a breather in financial realms, our sex life or divorce issues or take us back into the past to finish things up, reconnect or release. You have until the first week of July to wrap it up or tweak it!
Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces on the 23rd and will be in his backwards motion until Saint Patty's day, March 17th. Mercury is going to slow things down, mix up communications, and bring any transportation issue to your attention. Mercury is also going to offer you the opportunity to rethink, rewrite, revisit, release, and reconnect over any clandestine romance, addiction, secret, hospital matter, film, music, art, spiritual interest, research, investigation, or development you need to tweak.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th. This brings a work project or job to an end or brings some celebrations, achievement or recognition here. Health will peak in some way at this time as you reach goals, end issues or habits, and mark where you are with your body. Anything going on with pets, animals or the environmental interests you have will crest now too; celebrations, endings or achievements. Venus moves into Pisces today, the last of the personal planets to enter the territory this month and here she sheds her detachment and independent ways a bit and gets more dreamy, instinctive, secretive, artistic, spiritual, and romantic. Venus rules love and income so expect to express love in these ways now and to make money through themes that are associated here.
February highlights two parts of your life; the side that wants to work alone behind the scenes, get in touch with your mystical side, meditate, do your yoga, dream, cuddle up with romantic interests or spend time on film, music or the arts, get to hospitals or deal with addictions, and more or less recharge your batteries, and the side that is social, out with friends, online, with groups, into astrology, charities, and pursuit of your aspirations. You will have plenty of planetary energy in both places so seek balance.
Your ruling energy moves into the mystical, behind the scenes energy on the 1st. This means you will do best when taking action on your own or in secret, through research or following your artistic or romantic bent the rest of the month. You may be doing something with a hospital, prison, retreat, or other institution during this phase or sharing your passions with someone on the down low. Venus moves into Aquarius today so love plays out through social interaction and your income is going to be tied to social networking, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities this month.
Be careful on the 4th. Action taken today will either lead you into something very magical, inspired, romantic, artistic, Karmic, or tied to hospitals and other institutions, OR it will lead you into some undoing, self-sabotaging, addictive, deceptive, or secret mess. Be sure you know which way the wind is blowing before acting.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and your thoughts turn more to the hidden, mystical, research, developmental, investigative, artistic, romantic, and institutional topics. You may hear news today or receive an offer regarding something here. In the weeks ahead you will be in more meetings and talks, writing and agreements, sales and decisions involving these themes. On the 6th Mercury and Neptune get together furthering what took place on the 4th. You get the information today or make decisions, again the same applies, truly inspired and magical or deceptive and confusing.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on the 10th is your best 2 week window to pursue new aspirations, start new friendships or projects with old friends, join or form groups, launch new internet interests or projects, get into astrology, join or start a charity, motivate more on social networking, throw or attend a party or event, and get a new handle on your freedom, independence and original ideas. Today is the Chinese New Year of the Black Snake. It's time to focus more on details, organization, work, health, environment, and animals this year.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and you will officially begin to pour more personal and physical energy into the hospital needs, dealing with addictions, rest, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, film, music, art, or a hidden romance. This puts you in the spotlight here over the next 30 days so step up and take the lead. Saturn Retrogrades today beginning a more introspective or slowed down time where sex, divorce or outside financial resources are concerned. You can go back and focus on anything already underway in these areas during this period that lasts until the first week of July. There may be a boss or dad, a goal or ambition shifting accordingly today.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is your do-over on any research, hospital matters, institutions, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interest, clandestine romance, or hidden agenda. Things will slow down and turn towards the past so rethink, rework, revisit, release, or reconnect in these areas now. If you have any rewrites or agreements, sales or decisions to make in these areas take this time to tend to them.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and brings a peak at work, with the job hunt, co-worker, employee, service, health, environmental interest, or animal need. It is a time when you may garner some recognition here, mark achievements, celebrate, or mark endings. Venus moves into Pisces today and your love life will become more secret or private during this phase or you may retreat from it for a while. Income is affected by her move here so you should look to research, investigations, intuition, the artistic projects in film, music or fine art, hospitals or other institutions, strategies, helping with addictions, meditation or yoga, or development during this phase. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will pull you in two distinct directions Taurus. One will be to push you towards your aspirations, get you more social, out with friends, in group activities, online, into astrology, charities, or social networking, the other will be to push you towards career, achievement, recognition, goals, ambitions, and dealings with authority figures. Do your best to mingle in both territories since they both hold promise.
On the 1st Mars moves into your social arena and here he will begin to push you to get active, motivate, express passions, and deal with anger through what you do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, parties, and social networking. Mars will be here the rest of the month so get ready to get busy in these arenas. Today Venus changes signs as well, she moves into Aquarius where she is going to want more freedom and originality. Here she if focusing on goals, career, ambitions, and authority figures. She may bring a female onto the scene that will affect these areas in the weeks ahead, push your income opportunities in these directions and even spark love while in the pursuit of goals or make love more goal oriented.
Mars will come to Neptune on the 4th. You want to watch this day because it will either push your to do something truly inspired, magical, artistic, romantic, or dreamy with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, OR it will cloud your judgment, bring deception, boundary issues, substance issues, or confusion through the same activities. Since it could go either way, pay attention to what you are doing.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th bringing more thoughts, writing, agreements, offers, sales, information, news, talks, meetings, and decisions around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, parties, events, and social networking. This will continue the rest of the month so put your ideas into play and get ready for more invitations and decisions.
On the 6th Mercury will meet with Neptune for a replay of what happened on the 6th but this time it is about the information, decision or agreement in the mix. Again caution since it is great for inspired ideals and magical moments and very challenging around any deceptions, confusion or boundary issues.
The NEW MOON on the 10th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch a new business, make a new career move, get a new boss, get a promotion, deal with a judge, dad or a boss on new terms, start out towards new goals or ambitions, meet with fame, or get a fresh start with reputation. The CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE starts today and will be about the efforts you make to get more creative, express love and get involved with kids this year. Think work, details, service to others, healthy new approaches, and what you do for animals as keys in your arsenal here.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and puts you in the spotlight now with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, and events. For the next 30 days you will be pouring more personal and physical energy here and taking the lead. Saturn Retrogrades today and will journey backwards from now through the first week of July. This period will lighten up the load when it comes to responsibilities, limits, ambitions, or commitments involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or opposition. You may be going back into the past to rework some goal here or just enjoy the easier transit.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will slow down and bring some mix-ups or changes with friends, groups, parties, internet matters, astrology, and charities during this phase. It is your do-over to go back into the past and rethink, rework, release, reconnect, or rewrite any agreements, decisions, sales, or ideas you had here. You may have a friend from the past show back up or a new one exit the scene during this period.
The FULL MOON on the 25th brings a peak for you with a lover as you celebrate something together or mark your lovers achievements, or it will be a time of endings here. This is the peak in a creative project or interest as well as you wrap things up, see some recognition or achievement, and celebrate. It is also about a culmination with anything involving children. Venus moves into Pisces today and your love life will now be more social or play out through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or parties and events. Income will flow through these arenas as well now. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will focus you in on two different areas of life; your career, ambitions, goals, and dealings with authority figures, and your legal matters, travel plans, educational interests, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, or wedding needs. They are both important so do your best to spread your wings in these areas.
On the 1st Mars moves into your career Midheaven where he is going to motivate you big time to achieve your goals. He will tour here the rest of this month so you can expect more action, passion and sometimes anger playing out as you move on the career front, set goals in motion, deal with fame or authority figures, and make your name. Venus moves into Aquarius today so she is going to want some freedom and ability to express her love or income needs through legal avenues, travel, media, marketing, weddings, publishing, or higher education. Your love life should take wing here and your ability to earn money will be enhanced by what you do in these areas.
Note that the 4th will be one of those days as Mars comes together with Neptune. This may be very inspiring, romantic, artistic, or strategic where goals, authority figures or career is concerned, OR it could bring up addictions, hospitals, deception, boundary issues, or confusion here. Since actions will take place on one side of this or the other, pay attention to what you are doing and what is coming from others.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and brings more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and decisions over the weeks ahead on the career front, with the boss, dad, authority figures, goals, fame, or ambitions. You may hear news today, get an offer or come up with an idea or decision that gets the ball rolling. Note that on the 6th Mercury will meet with Neptune and bring information or decisions to light regarding what occurred on the 4th. Again be careful that you are erring on the side of inspiration over illusion or worse.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius occurs on the 10th and is your best 2 week window of the year to get something taken care of legally, to make travel plans or hop that plane, to start media, marketing or publishing projects or put the ones already in motion out there, to sign up for a class, teach or get certified, to plan a wedding or attend one, or to seek some new adventure. The CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE is today, pushing you into a year that is all about the details, work, service, healthy approach or issues, and animals going on at home, with real estate, family, mom, moves, or roommates. Put in the efforts.
The Sun rolls into Pisces on the 18th and puts his spotlight on you in the goals you are pursuing, your career, leadership abilities, business, reputation, fame, or with any authority figures in the mix. This means you will be stepping up, putting more personal and physical energy here, tying in the identity, brand or image to move ahead, and taking on responsibilities over the next 30 days. Saturn Retrogrades today and will backtrack from now through the first week of July. This will give you time to go back and tend to any ambitions or responsibilities from the past involving work, health or animals. You may get some ease from responsibilities a bit in these areas so that you can get serious about what still needs structure and discipline here.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is going to slow things down or take you into past decisions, agreements, writing, sales, or meetings with bosses, dad, judges, career, goals, ambitions, reputation, and fame. It's your time to rethink, rework, revisit, revise, reconnect, or release here. Watch out for miscommunications or transportation issues in these areas.
The FULL MOON on the 25th is bringing a peak around home, mom, family, roommates, moves, real estate, or property needs. You will be wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrating achievements, or noting some recognition in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces today and will begin to smooth things out on the career front, bring women onto the scene that can help with career, goals or authority figures, let you attract more love or income in these areas or get you and your love interest more goal oriented. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is bound to get your focused on more inspiration and original ideas and this will be playing out in two different areas of life. One will be focusing you on the higher mind where travel plans, foreign interests, education, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, weddings, and legal matters hold court. The other will be focusing you on the deeper more shared arenas of life like your sex life, divorce issues, reproductive needs, or shared financial interests such as loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, or partner's money.
The 1st will see Mars moving into Pisces where you will get more action, drive and determination to do things in the legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, or travel arenas. He will be sparking lots of passion, anger or motivation over these topics the rest of the month. Venus moves into Aquarius today and here she is going to get more experimental, make changes, express originality, and look for independence in those financial arenas, through the divorce or with the sexual interests or reproductive needs. This will bring love into these arenas and also help you attract income while focusing here.
Note that the 4th is the day when Mars meets with Neptune so you will either feel greatly inspired, romantic, artistic, or spiritual around those trips, legal agreements or offers, educational opportunities, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans, OR you could find that actions in these areas are deceptive, confusing or hold boundary issues around them, take care.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 5th amping up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, ideas, and decisions over travel plans, foreign interests, legal matters, education, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. This will be the trend for the rest of the month and may bring news or offers today over these topics. Mercury will meet with Neptune on the 6th and bring information to light over what happened on the 4th. Again this may be inspired or shady, take note.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on the 10th will be your best 2 week window of the year to get a fresh start in your sex life, find solutions to sexual issues, take your sex life to the next level, find reproductive answers or make decisions about it, set a divorce in motion or find ways to stave off a divorce, go after loans, settlements, commissions, or deal with inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, investments, or partner's money in new ways. The CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE begins today so your year ahead should focus on the details, work, organization, healthy approach, and animal needs tied into writing, agreements, decisions, short trips, local activities, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, or neighbors.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th putting a spotlight on you in travels, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, or weddings over the next 30 days. This period will see you pouring more personal and physical energy into these topics and your identity or body, image or needs will be here. Take the lead.
Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This is going to ease up on the limits, responsibilities or ambitions around your love life, kids or creative projects during this phase. It gives you a chance to go back and attend to any past ambitions or goals here and any structures you need to work on or leadership you can take here.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is going to bring any miscommunications, technical breakdowns or transportation glitches up around the travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, legal matters, or weddings. It will also give you your do-over to rethink, rewrite, revisit, release, or reconnect over these topics.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and will mark a peak time for agreements, writing, sales, meetings, talks, ideas, decisions, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, vehicles, or electronics. You will be noting achievements, garnering some recognition, ending something, or celebrating over these topics. Venus moves into Pisces today smoothing things out in the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, and publishing arenas. A woman may arrive on the scene that is beneficial to you in these areas, your love life will play out more over these topics and your earnings will hinge on what you do here. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
Expect February to lead you in two important directions Leo: You will be amping things up over big financial matters, your sex life or divorce proceedings on the one hand, and getting a fresh new start with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, competitors, or any other key relationship. This begins on the 1st as Mars moves into Pisces bringing more action, passion and anger to the surface for the rest of the month around loans, debt, inheritance, settlements, investments, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, partner's money, divorce, sex, and reproduction. Expect to get busy. Venus moves into your relationship axis today where she will begin to smooth things out and help you to attract love and income through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and any other key relationship. A woman may be beneficial now.
The 4th may be important as Mars gets together with Neptune and either inspires, brings more romance, artistry, spirituality, or institutional support around that major financial matter, divorce or your sex life, OR it will confuse, bring deception or thrust boundary issues into the equation. Since it could go either way, take care before acting.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th bringing more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and decisions around sex, divorce, reproduction, and all major financial interests. Expect this trend to carry you through the rest of the month. You may get an offer today or news could come in your are waiting on. It's time to put your ideas into motion and communicate the rest of the month in these areas. The 6th will bring Mercury to Neptune and the information arrives regarding the actions of the 4th , again inspiration or confusion abounds, take care.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius begins on the 10th and is your best 2 week window of the year to get a new start with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. You can do something new now that will align you with this key person up ahead, start new projects with current relationships, take them to another level, or meet someone new that will carry forward into your year. Today is the beginning of the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to put a focus for you in the year ahead on the details, work, efforts, organization, healthy situations, and animals interests that affect your income and values.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th which will put the spotlight on you over the next 30 days in your financial axis, sex life, divorce needs, or reproductive needs. This means you will be pouring more of your personal and physical energy into these matters. Take the lead and get out there. Saturn will Retrograde today through the first week of July. This will ease some of the restrictions and responsibilities at home, renovations, with real estate, family, mom, roommates, or moves. It may also push you to look at any past ambitions or goals here to rework them.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will bring any miscommunications, transportation or technical glitches and your opportunity for a do-over on decisions, agreements, writing, sales, or talks about those big financial matters, sex life, divorce, or reproductive needs. You may have someone from the past show up or a situation that allows for you to revisit or release things sexually or financially. Take extra care with documents for loans, investments, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, or any other financial matter during this phase, double check it and hold off on signing until it's over unless it it about old business if you can.
The FULL MOON in Virgo comes on the 25th and brings a peak for you involving income, possessions and values. This will be a high point when you are celebrating achievements or marking endings. Venus moves into Pisces today and begins to smooth things out with the big financial picture, sex life or divorce. A woman may appear on the scene that is beneficial in these areas, you may find that your income is now hinging on sexual chemistry, divorce or the loans, settlements, commissions, royalties, insurance, taxes, partner's money, alimony, child support, or other outside resources now. Love will blossom on deeper levels, sexually and around what you do with the divorce or financial interests. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February draws your attention to two distinct areas of life and asks that you focus your energy here. One will be your key relationships so think about your personal or business partners, agents and attorneys, specialists and advocates, clients and competitors, opponents and any other significant person you would like to move forward with or leave behind and then do something about it. The second area will be your work, health and pet arena. It is a month to really think about aspirations in these areas and then begin to put your plan into action!
The month kicks off with Mars moving into Pisces on the 1st and bringing his fighting spirit to those key relationships. This is going to give you the boost you need to make things happen, take action, express passion, or stand up for what is in your best interest through these key relationships for the rest of the month, expect to start getting busy now. On the same day Venus moves into Aquarius and there she will begin to smooth things out on the job or in search of one, with co-workers or people you hire to help, in your health arena or with animals. She will help your income flow through these topics and may attract a woman or love around what you do here that would benefit you.
Note that on the 4th there is a combination of energy that will either inspire and ignite passion, romance, artistry, spirituality, and positive actions on hospitals or addictions with key relationships, OR it will be about deception, confusion, anger, and boundary issues with these relationships. Since you know this going in, be careful to see which side this is falling on and take care that you deliver up the highest value yourself.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts will turn to the partners, representatives, clients, and opposition. This will be an ongoing theme for the rest of this month and with Mercury here you may receive news or an offer today and begin to see more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, local action, and decisions involving them.
On the 6th Mercury will meet the same energy that Mars met on the 4th so you will get more information today and again your meetings, talks, ideas, decisions, agreements, or sales with key people will either be very inspired, artistic, romantic, spiritual, or about institutions, OR they could be deceptive, confusing or without boundaries and target addictions, hidden agendas or romance, prisons, or isolation. Don't sign it today unless you are really sure about the details.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window of the year to start a new job search, take a new job, launch new work ideas, tackle work building up around your home or other personal spaces, tend to paperwork, get a new co-worker or start something new with the ones you have, hire someone to help you, get your health on track, start a diet, hire a trainer, get to the doctor, join a gym, do something for animals, adopt a pet, go green, or launch some new way to do for the environment. Today is the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. For you this begins a year with a strong focus on you. You may be stepping up a bit more, getting some attention or recognition, or it may be a year when you do take care of your body in a better way, get an image change, change your identity (single to married, unemployed to businessperson, etc), get your brand out there on another level, or go for a personal goal. It will all be about the details, getting organized, doing the work, and simplifying.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th where he will light up those key relationships and put you in the spotlight over the next 30 days with partners, representatives, clients, and opponents. For you this means getting personally or physically into the mix with these people now, taking the lead and letting your needs, brand, identity, or physical interests combine in beneficial ways with them. Saturn Retrogrades today and will backtrack from now through the first week of July. This is going to give you some easement with brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, sales, and in talks, meetings or decisions over this period. Some of the responsibility will let up or you will have an opportunity to deal with any past issues in these areas through setting goals, dealing with authority figures, looking at career needs, or taking the lead.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will be a time when things will slow down or you will have miscommunications, mechanical difficulties or technical breakdowns involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or competitors. It is also the time when the universe gives you a do-over to go back and rethink, rewrite, revisit past people or issues, rework them, release them, or reconnect in some way. It's ok to sign documents with attorneys or agents, etc if they pertain to the past or ongoing issues during this period but better to wait on brand new ideas or options until after if you can do some safely and effectively.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and brings a very personal year high for you. This may be about some recognition for what you have achieved, a celebration for your brand as it hits some all time high, a culmination with something going on in your body as illness ends or a diet is achieved, a celebration of identity as you marry, propose, are finally single, or reach the title you've been working towards. Venus follows all the other personal planetary energy into Pisces today where she will bring love and income opportunities through partnership, representation, clients, and any other key relationship and where she will begin to smooth things out with rivals or these other people, it's going to get easier now. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will bring some real focus on your work life and any inspiration you have been seeking here, it will help you forge some more spiritual connection to better health, and align you with animals even more so if that is possible. It will also bring an equal dose of energy to your love life, joy, children, creative projects, and recreational activities. If someone were to sit you down and ask you what you would like to set in motion in these areas of life for the year what would you say? Well the universe is asking, so get busy!
From the first of the month the energy shifts into these territories.
Mars moves into your work, health and pet arena where he is going to bring more action, motivation, passion, and anger to these subjects. This will drive you through the entire month and stimulate that inspired, magical energy that you naturally have in these areas. Let the job hunt begin, more action with co-workers or people you hire get underway, get yourself to the gym, doctor, trainer, or nutritionist, and do what you can with your pets or for animals. On the same day Venus moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects. Here she is going to help smooth things out and help you attract more love or personal income through what you do here.
Note that the 4th will be one of those days and it will be about the work, paperwork, health, or animals. It will either bring action and great inspiration, artistry, spirituality, or positive dealings with institutions, OR it will bring deception, confusion or boundary issues, addictions, isolation, or anger into the mix in these areas. Since you know it may go either way be aware of what is going on around you, what you set in motion and how you react to others, erring on the side of inspiration.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn to that work situation, job hunt, work piling up at home, co-workers, employees, health, animal interests, or pets. During this phase you may get more information or an offer, and see more meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions around what you do here. Note that on the 6th Mercury will meet with that same energy from the 4th. This will again be about inspiration or deception, etc, and play out over work, health or animals, but today will be about the news, offers, agreements, sales, information, meetings, or decisions so again take heed and focus on the positive side.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window of the year to start a new creative project, get your current creation out there on a new level, fall in love, start something that leads to love, begin a new project with a current lover or take love to another level, do for the kids or see them start some new level or project, and seed your year with what will bring you joy. Today is also the CHINEESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to put the focus of the year on the details, efforts, health, and animal interests that tie in with research, investigations, hospitals, other institutions, retreats, film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, clandestine affairs, and development.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and illuminates that health, work and pet zone over the next 30 days. This is your cue to get more personally or physically involved with work, health and animals. You will be taking the lead, stepping up, getting the spotlight, and perhaps putting brand needs, identity needs, body, or image into the mix in some way. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This will give you some easing up around income and possessions or it will allow you the time to go back into past interests or issues here and deal with authority figures, the boss, dad, or get your goals, career direction and ambitions on more solid ground. What do you want to achieve here that can be reworked during this period?
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This will bring some miscommunications, technical breakdowns or mechanical/transportation issues and it will offer you a do-over to rethink, rewrite, renegotiate, reconnect with people, release them or the issues, and rework things on the work front, in the job search, with co-workers, employees, health concerns or interests, or animals. You may have an offer from some past job or pick up that past healthy approach, see a long lost pet return or get back into your animal advocacy. It's best to hold off on signing new documents during this phase but ok to sign on anything tied to past business or interests.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and will bring a culmination to any period of isolation, hospital matter, addiction, romantic affair, film, music or art interest, spiritual matter, yoga, meditation, magic, or psychic interest, research, or investigation. This will be a time of achievements and celebrations or endings in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces today catching up to the other personal planets already here. She is going to begin to smooth things out on the job, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, and pets. You should see that it becomes easier to attract income or love through these areas of life. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is going to be a month that gives you two strong focuses for your attention. One it is going to motivate activity in with your creative projects, children and love life, two it is going to give you some fresh new start and energy on the home front, with real estate, renovations, moves, roommates, family, or mom. You will want to divvy up your time between both areas and give them your attention. If you knew that setting your intentions in these areas and taking some steps in the direction you desire would get your year ahead moving in the right direction, what would you do?
On the 1st Mars moves into the creative process, children's interests and love life. He is going to tour here the rest of the month and he is amping up the action, helping you motivate and make things happen, helping you get in touch with your passion or anger, and moving things along. So get ready to do it. Venus moves into Aquarius today and will begin the process of smoothing things out at home, with family, mom, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or roommates. Here she is going to help you attract income through these means or help your love life take bloom from what you do here. A woman may show up on the scene that benefits you in these areas.
Note that the 4th may be an important day regarding the love life, children or creative project. This is going to be a day that inspires and ignites action here through artistic merit, spiritual approaches, romantic desires, or dealings with institutions, OR it will bring deception, confusion or boundary issues. Since you know it could be about either side of this equation take note of what happens today and look for any issues that could be there while embracing the positive.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn more strongly to creative projects, love and kids. You may receive an offer or make a sale now, get more information or an idea will take hold, have an important meeting or talk, or make a decision. This energy is with you the rest of the month so open up communications and look at agreements. On the 6th Mercury meets with the same energy that occurred on the 4th so now you have more information or a meeting, agreement, sale, writing project, idea, or decision is now in the mix. Again it will inspire or deceive so look closely.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on the 10th is your best 2 week window of the year to make a move, start a renovation, take in a roommate or get a fresh start with a roommate, do something new in the home, buy or sell real estate, get into real estate or interior design, begin something new with family or mom, and get your security needs on better footing. Today is the beginning of the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. For you this is going to mean more attention to the details, work, healthy approach, and animal interests involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. Put in the effort.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th where he will illuminate creative projects, love interests and what's going on with children over the next 30 days. This puts you center stage, makes you stand out, asks that you take the lead, and gets you more personally and physically involved in these matters. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This is going to give you some relief from the burdens you've been carrying and will offer you the opportunity to face any past goals or ambitions over your identity, body, image, or brand. You may deal with the past through authority figures or fame as well.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This is going to bring some miscommunications, technical or mechanical breakdowns and transportation issues involving kids, creative projects and your love life or lovers, and it will offer you a do-over to rethink choices in these areas, rework writing, agreements or decisions, meet with past people or opportunities, and reconnect or release.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th bringing a peak experience with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, aspiration, cause, your freedom, independence, or an original concept. You will be celebrating high points, noting achievements, recognition or endings. Venus moves into Pisces today and begins to smooth things out with kids, your creative projects and love life. Here she will add the ability to attract love or income through these topics and may bring a woman into the picture that is beneficial. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is going to direct your attention to what you can accomplish at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, and roommates on the one hand, and the month will also be pushing you in fresh directions with writing, agreements, decisions, meetings, talks, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and local activities. Both arenas will get plenty of energy so get ready to get busy.
On the 1st Mars rolls into your home base and will give the rest of the month more drive and determination to make things happen on the home front, with moves, renovations, remodels, roommates, real estate, mom, and family. This is where you will see more action, passion and anger rear up. Venus moves into a new sign as well today and begin the process of smoothing out your talks and meetings, writing, agreements, decisions, sales, short trips, local activities, and needs with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics. She will help attract more income or love through these areas and may bring a woman into the scene here to benefit.
Note that the 4th is one of those days when all that action, passion or anger will gear up at home or with the property, family, move, or roommate. This may bring great inspiration, romance, artistic opportunities, or spiritual interests, OR it could equally bring deception, confusion, boundary issues, water issues, addictions, chemical or poison issues, or hospital matters to bear here. Since you know this has 2 distinct outcomes take care to embrace the positive and be on the lookout for the rest.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th bringing more thought, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, and decisions around home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, mom, or family for the rest of the month. You may receive news or an offer today or get an idea that gets you moving here. On the 6th Mercury meets with the same energy as what happened on the 4th so more information comes to light and it again may lean towards inspiration or deception so pay attention.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window of the year to launch new writing projects or get your current literary masterpiece out there, to sign new agreements, negotiate new terms, make important decisions, set up new meetings or talks, get a fresh start with sales, local activities and siblings, take or plan a short trip to a nearby locale, get a new neighbor or start a new neighborhood interest, do something new with vehicles or electronics, or come up with a new idea. Today is the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This will be about the details, organization, work and efforts, health, and animal interests tied in with major goals, ambitions, your career, authority figures, reputation, and fame so put in the effort.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th illuminating home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, and roommate situations over the next 30 days. This puts you into the spotlight here and will have you more personally and physically involved. Step up, take the lead, attach your needs, presence, image, or brand to what is going on here. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This period will ease up some of the limits or responsibilities you've been dealing with through hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interests, or clandestine affairs. It will also allow you to go back into any goals or ambitions, deal with past authority figures or career needs in these areas and get serious.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, transportation or technical breakdowns and these will play out over home needs, renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, mom, and roommates. This period will also offer you a do-over to rethink what you want here, rewrite or consider past agreements, look at past sales, reconnect with past people or opportunities, take your exit, release, or revise things here.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th and brings a peak moment for you on the career front or with a major goal or ambition . It may be a peak time with a boss, dad or another authority figure, or you may hit a plateau with reputation or fame. It will be a time of recognition, achievement, celebrations, or endings in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces where she will help smooth things out and attract more love or income through women or interests tied to writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, sales, meetings, talks, and decisions. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is going to be very busy for you out in your local scene, with your writing, agreements, sales, meetings and talks, and any inspired energy you have here. It will motivate you with siblings, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, and electronics as well. It is also going to give you a fresh start with your earning power. These areas are where it's at so get ready to get busy.
On the 1st Mars moves into Pisces and right off the bat will show you where some of this action, passion or anger is going to be playing out. Look to the news you hear, talks or meetings you have, local activities or short trips, writing or agreements, sales or siblings, neighbors or vehicles, electronics or decisions coming up and motivate. Venus moves into Aquarius today as well where she is going to turn the trend around income into a smoother operating machine. She will now help attract what you need more easily and may bring a woman onto the scene that is beneficial to your earning power.
Note that on the 4th energy will amp up with passionate or angry words, actions out locally or through short trips, with news, information, writing, agreements, talks, meetings, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics and this may either inspire and bring some energy behind the romantic, spiritual or artistic needs here, OR it could bring deception, confusion, boundary issues, or news about hospitals or addictions, water issues or poisoning to bear. Since you know this take care in dealings today and err on the side of the positive influence in your own actions.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts will turn to the news you hear, talks and meetings, agreements, sales, decisions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and ideas you have. It's a time to put it out there, amp up that inspiration and you may receive news or an offer today that gets the ball rolling. The 6th will bring Mercury to the same energy that you experienced on the 4th but with more information and decision making in the mix. Again this could be very inspired or deceptive, confusing or disillusioning so look closely at what you hear or say.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week period of the year to launch new income prospects or set things in motion that will lead to more money flow up ahead. You can get a fresh start with possessions or look at your values or how you are valued and do something about that now. Today is also the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to be a year about the details, work, organization, health, and animal needs and any legal matters or agreements, travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, educational needs, or wedding plans.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th putting a spotlight on you and your decisions, talks, writing, agreements, sales, local activities, short trips, brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics over the next 30 days. This means you will have more personal and physical energy pouring into these things and you will be able to shine, take the lead and attach your presence, identity needs, brand, or image to what you want here. Saturn, your ruler, Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This will ease things with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and social networking. It will also allow you to deal with any past ambitions or career needs, authority figures or reputation matters here.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, technical and mechanical breakdowns and any transportation issues. It will also give you a do-over from the universe to go back over any past conversations, decisions, agreements, sales, ideas, or local activities to review, rethink or release. This area rules any past issues with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, proposals, or pitches as well and may bring someone from the past back around or a past situation or opportunity into the equation as you reassess what you want. This period will not be the best for signing brand new documents on new opportunities but will be fine for agreements based on past actions or needs.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 25th bringing a peak for you with a trip, foreign interest, import/export deal, legal matter, educational need or interest, media or marketing idea, publishing deal, or wedding plan. This is a time of achievements and celebrations as things climax here or it will mark endings as things come to a close. Venus moves into Pisces today where she will begin to smooth things out with those agreements, writing projects, sales, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, and short trips. She will now help you attract more love or money through these areas and may bring a woman onto the scene that is beneficial in them. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February is really going to hone your focus on two distinct areas of life, your income and yourself. To this end you will have more energy and action playing out around earning money and what goes on in that process while you will get some fresh starts involving your own needs, your body, image, brand, or identity, so get ready to get busy.
This gets underway right from the 1st of the month as Mars moves into Pisces. This gets the action started in your earning department! You will have plenty of motivation to go after income opportunities, increase the money flow, fight for what you want, and express your passions here. Venus moves into your sign today where she is going to bring her magnetic charms to you! This is great for revving up your image, attracting more love or income through your efforts or just by showing up and shining Venus's light, and it is good for beauty, photography, make-overs, your brand, and body.
Note that the 4th will bring energy together bound to spark energy over income that either inspires, helps you do artistic, spiritual or research approaches towards earning, OR it will bring deception, confusion or boundary issues around your personal income. Take care that you don't do something that could hurt your potential here today and take care with what comes your way. Keep an eye on your wallet and possessions as well since something could go missing.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn to income. This is going to add talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, local activities, and short trips into the equation with earnings. You may have some money flow opportunities now with siblings or neighbors as well or work something out involving vehicles or electronics. Note that on the 6th Mercury meets with the same energy as the 4th so you will get more information now or get into talks, meetings, writing, agreements, or sales over it. Again it could inspire or bring issues so take care.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window to launch anything near and dear to your heart. You may put something in motion now that gives you a fresh start with your identity, begin some healthy new regime that helps your body, launch your brand, get a make-over, new photos, wardrobe, or get your name out there in some new way. Today is also the CHINESE NEW YEAR of the BLACK SNAKE. This is going to make the year about the details, organization, work, healthy approach, and animal needs aimed at loans, debt recovery, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, investments, or a partner's money. You may also see this new approach to health or work bring deeper intimacy or enhance your sex life or reproductive potential.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th where he will illuminate income and possessions for you. This will be a 30 day cycle that now puts you into the mix more personally or physically, lets you take the lead, stand out, and if you deem it right, attach your image or brand to getting ahead here. Saturn Retrogrades today through the first week of July. This period will give you some relief with authority figures, career matters, responsibilities, goals, and ambitions. It will also allow you to deal with any past matters here in serious ways by looking at past commitments or endings.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, technical or mechanical issues, and transportation glitches around income and possessions. It will also offer you a do-over to rethink past decisions, opportunities, revisit past offers, meetings, talks, ideas, agreements, sales, or local opportunities to rework things, release them or reconnect. It's best to hold off signing documents that pertain to money during this phase if you can wait but it's ok to sign on anything already in progress or from the past.
The FULL MOON in Virgo arrives on the 25th bringing a peak in your sex life, reproductive cycle or needs or divorce proceedings. It will also bring a peak to any loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance policies, settlements, investments, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, or partner's money. It will be a time of achievement, celebrations or endings in these areas. Venus moves into Pisces today where she will begin to smooth things out with your personal income and help you attract money more easily. You may also earn money with a lover or in some medium about love, women or beauty during this period. A woman may arrive on the scene that can help you earn. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.
February will get you way more physically active and out there pursuing your own interests on the one hand while it will also be giving you some fresh starts in what you do artistically, spiritually, romantically, with hospitals or other institutions, dealing with addictions, research, investigations, and development.
The 4th is going to be a day to watch when actions you take or how you react to others through passion or anger will either be inspired and further your artistic interests, spiritual aims, hospital needs, or romantic desires, OR it will bring actions that have some deception, confusion or boundary issues associated with them. You may need to watch out for addictions or doing something self-sabotaging as well. Since you know it could go either way take care with what you do and how you react.
Mercury moves into Pisces on the 5th and thoughts turn to your body, image, brand, and identity. For the rest of the month you will want to have talks or meetings, deal with agreements or sales, get out there locally or in short trips, and make decisions about your needs here. Note that on the 6th Mercury will meet with that same energy from the 4th so more information comes to light or you hear news, get an offer, see talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or decisions about what happened. Take care.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius arrives on the 10th and with it your best 2 week window to start new film, music or other artistic projects, take what you are working on artistically to a new level, start working at a hospital or check yourself in for procedures, start a research project or investigation, get into yoga, meditation, magic, psychic interests, or spiritual matters, get a new footing with a clandestine affair, or face an addiction and get some new help here. Saturn Retrograde today through the first week of July. This is going to bring a bit of a lifting of burdens associated with legal matters, travel plans or with people at a distance, media, marketing or publishing interests, educational pursuits, or wedding plans. It will also offer you a chance to get serious about any past goals or career matters that have these themes in need of some attention.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd through March 17th. This period will coincide with more miscommunications, mechanical or technical difficulties, or transportation glitches and these are going to swirl around you, your brand, identity, body, or image. This period will also offer you a do-over on a personal or physical level when you can go back, rethink choices, revisit past people or opportunities, release things, or reconnect. Look at past agreements, sales, decisions, and local interests focused here.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 25th bringing a peak highpoint with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, manager, producer, advocate, competitor, or opponent. This will mark achievements and celebrations or endings. The details, work situation, paperwork, health, and animals will matter with this peak relationship. Venus moves into Pisces today and brings her charms directly to you! This period will bring things more easily for you and help you attract more love or money. It's a great time to have photos done, get a new wardrobe, make-over, change your identity in the name of love, or make money through your brand or personal efforts. For further information of a more personal nature into your chart a private reading with Zoe may be just the thing for you! To schedule or inquire more about it email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067.