Friday, March 15, 2013



Your weekend is about turning things around and getting ready for forward motion as MERCURY RETROGRADE ENDS.

Saturday this involves the Taurus Moon in alignment with Venus and the Sun so you should be able to ground your needs, build upon your artistic ideas, spiritual interests, romantic desires, dealings with hospitals, or research and development. Look for income flow or love to be the focus of all this energy and for some positive results from efforts made. Remember Taurus is our slow and steady part of the chart, it is where you can build upon things to see real results so take steps in that direction.  The Moon goes VOID at 7:11pm eastern for the rest of the night (4:11pm pacific through 11:09pm pacific for west coasters) so take action on efforts you wish to see specific results from before this period.  The rest of the evening should be great for incubating ideas and enjoying the finer things in life.  

Sunday the Gemini Moon takes over at 2:09am eastern when the Void ends, bringing more information, communications, local activity, news, offers, sales, writing, and decisions to the fore. How interesting that this amps up on the day Mercury goes Direct! This means that Sunday is pivotal as the balance tips and you get that moment of clarity about what direction to move in. 

Mercury goes Direct at 4:03pm eastern/ 1:03pm pacific. The day has two distinct sides to it. Gemini Moon is in hard square to Mercury and Neptune so some part of letting go will be tough or some part of the information or news coming in will involve a challenge for you. The challenge may be an obstacle to overcome or it may be that the cosmos is challenging you to push yourself in some way behind the scenes.  However, the alignment to Uranus, Mars and Jupiter is fortunate so reinventing yourself, introducing new ideas and actions, being in the moment, making changes, letting your inventive or original side step out, and deciding to go big with something is favored. Push yourself. 

And keep in mind that you have been working through one of the most intense Piscean fields we have had in our lifetimes.  Why?  Because besides personal planetary energy piling up here we had Neptune and Chiron inhabiting the space alongside the Mercury Retrograde.  All of this was as well aligning with Saturn and the North Node of Destiny in fellow water sign Scorpio.  Major period for everyone!  Think about it, Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, the information between the higher power and humanity.  He was taking you deeper, back, through Piscean energy that rules the Veil between Worlds, the spiritual atunement and Karmic alignment, our subconscious and imagination, yowza!  It's not been for sissy's, nope.  A huge part of this process has been about a thread that has tied you to certain people or situations through lifetimes and an opportunity to rebalance the Karmic scales here. 

Depending on how invested you were in not seeing the changes that needed to happen depends on how pulled out of the body and cast adrift emotionally or physically you were during the period.  No matter how lost, confused, sad, weepy, sleep deprived, dreamscape confronted, isolated, hospitalized, deceived, or besot with addictive behavior you found yourself, know that on Sunday a visceral shift begins and you face forward.  Mercury exits the shadow of his Retrograde on April 6th so you may need the extra weeks to feel as though you have it all completely on track but as of today it is moving ahead.

Believe it or not you are a better person for the dark night of the soul that just occurred. Getting back to your soul puts some perspective on who you are at core and it is this knowledge that will plant your new chapter in fertile ground. If you were one of the lucky ones just getting the positive side of this period: a big shot at film, music, art, magic, spiritual breakthroughs, reunion of Karmic soulmates, research breakthroughs, or the rest and rebooting you so desperately needed, yay you!  It must mean your Karmic relationships or situations were not in need of an overhaul at this time freeing you to work that pile-up of Piscean energy at your disposal.  The rest of us hope you delivered on some truly inspired work we can experience up ahead, I know there has got to be some really amazing muse-favored efforts underway.  

For those of you that DID experience the big release, this pull from material reality was necessary to connect you to the higher part of yourself and help you in the rebalancing process. You are now quickly being called back into the body and the next chapter begins so let what is past go, take what you still cherish forward and say yes to what is still just a glint in your divine souls eye! The better part of this period should have brought some true artistic inspiration, spiritual truth, romantic insight, signs, and hope for healing so as you move ahead this week try to take some of this with you, that New Moon energy still holds sway and now with no limits from the past you are clear to write your own story, do it. 

On a last note, have a Happy St. Patrick's Day, green is my favorite color :) And please keep in mind that with Mercury in charge of transportation and local roads and vehicles while Neptune is in charge of alcohol, substances and confusion, on a Holiday that invites imbibing green spirits and an aspect between Gemini Moon and Mercury/Neptune that is challenging, you REALLY need to designate a driver, stay out from behind the wheel if you've been partaking and lock your phone in a box where you can't drunk dial the ex proclaiming your undying love or the boss telling them just what you think of them, or something to that end, you'll thank me tomorrow. xo  

Check back Sunday when The WEEKLY FORECAST for March 18-24 will be posted!  I hope you guys like the new way I am approaching the forecasts, posting an entire week overview Monday-Sunday on Sunday nights (instead of a Monday-Friday), and then doing a recap overview for weekends.  Let me know on facebook: 

If you want to get on the schedule with Zoe for a private reading email for rates and times!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY copyright 2013 all rights reserved