Monday, October 22, 2012

Beranda » » Aries Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for November 2012

Aries Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for November 2012

Evening 1

The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Aries as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN

Aries Rising - Your Month Ahead – November 2012

For those of you with Aries rising, the Sun this month is moving through your 8th house of sharing and dealing with other people’s finances and you may find that you have to spend time with issues of debt and working out who owns what than normal. Mercury goes retrograde in your 8th house during this month, and you might have to review your financial position in the light of new information that may come to light. Any new decisions over debt, taxes or loans can be begun with some confidence on the 13th as you experience the Scorpio new moon, which incidentally will also be a solar eclipse. The Sun’s passage through your 8th house is intense and you will be more focused on the intimate side of any relationship that you are in, however beware that someone does not pick up the wrong signals from you as this could be likely. Friends may misunderstand the messages you are sending out on the 12th November as Mercury makes a tricky square to Neptune. Watch what you say and do on or around this day, in order not to confuse or give out the wrong impressions.

Other than this, your relationships should progress smoothly in November with Venus moving through your 7th house at least until the end of the month when problems could arise. Business dealings on a one to one level may see some decisions being made early in the month between the 1st and 3rd, as Venus, Pluto and Uranus in a stressful t-square formation force your hand a little. Any legal or local and community matters may go your way on or around the 9th of the month, as Venus makes a fortunate trine to Jupiter in your 3rd house. You could also be asked to help your brothers and sisters in some manner. Any trips or excursions you take should be fun and enjoyable.

In the first half of November, Mars, your ruling planet is working it’s way through your 9th house, so you may be off on your travels during this time or learning about new and interesting subjects; your eagerness to gain new skills and increase your knowledge is formidable now. In a work sense the second half of the month should see you forging ahead as Mars enters Capricorn and your 10th house in mid-month and connects with Pluto on 27th. Will you try to force the issues or will someone in your work try to control your actions? This day and the 28th November could see you forging ties with powerful people or having to play second fiddle, and having eventually to back down to people in authority. The urge to rebel against restrictions placed upon you may be very strong, so beware of causing upset through any reactions you make to these matters.

An expansive Lunar Eclipse in Gemini finishes November conjunct to Jupiter in your 3rd house of local issues and siblings. It is possible you may have to deal with matters of education right now or local, legal issues may come to a conclusion. Beneficial news from abroad or from brothers and sisters is also possible and on the back of it, you may feel that you need to have a break, or get away for a few days rest and enjoyment too.

Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts

Aries   Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo  Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces

For A More Personal Look At The Future

As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?

Get in touch with me at providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months. Please note I am unable to do personal readings for free.

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