Thursday, February 28, 2013



Gabriel Blows his horn. Welcome to March 2013! The archangel Gabriel, known astrologically as Fomalhaut, one of the four watchtowers, in this case the watcher of the South, and the healing angelic energetic on high, is going to sound his position this month in an ongoing trigger that began last year at the end of February for a brief time when Neptune moved onto but not totally to the end of Gabriels degree for the first time in over 160 years before Retrograding off. The degree was then retriggered this year by the passage of Mercury and Mars over the degree on Feb 6-7 followed by the Moon bringing it into the public scope when passing over it on Feb 11. 

On the global stage we see Pope Benedict aligning with the movements of the Heavens when according to a senior communications officer at the Vatican "Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to step down from his office was made soon after his trip to Mexico and Cuba in March 2012"~ (quoted from the Catholic News Agency), just days after the first trigger last year. This then led to his behind the scenes actions and decisions of Feb 6-7 and the public statement on Feb 11th to step down. 

The following transits were the Sun with Gabriel on Feb 22nd putting the Pope physically into the mix, his presence made known as the sound is heard, followed by Venus coming to Gabriel on Feb 28-March 1st. These mark the final day of office for the Pope and the first day without a sitting Pope. What ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN LEADING TO is the first sentence above: Gabriel blows his horn. This comes on March 21-22 when Neptune, the ruler of Gabriel's sign and placement, moves to sit with Gabriel for the first time in over 160 years and the first time ever at the end of one precession and the beginning of another that lasts approximately 26,000 years. It is a momentous time. So last year, as it brought the decision into the Popes mind Neptune made it to 3.09 degrees before Retrograding and giving the grace period. 

Gabriel/Fomalhaut sits at 3.52 degrees which will finally be reached on March 21-22nd. Note that Neptune moves upon the 3rd degree on Feb 26, will cross the 3.9 point on March 1st/2nd and after triggering the exact degree of 3.52 on March 21/22 will move completely off of Gabriel/Fomalhaut by March 25th. 

So, it may be that more is revealed or that our new Pope is given on these other days. It is important to note what transpires on a Global scale because it is a larger than life version of what is going on in your own life on some level. So, how does this affect you on a personal level, in your daily life? What old belief are you letting go of or who in your life held such a position that is now being abdicated? How are your beliefs evolving because of this huge and somewhat unbelievable change? Note the dates yet to come as key in the process and look back at the ones already passed to see how this aligns with a major shift in consciousness and faith for you in your life. Is there a need to stop relying so much on external authorities for your connection to the higher power and can you see a way to connect through trusting in your own divine nature and ability to lead your life forward on an enlightened path? Have you heard the sound on some level and are you being called to something higher in your life? Give it some thought as this momentous month begins. 

The NEW MOON in March arrives on the 11th in the sign of Pisces where all of this energy is transpiring so this marks your powerful 2 week window to start fresh and launch new ideas, projects, relationships, and objectives. Look to film, music, art, spiritual interests, psychic or magic interests, meditation, yoga, romance, research, investigations, dealings with hospitals and other institutions, releasing addictions or bad habits, rebooting behind the scenes, rest, retreat, and development as key areas that will get you moving in new directions, inspire your imagination and help you to move ahead. Since Mercury is Retrograde until the 17th if you launch fresh things between the 11-17th then part of the past is involved, if you want completely new beginnings/situations, then start on the 18th forward. 

Mars moves into Aries, his favorite place to be, on the 12th. This is going to bring fire back to the situations at hand and get you amped up to stop thinking about things and start doing them. Here actions are quicker, things move at a brisker pace and passion or anger will escalate in like fashion. You exit the fog and light up in the body. 

Mercury ends his Retrograde on Saint Patrick's Day, the 17th. This day will be pivotal for any shifts in direction or change of mind. It is now time to take what you have worked on tweaking and reworking over the last 3 and a half weeks and move ahead on it. Some people, situations and ideas will be let go of now while the ones you revisited that held merit and could be revised or things were hashed out, you may choose to take with you into the new paradigm. You now have the green light to sign documents, purchase new electronics or vehicles and say yes to new people or offers. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox. This begins a rebirthing season, the best time to start looking at your body and image, caring for your health and putting attention to your brand or identity. This marks a shift from deep, Karmic sleep and incubation to wide awake and ready to move out into the world on some new ideas and energy. It's an exciting shift that should get you moving and feeling more alive. 

Venus follows the Sun into Aries on the 21st followed by Mars meeting Uranus here on the 22nd. This means these 2 days will stand out when it comes to your personal needs about love, money, passion, action, and change. It is going to be highly charged with electrical energy that is meant to wind you up and get you motivated to make things happen. Again your body, brand, image, or identity may be affected and you will be personally or physically involved. From this day onward the love nature becomes much more ardent and when well received will be very passionate, when rebuffed very angry. 

The 23-25th will bring some major adjustments and these are going to be financial focused on a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance policies, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, royalties, a partner's money, or they will be focused on intimacy, your sex life, reproductive needs, or divorce. Look at the serious side of these themes and any limits, losses, ambitions, commitments, endings, structures, or responsibilities in the mix. Do what you can to adapt, bend a bit and work things through. 

The 26th may be an active day for many as Mars gets busy with Jupiter and Pluto. This will put you into things on a more passionate, angry or motivated way over news you hear, offers, writing, agreements, sales, decisions, and the authority figures you deal with, goals, career, finances, divorce, or sex life. 

Chiron is going to be active the 27th - 29th and he is making his presence known through the Piscean field. Chiron will wound here or help bring healing, possibly both. This means that your film, music, art, spiritual needs, clandestine romance, hospital or prison interest, addiction, research, investigation, or behind the scenes focus on something/someone will be spotlighted. This is a Karmic field so take news you hear or ideas you come to, talks you have or information in general today as part of something you are meant to step up to and balance, listen to the inner voice for guidance and know that there may be great inspiration stemming from what comes. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak period around key relationships. This will be a time of great achievements or celebrations as well as the period where you may mark some significant endings involving romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, specialists, competitors, or opponents. 

You are still in Mercury Retrograde flow as March begins and this is occurring in the exact placement that your NEW MOON will arrive on the 11th. Therefore it is important to backtrack in these first 11 days over any hospital matter, institutional research or development, deal with agencies or red tape, investigate matters, connect with your muse, revisit past film, music or art projects or interests, reconnect with or release a past clandestine romance, tune into your spiritual side, yoga, meditation, magic, or your psychic abilities, check in with your dreams, and face any bad habits or hidden enemies. Seeing if you can talk things out, rethink them, rework them, let go of them, or reconnect with them to take them forward is what it's all about until the 11th. On the 11th you get your best 2 week window of the year to launch new in these areas. If you use New Moon energy to launch between the 11-17th then something from the past is part of this fresh start, if you wait until the 18th onward you can reinvent in these areas. 

Your ruling energy, Mars, moves into your sign on the 12th and you are now back on point. This is the charge you've been waiting for that will give you more motivation and energy to get physically active and inspired when it comes to your body, image, identity, and brand. You have more sexual magnetism than normal now, wow, right? So expect your libido to jump and for others to notice that spark in your eye. You may also be a much shorter fuse during this month from this point so your anger at the surface may be something to watch out for. Whatever it is you want, it's time to go get it. 

Mercury ends his Retrograde on the 17th so you now are ready to sign new contracts, purchase new vehicles or electronics, say yes to new people and situations, and move ahead on what you decided about those old people, situations, offers, or issues involving artistic projects, hospitals and other institutions, addictions, clandestine romance, spiritual pursuits, research, investigations, and development. Expect things in these areas to shift now. 

The Sun moves into your sign on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and putting a spotlight on you and your actions, body, image, brand, and identity. You will be letting your presence be known to the world now, stepping up, taking the lead, putting your ego out there, letting others know what you want, and getting more personally or physically involved in the care of your most intimate needs here. 

Venus follows closely behind entering Aries on the 21st so you have her aiding and abetting in your desire for love or income. This is a great time to spend money on your looks, body, brand, or image. You will feel more like pampering yourself and things should start to go a bit smoother for you now. Attracting more love is on the agenda as will be anything involving women, beauty, luxury, or photography. 

Mars and Uranus embrace on the 22nd which is bound to be significant for you. This is going to either be very exciting and open up some doors for some sudden experience that awakens you or brings positive change, or it will shake things up and may be a more accident prone day or one of surprises that you weren't planning on. If you feel like jumping out of your skin today, it's this combination that is affecting you, pace yourself, but do be open to those brilliant ideas that push you in some new direction. 

Be ready to make some changes or adapt to some adjustments between the 23-25th. These will play out over the finances, divorce, sex life, reproductive needs, a death, obsession, manipulation, triangle, or power play. You should jump in and do what you can in the moment to make sure you are part of what goes down and passionately expressing your needs. 

The 26th will be a big day for you when Mars is uber active. Big news, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or decisions are in the mix that are closely tied to you or your needs and there is some powerful person or career matter, goal or ambition in the mix that will push you hard to achieve today. 

Chiron is active the 27-29th so any wounds or healing that you feel around the hospital, institution, addiction, research, investigation, clandestine romance, film, music or art projects, spiritual need, or development will come into focus now. Talks, news, decisions, and agreements will play a strong role so keep your mind on the Karmic balance in the situation and how you can best bring something healing and transformative through the period. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th is bringing a peak for you with a key relationship. This will be a high point with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, advocate, or other key relationship. You may be celebrating achievements or marking endings. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Take advantage of Mercury Retrograde in the first part of March to work out any past issues or interests involving the aspirations you would like to see moving ahead but can't just yet because of things in the way, any past issues or interests involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, or events. What you tackle now in these areas, the Karmic balance you seek, the behind the scenes work you put in, will aid you in the huge new beginning you get here on the 11th when the NEW MOON opens up your best 2 week window to launch. If you wish to bring part of the past into this fresh start then launch between the 11-17th. Brand new projects, friends, groups, internet interests, charities, and the like get their best push from the 18th onward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th which cues you in that your actions, passions and anger will now be playing out in more secretive or reclusive ways, that you will be working behind the scenes, in development, at hospitals or other institutions, enmeshed with some secret romance or into a film, music or art project, pursuing spiritual interests, and pouring lots of energy into your imagination. You have more than the normal amount of energy now to strategize and build on something behind the scenes so let this fire you up. 

Mercury ends his Retrograde phase on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign contracts, purchase vehicles or electronics, say yes to new people or projects, and move ahead on what you decided about the past issues or interests with the friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charities. 

The Sun moves into Aries marking the Spring Equinox on the 20th followed by Venus entering this sign on the 21st. This puts you more personally and physically at the hospital or other institution, in development, on the film, music or art project, in the research department, on the investigation, or behind closed doors with that clandestine romance. You are in the spotlight now in these areas and will pour more personal and physical energy here. Venus in the arena means you see things smooth out a bit or that a woman is key in all of this. You will focus more love or earning potential through these topics as well and should find it easier to attract what you need in the above mentioned topics. You may find that you just want more time alone or in deep thought, resting, recharging batteries, winding down the last year and readying yourself for what is to come. 

Note that the 22nd will be quite the active day when anything can happen. You may get a tremendous surprise, loaded with excitement or decide to do something spur of the moment, make a change, or find that something shocking or accident prone occurs. Again this transpires behind the scenes, tied to hospitals, prisons, retreat, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, or addictions. 

Prepare to adapt and adjust the 25-27th when key relationships will play a big part. Your partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, or competitor will push things or require things that will put you on your toes and get you motivated behind the scenes, remember give and take is key and Karmic balance may be called for as well. 

Chiron is active the 27-29th so any wounds or healing that needs to be addressed will come about around friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, parties, social networking, or events. Your aspirations may be in the balance as well. Seek to communicate about the money or what you value. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak for you with a job, work piling up in other areas, paperwork, co-workers, employees, your health, animals, or environmental interests. This is that time of year when you see things reach a climax in these areas as you celebrate achievements, wrap things up and end them and note what aims have been met. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Take the first part of March to tackle any loose ends regarding your career, boss, parent, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or achievements. You are still under Mercury Retrograde here so it is very important that you rethink things, rework papers, agreements or sales, rewrite or renegotiate, and get your ducks in a row. Come the 11th there is a NEW MOON in these areas and you get your best 2 week window of the year to launch new objectives, move ahead with career, goals, the boss, mom, dad, or reputation so time things in this manner. If you wish to take a part of the past with you into the new launch make your move between the 11-17th. If you want a totally new slate or project going forward launch from the 18th onward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th stirring the fire within you over aspirations and getting you worked up to do something about them. This is the territory of friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities so you now have more energy to make things happen here as well. Expect some passion to ignite while out socializing or through one of these connections and watch for angry outbursts that could damage relationships since there is always that potential with warrior Mars on board. 

Mercury goes Direct ending his Retrograde cycle on the 17th so don your green attire and enjoy being able to now move ahead with goals, sign agreements, purchase vehicles or electronics, and say yes to new career moves, ambitions, fame, or interests involving authority figures, parents, or reputation. You should now know what it is from the past you want to let go of and what goes forward. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox followed by Venus moving here on the 21st. This means you will be moving more personally and physically into more social aspects, attending more events, parties, group activities, gatherings, spending more time on the internet, pushing your brand or getting your identity out there more, and you may get more involved in astrology or charities as well. Venus will help you to smooth things out, bring beneficial women onto the scene, and help you attract more love or money through these situations. 

Note that the 22nd will either be quite exciting and surprising with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations, or it may be shocking, bring change, or accidents. It will be a very active day and most likely spur of the moment, let it awaken you.
You will need to be ready to make some adjustments or adapt on the 23-25th when your work, health, paperwork, or animals will require more. These days require serious efforts and a give and take nature as you push to attend to matters and take on more. 

Mars is very active on the 26th so this day may be about what you do online, with friends, groups, aspirations, or other social interests and have some financial, sexual or divorce issues tied to the plot. Powerful change or transformation is indicated. 

Chiron is active the 27-29th so any wounds or healing that need to be addressed around career, reputation, fame, parents, the boss, other authority figures, goals, or ambitions will show up now. Look to balance Karma here and aim to transcend through expanding your own needs or involvement in the situation. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak for you with a creative project, your love life, children, or a recreational interest. This is a high point of celebrations, achievements or endings. Expect key people to play a big part in what's in the spotlight for you now. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

As March begins the Mercury Retrograde is going full force and you will want to do your best to tackle past legal matters or interests, past media, marketing or publishing needs or ideas, past educational matters, wedding plans, or travel interests, and rethink, rework, revise, release, or reconnect so that when the NEW MOON arrives on the 11th in these same areas you are ready to take advantage of your best 2 week window of the year to move ahead on these themes. From this day onward you want to book the tickets or hop the plane, get that case on the docket, agreements signed, lawyers in action, your college enrollment moving or start setting up what you are going to teach, book the venue for the wedding or send out the invitations, or start that media or marketing campaign. Since Mercury is Retrograde until the 17th if you launch between the 11th and 17th you need to be doing so with something tied to the past, if you have a brand new venture or interest start from the 18th onward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th and stirs fire and passion for you on the career front, with goals, reputation, fame, ambitions authority figures, parents, and achievements. You will feel more alive in these areas now and express more passion, motivation and any anger regarding what is going on here. 

Mercury Retrogrades on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign agreements, purchase vehicles or electronics, and say yes to new ventures or ideas. You should now know what you wish to leave in the past and what from the past comes with you into the future where career, goals, parents, the boss, authority figures, reputation, and fame is concerned. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and this is followed by Venus moving here on the 21st. For you this means you will now be pouring more personal and physical energy into your goals, career and ambitions, you will be in the spotlight more, out on the stage of life, achieving, tending to parents or schmoozing with the boss, and taking the lead in your life. Venus here means you have more charm, attract love or money more easily, women benefit you and you may roll with the flow and enjoy what unfolds. 

Note that the 22nd will either be very exciting, bringing surprises or changes that motivate you in positive ways on the career front, with parents, bosses, goals, or ambitions, or it will bring shock and change that you weren't expecting. It is meant as an awakener, be careful in these areas but open to spontaneous moments. 

Prepare to make adjustments or adapt from the 23-25th over a loved one, child, creative project, or recreational interest. Big things going on behind the scenes will influence this as will goals and power people. Give and take and communicate the best you can. 

Mars is going to gear up the 26th as a very active day over goals, career, authority figures, parents, or ambitions. Today the action is highly charged and key people will play a bit part as you learn more and make some big decisions. 

Chiron is active the 27-29th so wounds or healing will be in focus over the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs. Again big talks, news, ideas, or decisions are in the mix and play out at hospitals or other institutions, research, development, investigations, film, music or artistic projects, spiritual interests, or clandestine affairs. 

The FULL MOON arrives on the 27th bringing a peak for you at home, with real estate, mom, family, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs. This is a time of celebrations, achievements or endings here. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

As March gets under way your main area of concern should be to do what you can to wrap up any past issues, needs, ideas, or situations involving loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, settlements, commissions, royalties, your partner's money, or any other outside financial resource. This part of your chart is also concerned with sexual attractions and issues, reproductive needs, divorce, and death, so you may be tending to past people or matters involving these themes as well. Do it now because on the 11th you get a NEW MOON in these financial, sexual and divorce arenas and from then forward you are in the best 2 week window of the year to get things moving in new directions. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th bringing more fire and motivation for you to do something with legal matters, travel plans, education, media, marketing, publishing, or weddings. You will want to motivate here, express passions or deal with anger in the weeks ahead, get moving. 

Mercury ends his Retrograde cycle on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign documents, purchase new vehicles or electronics and say yes to new financial interests, divorce proceedings or sexual conquests. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox. This is followed by Venus moving here on the 21st. The combination will mean that you are now pouring more personal and physical energy into traveling, visiting with people from a distance, getting into import/export, teaching or taking classes, throwing yourself into media, marketing or publishing matters, pushing your brand or identity into the mix, visiting the attorney or courtroom, signing legal documents, and possibly walking down the aisle or out meeting with the wedding planner. It's time to take the lead in these matters. Venus here will smooth things out, help you attract more love or income through these areas and bring women on board that are beneficial to your aims here. 

Note that the 22nd will be quite active with some excitement and positive change involving the travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding plans, or it will shake things up, bring change or surprises that you weren't expecting. Passions or anger will be stirred as you jump into the fray. 

Plan on making adjustments or adapting on the 23-25th over any serious matters at home, with family, mom, moves, real estate deals, or roommates. Look at commitments, endings, structure, time, and ambitions here and then talk things out with a friend or group, make decisions about internet or charities, and get active over those legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding plans. 

The 26th will be active as Mars gets busy again with trips, law, education, weddings, media, marketing, or publishing. This will push you to deal with any work, paperwork, health needs, or pets and open things up. 

Chiron is active the 27-29 so wounds or healing will be in focus in your sex life, divorce or over some major financial matter. Look for Karmic balance and ways to open up ideals, expand talks and make decisions that allow for the most growth. 

The FULL MOON arrives on the 27th bringing a big peak for you through news you were waiting on, a proposal, decision, talk, meeting, agreement, sale, writing project, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, local activity, or short trip. This moment is about high points of achievement, celebration or endings. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Since you are one of the signs ruled by Mercury the Mercury Retrograde can have a personal and physical affect on you on top of the area of concern that it is moving through and as March gets under way you should be feeling this strongly. Look at any past issues, ideas, people, situations, or offers that you can rethink, rework, release, or reconnect with involving your own needs, image, brand, body, or identity as well as involving the past with romantic or business partners, marriage, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. It's important you have the talks or think things through now because come the 11th you get a NEW MOON in the area of your key relationships and your best 2 week window of the year to launch things in new ways or with new people. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th and lights a fire for you in your sex life, with reproductive needs, divorce issues, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, settlements, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, royalties, or a partners money. In the weeks ahead you will see more action here, be more motivated to make things happen, express your passions, or deal with anger. 

Mercury ends his Retrograde on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign papers, make agreements, purchase vehicles or electronics, and say yes to new people or ventures going forward. You should have a better idea now who from the past stays in the past and who you take forward into the future. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and Venus follows closely behind him, entering Aries on the 21st. This means in the weeks ahead you will now be pouring more personal and physical energy into sex, divorce or those financial matters, taking the lead, getting out there and letting your body, identity or brand lead the way, and with Venus here things should begin to smooth out, you should find it easier to attract love or income in these areas or a woman may enter the picture that helps you with them. 

Note that the 22nd will be quite active as something exciting and surprising shakes things up in a positive way sexually, with the divorce or some financial matter, or you get a shock or change that occurs here meant to set you off on a new course. 

Be ready to make adjustments on the 23-25th regarding agreements, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, moves, local activities, short trips, writing, talks, meetings, or decisions. It's time to get serious, set limits, deal with structures, make commitments or mark endings, and in all of this be willing to give and take a bit. 

Mars gets very active again on the 26th so your sex life, divorce or the big financial matter will be amped up again. Today this means something changes on an intense level in your love life, with a child or on a creative project. 

Chiron gets into the mix on the 27-29th so expect wounds or healing to be in the picture around key relationships. Look to marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents and seek Karmic balance as well as some transformation. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak for you around personal income, your values or a major possession. This is the time of year when this topic hits a high point in celebrations, achievements or endings. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Use the first part of March to take advantage of this backtracking energy around your work, paperwork, organization, health, and animals. It's important to rethink any of this now, revise, rewrite, meet with past people or opportunities, deal with past issues, and either release or reconnect so that when the NEW MOON arrives on the 11th in the same exact arenas you will be ready to grab hold and move ahead with the best 2 week window of the year for fresh starts here. From now through the 17th any new jobs, work ideas, co-workers, employees, health interests, or animal needs will have part of that past energy around them but be on strong new footing. If you want to launch with completely new people, situations or ideas, make it from the 18th forward so that you give Mercury time to go Direct. 

Mars moves into Aries and stirs your key relationship axis on the 12th so you will now see much more passion or anger with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents in the weeks ahead. This energy will motivate you to make things happen with these key people so get ready to connect or move ahead. 

Mercury ends his Retrograde on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign papers, purchase vehicles or electronics and say yes to new people and situations. You should now know who or what from the past moves ahead with you and what you leave behind. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox followed closely by Venus moving into Aries on the 21st. For you this means you will now be pouring more personal and physical energy into partnerships, clients, dealings with representatives or opponents, and any other key relationships in the weeks ahead. Your body, identity, ego, brand, and image will be strongly connected to what others are doing so reach out. Venus here will bring more charm and help you attract love or money through relationships with these people, she will smooth things out and help you go with the flow. 

Note that the 22nd will be amped up with fire energy around that partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or competitor and this is going to either bring some excitement and surprise that awakens you or a shock or change that takes you by surprise. Be in the moment. 

From the 23-25th you should be willing to make adjustments or adapt to any serious income issues or needs playing out. Look at commitments, endings, structures, limits, authority, or ambitions here and get serious about what you can do through those key people and any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans. 

The 26th will be another active day as partners, representatives, clients, and opponents again are amping up, you see lots of energy playing out involving them, the passions or anger is stirred, and you motivate as you deal with some issue at home, with real estate, property, family, moves, or roommates. 

Chiron is active from the 27-29th bringing wounds or healing to the surface at work, with co-workers, employees, health, paperwork, or pets. Look at ways to balance Karmic energy here and to transform. Again the travel plans, legal interests, education, wedding, media, marketing, or publishing is somehow tied into what comes to pass. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th will bring a peak for you personally or physically. This is your Full Moon in Libra so a high point arrives around you, your name, brand, body, image, or identity as you are celebrated, mark achievements or end something. Have you reached a physical goal, are you ending some illness, is your brand getting out there, is your name changing? These are examples of peaks for you now. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Mercury Retrograde is still in strong effect as March opens and it is very important that you take the time to take advantage of this do-over period right now. Look at any past decision, idea, situation, person, issue, or opportunity involving your creative projects, love life or children. Can you talk it out, meet up, rewrite, release, rework, or reconnect? Do what you can in these areas and your past so that when the NEW MOON arrives on the 11th in these same areas you are ready to move ahead with your best 2 week window of the year for fresh starts here. From the 11th through the 17th the fresh starts in your love life, with kids or creative projects will include something from the past that can go forward, after the 17th you have the green light for new people, opportunities, and ideas. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th and lights up your work, health and pet zone. This is fire energy meant to motivate you to do something about work, finding a job, doing things with co-workers, hiring people to work for you, tackling paperwork, getting your health amped up, or doing things with or for the pets. Mars brings more passion or anger to the game so expect to feel this over these subjects. A younger male may enter the scene bent on motivating you. 

Mercury goes Direct on the 17th so you now have the green light to move ahead with agreements, sign papers, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and say yes to new opportunities. You should now have a strong idea about which people, situations or ideas from the past stay there and which ones move forward with you into the future. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and Venus follows closely behind entering Aries on the 21st. This means from now moving forward you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into work, job hunts, time with co-workers or employees, healthy pursuits, and time with animals. It's time to take the lead, get your image, brand or body into the mix and shine your light. With Venus here you will see things smooth out, more ability to attract income or love through these arenas and there may be a woman that arrives on the scene that is beneficial to your work, health or animals. 

Note that the 22nd is going to be very active as things amp up at work, over paperwork, with co-workers, employees, health, or pets. This will either be a very exciting, surprising day of awakening and originality or a day of shock and change. 

Be prepared to make adjustments or adapt to situations involving your needs, name, brand, body, image, or identity from the 23-25th. It's about getting serious, looking at limits, endings, commitments, ambitions, and structures. You may be dealing with the financial aspects, divorce, sexual interest, and any work, paperwork, health, or animal needs on these days as well but all with the idea of adapting and staying serious about who you are in the mix. 

The 26th is another very active day as Mars amps up again. Your work, paperwork, health, or pets will again be where all this energy is playing out and much of this will pertain to shared interests, financial or sexual matters, divorce, and the big decisions, agreements, sales, or meetings going on involving third parties and control. 

Chiron is going to be active from the 27-29th so wounds or healing will be on the surface and involve your love life, kids or creative projects. Balancing Karmic matters here is important as will be opening the lines of communications and dealing with the big financial, divorce or sexual matter at hand. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak for you over something that has been building behind the scenes. This is the Karmic part of your chart, mystical, magical as well as tied to addictions, bad habits, hospitals, isolation, imagination, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine romance, research, investigations, and hidden enemies. Something will be reaching a climax here in celebrations, achievements or endings. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

As March begins your backtracking into the past over home matters, real estate deals, mom, family, security needs, roommates, moves, or renovations will be center stage. The Mercury Retrograde is asking that you rethink things, revise, rework, release, or reconnect over these topics with past people, situations or ideas. It's so important that you take the time to wrap things up here, tweak them and revisit what you can because on the 11th the NEW MOON is opening the best 2 week window you get this year to launch new interests or opportunities in these areas. If you launch between the 11th and 17th then something from the past will be part of that fresh start, if you want to make new home, move, real estate, family, or roommate decisions, meet new people, or start new situations, then start on the 18th forward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th bringing more fire and energy around your creative projects, love life and children. This period will motivate you to do more recreational activities, get your creative juices flowing and moving ahead, express your passions or anger, and motivate with your love life, lover or kids. A younger male may enter the scene now that benefits your aims in these areas. 

Mercury goes Direct on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign documents, purchase vehicles or electronics, and say yes to new ideas, people or situations. You should now have a clear idea about who or what goes forward with you from the past and what stays behind. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox followed shortly by Venus moving into Aries on the 21st. This means that from here forward you will be taking the lead, pouring more personal and physical energy into your creative projects and interests, your love life or lovers, children, and recreational activities. It's your time to shine and you may see your creative brand move ahead, your name change due to love or some physical interest with the kids take off. Venus here will smooth things out, help you truly attract more love with lovers or kids and more income with creative efforts, and may bring a woman onto the scene that is beneficial in these areas. 

Note that the 22nd will be active for you with more excitement and surprises involving kids, lovers or creative projects, or something shocking and changing with them. Passions and anger may be in the mix but motivating and being in the moment is everything.
Be ready to make adjustments or adapt on the 23-25th over serious matters involving hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interests, clandestine romance, retreat, or development. You need to look at commitments, endings, authority figures, ambitions, limits, structures, or responsibilities here and work on anything involving partners, representatives, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, creative outlets, love, or kids. 

The 26th will again be an amped up energy day over lovers, kids or creative projects. Key other people will play a big role here in positive ways but there is something big to overcome or change involving income or values. 

The 27-29th will see Chiron coming into play so wounds or healing will be the focus and these will play out over home, family, mom, moves, real estate deals, or roommate situations. Look to balance Karma here and communicate needs. A partner, representative, client, or other key relationship is in the mix. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a major peak for you involving an aspiration as you achieve it or wrap things up and mark an ending. This may also be a time of celebrations, achievements or endings with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, a social gathering or party, social networking, or event. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Heading into March there is so much information to plow through for you Capricorn. Mercury Retrograde is asking that you rethink anything from the past, look at past agreements, decisions, writing, sales, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, meetings, talks, and ideas. It's important that you wade through all of this and wrap things up or revise, revisit, rework, release, and reconnect as it may be in each situation because come the 11th your NEW MOON is going to open up the best 2 week window of the year for you in these same exact arenas. If you want to launch new or get fresh starts involving these people or situations from the past do so between the 11-17th and if you want completely new people, ideas, opportunities, or situations begin on the 18th forward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th bringing more energy, passion, action, and anger around home, moves, real estate deals, family, mom, or roommates in the weeks ahead. This will motivate you to make things happen here and help you to express passions or anger over anything going on here. A younger male may show up on the scene tied closely to your needs in these areas. 

Mercury goes Direct on the 17th so you now have a green light to sign contracts, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and say yes to new people or situations. You should now have a better idea about what stays in the past and what moves forward with you into the future. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and Venus follows closely behind entering Aries on the 21st. For you this means you will now be pouring more personal and physical energy into the home, real estate needs, move, family, mom, or roommates in the weeks ahead. You will take the lead, shine your light and your identity or brand may be amplified over these topics. Venus here will help you attract more love or income through these topics and will smooth things out. A female may enter the picture that is beneficial to you here. 

Note that the 22nd will be very active regarding home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates. This energy will either excite and surprise bringing some interesting new starts or it may shock and change as you need to deal in the moment with shifting experiences. Take care around fire, electrical, sharp objects, and accidents in the home or around family, real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates. 

Be ready to make adjustments or adapt to situations between the 23-25th getting serious about aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, charities, or social functions. Look at limits, endings, commitments, structures, responsibilities, or ambitions here and then do what you can about the property, family or home and your work, paperwork, health, or animals. 

The 26th will be another very active day as Mars amps things up again at home, with real estate, family, moves, mom, or roommates. Today this will open things up on the work front, with co-workers or people you hire to help you, any paperwork, health needs, or animals but it will push you to make some personal or physical changes. 

Chiron will be more active on the 27-29th so wounds or healing will surface around siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, sales, writing, agreements, meetings, local activities, short trips, talks, the words you hear or say, or decisions. Balance Karma here and see if you can reach for something through work, paperwork, health matters, or pets. 

The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak for you around career, reputation, fame, parents, the boss, authority figures, goals, or ambitions. This is a high point for you in celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Mercury Retrograde is still going full force as March begins and it is important for you to take the opportunity this is bringing you to rethink anything tied to your income or possessions now. Is there an opportunity, issue, person, or situation in the past that you can revisit, revise, rework, rewrite, release, or find renewed connection to involving your earnings or possessions? Working through any loose ends will get you to the right spot for the NEW MOON on the 11th that will highlight this exact same part of your life. From now over the next 2 weeks you have your best window of the year to launch income opportunities. If you want to involve something or someone from the past in new income potential then do so from the 11-17th and if you want a brand new opportunity or situation go after it on the 18th forward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th which will bring more passion, fire, action, or anger to bear on your communications, agreements, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, short trips, local activities, ideas, meetings, writing, and decisions. This will amp things up and motivate you so let the passions fly but beware of how short your fuse might be when explaining your actions. 

Mercury goes Direct on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign contracts, purchase vehicles or electronics and say yes to new people and opportunities. You should have a pretty clear idea about who or what stays in the past now and what goes forward with you into the future. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and Venus follows closely behind entering Aries on the 21st. This means for the weeks ahead you will now be taking the lead and pouring more personal and physical energy into local activities, time with brothers or sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, talks and meetings, writing, sales and agreements, and decision making. It's time for you to shine and your brand, body, ego, identity, or image may be all over these talks, meetings and decisions you are making. Venus here will help smooth things out, give you more charm and help you attract more love or income through your words, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, and all the rest. 

Note that the 22nd will be a very active day when surprises and excitement play out in these areas or you get a shock or some last minute change. Again it is the words or news you hear, your agreements, sales, talks, meetings, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions that will get this amped up energy. On the off chance it is about some shock or surprise you don't like take extra care on the roads, in cars, with words, and any objects that are sharp or around electrical or fire. 

Be ready to make adjustments or adapt the 23-25th over any serious career matters, the boss, parents, an authority figure, goal, ambitions, reputation, or fame. Look at limits, endings, commitments, ambitions, and responsibilities here and then see if you can talk things out or rewrite, deal with sales, or something on the creative or love front. 

The 26th will be amped up as well with more energy around writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, electronics, vehicles, short trips, local activities, talks, meetings, and decisions. Today they involve your love life, lover, child, creative project, or recreational interest and should be big. There is something challenging you behind the scenes or in secret that you should deal with. 

Chiron is active the 27-29th so wounds or healing will be on the surface around your income, possessions or values. Look at Karmic balance and aim for transformation here through communicating or making decisions and dealing with a lover, child or creative project.
The FULL MOON on the 27th brings a peak for you around a legal matter, wedding, educational interest, media, marketing or publishing deal, or travel plan. This is a time when you see achievements, celebrations or endings in these areas. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067. 

Mercury Retrograde has hold of you as March begins and it has never been more important to listen to your inner voice about what it is you need and who it is you want to be. The past is calling, some distant part of you needing to be reclaimed, a need to go back to a past identity or image, rework or reconnect with that part of you, release old pains, deal with past physical ailments, get back to some old health regime, tone up, rework your brand, or pick back up on an old goal. You have these first 11 days to really rethink what is going on here and reconnect to the past to work thing through so that on the 11th and the NEW MOON in your sign you can truly take advantage of the best 2 week window of the year to launch forward with the new you. From the 11th through the 17th Mercury will still be Retrograde so any new beginnings you give yourself during these days will involve part of the past coming with you, if you want completely new circumstances and opportunities launch from the 18th forward. 

Mars moves into Aries on the 12th at which time the energy will amp up over earning money and your personal income. This is going to light a fire under the money flow for the weeks ahead and is a great motivator to get out there and earn more or land some new source of income. It will bring out passions and stir any anger you may have over the money as well so watch how you deal with this but do let it spur you on to make more. 

Mercury goes Direct on the 17th so you now have the green light to sign new contracts, purchase vehicles or electronics and say yes to new opportunities. You should now have a clear idea of what or who stays in the past and what you would like to bring forward with you into the future. 

The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox followed closely by Venus moving into Aries on the 21st. This will put a spotlight on you and push you to pour more personal or physical energy into earning. This is great for you if you have been having a hard time finding income flow, get out there and beat the pavement knowing that you are standing out now. You will take the lead on projects and shine your light amping up income over the next 30 days. Venus here will help smooth things out, bring favor from women and help you to attract the money more easily. You may even have a bit of love flowing around all this income energy!

Note that the 22nd is when things will get very active with your earnings and this looks to be either a very exciting, surprising day filled with different opportunities for income or a day where there may be a shock or change that tosses that proverbial wild card in your direction and gets you jumping in on the spur of the moment. If you hear of an opportunity last minute dive in, don't miss the chance since it will go by as quickly as it came. 

Prepare to make adjustments on the 23-25th over any serious legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs. You need to deal with authority figures, goals, limits, endings, commitments, ambitions, or responsibilities here. Look to home or property matters and income flow as you make these adjustments. 

The 26th will be another very active day for you with earnings as you get into big talks or agreements over home, real estate, family, roommates, or moves and deal with a very powerful change involving your aspirations or some friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity. 

Chiron is active the 27-29th so wounds or healing will be at the surface and involve you personally, your presence in the situation, your body, image, brand, or identity. It's a time to pull strongly on your sacred self, allow vulnerabilities to arise and share your story with others. Home, real estate, family, roommates, or moves figure into this period. 

The FULL MOON On the 27th is a major peak for you involving some big financial matter such as a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, mortgage, settlement, investment, partner's money, or involving a divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or reproductive need. One of more of these topics are coming to a head in your life and it will be a time of celebrations, achievements or endings here. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own unique chart you can schedule a reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.