To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
We grind down to our last 4 days of Saturn in Libra, we can feel the last 3 years of tests and challenges, commitments and endings, rolling to their destinations in key relationships, and we know via astrology that this level of intensity and Karmic reconnect/disconnect will not occur again for nearly another 3 decades. With that in mind the week ahead will prove most illuminating in connection to romantic and business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, managers, producers, competitors, and opponents. Draw your line, make your claim, choose.
Monday the Aries Moon will motivate you with this significant other person and you will bring passion or anger, action or determination, to the balance. Mars is asking for adjustments involving a big financial matter, sex, reproduction, divorce, triangles, power balance, or in life and death situations.
Tuesday Venus is actively dancing through her last day in Leo and she connects with Saturn in Libra as she does this. For each of us this means any love or money matters involving the creative projects, kids or our love life/lover will peak today and there should be an open door to what you want through partners or partnership, representatives or other key individuals. Taurus Moon aligns with Pluto so money flow, values, goals, career, and authority figures should harmonize in your world.
Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo to kick off a new Love/Money cycle for each sign. Love will become more picky, discriminating, service oriented, organic, grounded, pure, simple, and critical. Money will flow through how well you organize, attend to detail, analyze, and work. Venus meets with Neptune today so expect a one on one with someone over one of these topics to have some Karmic play involved and to help you see what is either in development, going on behind the scenes, tied to artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, or research.
Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the planet in charge of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, and ceremonial interests will slow and begin to take us on an inner journey over the next months. He has been trying to expand these areas through our expansive ideas, proposals, writing, sales, agreements, big decisions, sibling or neighbor interests, moves, local activities, short trips, vehicle or electronic needs, and meetings over the last months. All that growth will now get a chance to solidify and you will have time to catch up to where you find yourself.
Friday is the whopper of all whoppers astrologically speaking. Mercury and Saturn find each other on the same degree, the last degree of Libra. They are going to put a giant exclamation point on the decision, news, idea, talk, meeting, offer, sale, or writing that involves that partner, agent, attorney, specialist, opponent, competitor, client, or other key person from the last 3 year ongoing topic. This is it. Period. Do you commit, end things, structure them, set limits, charge up ambitions, what do you choose? This moment will not come again for nearly 3 decades and by then all players and situations will be different. For some of you the moment came yesterday as we built to this point, either way, it’s a once in a lifetime moment that seals a relationship for good one way or the other. Mercury and Saturn then both move into Scorpio. Mercury will be here over the weeks ahead to help in talks and decisions involving sex, reproduction, divorce, high finance, power, control, and triangles. Saturn will tour these topics for the next 3 years and bring a need for a new level of mastery, a new set of challenges to overcome, limits to contend with, more ambition and responsibility into the mix, and will by transits end have seen you grow up just that much more where this falls in your chart. Here we go.
You need to balance something with a partner, representative or opponent on Monday and make some adjustments over sex, the financial picture or divorce. Tuesday brings a peak opportunity for you with a child, lover or creative project and the key person involved with what you want to achieve, reach out. Income and goals are also aligned today, higher-ups will take notice. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and you enter a new love/money cycle in the weeks ahead that will play out through work, with co-workers, employees, services, animal interests, and health needs. These areas will smooth out and you should be able to attract more love or income through efforts focused here. You may need to balance something with another person over hospitals, retreat, research, hidden romance, an artistic project, or spiritual interest. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades so you will see the push for more expansion in legal, travel, media, wedding, and educational areas slow around writing, agreements, talks, or sales in the months ahead and it is a great time for you to sit down and develop something in these areas between now and the end of January. Late Thursday or Friday morning brings a very important bit of news, a decision, agreement, sale, talk, offer, meeting, or idea involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, or competitor. This is all or nothing, choose to commit or end things. Saturn moves into Scorpio today just after Mercury moves in so you begin a few week period where talks, agreements, and decisions will be focused on sex, reproductive matters, divorce, or big financial matters such as loans, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, bankruptcy, or other outside resources, and a major 3 year cycle where you will be tested, learn a new level of mastery, find ways to work within triangles, embrace your power, and master these topics at a new level. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about balancing what you are doing or want to do on your own behind the scenes and the call to work, health or animal needs. You will need to make an adjustment with a partner, representative or other key person. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is going to bring an opportunity with someone involving home, real estate, moves, renovations, work, health, or pets and open up some doors here involving love or money. You are in a good position today with legal, travel, educational, or media matters. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle that will focus in on your creative potential and opportunities, your love life and children in the weeks ahead. This will smooth things out here and will also help you attract more love or money through these fields so put yourself out there. Today there is a need to balance this with someone over aspirations, social interests, internet or astrology matters, friends, groups, or charities. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and all the expansive legal, travel, media, or educational energy that has been moving through your decisions to make money will now slow down a bit. From now through the end of January you get to catch up to where you find yourself in this matter and it’s a great time to do some inner work or development on some money making project that can begin to bear fruit next February. Thursday night or Friday will bring a major decision, bit of news, idea, agreement, sale, or talk with another person over work, health or animals. This is it, what you have been challenging yourself through over the last 3 years and you need to commit or end something now. Mercury and Saturn both move into Scorpio on Friday. Mercury here will give you the weeks ahead to talk, write, sign agreements, make decisions or sales, or hear news regarding finances, sex or divorce with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. Saturn moving into this arena is the beginning of a 3 year cycle of challenges and new level of self mastery around the commitments and endings, structures, limits, and ambitions tied to your romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or competitors over the sex life, divorce, reproductive needs, loans, debt, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, investments, taxes, insurance matters, or other outside resources. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about balancing aspirations, love, friends, groups, the internet, kids, creative projects, astrology, or charities with someone else. You will need to make adjustments around work, health or pets. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone over love, creative projects or kids. Open up lines of communications and say yes to offers or ideas that flow around these areas and the love or money there. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo to kick off a new love/money cycle that will focus energy on home, moves, real estate deals, renovations, roommates, mom, and family. This is going to help smooth things out here and attract the love or money to and from these arenas in the weeks ahead. Today you will need to find some balance here with another person over goals or ambitions. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the expansive energy that has been pushing you out there through travel, media, education, weddings, or legal means will now slow over the months ahead. You have time now to catch up to where you find yourself, how your body, image, brand, and identity have fared and get a chance to do some inner work before things begin new growth at the end of January. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious bit of news, conversation, decision, offer, sale, or agreement involving another person and your love life, creative projects or children. This is about commitments or endings over serious matters that have brewed over the last 3 years, get real about what you want. Friday Mercury and Saturn moves into Scorpio. Mercury here will open up talks, agreements, writing, sales, offers, and decisions in the weeks ahead involving sex, divorce and the financial picture at work, with co-workers, employees, around health matters, or for animals. Saturn here will begin a 3 year cycle of tests, challenges, ambitions, and a new sense of self mastery in these areas and push you to overcome obstacles, take the lead and learn from triangles, self-empowerment and taking control. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about balancing goals and home, family or mom matters in a serious way with someone. Expect to make adjustments around love, with a lover, children, or creative projects. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is going to bring an opportunity with someone to make money or express love at home, with property, through mom, family or a roommate, or involving a move or renovation. Aspirations align with partners, representatives and other key people and social interests should flow nicely. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo to start a new Love/Money cycle in the weeks ahead. This is going to focus in on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions and will help smooth things out. Look for love and money making opportunities in these areas. Today you will need to balance this with someone over travel, legal, media, wedding, or educational needs. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the months of expansion behind the scenes, in film, music, art, development, with a clandestine romance, involving hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or spiritual interests through the legal, travel, educational, or media side of things will now slow down. Over the months ahead you can catch up to where you find yourself and do some internal work and development to get ready for what will move forward here again at the end of January. Late Thursday or Friday brings a very serious talk, decision, agreement, sale, meeting, or bit of news with someone over the home, a move, a real estate deal, mom, family, roommates, or renovations. You have had 3 years of challenges and self mastery here, this is it, do you commit or end something? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here will bring weeks ahead of talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and decisions involving creative projects, your love life and kids. Saturn here will bring a 3 year cycle of tests, challenges, ambitions, leadership, and self-mastery in creative projects, with children and in your love life involving sex, reproductive needs, divorce, loans, inheritance, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, investments, commissions, royalties, and your partner’s money. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about serious matters with someone over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs and the writing, agreements, talks, sales, decisions, or offers in the mix. Seek balance and make adjustments around home, moves, real estate, roommates, family, or mom. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing opportunity with someone over an offer, sale, proposal, pitch, idea, decision, news, agreement, writing, talk, meeting, short trip, local activity, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic, say yes. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle that will focus in on earnings. This is going to smooth things out for you and may attract love while making money or just amp up the income flow during this transit. Today you will need to balance something with another person in this over the outside financial influence, sex or divorce needs. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and all that expansion that has occurred around legal, travel, media, wedding, and educational interests playing out through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities, will now slow down. Between now and the end of January you can catch up to where you find yourself and it’s a great time to do some inner work or development on these topics so you come out strong again in February. Later Thursday or Friday brings a very serious talk, meeting, offer, decision, agreement, writing opportunity, sale, or idea involving another person and it focuses on commitment or endings. You’ve had 3 years to challenge yourself and gain a new level of self-mastery here, what do you want? Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio on Friday. Mercury here is giving you the weeks ahead to talk, decide, agree, write, sell, or get active locally over home, moves, real estate, mom, family, or roommates. Saturn here is kicking off a 3 year cycle of challenges, responsibilities, limits, ambitions, and self-mastery in these areas. You will be focused in on the financial picture here, any life and death situations, power, triangles, your sex life, and divorce needs and how they are affected or affect home, real estate, family, mom, moves, renovations, roommates, and property matters. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about the balance with another person involving your income and the outside financial situation, your sex life or a divorce. You will need to make an adjustment around what you hear, the offer, sale, agreement, writing, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or decision. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone behind the scenes or in development tied to your income, say yes. Legal, travel, media, educational, and creative needs align today as well and you may see some sparks with a lover or positive transformations with a child. Wednesday Venus moves into your sign! This kicks off a new love/money cycle that will focus in on you. It’s a great time for you to find or express love, to make more money, to tend to your image, body, identity, or brand, and make pleasant moves ahead. Today you will be in balance with a partner, agent, attorney, or other key person in this. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and all that expansion in legal, travel, media, wedding, or educational interests that have played out around career, goals, ambitions, reputation, status, achievements, recognition, fame, father, the boss, or authority figures, will now slow. You enter a period until late January where you can catch up to where you find yourself in this and do some development or internal work before the next growth round appears next February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, offer, news, agreement, decision, writing, sale, or idea involving another person and your income. You have had 3 years of tests and a new level of self-mastery in this area and it’s now time to cement things, do you commit or end things now? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings weeks ahead with talks, meetings, agreements, writing, news, decisions, and sales that focus in on the big financial picture, an inheritance, bankruptcy, tax or insurance matter, commissions, alimony, child support, loan, partner’s money, sex life, or divorce. Saturn moving here starts a 3 year cycle that will test you, bring limits, challenges, ambitions, and a new level of self-mastery in these areas. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about you and another person and getting serious about the topic at hand. Expect to make some adjustments around the income. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone over love, money, the social interests, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, say yes. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle that will open things up for you behind closed doors, through the arts, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, dealing with addictions, secret romances, research, and investigations. Look for love or money here. Today there will be someone at work, with health interests or animal needs in the balance. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and after months of expansion in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, and religious areas, you will now see things slow down. Between now and the end of January is a great time to do some inner work here or get into development with one of these topics so you come out strong in February when it’s back on. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious moment for you, one that focuses in on an idea, offer, decision, agreement, writing, sale, meeting, talk, news, proposal, or pitch involving another person and your needs, identity, image, body, brand, or goals. You’ve had 3 years to test yourself here and master some new level for yourself, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings talks, writing, offers, sales, agreements, and decisions in the weeks ahead over income, possessions, acquisitions, and values. Saturn here begins a 3 year cycle of tests, challenges, ambitions, responsibilities, and new level of self-mastery in the same arenas. You will be learning more about how outside finances, sex, divorce, power, control, triangles, and manipulations play into earning, possessions, acquisitions, and values through this transit. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday focuses in on another person and the work, paperwork, health, or pets. Get serious and make adjustments around your own needs, body, brand, identity, or ego. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone behind the scenes tied to your goals, ambitions, career, or status. You can cement something through strategy, secret agreements, film, art, music, institutions, addictions, spiritual interests, research, or Karmic alignment. Powerful talks with partners, representatives or opponents can transform things today. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo where she will kick off a new Love/Money cycle in the weeks ahead that plays out through friends, groups, social occasions or networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and in pursuit of your aspirations. Look here for love and income flow. Today there will be a need to balance this with someone over the children, love or creative project. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the expansion over the last months around legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or educational matters that have played out around sex, divorce or the big financial picture will now slow. You enter a period from now til the end of January where you can catch up to where you find yourself and get into development so you come out strong next February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, offer, sale, agreement, writing prospect, or decision with someone over Karmic balance, a film, music, or art project, a spiritual, meditative, yogic, psychic, or magical interest, addiction, a hospital or prison matter, retreat, isolation, a secret romance, research project, or investigation. You’ve had 3 years to get real and face challenges, and to master some new level here, so what do you want now? The choice cements things one way or the other. Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings weeks ahead with a focus on talks, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions involving you, your name, identity, brand, body, ego, image, or goals. Saturn here kicks off a 3 year cycle that will test and challenge you, push you to take on more responsibility, shine more ambition, take the lead, and master a new level related to who you are, your identity, ego, brand, body, and image. You will be learning this through sex, reproductive matters, divorce, and the big financial picture. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about you and another person and the serious matter involving creativity, love, kids, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You will need to make some adjustments around things going on behind the scenes, at hospitals, with addictions, art projects, music, film, secret romances, or spiritual matters. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with another person over love or money and the travel, legal, media, wedding, or educational interest tied to the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity, say yes. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and will smooth things out over the weeks ahead on the career front or with goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, status, the boss, authority figures, or dad. She is taking the new love and money cycle here so look for love and money through these outlets. Today you will need to balance this with home, family, mom, roommates, moves, or real estate. Thursday Jupiter, your ruling energy, Retrogrades. You have had months of expansive energy around legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding matters playing out with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or other key people. Now this slows and you will enter a period where you can do some internal work about these topics and people or get into development on something so you come out strong when things begin to move again in February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, decision, bit of news, offer, sale, or agreement with another person about your aspirations, friendship, group affiliations or activities, the internet, astrology, or charities. You have had 3 years of tests and new level of self-mastery here and now you need to choose to commit more or end something, what do you want? Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio on Friday. Mercury here is giving you the weeks ahead to write, sign agreements, meet, talk, make decisions or sales, and pitch ideas behind the scenes, with Karmic players, in clandestine romances, at hospitals or other institutions, over addictions, with film, music or other art projects, with spiritual pursuits, or in research or investigations. Saturn here begins a 3 year cycle that will test, challenge, get you more ambitious, give you more responsibilities or limits, and take you to a new level of self-mastery with these areas. You will look at sex, reproduction, divorce, and the big financial picture as you move through these topics. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday focuses in on someone over serious matters tied to home, real estate, goals, career, and the direction you are taking. You will need to make some adjustments regarding aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone involving love or money and the career, boss, goal, ambition, authority figure, shared assets, outside financials, sex life, or divorce. There is also powerful alignment today for you with lovers, kids or creative projects and some kind of transformation. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo where she kicks off a new love/money cycle that will play out around travel, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, and adventure. Look for love or money in these areas. Today there is someone in the balance here and a talk or decision that is being made. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the months of expansive energy that has been working through legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs and your work, co-workers, employees, health matters, and pets will slow down. You now enter a period where you will be internalizing and catching up to where you find yourself and it’s a great time to begin development on something here that can come out strong next February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, meeting, decision, offer, sale, agreement, or idea that involves someone else and the career, boss, authority figure, father, goal, ambition, reputation, or fame. You have had 3 years of tests and a new sense of self-mastery evolve through these challenges and now you are ready to cement something one way or the other, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here will begin weeks of talks, meetings, agreements, writing, offers, sales, and decisions involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities. Saturn here will kick off a 3 year cycle where you will be tested, challenged, take on more responsibilities, deal with limits, ambitions, take the lead, and gain a new sense of self-mastery with friends, groups, social networking, social occasions, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. You will learn via the shared financials, sex life, divorce, power, control, triangles, and transformations that occur here. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is going to focus in on serious matters with someone regarding legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs and the agreements or talks involved. You need to make an adjustment around career, authority figures, ambitions, reputation, or goals. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is opening up an opportunity with someone involving your legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding interests and the partnership, representation or other key person in the mix. Home, real estate, family, and what is going on behind the scenes looks powerful and positive today. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle over the weeks ahead that will focus on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, and the big financial picture. Look for love and money flow here. Today this will need to be balanced with your need to make money or the income flow and another person. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the months of expansive energy around legal, travel, media, educational, and wedding interests that have played out in your love life, with kids or around your creative projects slows down. You now enter a phase in the months ahead where you can catch up to where you find yourself and do some internal work or get into development on something so you come out strong next February when the energy is moving ahead again. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, offer, decision, sale, agreement, or decision with someone over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, or religious needs. You’ve been tested here for the last 3 years and have gained a new level of mastery so do you commit or end something now, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here will bring weeks ahead of talks, meetings, agreements, writing, offers, sales, and decisions involving career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, and authority figures. Saturn here kicks off 3 years of tests, challenges, limits, structure, ambitions, leadership, and a new level of self-mastery with your career, direction in life, reputation, authority figures, goals, and ambitions. You will learn through sex, divorce, the big financial picture, control, triangles, and power in these areas. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about serious matters with another person over income and the big financial picture, the sex life or divorce. You will need to make adjustments around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matters. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone over work, health or pet matters and the big financial matter, sex life or divorce. You are in a good position with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charities today. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo where she kicks off a new love/money cycle involving your key relationships in the weeks ahead. This means money and love will flow through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and even smooth things out with competitors. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and months of expansive energy around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding interests playing out at home, with property or real estate, family, mom, roommates, moves, or renovations, will now slow down. You can catch up to where you find yourself in these areas over the months ahead and it’s a great time to enter some developmental idea here now through the end of January so you come out strong in February when the energy is moving forward again. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, meeting, offer, sale, news, writing, agreement, or decision with someone over a loan, debt, settlement, insurance or tax matter, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commission, royalty, investment, partner’s money, divorce, sex interest or issue, life or death situation, or reproductive need. You have had 3 years of tests here and have mastered a new level of self-mastery so do you cement things through commitment or endings now, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings weeks ahead of talks, meetings, ideas, decisions, offers, sales, and agreements involving legal matters, travel, import/export, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, politics, religion, weddings, and higher education. Saturn here brings 3 years of tests, challenges, limits, responsibilities, leadership, ambition, and a new level of self-mastery in these areas. You will learn this through the sex, divorce or big financial matters that play out here and through triangles, power, control, and deep feelings that come to move you through it. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
We grind down to our last 4 days of Saturn in Libra, we can feel the last 3 years of tests and challenges, commitments and endings, rolling to their destinations in key relationships, and we know via astrology that this level of intensity and Karmic reconnect/disconnect will not occur again for nearly another 3 decades. With that in mind the week ahead will prove most illuminating in connection to romantic and business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, managers, producers, competitors, and opponents. Draw your line, make your claim, choose.
Monday the Aries Moon will motivate you with this significant other person and you will bring passion or anger, action or determination, to the balance. Mars is asking for adjustments involving a big financial matter, sex, reproduction, divorce, triangles, power balance, or in life and death situations.
Tuesday Venus is actively dancing through her last day in Leo and she connects with Saturn in Libra as she does this. For each of us this means any love or money matters involving the creative projects, kids or our love life/lover will peak today and there should be an open door to what you want through partners or partnership, representatives or other key individuals. Taurus Moon aligns with Pluto so money flow, values, goals, career, and authority figures should harmonize in your world.
Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo to kick off a new Love/Money cycle for each sign. Love will become more picky, discriminating, service oriented, organic, grounded, pure, simple, and critical. Money will flow through how well you organize, attend to detail, analyze, and work. Venus meets with Neptune today so expect a one on one with someone over one of these topics to have some Karmic play involved and to help you see what is either in development, going on behind the scenes, tied to artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, or research.
Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the planet in charge of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, and ceremonial interests will slow and begin to take us on an inner journey over the next months. He has been trying to expand these areas through our expansive ideas, proposals, writing, sales, agreements, big decisions, sibling or neighbor interests, moves, local activities, short trips, vehicle or electronic needs, and meetings over the last months. All that growth will now get a chance to solidify and you will have time to catch up to where you find yourself.
Friday is the whopper of all whoppers astrologically speaking. Mercury and Saturn find each other on the same degree, the last degree of Libra. They are going to put a giant exclamation point on the decision, news, idea, talk, meeting, offer, sale, or writing that involves that partner, agent, attorney, specialist, opponent, competitor, client, or other key person from the last 3 year ongoing topic. This is it. Period. Do you commit, end things, structure them, set limits, charge up ambitions, what do you choose? This moment will not come again for nearly 3 decades and by then all players and situations will be different. For some of you the moment came yesterday as we built to this point, either way, it’s a once in a lifetime moment that seals a relationship for good one way or the other. Mercury and Saturn then both move into Scorpio. Mercury will be here over the weeks ahead to help in talks and decisions involving sex, reproduction, divorce, high finance, power, control, and triangles. Saturn will tour these topics for the next 3 years and bring a need for a new level of mastery, a new set of challenges to overcome, limits to contend with, more ambition and responsibility into the mix, and will by transits end have seen you grow up just that much more where this falls in your chart. Here we go.
You need to balance something with a partner, representative or opponent on Monday and make some adjustments over sex, the financial picture or divorce. Tuesday brings a peak opportunity for you with a child, lover or creative project and the key person involved with what you want to achieve, reach out. Income and goals are also aligned today, higher-ups will take notice. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and you enter a new love/money cycle in the weeks ahead that will play out through work, with co-workers, employees, services, animal interests, and health needs. These areas will smooth out and you should be able to attract more love or income through efforts focused here. You may need to balance something with another person over hospitals, retreat, research, hidden romance, an artistic project, or spiritual interest. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades so you will see the push for more expansion in legal, travel, media, wedding, and educational areas slow around writing, agreements, talks, or sales in the months ahead and it is a great time for you to sit down and develop something in these areas between now and the end of January. Late Thursday or Friday morning brings a very important bit of news, a decision, agreement, sale, talk, offer, meeting, or idea involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, or competitor. This is all or nothing, choose to commit or end things. Saturn moves into Scorpio today just after Mercury moves in so you begin a few week period where talks, agreements, and decisions will be focused on sex, reproductive matters, divorce, or big financial matters such as loans, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, bankruptcy, or other outside resources, and a major 3 year cycle where you will be tested, learn a new level of mastery, find ways to work within triangles, embrace your power, and master these topics at a new level. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about balancing what you are doing or want to do on your own behind the scenes and the call to work, health or animal needs. You will need to make an adjustment with a partner, representative or other key person. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is going to bring an opportunity with someone involving home, real estate, moves, renovations, work, health, or pets and open up some doors here involving love or money. You are in a good position today with legal, travel, educational, or media matters. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle that will focus in on your creative potential and opportunities, your love life and children in the weeks ahead. This will smooth things out here and will also help you attract more love or money through these fields so put yourself out there. Today there is a need to balance this with someone over aspirations, social interests, internet or astrology matters, friends, groups, or charities. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and all the expansive legal, travel, media, or educational energy that has been moving through your decisions to make money will now slow down a bit. From now through the end of January you get to catch up to where you find yourself in this matter and it’s a great time to do some inner work or development on some money making project that can begin to bear fruit next February. Thursday night or Friday will bring a major decision, bit of news, idea, agreement, sale, or talk with another person over work, health or animals. This is it, what you have been challenging yourself through over the last 3 years and you need to commit or end something now. Mercury and Saturn both move into Scorpio on Friday. Mercury here will give you the weeks ahead to talk, write, sign agreements, make decisions or sales, or hear news regarding finances, sex or divorce with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. Saturn moving into this arena is the beginning of a 3 year cycle of challenges and new level of self mastery around the commitments and endings, structures, limits, and ambitions tied to your romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or competitors over the sex life, divorce, reproductive needs, loans, debt, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, investments, taxes, insurance matters, or other outside resources. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about balancing aspirations, love, friends, groups, the internet, kids, creative projects, astrology, or charities with someone else. You will need to make adjustments around work, health or pets. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone over love, creative projects or kids. Open up lines of communications and say yes to offers or ideas that flow around these areas and the love or money there. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo to kick off a new love/money cycle that will focus energy on home, moves, real estate deals, renovations, roommates, mom, and family. This is going to help smooth things out here and attract the love or money to and from these arenas in the weeks ahead. Today you will need to find some balance here with another person over goals or ambitions. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the expansive energy that has been pushing you out there through travel, media, education, weddings, or legal means will now slow over the months ahead. You have time now to catch up to where you find yourself, how your body, image, brand, and identity have fared and get a chance to do some inner work before things begin new growth at the end of January. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious bit of news, conversation, decision, offer, sale, or agreement involving another person and your love life, creative projects or children. This is about commitments or endings over serious matters that have brewed over the last 3 years, get real about what you want. Friday Mercury and Saturn moves into Scorpio. Mercury here will open up talks, agreements, writing, sales, offers, and decisions in the weeks ahead involving sex, divorce and the financial picture at work, with co-workers, employees, around health matters, or for animals. Saturn here will begin a 3 year cycle of tests, challenges, ambitions, and a new sense of self mastery in these areas and push you to overcome obstacles, take the lead and learn from triangles, self-empowerment and taking control. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about balancing goals and home, family or mom matters in a serious way with someone. Expect to make adjustments around love, with a lover, children, or creative projects. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is going to bring an opportunity with someone to make money or express love at home, with property, through mom, family or a roommate, or involving a move or renovation. Aspirations align with partners, representatives and other key people and social interests should flow nicely. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo to start a new Love/Money cycle in the weeks ahead. This is going to focus in on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions and will help smooth things out. Look for love and money making opportunities in these areas. Today you will need to balance this with someone over travel, legal, media, wedding, or educational needs. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the months of expansion behind the scenes, in film, music, art, development, with a clandestine romance, involving hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or spiritual interests through the legal, travel, educational, or media side of things will now slow down. Over the months ahead you can catch up to where you find yourself and do some internal work and development to get ready for what will move forward here again at the end of January. Late Thursday or Friday brings a very serious talk, decision, agreement, sale, meeting, or bit of news with someone over the home, a move, a real estate deal, mom, family, roommates, or renovations. You have had 3 years of challenges and self mastery here, this is it, do you commit or end something? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here will bring weeks ahead of talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and decisions involving creative projects, your love life and kids. Saturn here will bring a 3 year cycle of tests, challenges, ambitions, leadership, and self-mastery in creative projects, with children and in your love life involving sex, reproductive needs, divorce, loans, inheritance, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, investments, commissions, royalties, and your partner’s money. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about serious matters with someone over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs and the writing, agreements, talks, sales, decisions, or offers in the mix. Seek balance and make adjustments around home, moves, real estate, roommates, family, or mom. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing opportunity with someone over an offer, sale, proposal, pitch, idea, decision, news, agreement, writing, talk, meeting, short trip, local activity, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic, say yes. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle that will focus in on earnings. This is going to smooth things out for you and may attract love while making money or just amp up the income flow during this transit. Today you will need to balance something with another person in this over the outside financial influence, sex or divorce needs. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and all that expansion that has occurred around legal, travel, media, wedding, and educational interests playing out through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities, will now slow down. Between now and the end of January you can catch up to where you find yourself and it’s a great time to do some inner work or development on these topics so you come out strong again in February. Later Thursday or Friday brings a very serious talk, meeting, offer, decision, agreement, writing opportunity, sale, or idea involving another person and it focuses on commitment or endings. You’ve had 3 years to challenge yourself and gain a new level of self-mastery here, what do you want? Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio on Friday. Mercury here is giving you the weeks ahead to talk, decide, agree, write, sell, or get active locally over home, moves, real estate, mom, family, or roommates. Saturn here is kicking off a 3 year cycle of challenges, responsibilities, limits, ambitions, and self-mastery in these areas. You will be focused in on the financial picture here, any life and death situations, power, triangles, your sex life, and divorce needs and how they are affected or affect home, real estate, family, mom, moves, renovations, roommates, and property matters. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about the balance with another person involving your income and the outside financial situation, your sex life or a divorce. You will need to make an adjustment around what you hear, the offer, sale, agreement, writing, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or decision. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone behind the scenes or in development tied to your income, say yes. Legal, travel, media, educational, and creative needs align today as well and you may see some sparks with a lover or positive transformations with a child. Wednesday Venus moves into your sign! This kicks off a new love/money cycle that will focus in on you. It’s a great time for you to find or express love, to make more money, to tend to your image, body, identity, or brand, and make pleasant moves ahead. Today you will be in balance with a partner, agent, attorney, or other key person in this. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and all that expansion in legal, travel, media, wedding, or educational interests that have played out around career, goals, ambitions, reputation, status, achievements, recognition, fame, father, the boss, or authority figures, will now slow. You enter a period until late January where you can catch up to where you find yourself in this and do some development or internal work before the next growth round appears next February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, offer, news, agreement, decision, writing, sale, or idea involving another person and your income. You have had 3 years of tests and a new level of self-mastery in this area and it’s now time to cement things, do you commit or end things now? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings weeks ahead with talks, meetings, agreements, writing, news, decisions, and sales that focus in on the big financial picture, an inheritance, bankruptcy, tax or insurance matter, commissions, alimony, child support, loan, partner’s money, sex life, or divorce. Saturn moving here starts a 3 year cycle that will test you, bring limits, challenges, ambitions, and a new level of self-mastery in these areas. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about you and another person and getting serious about the topic at hand. Expect to make some adjustments around the income. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone over love, money, the social interests, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, say yes. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle that will open things up for you behind closed doors, through the arts, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, dealing with addictions, secret romances, research, and investigations. Look for love or money here. Today there will be someone at work, with health interests or animal needs in the balance. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and after months of expansion in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, and religious areas, you will now see things slow down. Between now and the end of January is a great time to do some inner work here or get into development with one of these topics so you come out strong in February when it’s back on. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious moment for you, one that focuses in on an idea, offer, decision, agreement, writing, sale, meeting, talk, news, proposal, or pitch involving another person and your needs, identity, image, body, brand, or goals. You’ve had 3 years to test yourself here and master some new level for yourself, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings talks, writing, offers, sales, agreements, and decisions in the weeks ahead over income, possessions, acquisitions, and values. Saturn here begins a 3 year cycle of tests, challenges, ambitions, responsibilities, and new level of self-mastery in the same arenas. You will be learning more about how outside finances, sex, divorce, power, control, triangles, and manipulations play into earning, possessions, acquisitions, and values through this transit. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday focuses in on another person and the work, paperwork, health, or pets. Get serious and make adjustments around your own needs, body, brand, identity, or ego. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone behind the scenes tied to your goals, ambitions, career, or status. You can cement something through strategy, secret agreements, film, art, music, institutions, addictions, spiritual interests, research, or Karmic alignment. Powerful talks with partners, representatives or opponents can transform things today. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo where she will kick off a new Love/Money cycle in the weeks ahead that plays out through friends, groups, social occasions or networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and in pursuit of your aspirations. Look here for love and income flow. Today there will be a need to balance this with someone over the children, love or creative project. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the expansion over the last months around legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or educational matters that have played out around sex, divorce or the big financial picture will now slow. You enter a period from now til the end of January where you can catch up to where you find yourself and get into development so you come out strong next February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, offer, sale, agreement, writing prospect, or decision with someone over Karmic balance, a film, music, or art project, a spiritual, meditative, yogic, psychic, or magical interest, addiction, a hospital or prison matter, retreat, isolation, a secret romance, research project, or investigation. You’ve had 3 years to get real and face challenges, and to master some new level here, so what do you want now? The choice cements things one way or the other. Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings weeks ahead with a focus on talks, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions involving you, your name, identity, brand, body, ego, image, or goals. Saturn here kicks off a 3 year cycle that will test and challenge you, push you to take on more responsibility, shine more ambition, take the lead, and master a new level related to who you are, your identity, ego, brand, body, and image. You will be learning this through sex, reproductive matters, divorce, and the big financial picture. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about you and another person and the serious matter involving creativity, love, kids, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You will need to make some adjustments around things going on behind the scenes, at hospitals, with addictions, art projects, music, film, secret romances, or spiritual matters. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with another person over love or money and the travel, legal, media, wedding, or educational interest tied to the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity, say yes. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and will smooth things out over the weeks ahead on the career front or with goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, status, the boss, authority figures, or dad. She is taking the new love and money cycle here so look for love and money through these outlets. Today you will need to balance this with home, family, mom, roommates, moves, or real estate. Thursday Jupiter, your ruling energy, Retrogrades. You have had months of expansive energy around legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding matters playing out with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or other key people. Now this slows and you will enter a period where you can do some internal work about these topics and people or get into development on something so you come out strong when things begin to move again in February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, decision, bit of news, offer, sale, or agreement with another person about your aspirations, friendship, group affiliations or activities, the internet, astrology, or charities. You have had 3 years of tests and new level of self-mastery here and now you need to choose to commit more or end something, what do you want? Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio on Friday. Mercury here is giving you the weeks ahead to write, sign agreements, meet, talk, make decisions or sales, and pitch ideas behind the scenes, with Karmic players, in clandestine romances, at hospitals or other institutions, over addictions, with film, music or other art projects, with spiritual pursuits, or in research or investigations. Saturn here begins a 3 year cycle that will test, challenge, get you more ambitious, give you more responsibilities or limits, and take you to a new level of self-mastery with these areas. You will look at sex, reproduction, divorce, and the big financial picture as you move through these topics. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday focuses in on someone over serious matters tied to home, real estate, goals, career, and the direction you are taking. You will need to make some adjustments regarding aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone involving love or money and the career, boss, goal, ambition, authority figure, shared assets, outside financials, sex life, or divorce. There is also powerful alignment today for you with lovers, kids or creative projects and some kind of transformation. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo where she kicks off a new love/money cycle that will play out around travel, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, and adventure. Look for love or money in these areas. Today there is someone in the balance here and a talk or decision that is being made. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the months of expansive energy that has been working through legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs and your work, co-workers, employees, health matters, and pets will slow down. You now enter a period where you will be internalizing and catching up to where you find yourself and it’s a great time to begin development on something here that can come out strong next February. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, meeting, decision, offer, sale, agreement, or idea that involves someone else and the career, boss, authority figure, father, goal, ambition, reputation, or fame. You have had 3 years of tests and a new sense of self-mastery evolve through these challenges and now you are ready to cement something one way or the other, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here will begin weeks of talks, meetings, agreements, writing, offers, sales, and decisions involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities. Saturn here will kick off a 3 year cycle where you will be tested, challenged, take on more responsibilities, deal with limits, ambitions, take the lead, and gain a new sense of self-mastery with friends, groups, social networking, social occasions, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. You will learn via the shared financials, sex life, divorce, power, control, triangles, and transformations that occur here. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is going to focus in on serious matters with someone regarding legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs and the agreements or talks involved. You need to make an adjustment around career, authority figures, ambitions, reputation, or goals. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is opening up an opportunity with someone involving your legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding interests and the partnership, representation or other key person in the mix. Home, real estate, family, and what is going on behind the scenes looks powerful and positive today. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo and kicks off a new love/money cycle over the weeks ahead that will focus on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, and the big financial picture. Look for love and money flow here. Today this will need to be balanced with your need to make money or the income flow and another person. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and the months of expansive energy around legal, travel, media, educational, and wedding interests that have played out in your love life, with kids or around your creative projects slows down. You now enter a phase in the months ahead where you can catch up to where you find yourself and do some internal work or get into development on something so you come out strong next February when the energy is moving ahead again. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, offer, decision, sale, agreement, or decision with someone over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, or religious needs. You’ve been tested here for the last 3 years and have gained a new level of mastery so do you commit or end something now, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here will bring weeks ahead of talks, meetings, agreements, writing, offers, sales, and decisions involving career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, and authority figures. Saturn here kicks off 3 years of tests, challenges, limits, structure, ambitions, leadership, and a new level of self-mastery with your career, direction in life, reputation, authority figures, goals, and ambitions. You will learn through sex, divorce, the big financial picture, control, triangles, and power in these areas. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
Monday is about serious matters with another person over income and the big financial picture, the sex life or divorce. You will need to make adjustments around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matters. Tuesday is Venus’s last day in Leo and she is bringing an opportunity with someone over work, health or pet matters and the big financial matter, sex life or divorce. You are in a good position with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charities today. Wednesday Venus moves into Virgo where she kicks off a new love/money cycle involving your key relationships in the weeks ahead. This means money and love will flow through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and even smooth things out with competitors. Thursday Jupiter Retrogrades and months of expansive energy around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding interests playing out at home, with property or real estate, family, mom, roommates, moves, or renovations, will now slow down. You can catch up to where you find yourself in these areas over the months ahead and it’s a great time to enter some developmental idea here now through the end of January so you come out strong in February when the energy is moving forward again. Late Thursday or Friday brings a serious talk, meeting, offer, sale, news, writing, agreement, or decision with someone over a loan, debt, settlement, insurance or tax matter, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commission, royalty, investment, partner’s money, divorce, sex interest or issue, life or death situation, or reproductive need. You have had 3 years of tests here and have mastered a new level of self-mastery so do you cement things through commitment or endings now, what do you want? Friday Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio. Mercury here brings weeks ahead of talks, meetings, ideas, decisions, offers, sales, and agreements involving legal matters, travel, import/export, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, politics, religion, weddings, and higher education. Saturn here brings 3 years of tests, challenges, limits, responsibilities, leadership, ambition, and a new level of self-mastery in these areas. You will learn this through the sex, divorce or big financial matters that play out here and through triangles, power, control, and deep feelings that come to move you through it. Expect the universe to step up to deliver people or scenarios that will introduce you to this new cycle, get serious about these topics now. If you are ready to get a private reading with Zoe email or call 818-613-6067 for a comprehensive look at what is going on in your own personal chart blue print and what to expect up ahead. To Read Zoe’s in-depth OCTOBER MONTHLY FORECAST go here:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: