Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beranda » , » Corrupt Britain, Listen To The Children

Corrupt Britain, Listen To The Children

Little Red Riding Wolf: The fairy tale
give some good advice about how
to deal with predators.
A while ago I met someone who had been molested by the late kid's TV host Jimmy Savile back in the 1970s. I won't disgust you with the details; he was a little boy at the time and Savile a middle-aged man. I wasn't particularly surprised to hear it – after all Savile's whole persona was pedophiliac from the sleazy glasses to the easy-off tracksuit bottoms.

That was before the media finally decided to tell the real story of Sir Jimmy Savile. Tonight an exposé on ITV will interview 10 of his victims.

(For my non-UK readers. Jimmy Savile was on TV for most of the 70s, 80s and 90s. He presented a lot of shows for kids, including one called Jim'll Fix It. To foreigners, his success was perplexing.)

Rumours about Savile's predatory behaviour have been around for decades. It was a known unknown. Allegedly there was never enough evidence to nail him.

In fact, no one was willing to listen to the children. There has been a steady trickle of allegations.

Why is the truth coming out now after all these years?

Again and again in recent exposés of child sex abuse, we find that people knew, but no one talked. A person in position of authority – a priest, a TV legend – threatens, coerces forces a child into unspeakable acts. And then for decades the child is too frightened and ashamed to accuse, or if he or she does tell someone, nothing comes of it, or worse the child is punished.

Darth Vader: Actually some
people are just bad.
And the institutions collude. The Catholic Church we now know about. But the BBC?

It is obvious there has been a cover-up. Apparently, the BBC kept a security guard outside Savile's dressing room to keep children OUT. The people in charge knew. Savile's sexual tastes were an open secret.

Why would the BBC go to such lengths to cover for Savile? What did he know about whom within the organisation that gave him "power"? The fact that he was a big TV personality would not have been enough to protect him, there must be a deeper reason. Here is part of a transcript of an interview he did with Louis Theroux. Theroux has seen a piece of paper with his own name and home address on it in Savile's flat.
Theroux: How did you get the address?
Savile: I can get anything me.
Theroux: How did you get it though.
Savile: I can get anything. There's nothing I can't get and there's nothing I can't do.
And he turns out to have been right, because he died before anyone took him to court.

Why did the police fail to follow up allegations? Why did fellow journalists fail to get the story? The News of the World could tap Millie Dowler's telephone but they couldn't expose the country's most famous child molester. Why not?

The obvious suspicion is that some of the other people involved in the child sex abuse, such as that going in at the children's home Haut de la Garenne in Jersey, were genuinely powerful.

Pluto will be repeatedly transiting
the UK Sun and IC over the next year.
These are the pillars that hold up the country.
Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn have already resulted in the exposure of corruption in most branches of established power in this country: parliament with the MPs expenses scandal, the tabloid press (Leveson), the police (Leveson and Hillsborough), the coroner's court (Hillsborough), the banks (LIBOR). We just have the Royal Family, the Church of England and the BBC left to go and now Auntie looks like she's been harbouring pedophiles.  Savile's great friend Jonathan King, another DJ, was jailed in 2000 for grooming and raping boys. That was one down – how many more to go?

Uranus (shock) in Aries, which is the sign which just blurts out the truth. Pluto (exposure) in Capricorn (the Establishment). Up until now, these two have been complemented by Saturn touring through Libra, the sign of the courts, of law, of politics and also of trade. Libra's scales were originally a merchant's measure. So you can see what has been exposed.

The importance of Saturn in the current pattern is that he is the reaper of grim rewards. What you sow, Saturn will eventually force you to reap. Saturn is also about rules. Rules have been broken – and now that is exposed.

But in a few days time, on Oct 6, Saturn will go into Scorpio. The relatively polite Libran treatment of rule-breakers is over. The gloves will come off.

Scorpio is the sign of sex and of taboo. There is no deeper taboo than molesting children. There is almost nothing that makes people more angry and vengeful. Even quite reasonable people like me.

Jimmy Savile's chart
Needless to say, the "alleged" chlid-molester Jimmy Savile was born with Saturn in Scorpio. He has a Lilith/Moon conjunction in Virgo (the sign of the virgin/whore dichotomy), and Pluto conjunct the North Node in the Moon's sign Cancer. Moon equals Mother. He slept in his dead mother's bed which he called "the altar" and kept a wardrobe full of her clothes which he had dry cleaned once a year. Macabre. Sun-Venus in Scorpio, too. There have been ugly rumours about Savile's other proclivities for years also, which I cannot repeat here.

The other question is this. What does it say about a country or its institutions, when a child molester is put in charge of one of popular children's TV shows. In the 1970s, we weren't aware of the phenomenon of pedophilia in the way we are now. But it was still obvious to the casual TV viewer that there was something very wrong with Sir Jimmy. And yet he was lauded, treated as a bit of a clown. His celebrity also got him easy access to children's homes and hospitals. He was famous for his fundraising. Charitable donations in return for access to children's bodies. It's a disgrace.

Did Savile have access to people in power? Take a look at his chart with the UK chart. His North Node-Pluto conjunction is on the UK's Midheaven, the highest people in the land. His Pluto, the blackmailer, is actually exactly on the MC, which puts it opposite the UK Sun, the heart of the nation.

The UK Sun is at 9° Capricorn, and it's about to get hit by transiting Pluto, ready to expose the truth now after all this time, or completely bury it. Come December the transit will be exact. Let's see if Uranus manages to blow the lid off things completely, and it'll hit again next year.

Savile's friends Gary Glitter and Jonathan King are both convicted pedophiles, both still living and both  could tell more.

Here are links to more about this case:
Esther Rantzen
Jon Ronson on Jonathan King

Julie Bindel in The Guardian

Here is a link to my post on the Catholic Child abuse scandal.
The Generation That Won't Shut Up

And finally here's a clip from Tommy, a the rock musical written by The Who at the time that Savile and his friends were groping their way around London.