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October by James Tissot, who was born with Sun Libra, Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio. |
Saturn likes rules, boundaries and organisation, so apply these to the things of Scorpio.
Here are some examples but do extrapolate...
Sex. Are you happy with your sex life? Do you really enjoy dressing up in rubber on Thursdays and cleaning the house, or are you just doing it to please your partner? Is celibacy the only other option? Is it time to impose some limitation?
Remember that last time Saturn was in Scorpio, in the 1980s, we were in the middle of the AIDS crisis in the West. The virus was identified and the concept of "safe sex" was invented. People's behaviour did change quite dramatically.
Finances. Scorpio deals in debt, investments, inheritance. Do you know where your money is and what it's doing? Have you made a will? How badly are you really in debt?
Saturn is now in mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn, the planet that has been making such a job of transforming the global economy since 2008. Between them, Saturn the planet of accountability and Pluto the transformer, they may well be ready to make some brutal changes to the structure of the world economy. Mutual reception facilitates the workings of both planets, but that does not mean it's going to be pretty. These two are not known for their good looks or charm. Their first exact contact by sextile is December 27th this year...
So on a personal level, think about where your debt is and where your investments are and whether you want to bury the chest of gold in the basement.
In the 1980s we saw the hideous Savings and Loan scandal erupt during this transit. Small banks and businesses went to the wall across America as it became apparent that there were unrealistic amounts of debt. Frankly compared to the ocean of debt in which we wallow now, that was a cold bath..
Death and Old Age. Do you believe in an afterlife? When you die do you want to be cremated or preserved in ice? Think it through, write it down. Do you want to be gaga and fed with a runcible spoon or would you rather they switched off the machine?
In the past 30 years (again since the last Saturn in Scorpio) advances in medicine have prolonged lives in the developed world in a way that has us all asking questions about the quality of life, euthanasia, and our rights to die in dignity.
Ghosts What is haunting you? Is it time to exorcise it? Scorpio is the sign associated with the unconscious, with our obsessions and habits. What habit or obsession is it time cut out of your life?
It is also the sign of spirits and ancestry. In some ways this is quite practical, since Scorpio rules inheritance, but I'm also talking about the spooky stuff – real ghosts, dark energies. Saturn demands a practical approach, so a really thorough energy cleansing of your home this Scorpio season would do no harm at all.
Saturn in Scorpio
October 5, 2012 - December 23, 2014
June 14, 2015 - September 17, 2015