Here is what I wrote about Syria last spring."Let us pray for as many ceasefires as possible, because this is a long, drawn-out struggle. I really hate to be pessimistic, but it seems to me there is a strong potential for civil war, whether Assad himself stays or goes. If the international community does not contain Syria, the blood-dimmed tide could roll over the whole region."To read the rest of the article and see the charts for Syria, the Assad regime and Bashar al Assad himself, click here.All the charts are under enormous pressure from the Pluto-Uranus square right now. The planets moving into Aries - Sun, Mars, Venus, and later in the year Mercury, will soon be in Syria's house of "open enemies". They first transit Uranus, the planet of revolution, possibly enflaming the conflict even further. Watch the Full Moon in Libra on the 27th and the weeks following for further derailment of any practical solution, coupled with behind-the-scenes negotiations.Photographs of this conflict are too disturbing. To give now to Save The Children's Syrian Crisis Appeal, click here.
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