How big is the week ahead? Well it is one of those rare weeks when pretty much everything tells the same story and it's all focused on the Scorpio part of your chart. Yep, it's going to be about Eclipsing out something here with the Solar Eclipse, getting a huge new beginning with the New Moon, and revisiting, reworking, releasing, and reconnecting with the past as Mercury Retrogrades back in to this territory. Then, Saturn in Scorpio will adjust to Uranus, asking us for personal or physical adjustments in the mix, so yeah. Visualize your own power, give it a color (I'm going with purple) and repeat after me, "I embrace my power in equal measures as I accept the power of the universe to guide me perfectly to my highest ground." Scorpio energy is about power, evolution, the deeper meanings in life, control, triangles, sex, reproduction, death, rebirth, divorce, and all major financial interests. Here we go.
How powerful are you, really? There is this level of transformation currently bubbling through your aura that most of us are recognizing in you. To get to it, it means purging something, eliminating it, razing it to the ground to rebirth yourself from the ashes. Sounds intense right? Well it is but the payoff is enormous. This week has but this theme for you and is asking that you blow up old paradigms; let go of anything that is financially draining you beyond repair and pursue outside financial resources that will now be within your reach, expel old sexual issues and revamp your intimate nature, stop being a doormat and face any divorce issues, and get in touch with reproductive matters as your regain your personal health. I am not writing a daily blow by blow on this for this week because you must start the week with this in mind and work it through Thursday. Every day supports this, it's time to evolve in these areas. A personal or physical adjustment is part of this, it may affect your identity, image, brand, or body, but it's time to change. There may be legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, educational, or wedding talks involved and this will mean dealing with the past on some level as you sally forth. Friday the energy turns to your career, goals, reputation, fame, ambitions, and dealings with authority figures, you have incredible energy here, go for it. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
What does relationship mean to you Taurus? Is the mirror reflecting your current state of growth or have you moved beyond certain romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents? There is one of the more powerful moments in your life arriving this week and it is ALL about these key connections. It is time to purge the old, release those that no longer affect you deeply, and launch in intense new ways with those that do. You may be seeking out new relationships while eradicating the old or seeking representatives to aid in your personal relationship transformation. The first 4 days of this week beg that you do nothing but focus attention here. Say yes to fresh starts, allow for what is eclipsed out and address your Scorpio energy while you are at it. This means look seriously into your sex life and intimate needs, any divorce issues, reproductive matters, and how the shared financial realm is playing out. Is there a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, settlements, investments, or commissions that you should address? Move on these key connections this week. Be willing to make an adjustment on Thursday, change is important. Friday ushers in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious interests, it's time to motivate here. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Yes, it's really that simple. You have come up with about a million variations and routes to hold your interest when really all you need to do is JUST DO IT. You know how long you've been holding off on it, the question is why? Are you afraid of your own power? This week, and listen to me on this one, is major for you when it comes to a couple key areas: excising bad health habits and starting a new regime or getting the expertise you need from a doctor, trainer, dietician, or other specialist in the health arena, it is key for dropping bad work habits or approaches, walking away from outmoded occupations, negative co-workers, or the people you hire to help you that don't hold up their end, and it is THE TIME to dive into new jobs, new approaches to your job, launching new business, putting your work out there for public consumption, or introducing new ideas on the job (all with a nod to past ideas or relationships in the mix=Mercury is still Retrograde), and finally it is about getting rid of anything that is not working for your animals or cohabitation with animals and opening up new interests and situations for them. Monday through Thursday this is all there is, do it. You will be in talks or hearing news from partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or the competition as you go about it, good, deal. You will need to make an adjustment on Thursday in one or more of these areas involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, events, or aspirations. It's time for more change here. Friday the energy will turn to your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or some big financial matter. All energy; passion, anger and motivation, will amp up here. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
How can such a fun area of life seem so complicated? Is it your love life, the children or your creative projects this week that are calling you to focus so much of your attention? For some of you it may be all of the above. Here's the deal; it's an enormous week for you in these areas. It is without a doubt time to release something past its expiration date or eliminate old behaviors or fears and to move headstrong into the wind of change and say YES to new lovers, new beginnings or projects with current lovers, new ideas about love, new interests and situations with children, new creative projects, launching creative interests or taking up new creative interests, and letting the divine part of yourself that expresses joy and creates from the heart to explore on a deeper level again. The cosmos is conspiring to make this so, it is a wave about to take you out on an adventure into the deep blue sea, say yes. You will be tending to work, paperwork, health, or animals along the way and trying to find solutions to legal, travel, media, or educational needs in the mix. There will be a need to make an adjustment on Thursday involving your love life, kids or creative venture and it will mean changes on the career front, with those in authority, around goals or ambitions, or in your leadership style. It's time. Friday the energy will take your focus to key relationships so expect to motivate with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents, this is where the action is now. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
The thing is this, what the hell are you doing about your home situation? I can think of several scenarios; renovations, moves, real estate deals, property management, interior design, roommate situations, family plans, or mom is in the mix? This week ahead is so powerful for you when it comes to where you hang your hat and who you share your space with, your family and your roots in life and there is no way you are going to skirt by without making some strides, the cosmos is on it big time! So head into your week with the attitude that you are ready to purge and eliminate, take something down to the ground if necessary to rebuild from the ashes, and embrace your ability to launch new home projects, real estate deals, moves, roommate situations, family matters, or renovations that will move things into a better balance with your evolving needs. You will be in talks or hearing news about creative projects, your love life or children as you go through this process and this is about helping you figure out what to do about the divorce, sex life, reproductive need, shared financial matter, or life and death situation. Thursday will mean making an adjustment because it's time and this takes the home, real estate, move, renovation, family, roommate, or mom situation and asks that you adjust around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. Friday shifts a bit for the first time this week and will push you around work, paperwork, health, or animals. This is where the action, passion or anger is ready to motivate you! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Is your brother or sister driving you crazy, your neighbor or neighborhood out of whack, your vehicles or electronics past their expiration date, your writing not deep enough, your agreement no longer beneficial, your idea outmoded, the short trips or local activities irking you, the sale not working out the way you want, or your decision not the right one anymore? This week is going to be so important for you when it comes to these areas. You will need to spend Monday through Thursday on these topics and it is ALL about purging the old here and eliminating what no longer suits WHILE opening up to new approaches, ideas, agreements, decisions, sales, sibling or neighbor relationships, moves, writing, vehicles, or electronic interests. You have the universe conspiring to excise the out of dated interests here, pushing you to look squarely at any past issues or needs and be willing to open up to the fresh start that is bound to play powerfully into your life over the years ahead. Yes, the past is in some way tied to the fresh start but things need to begin changing this week. You may get news that sets you on your new course or an offer may come through or you may find your answer in your local routine, however it arrives, be aware that it's time to move ahead. You will be dealing with home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, roommates, or mom during the course of all of this and looking for ways to work things out with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. Thursday brings an adjustment for you and it's serious and about changes that play out through loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, divorce, your sex life, reproductive needs, settlements, investments, or commissions. Friday the energy will let up a bit over the weeks decisions and news and turn to your love life, kids or creative projects. Things are about to amp up here big time, it's all about the passion, action or anger you work through, but it's time to motivate. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Everyone needs to make money, well unless you are a trust fund baby or monk, it's probably a necessity. The question this week is this; are you really being valued? What exactly is it that you can kick to the curb once and for all to make way for a new sense of personal value in the way you make money or around the amount you are seeing in remuneration for your services? There hasn't been this powerful a combination in your earned income sector in quite some time and it all comes down to purging the old and opening up to new horizons. Do you need to interview or audition, present an idea that could attract money, walk away from some old revenue source that you've outgrown, face a downsizing and reinvent yourself out there? The cosmos has this one, it is on your side, ready to move you on that wave towards something bigger once you take up your place in the event filled week ahead. There are some challenging talks, news, agreements, sales, or decisions in the mix this week that will point out any issues around work, co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, health, or animals and lead you into some key connection that can help you make the changes you need to make. Thursday will require an adjustment when it comes to income, possessions and values, and this means making changes or dealing with them tied to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. It's time to get serious and come from a different approach. Friday the weeks energy will ease a bit as you get amped up at home, over a move, real estate deal, home function, renovation, family matter, roommate, or mom. This is where the action is at, work through anger, express passion and motivate! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Hubba hubba wha??? It's you Scorpio, you and only you. This week just couldn't be more important or more focused if you tried to script it with that deep and brooding mind of yours and it is asking that you do the intense purging to eliminate some old part of your identity, image, brand, ego, physical issue, body type, or personal need that has so far most likely served you well but is now outgrown, beyond redemption or outdated. As you focus profoundly on the who of you this week there will be powerful new openings for your life and next chapter that are going to hold sway for years to come, it all comes down to your ability to shut old doors, say yes to the new direction that is calling you and trust that there is something much bigger than you at work in what occurs over the next 4 days. The kids, your love life or the creative projects will figure into all this as you talk things out or hear news about your income and possessions. It's a push to get you on the right Karmic path that will lead you to some surprising new ideas or offers on the work front, with health needs or animals. Thursday the work, health, paperwork, or animals will require some adjustment, again tying into your identity, image, brand, body, or ego and the elimination and new beginnings. This is serious and about change. Friday the energy shifts to meetings, writing, talks, offers, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, local activities, short trips, or decisions as Mars amps things up for the first time this year here. Expect more passion, anger or action to motivate you in these areas starting now. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Life can be magical, it can hole up behind the scenes, take you into dances with muses, get your artistic juices flowing, put you into research, investigations, spiritual journeys, or the spirit world, open up your dreams, help you transform through hospitals or by facing addictions, or it can lead you into the arms of a Karmic, secret love affair that speaks to your soul. This week is going to focus ALL of your attention in these areas. It is a very powerful week for pulling back and getting into this headspace and a huge part of this is about purging the old and opening up to new ideas, situations, people, or opportunities tied to the past but that hold some new allure as you do so. Your home, a move, real estate deal, family matter, or roommate situation seems to be part of this mix as you talk things out, hear news or make decisions regarding who you are, what you need and your brand or identity going forward. Tune into your dreams, watch for signs, bring your film, music or art project out into the world, get into yoga, meditation, magic, your psychic abilities, form strategies, get into a 12 step program, hire a detective, get hospital or institutional needs moving, or look clearly at your Karmic connections and what is transpiring behind closed doors in your romantic life. What has to go, what is ready to move forward? As you approach this know that come Thursday you will need to make an adjustment in at least one of these areas involving your love life, children, lover, creative projects, or recreational interests. This is serious and about change. Friday will turn your focus more towards income as Mars sparks the fire under ambitions and helps you to express more passion, deal with anger or take action around that money flow! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
What exactly do you aspire to be when you grow up Capricorn? Yes, I know you are more mature than most any other sign but the universe still seems to be quite sure that it is your aspirations in life that are in need of some real focus this week. So, what do you aspire to? Is your dream for your life still one that inspires? What needs to be eliminated and what do you need to do now, this week, to move towards your dreams? Look at your friendships, group affiliations and activities, what you do online, astrology, charities, social networking, and events. How can you powerfully transform these areas to meet your evolving criteria in life? It hasn't been this important for some time to take all of this seriously and to be willing to purge, deconstruct and rebirth your life through these gateways. Is there a past idea with a friend or group that can be reignited, an old internet interest or charity that you want to let go of or transform? Look for pathways crossing, things coming full circle and a new lease on life if you are willing to say yes to change. By Thursday you will be making some serious adjustment in all of this and it involves your home, a move, real estate, renovations, family, mom, or roommates. This is serious, it's time for change, how can you shift perspective or outcome here just enough to get your aspirations into alignment with ambitions? Friday the energy will turn to your own needs, your body, identity, brand, or image, and you will see a fire being lit beneath you as you gear up to go after what you want or just get plain ole more fierce out there. It's all about your passions, dealing with any anger or motivating big time, go! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Is it really a career, this thing you have going on, or is it some lukewarm version of what you wanted for yourself? Is it time to launch a new business, make a move to a new career, set new goals, or amp up your ambitions? For many of you these are the questions this week. For others it will focus more on what's going on with your boss, dad or other authority figures, your sense of achievement, leadership or status, and any fame or reputation in the mix. Know this, the universe is conspiring this week to put all of your focus in these areas and to push you hard to purge, eliminate, vanquish, and start fresh in a major way. Agreements or decisions are changing, it's time to envision a great new height and to go for it. Expect that talks, news or decisions involving aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, or events, will play a part and point out to you any issues you need to address around income or spending, possessions or being valued. You are about to get an idea of a lifetime, you are so inventive, let what comes through this week spark some rebirth of spirit and innovate as you are meant to do. By Thursday you will be making adjustments with career, the boss, dad, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, status, authority figures, or your leadership style. It's serious and really comes down to breaking free and making decisions, expressing ideas, making sales, your local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, offers, proposals, siblings, neighbors, or meetings. Friday will help you pull back, retreat, get into artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, deal with hospitals or addictions, hole up with a clandestine romance, research, investigate, or strategize. Mars is now on board here so expect more action, passion or anger to flow in these realms and let it motivate you. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
It's bigger than you, really, you know it is, and the truth is, until you are ready this week to purge part of the scenario, eliminating the old, outworn, side of things, to make room for a rebirthing of sorts, you may feel a bit of anxiety at the magnitude of it all. Here's the deal, the cosmos is conspiring to move things in a big way this week, to help you release the past and move into the future and it is going to come streaming through in legal channels and opportunities, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, travel, with people at a distance, import/export, foreign interests, politics, weddings, or religion. You are ready to embark on a new journey, you are ready to eclipse that which must fall away, so focus every once of your attention in these areas over the first 4 days of this week, you are on a roll. You will be in talks or making decisions about your goals or ambitions, the career or with the boss, in dealing with other authority figures or reputation, or in fame or achievements as you move in these areas. You will be reopening the past to close it on some level and awaken the new, again the theme is focused. By Thursday you will be making an adjustment in the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious situation and this means getting serious and allowing change around personal income, spending, possessions, or your need to be valued. What do you need? Friday the energy will lift a bit as you turn energy to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, events, parties, or aspirations. Mars is lighting a fire here so expect more activity, passion or anger to meet you here, motivate! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
How powerful are you, really? There is this level of transformation currently bubbling through your aura that most of us are recognizing in you. To get to it, it means purging something, eliminating it, razing it to the ground to rebirth yourself from the ashes. Sounds intense right? Well it is but the payoff is enormous. This week has but this theme for you and is asking that you blow up old paradigms; let go of anything that is financially draining you beyond repair and pursue outside financial resources that will now be within your reach, expel old sexual issues and revamp your intimate nature, stop being a doormat and face any divorce issues, and get in touch with reproductive matters as your regain your personal health. I am not writing a daily blow by blow on this for this week because you must start the week with this in mind and work it through Thursday. Every day supports this, it's time to evolve in these areas. A personal or physical adjustment is part of this, it may affect your identity, image, brand, or body, but it's time to change. There may be legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, educational, or wedding talks involved and this will mean dealing with the past on some level as you sally forth. Friday the energy turns to your career, goals, reputation, fame, ambitions, and dealings with authority figures, you have incredible energy here, go for it. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
What does relationship mean to you Taurus? Is the mirror reflecting your current state of growth or have you moved beyond certain romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents? There is one of the more powerful moments in your life arriving this week and it is ALL about these key connections. It is time to purge the old, release those that no longer affect you deeply, and launch in intense new ways with those that do. You may be seeking out new relationships while eradicating the old or seeking representatives to aid in your personal relationship transformation. The first 4 days of this week beg that you do nothing but focus attention here. Say yes to fresh starts, allow for what is eclipsed out and address your Scorpio energy while you are at it. This means look seriously into your sex life and intimate needs, any divorce issues, reproductive matters, and how the shared financial realm is playing out. Is there a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, settlements, investments, or commissions that you should address? Move on these key connections this week. Be willing to make an adjustment on Thursday, change is important. Friday ushers in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious interests, it's time to motivate here. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Yes, it's really that simple. You have come up with about a million variations and routes to hold your interest when really all you need to do is JUST DO IT. You know how long you've been holding off on it, the question is why? Are you afraid of your own power? This week, and listen to me on this one, is major for you when it comes to a couple key areas: excising bad health habits and starting a new regime or getting the expertise you need from a doctor, trainer, dietician, or other specialist in the health arena, it is key for dropping bad work habits or approaches, walking away from outmoded occupations, negative co-workers, or the people you hire to help you that don't hold up their end, and it is THE TIME to dive into new jobs, new approaches to your job, launching new business, putting your work out there for public consumption, or introducing new ideas on the job (all with a nod to past ideas or relationships in the mix=Mercury is still Retrograde), and finally it is about getting rid of anything that is not working for your animals or cohabitation with animals and opening up new interests and situations for them. Monday through Thursday this is all there is, do it. You will be in talks or hearing news from partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or the competition as you go about it, good, deal. You will need to make an adjustment on Thursday in one or more of these areas involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, events, or aspirations. It's time for more change here. Friday the energy will turn to your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or some big financial matter. All energy; passion, anger and motivation, will amp up here. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
How can such a fun area of life seem so complicated? Is it your love life, the children or your creative projects this week that are calling you to focus so much of your attention? For some of you it may be all of the above. Here's the deal; it's an enormous week for you in these areas. It is without a doubt time to release something past its expiration date or eliminate old behaviors or fears and to move headstrong into the wind of change and say YES to new lovers, new beginnings or projects with current lovers, new ideas about love, new interests and situations with children, new creative projects, launching creative interests or taking up new creative interests, and letting the divine part of yourself that expresses joy and creates from the heart to explore on a deeper level again. The cosmos is conspiring to make this so, it is a wave about to take you out on an adventure into the deep blue sea, say yes. You will be tending to work, paperwork, health, or animals along the way and trying to find solutions to legal, travel, media, or educational needs in the mix. There will be a need to make an adjustment on Thursday involving your love life, kids or creative venture and it will mean changes on the career front, with those in authority, around goals or ambitions, or in your leadership style. It's time. Friday the energy will take your focus to key relationships so expect to motivate with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents, this is where the action is now. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
The thing is this, what the hell are you doing about your home situation? I can think of several scenarios; renovations, moves, real estate deals, property management, interior design, roommate situations, family plans, or mom is in the mix? This week ahead is so powerful for you when it comes to where you hang your hat and who you share your space with, your family and your roots in life and there is no way you are going to skirt by without making some strides, the cosmos is on it big time! So head into your week with the attitude that you are ready to purge and eliminate, take something down to the ground if necessary to rebuild from the ashes, and embrace your ability to launch new home projects, real estate deals, moves, roommate situations, family matters, or renovations that will move things into a better balance with your evolving needs. You will be in talks or hearing news about creative projects, your love life or children as you go through this process and this is about helping you figure out what to do about the divorce, sex life, reproductive need, shared financial matter, or life and death situation. Thursday will mean making an adjustment because it's time and this takes the home, real estate, move, renovation, family, roommate, or mom situation and asks that you adjust around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. Friday shifts a bit for the first time this week and will push you around work, paperwork, health, or animals. This is where the action, passion or anger is ready to motivate you! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Is your brother or sister driving you crazy, your neighbor or neighborhood out of whack, your vehicles or electronics past their expiration date, your writing not deep enough, your agreement no longer beneficial, your idea outmoded, the short trips or local activities irking you, the sale not working out the way you want, or your decision not the right one anymore? This week is going to be so important for you when it comes to these areas. You will need to spend Monday through Thursday on these topics and it is ALL about purging the old here and eliminating what no longer suits WHILE opening up to new approaches, ideas, agreements, decisions, sales, sibling or neighbor relationships, moves, writing, vehicles, or electronic interests. You have the universe conspiring to excise the out of dated interests here, pushing you to look squarely at any past issues or needs and be willing to open up to the fresh start that is bound to play powerfully into your life over the years ahead. Yes, the past is in some way tied to the fresh start but things need to begin changing this week. You may get news that sets you on your new course or an offer may come through or you may find your answer in your local routine, however it arrives, be aware that it's time to move ahead. You will be dealing with home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, roommates, or mom during the course of all of this and looking for ways to work things out with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. Thursday brings an adjustment for you and it's serious and about changes that play out through loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, divorce, your sex life, reproductive needs, settlements, investments, or commissions. Friday the energy will let up a bit over the weeks decisions and news and turn to your love life, kids or creative projects. Things are about to amp up here big time, it's all about the passion, action or anger you work through, but it's time to motivate. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Everyone needs to make money, well unless you are a trust fund baby or monk, it's probably a necessity. The question this week is this; are you really being valued? What exactly is it that you can kick to the curb once and for all to make way for a new sense of personal value in the way you make money or around the amount you are seeing in remuneration for your services? There hasn't been this powerful a combination in your earned income sector in quite some time and it all comes down to purging the old and opening up to new horizons. Do you need to interview or audition, present an idea that could attract money, walk away from some old revenue source that you've outgrown, face a downsizing and reinvent yourself out there? The cosmos has this one, it is on your side, ready to move you on that wave towards something bigger once you take up your place in the event filled week ahead. There are some challenging talks, news, agreements, sales, or decisions in the mix this week that will point out any issues around work, co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, health, or animals and lead you into some key connection that can help you make the changes you need to make. Thursday will require an adjustment when it comes to income, possessions and values, and this means making changes or dealing with them tied to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. It's time to get serious and come from a different approach. Friday the weeks energy will ease a bit as you get amped up at home, over a move, real estate deal, home function, renovation, family matter, roommate, or mom. This is where the action is at, work through anger, express passion and motivate! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Hubba hubba wha??? It's you Scorpio, you and only you. This week just couldn't be more important or more focused if you tried to script it with that deep and brooding mind of yours and it is asking that you do the intense purging to eliminate some old part of your identity, image, brand, ego, physical issue, body type, or personal need that has so far most likely served you well but is now outgrown, beyond redemption or outdated. As you focus profoundly on the who of you this week there will be powerful new openings for your life and next chapter that are going to hold sway for years to come, it all comes down to your ability to shut old doors, say yes to the new direction that is calling you and trust that there is something much bigger than you at work in what occurs over the next 4 days. The kids, your love life or the creative projects will figure into all this as you talk things out or hear news about your income and possessions. It's a push to get you on the right Karmic path that will lead you to some surprising new ideas or offers on the work front, with health needs or animals. Thursday the work, health, paperwork, or animals will require some adjustment, again tying into your identity, image, brand, body, or ego and the elimination and new beginnings. This is serious and about change. Friday the energy shifts to meetings, writing, talks, offers, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, local activities, short trips, or decisions as Mars amps things up for the first time this year here. Expect more passion, anger or action to motivate you in these areas starting now. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Life can be magical, it can hole up behind the scenes, take you into dances with muses, get your artistic juices flowing, put you into research, investigations, spiritual journeys, or the spirit world, open up your dreams, help you transform through hospitals or by facing addictions, or it can lead you into the arms of a Karmic, secret love affair that speaks to your soul. This week is going to focus ALL of your attention in these areas. It is a very powerful week for pulling back and getting into this headspace and a huge part of this is about purging the old and opening up to new ideas, situations, people, or opportunities tied to the past but that hold some new allure as you do so. Your home, a move, real estate deal, family matter, or roommate situation seems to be part of this mix as you talk things out, hear news or make decisions regarding who you are, what you need and your brand or identity going forward. Tune into your dreams, watch for signs, bring your film, music or art project out into the world, get into yoga, meditation, magic, your psychic abilities, form strategies, get into a 12 step program, hire a detective, get hospital or institutional needs moving, or look clearly at your Karmic connections and what is transpiring behind closed doors in your romantic life. What has to go, what is ready to move forward? As you approach this know that come Thursday you will need to make an adjustment in at least one of these areas involving your love life, children, lover, creative projects, or recreational interests. This is serious and about change. Friday will turn your focus more towards income as Mars sparks the fire under ambitions and helps you to express more passion, deal with anger or take action around that money flow! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
What exactly do you aspire to be when you grow up Capricorn? Yes, I know you are more mature than most any other sign but the universe still seems to be quite sure that it is your aspirations in life that are in need of some real focus this week. So, what do you aspire to? Is your dream for your life still one that inspires? What needs to be eliminated and what do you need to do now, this week, to move towards your dreams? Look at your friendships, group affiliations and activities, what you do online, astrology, charities, social networking, and events. How can you powerfully transform these areas to meet your evolving criteria in life? It hasn't been this important for some time to take all of this seriously and to be willing to purge, deconstruct and rebirth your life through these gateways. Is there a past idea with a friend or group that can be reignited, an old internet interest or charity that you want to let go of or transform? Look for pathways crossing, things coming full circle and a new lease on life if you are willing to say yes to change. By Thursday you will be making some serious adjustment in all of this and it involves your home, a move, real estate, renovations, family, mom, or roommates. This is serious, it's time for change, how can you shift perspective or outcome here just enough to get your aspirations into alignment with ambitions? Friday the energy will turn to your own needs, your body, identity, brand, or image, and you will see a fire being lit beneath you as you gear up to go after what you want or just get plain ole more fierce out there. It's all about your passions, dealing with any anger or motivating big time, go! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
Is it really a career, this thing you have going on, or is it some lukewarm version of what you wanted for yourself? Is it time to launch a new business, make a move to a new career, set new goals, or amp up your ambitions? For many of you these are the questions this week. For others it will focus more on what's going on with your boss, dad or other authority figures, your sense of achievement, leadership or status, and any fame or reputation in the mix. Know this, the universe is conspiring this week to put all of your focus in these areas and to push you hard to purge, eliminate, vanquish, and start fresh in a major way. Agreements or decisions are changing, it's time to envision a great new height and to go for it. Expect that talks, news or decisions involving aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, or events, will play a part and point out to you any issues you need to address around income or spending, possessions or being valued. You are about to get an idea of a lifetime, you are so inventive, let what comes through this week spark some rebirth of spirit and innovate as you are meant to do. By Thursday you will be making adjustments with career, the boss, dad, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, status, authority figures, or your leadership style. It's serious and really comes down to breaking free and making decisions, expressing ideas, making sales, your local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, offers, proposals, siblings, neighbors, or meetings. Friday will help you pull back, retreat, get into artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, deal with hospitals or addictions, hole up with a clandestine romance, research, investigate, or strategize. Mars is now on board here so expect more action, passion or anger to flow in these realms and let it motivate you. If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
It's bigger than you, really, you know it is, and the truth is, until you are ready this week to purge part of the scenario, eliminating the old, outworn, side of things, to make room for a rebirthing of sorts, you may feel a bit of anxiety at the magnitude of it all. Here's the deal, the cosmos is conspiring to move things in a big way this week, to help you release the past and move into the future and it is going to come streaming through in legal channels and opportunities, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, travel, with people at a distance, import/export, foreign interests, politics, weddings, or religion. You are ready to embark on a new journey, you are ready to eclipse that which must fall away, so focus every once of your attention in these areas over the first 4 days of this week, you are on a roll. You will be in talks or making decisions about your goals or ambitions, the career or with the boss, in dealing with other authority figures or reputation, or in fame or achievements as you move in these areas. You will be reopening the past to close it on some level and awaken the new, again the theme is focused. By Thursday you will be making an adjustment in the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious situation and this means getting serious and allowing change around personal income, spending, possessions, or your need to be valued. What do you need? Friday the energy will lift a bit as you turn energy to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, events, parties, or aspirations. Mars is lighting a fire here so expect more activity, passion or anger to meet you here, motivate! If you want to look more deeply into what the stars indicate for you personally, it's always a great time to get a private reading with Zoe! Email or call to get on the schedule: or 818-613-6067
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: