Sunday, January 6, 2013



The JANUARY MONTHLY is still up here:

Wrap up loose ends and release what still needs to go this week, Friday is the New Moon and you don't want anything cluttering up your way to this big fresh start.

Monday is the last of the Scorpio Moon so any financial, sexual or divorce needs may call for attention. With Mars tangling with Saturn from this position today there will be something serious that you have to deal with here, see if you can move towards your aspirations or involve friends, the internet or groups.

Tuesday Sagittarius Moon takes over forming beneficial aspects to Mars and Uranus. This is great for getting things done and making changes involving travel plans, legal matters, media, publishing, marketing, education, or wedding plans. You may catch a break online in some of this or just involve a friend or group. Venus moves into Capricorn and begins to spark the energy that will consume the rest of the week; your goals, career, standing in the community, fame, parents, or other authority figures. She is also changing the face of love in the weeks ahead, drawing us to more serious or ambitious types or making love more goal oriented.

Wednesday has no major aspects so Sagittarius Moon will flavor the day as you coast along with the legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding interests. There is a Venus/Neptune sextile that will perfect in the wee hours on Thursday so you may experience this inspired energy today as you move towards your goals or career matter. It's good for sharing ideas about film, music, art, spirituality, romance, hospitals, addictions, or research with those in a position to help you.

Thursday this particular aspect will continue to hold sway. Pluto and Uranus get into the mix so there will be some powerful changes around goals, ambitions, career, the boss, parents, or authority figures. Saturn is assisting with solidifying the financial, sexual or divorce need.

Friday is the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This is your best 2 week window of the year to launch a new business, to go for a promotion, to change careers, to start a new career training course, to get a new boss, to introduce new ideas to the boss, to get in front of a judge, to be discovered, get your name in lights, court fame, start something new with Dad, or begin fresh with a new goal or ambition. The conjunction of Mercury in the matter means writing it down, pitching it, setting up meetings, making sales, or getting out there in the local scene will aid your direction.

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Money issues, sex or divorce concern you on Monday as you push ahead with any social media, group activities, internet matters, friends, or aspirations. It's a day to set limits or deal with anything serious here. Tuesday brings something positive for you via a trip, legal opportunity or matter, media, education, or weddings, include friends or online activities. Venus moves into your career Midheaven where she will begin to smooth things out and get you ready for the New Moon that is about to give your career the boost it needs. You will find women can benefit your goals and ambitions now and that you may attract more income or love through efforts to succeed. Wednesday continues on with this goal orientation and will coast a bit on pursuing anything involving the higher mind or expansion. Look at any artistic ideas, spiritual interests, romantic needs, hospital matters, or research you can include with career or goals. Thursday requires some changes around the boss or other authority figures, your career or goals but you have solid support to deal with any financial matter, sexual interest or divorce proceeding under positive stars. Friday is your NEW MOON in Capricorn. You have 2 solid weeks, your best of the year, to launch new business, set things in motion towards promotion, make a move on the career front, get a new boss, start something new with Dad, meet with fame, or secure your reputation. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Clients, partners, agents, competitors, attorneys, or other key people concern you on Monday. You really need to motivate on goals or career matters here and get serious about where you are at with this person. Your legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding interests should line up. Tuesday turns focus to finances and with the positive alignment you should be able to reach some goals here. Look at credit cards, debt, loans, insurance, taxes, commissions, or any other outside resource. If you are going through divorce this should move ahead today as well. Some of you may have quite the sexual encounter today (not with the ex). Venus moves into Capricorn where she will begin to smooth things out for you in legal matters, with media, education, travel, or wedding plans. A woman may arrive on the scene now that is beneficial to your aims here and you may have more income or love interests swirling about these topics. You are now moving towards the fresh start you get on Friday in these arenas. Wednesday will carry this over so look for ways to involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, or just pushing your aspirations forward. You may still be tending to financial, sexual or divorce matters but today won't be a day of change in these areas. Thursday will put you into big changes as something you weren't expecting goes down behind the scenes, your solid way forward today comes through a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key person. Friday is the NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window to launch new travel plans, start an import/export interest, get legal matters taken care of or started, sign contracts, get your political or religious interest into gear, launch the media, marketing, publishing, or publicity matter, start learning some new interest, go back to school or start teaching, or make decisions about weddings. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday brings up any work issues that require attention and may hold you to the slow and steady as you tend to serious matters here. If you are trying to get your health together, tackle paperwork or do something for animals, the same holds true, it's time to get serious. You may feel spurred on the legal, travel, media, marketing, or educational angle here. Tuesday will shift your attention to key people and the positive opportunities involved with them. Today the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans can move ahead so reach out to partners, agents, clients, or other key people and get into exciting new ideas with friends or online. Venus moves into your house of sex, divorce and the big financial picture today. She is going to start smoothing things out here and readying you for the fresh start you get in these areas on Friday. You may have a woman show up that is beneficial in these areas or you may see that your sex life and love life are coming together, that the income is flowing more smoothly through dealing with loans, investments, settlements, insurance, debt, any other big financial matters, or the divorce. Wednesday continues the flow here with some goals coming into view so let yourself be inspired. Again key people are important. Thursday will bring any changes or surprises around sex, divorce or the financial picture and this may get you focused online or with some group or friend. You can make solid headway through work, paperwork, health needs, or with animals today. Friday is your NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window of the year to start fresh in your sex life, meet someone that turns you on or start something you are doing for yourself that will open the doors to a new sex life up ahead, to get a fresh start with divorce issues, or to get a loan, deal with debt, set up alimony or child support, start to invest, deal with settlements, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, inheritance, bankruptcy, or your partner's money. It's time to talk about it, meet over it, sign it, sell it, or agree to it. Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday is a serious day when it comes to creative projects, love or kids. You will feel the need to commit, structure things, end them, set limits, or get ambitious here and the push around outside financial resources, sex or divorce will play directly into this. Tuesday your work life takes over, it's a day to tend to paperwork, organization, your health, or animals, co-workers, and employees. There is exciting energy around all of this that can help you move things ahead with that outside financial interest. Your sex life or divorce may get a boost as well. Venus moves into your opposite sign today which is going to begin to smooth things over with partners, agents, attorneys, clients, competitors, and other key people. You are about to get a great new start on Friday with at least one key relationship so begin to work your magic here now. Wednesday will carry this energy over so relationship still holds great focus. There may be something you are focusing on involving a trip, legal matter, education, wedding, or media so let yourself get inspired. You can still organize, tackle work, health, and care for pets today as that emotional energy holds sway. Thursday will bring some crazy moments involving that work, health, paperwork, or pets and it is going to focus in on legal matters, media, travel plans, education, or weddings. You can make some solid progress with the creative project, lover or children today. Friday is your NEW MOON in Capricorn and your fresh start with relationships. If single get out there over the next 2 weeks since this is your powerful window to meet someone new or start some new regime for yourself that will get you into the right place up ahead for relationship. You can sign up a new partner, start a new project with partners, begin a new venture with an attorney, agent, specialist, or take on new clients. Talk with people, set up meetings, sign agreements, or make sales, it's time to be proactive. Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday will get you serious about home or moves, real estate or family. It's a day when what is going on here will be in stark contrast with any actions involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or competitor. This may motivate you to do something about the situation, think about paperwork, health, job, or animals in the equation. Tuesday turns attention to creative projects, love life or kids. The energy is pretty groovy here and will connect you with key relationships and bring some excitement around travel, media, education, law, or weddings. Venus moves into Capricorn today where she will begin to smooth things out on the work front, with paperwork, co-workers, people you hire to work for you, your health, and animals. This is getting you into the flow for the huge fresh start you get in these arenas on Friday. A woman may enter the picture that benefits your aims in one or more of these areas or you may find that you are attracting income or love now through job hunting, what you do at work, in your paperwork, with healthy activities, or with your animals. Wednesday this carries over and you may get some inspiration around outside financial resources or find that your sex life or divorce needs are moving in the right direction. Continue to give your love life, kids or creative projects attention today even though it's not a breakthrough day. Thursday the work, health, pets, or paperwork focus gets all kinds of changes or surprises coming into play. Expect legal, travel, media, educational, or marketing matters to play a part in the changes. You can cement something at home, with real estate, moves, family, or roommates today. Friday is your NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window to land new work, introduce new ideas on the job, get new co-workers, hire new people to work for you, organize your space, tend to details on a project, de-clutter, start a new health regime, get something taken care of at the doctor, hire a trainer, start a diet, do a cleanse, or to adopt a pet or get involved with animals in some new and exciting way. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

There is very serious energy around a brother, sister, neighbor, writing project, agreement, sale, vehicle, electronic, local activity, aunt, uncle, or short trip on Monday. It may push your buttons over health matters, work, co-workers, paperwork, or animals, but it's key that you focus in on where you can set limits, commit, end things, or get more ambitious. Don't lose sight of your creative input or the way you are feeling about love or kids, this is working well for you today. Tuesday brings positive energy around home, real estate, family, moves, or roommate situations. There is some excitement and change in the mix, a great day for making things happen, organizing, doing the work, dealing with animals here, moving ahead with the financial interests, or gearing up sexually on the home front. Venus moves into Capricorn where she will start to smooth things out in your love life, with the kids or on the creative front. This is going to be a lovely trend for you as things start to flow and you are attracting love or income through your creative projects, love life and for children. It is getting you on target for the huge new beginning coming in these areas starting this Friday. Wednesday will carry over with this energy and even though it's not a major action day there will be some dreamy or inspired energy from this to partners, agents, attorneys, clients, or other key people. You will still be emotionally focused on home matters, moves, real estate deals, family, or roommates as well. Thursday brings some excitement or changes into these areas as the outside financial matters shifts or the sex life or divorce takes a new direction. You will be able to have a serious talk or meeting, some to an agreement or make a sale that will solidify things for you with the lover, child or creative project or set things up in a more stable manner. Friday is your NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window of the year to fall in love, start something creative that will lead to love up ahead, begin a new project with your lover, take your love to the next level, start a creative project, get your current creative interest to the next level, begin a new project with kids, join some cause that champions children, or decide to have a child. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday will get you serious about any money issues and this stems from something going on with a creative project, lover or child. You may be active in these areas but held back by responsibilities to earn money or need to set some limits, get more ambitious, commit to something, or end it. Home and property matters are where you shine. Tuesday brings some great energy around any talks, meetings, writing, local activities, or sales involving creative projects or interests. You can also apply this to doing things with lovers or children. Your partners, representatives, clients, and other key relationships are bringing some exciting or interesting energy into the day as well, all good. Venus moves into Capricorn today where she will begin to smooth things out at home, with property matters, real estate deals, moves, renovations, roommates, and family in the weeks ahead. This is getting you into the groove for the huge new start you get in these areas starting on Friday. A woman may enter the picture that is good for you in these areas or you may see more income or love pouring through here. Wednesday will carry forward this energy and may bring some inspiration around work you are doing, paperwork, health concerns, or pets. You will also still have plenty of emotional energy tied to the writing, talks, meetings, agreements, siblings, neighbors, and local activities. Thursday home and property matters are going to be intense with something unexpected popping up through that other person. You will be able to cement something or move closer to it in a solid way where earnings are concerned. Friday is the NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window to start fresh at home, renovate, redecorate, entertain the boss at your house, move, buy or sell real estate, get into property management, interior design or architecture, get a new beginning with a roommate, family, or mom, and to put your security needs on a fresh new footing. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday has Saturn working in your sign at odds with Mars on the home front or with family, real estate, roommates, or moves so expect that you will be quite serious about your needs, brand, image, or identity today and need to contend with what is going on in these other areas. You are in good stay when it comes to writing, agreements, sales, local activities, or meetings. Tuesday income needs take over and you are under positive stars involving original work or new approaches to paperwork. You can also get things moving with health, pets, and what you do at home or with the move, real estate or family. Venus moves into Capricorn where she will begin to smooth things out for you with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, short trips, writing, sales, agreements, meetings, and talks in the weeks ahead. This is where love and income flow. A woman may arrive on the scene that is beneficial in these areas during this period. Wednesday will carry this forward and you will also have focus on income but the day is just an in the flow day, no major aspects to carry you into something new so keep up or catch up. The edges of some inspired new creative idea or a new love interest, even something inspired for the kids, may begin to creep in, follow it. Thursday this carries forward and can come through writing, agreements, meetings, talks, or decisions in positive ways. Some crazy energy is around work, paperwork, health, and pets today, expect changes. You can cement something that is near and dear to your needs if you focus some of the day on you. Friday is the NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window to start new writing projects, sign agreements, negotiate contracts, come up with a winning idea, pitch or propose ideas, set up meetings, get talks moving in new directions, get a new vehicle or electronic or do something new with the one you have, start something new in the neighborhood, with neighbors, siblings, or through short trips, or make new sales. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday puts hospital matters, time behind the scenes, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual needs, or clandestine affairs in the spotlight. It's serious energy here as you react to information or aggressively express yourself. You may be urgently moving about out there in the local scene or dealing with some issue involving transportation or siblings, neighbors or writing, just keep some energy on income since you are in a good spot here. Tuesday is completely different with positive energy around your needs and the love life, kids, creative project, or any recreational interest you might have. You can come to agreements or get out there locally to make things happen, writing and sales should go well too. Venus moves into Capricorn where she will begin to smooth things out for you with earnings. A woman may be key to this better income situation or you may just see things flowing more easily. Love may play out around your income zone as well during these weeks. This is getting you ready for the huge new beginning you get around income starting on Friday. Wednesday the flow continues around earning needs and there may be something magical going on at home or tied in with real estate, moves, family, or roommates that is helping this. Keep your focus on your needs as you move through the day, not a big action day but one where things should flow. Thursday brings some wild energy around earnings with something unexpected with the creative project, lover or child, be willing to make changes. Your artistic side is flowing positively with what is going on. Friday is your NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new money ventures. Look for new ways to increase income or if you have been out of work you may find that doors will now open if you are proactive. Send out resumes, ask for raises, share ideas that can help you earn, write, sign agreements, it's time to go for it. Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday is going to be pushing you to earn money but holding you back or making you get really serious where an aspiration is in question or a friend, group, the internet, or some event is involved. You need to get more ambitious or commit, end things, set up structures, or set limits. You are in a good position to have your needs met if you keep your focus on this. Tuesday gets things moving in a positive direction to make money and it looks like this is either going on behind closed quarters or there is some research, investigation, institution, artistic or spiritual approach, or development that is going to move this ahead for you. Home, real estate, or moves may be a good part of the day as well with some excitement here. Venus moves into your sign and begins to help attract what you desire, be it love or money, you have the charm now. It's a great time to think about a new look, image, identity, or brand and it is getting you ready for the huge new start you get here starting on Friday. Wednesday will carry forward this energy on you and your needs. You may have a very inspired talk or meeting today or tomorrow about this, or you may get that aha moment when the idea comes together. Thursday is going to be a bit wild where home, real estate, family, or roommates are concerned. It's pushing you towards your new you. Anything you wish to do that is serious with a friend, aspiration, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity is favored today. Friday is your NEW MOON, the best 2 week window you get this year to start fresh, do something new with your hair, wardrobe, a make-over, get your body into a new condition, start a diet, begin a new work-out regime, do something about your current identity, or launch your brand. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday has goals, career or some authority figure getting a lot of your attention. It is serious energy and your own efforts to do something will be tied to what is going on here. Get serious, make commitments or end things, set limits or structure the situation a bit differently. You are in a good position for anything you are doing behind closed doors today. Tuesday brings a social feel so you may spend time with friends, associates, groups, online, over astrology, charities, attending events, or in pursuit of aspirations. It all looks positive so motivate. Venus moves into Capricorn where she will begin to smooth things out with the film, music or art interest, the clandestine romance, your research, investigations or development, hospitals or addictions, or any magical, spiritual or psychic interests in the weeks ahead. A woman may appear on the scene that benefits you in these areas or you may just see more love or income flowing in these areas. This is getting you ready for the huge new beginning that is coming in these matters starting on Friday. Wednesday will carry this energy over and you may find that some income inspiration comes from it. You may well remain social today as well. Thursday your ruler, Uranus, is acting out so there will be some last minute changes or meetings and local activities that are surprising. Watch yourself out on the road today and don't let anything your siblings or neighbor do get you rattled, it's all in a day. You can get serious about career or ambitions today and this looks positive. Friday is the NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window to get a fresh perspective with a clandestine romance or to start up a tryst with some secret lover, to get your research project or investigation underway, to go to the hospital or start proceedings to work there, to seek help for an addiction, to start a new film, music or art project or get your current one out there, to take up a new spiritual interest, get into magic or tweak your psychic abilities. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.

Monday is going to get you serious about any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs. You will have something going on behind the scenes that is amping things up and you will need to either get more ambitious, set limits, commit, end things, or structure them better. You are in good stead with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities today, shine your light. Tuesday will turn attention to career or goals, authority figures or reputation. The energy is supporting you in efforts you make behind the scenes to achieve, again look to artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional outlets to make your moves. Income flows in original directions. Venus moves into Capricorn where she will begin to smooth things out with friends, aspirations, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities in the weeks ahead. It is here that love and income will flow most readily now. This is getting you aligned for the huge new beginning you get here starting on Friday. Wednesday will continue this flow and may bring some personal opportunity to inspire or share your artistry or love with friends or at events. You can still keep to goals, career and dealings with authority figures today but it's more to carry on than to affect change. Thursday will spice things up with your social interests as something you weren't expecting around income pops up. Change is in the air. You can cement something involving travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs. Friday is the NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window of the year to make new friends, start some new activity or project with a friend, join a group or get a group interest off the ground, start a website or get into the internet in some new way, get into astrology, move a charity forward, plan a party or event or say yes to invitations to attend other's events, master some new level of social networking, and to get your aspirations off on new footing. Be proactive! Do you want even more nitty gritty about what's in store for you and how to time things? Arm yourself with the information, inquire about scheduling a reading with Zoe or call 818-613-6067.