Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Beranda » » Capricorn Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for February 2013

Capricorn Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for February 2013


The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Capricorn as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN

Capricorn Rising – February 2013

The Sun is moving through your 2nd house during February, thus issues of money finances and the things in life that you find valuable and precious will be important and on your mind. This includes you own personal possessions that you may want to show off to others; you may indeed have the impulse to go out and purchase or acquire something that will make you feel better. Sharing your own values and ideals to others is fine, but remember you can go too far and become overbearing, so try and remember to be more humble and moderate in any actions. This is generally a good time for business and financial transactions, so shopping trips and sorting out your personal finances will be on your agenda. Venus is also passing through the second house so you will tend to attract more money to yourself, but then again as soon as it is in your hands you will be sorely tempted to spend it. You may want to show off by buying a new car or treating yourself to new clothes, whatever makes you feel internally better. If you are investing now, your judgement should be good and any financial negotiations should progress quite smoothly. The new Moon on the 10th will very much highlight these themes. The pace of life will quicken now with letters, invitations, phone calls, emails and short trips all taking up your time. This is a great time for promoting your ideas, for advertising and selling, so long as you are not too demanding of others in the process.

Mercury and Mars are moving this month in your 3rd house and as a result your life will enter a more social phase where the matters of your local environment, your neighbours, community issues and education issues become more important. This is a time when you will not be able to relax at all, but you may well get to know people and neighbours in your local environment more amicably. The pace of life will quicken quite considerably, with letters, invitations, phone calls, emails and short trips all taking up your time. This is a great period for promoting your ideas and views, for advertising and selling, so long as you are not too aggressive in the process. You can make great strides and progress in this on the 16th as Mars makes a constructive trine to Saturn. If they have been out of your life recently, issues surrounding your brothers and sisters may suddenly take precedence during February. Mercury enters it’s latest retrograde phase on the 23rd Feb, so you will have to be careful that you don’t replace any technical or communication devices like cell phones now. Cars or vehicles may break down, on short trips you may encounter delays and misunderstandings through emails and conversations may ensue. In short, this may be the beginning of a very frustrating few weeks. The full Moon on the 25th strikes in your 9th house so this could well be a time when your own personal beliefs and manner of living may be tested by someone at work, a doctor, health worker or by someone with whom you have regular contact. If you are travelling, please try to be respectful of local laws and customs, as your exuberance and sense of adventure may get you into trouble.

Jupiter and Saturn take centre stage in February as they both start working in a different manner. Jupiter finally turns direct in Gemini and Saturn turns to move retrograde on 18th February in Scorpio. Jupiter is to be found in your 6th house of routine, daily work and health so your attitude to work colleagues will be open and optimistic and doing those horrid mundane tasks that just have to be done will not bother you now in the slightest. Jupiter brings a rather relaxed attitude to health and fitness, so you may be rather prone to gaining a few pounds or kilos and not having the inclination to work it off afterwards. Be careful not to ignore any aches and pains now, as they may indicate some health problems that you should really investigate. This is the house of animals and pets, so you may feel that it would be time to get a furry friend to share your life with. Saturn is found in your 11th house of friends, groups, hopes and fears. You may be assessing the suitability and helpfulness of your friends now and of associations that you are a member of to see whether they are really helping you along to meet your goals. Indeed, this may be a time to look at your ambitions and intentions and work out if you really are going in the right direction?

Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

For A More Personal Look At The Future

As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?

Get in touch with me at paul@solarisastrology.co.uk providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months. Please note I am unable to do personal readings for free.

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