Friday, January 4, 2013

Beranda » » Aquarius Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for January 2013

Aquarius Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for January 2013


The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Aquarius as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN

Aquarius Rising – January 2013

The Sun and Mercury are travelling together in your 12th house of seclusion and spirituality during the first three weeks of January. This is a time where you may find that you have to serve the needs of others a bit more, like for example if your partner is sick or becomes ill. This is a time of more introspection in your life, a time when you will keep your counsel and not let others know of your plans and ideas, and there will be some good and imaginative ones with Mercury connecting with Uranus Neptune and Pluto in the early part of the month. In the last week, the Sun and Mercury simultaneously move into your own sign and you will come out of the shadows a little more. Mars is already in Aquarius and stay here for the whole month. You will be acting in an assertive way even if you are keeping quiet and you will be ready to take on the world, but be careful your actions don't upset those around you as you are likely to be more selfish than normal.

Venus starts January in the 11th house of friends and teamwork and those around you can contribute to any successes that you have in the first week or two. When Venus moves into Capricorn on the 9th it will soon pick up on a square to Uranus and a conjunction to Pluto. Venus in the 12th brings an need to help others and you could be required to assist in local projects or with neighbours who need some help; your brothers and sisters may need your advise too. With Venus meeting with Pluto on the 17th a secret may be revealed, or you may be asked to keep something quiet and hidden away from others. You may be in a gambling mood later in the month as the Sun in your first house trines Jupiter in your 5th, and you might be willing to take a risk or two, but beware of over confidence. The Leo Full Moon on the 27th occurs in your 7th house of marriage and relationships. Full Moons are a time of revealing so what will your partner or somebody reveal to you? You will have to wait until the end of the month to find out.

Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

For A More Personal Look At The Future

As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?

Get in touch with me at providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months. Please note I am unable to do personal readings for free.

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