Tuesday, January 1, 2013



Happy New Year! We enter 2013 with lots of strong energy in the Capricorn part of our charts so our potential is out there and within reach, our ambitions are heightened and goals are motivating our efforts. You may garner some attention, connect with someone in a position to aid you in your aims or move ahead on the career in some new way.

We get serious about this on Sunday the 6th when Mercury comes together with Saturn forming an opportunity to commit, structure things, set limits, or shine those ambitions. Look for meetings, news, talks, agreements, sales, proposals, short trips, or local activities to play out around third parties, shared financial interests, sexual attractions or needs, divorce, power plays, or deeper understanding when it comes to the situation at hand.

Monday the 7th will put actions into play where aspirations are concerned or with friends, groups, the internet, causes, charities, astrology, or events. Some or all of this is going to push buttons around that limit or commitment in your sex life, with the divorce or the financial interest.

Venus moves into Capricorn on the 8th helping to smooth things out that you are trying to achieve. This bodes well for efforts with authority figures, career, ambitions, reputation, fame, and goals. Your love energy will now be expressing itself through a more ambitious and status conscious field so you may go for someone older or more established or find love will in pursuit of career needs. This transit can cool down feelings a bit since it is associated with more serious intentions so some of you may opt for burning the midnight oil until this passes. Others will face commitment or endings issues during this phase depending on where you are in the relationship.

Friday the 11th brings the NEW MOON in Capricorn and your best 2 week window of the year to launch new career goals, deal with those in charge, launch a business, get your name out there, or pursue new ambitions.

Saturday the 19th will tip the scales of the zodiac from so much serious Capricorn energy to the quirky, brilliant, revolutionary, sometimes shocking, and always original Aquarius. Mercury moves here first followed closely by the Sun. This means in the weeks ahead thoughts will turn to aspirations, inventions, original works and ideas, causes, missions, revolution, change, socializing, friends, groups, events, the internet, astrology, and charities. This is where more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, and your own personal face or presence on the matter will play out.

The FULL MOON on the 26th brings a peak around creative ventures, recreational activities, true love, and children. This is a time of high points when achievements here are recognized, celebrations commence and endings are marked.

Jupiter goes Direct on the 30th which is great news for everyone as we are finally able to begin new growth prospects in our most cherished ideas and big decisions. It's going to put us out there with agreements, writing, sales, proposals, auditions, interviews, talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics in ways that are about our happiness, expansion and prosperity. This period runs from today through June 25th and then Jupiter will not return to this sign for another 12 years. Make it count. The only sobering energy tied to this arrives today with a Sun/Saturn square. This means you must get serious about commitments, endings, limits, or ambitions. The aspiration or social medium you are involved with is going to be up against the financial picture, divorce, death, birth, third party interest, or sexual interest. Take responsibility and get real about what is going on.

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The first part of January is very goal oriented for you Aries. Focus in on your ambitions and career needs, look to bosses and other authority figures, and be conscious of reputation and the name you are building for yourself, those in high places are likely noticing now. Best day to talk things out or write them up regarding the finances, divorce or sex life is Sunday the 6th when you can commit or end things, set limits or reach for goals. This is a great day to send in a loan application, meet with a financial planner, pay off debt, file any papers for settlements, inheritance, taxes, insurance, or alimony. You could write an article about the financial picture out there or hold a protest nearby. You could also meet someone who sparks your interest today especially if you are in some arena of power or prestige. It's possible that you hear of someone's passing on this day or about the birth of a child as well but this is a smaller percentage of you by far.

A friend, group, the internet, an event, astrology, or a charity will be where your passions, anger or motivations are stirred up on Monday the 7th. Your ruler, Mars, has you firing on all pistons and ready to go for broke with these people or situations. Again it will be the finances, sex life, divorce, death, or birth that are part of the equation as you muster your energy to make things happen while dealing with the slow and steady energy of Saturn, in other words big brother or some variation of it.

Two days will key in for your ambitions, goals, career, boss, dad, authority figures, fame, and reputation getting off to new levels: The 8th when Venus moves into this territory to smooth things out and help you attract the love or money you need here over the weeks ahead, and the 11th when the NEW MOON takes hold and opens up your best 2 week window to launch new business opportunities, make your name, meet or set things up with authority figures, start new career moves, get promotions, move up the ladder of success, achieve your goals, or set ambitions into motion. A new LOVE CYCLE is now under way with Venus's new position that will mean a more serious tone to relationships. You will not hesitate to commit or end things if expectations are not met and you may find you are courted by someone older or more established. You will have way less interest in slackers for certain and will want to see leadership or status attached to love for the present time being. With Venus being in the placement of this New Moon you may set finding true love as one of your goals you wish to get serious about at this time. Good, you may find the exact person you've been waiting for, this is solid energy behind you so get out there and let them see what a catch you are.

Mercury and the Sun both moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on the 19th so thoughts will turn towards friends, social events or networking, parties, group activities, causes, missions, charities, astrology, the internet, freedom, invention, originality, and change in the weeks ahead. You will be in more talks, meetings, sales, short trips, local activities, writing projects, and taking the lead, getting more physically or personally into the mix in these social arenas. This is where you will shine so start mixing.

The FULL MOON on the 26th brings a culmination for you with a creative project or interest, a child, a recreational activity, or your love life. This is a high point when you will be reaching goals, garnering attention, celebrating achievements, or marking endings in these areas. Because Jupiter attends this particular peak in your life I feel that you may have something big coming your way at this point, expect the best.

Speaking of Jupiter, he turns Direct on the 30th after a long Retrograde cycle that started back on October 4th, 2012. Jupiter is now going to start moving ahead on big ideas, decisions, agreements, sales, writing projects, moves, local activities, short trips, speaking roles, merchant interests, or anything you want to expand upon involving brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. This growth and luck spurt here lasts until June 25th so make the most of it, it won't be this opportune again for another 12 years. All you have to do is take a step in the direction your ideas are taking you and think big. There is one caveat today, however, and that is the Sun/Saturn square. Squares challenge us to work harder on something or by setting limits, adding responsibilities, or amping up ambitions and for you this will mean getting real about some loan, debt, settlement, insurance need, tax situation, investment, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony or child support, commission or royalty, divorce, sexual attraction or issue, death, or birth. Your position with a group, friend, cause, charity, online, with astrology, or some original concept is at the core here. What can you do about it? A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

January is truly giving you an opportunity to get your legal matters under control or under way, to go back to school, learn a new trade or begin teaching, walk down the aisle or attend a wedding, travel abroad or make plans for a trip that would tie in with your ambitions or career, get your marketing, media, publishing, or publicity needs in order, or get serious about your beliefs, politics or religious needs.  

Note that Sunday the 6th is an important day to write things up, meet or talk things out, sign agreements, make sales, do something locally or in a nearby town, or make a decision about any or all of this. There is a serious opportunity for you with a partner (romantically or in business), an agent, attorney, specialist, client, or dealing with a competitor through what you come up with today in that travel, legal, media, educational, wedding, or other higher minded arena. Commit to it, end it, structure things, or get ambitious about your interests here.

Monday the 7th will test the waters with the partner, representative, client, specialist, or competition as goals, career, reputation, fame, ambitions, or authority figures are amped up. Mars wants action here, brings motivation, passion or anger into the picture but Saturn is saying, slow and steady, set limits, commit, take on more responsibility, or get ambitious with the key relationship. Look for win-win situations if you can.

Two key dates come into view now that are meant to put things into a new level with that media, publishing, marketing, higher education, legal matter, travel plan, or wedding. First one arrives on the 8th with Venus entering this part of your chart. She is going to help smooth things out and attract the love or income you need through these arenas. Make sure you are conscious of the love out there for you on the campus, in another country or on the flight, in the legal or media situation, in the proposal or wedding plans, and that your charm is higher than normal in these arenas. This is the beginning of a new LOVE CYCLE for you here where you will be more interested in someone solid and stable, established or older that has some bearing on these greater ideals or expansive areas. Second one arrives on the 11th with the NEW MOON that is giving you your best 2 week window of the year to launch in these areas. Book that ticket, hop the plane, sign the publishing deal or send your manuscript to the publisher, get more media or take the marketing class, go back to school, get your certification, learn a new trade, or begin teaching what you know, meet with the attorney, sign the legal agreement or get into court, walk down the aisle or propose marriage, attend weddings or begin planning your own. There's a nice surprise or a new way of getting what you want wrapped up in this New Moon so be spontaneous and inventive.

Your thoughts, your personal and physical energy will turn to career matters, goals, ambition, reputation, fame, and any authority figures you are dealing with on the 19th. In the weeks ahead you will be writing more about this, interviewing, auditioning, in meetings or talks, negotiating, in sales, moving, out locally more or in short trips to nearby towns, and you may involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics as well as you pursue goals and career matters. You will be stepping up, taking the lead, putting your body, image, identity, or brand into the matter at hand, and driving it all forward with your will to achieve. This is a high profile time for you to make a name for yourself or reach for the brass ring. If you've been wanting to meet with someone in a power position who you believe could help you, go for it now. Friends and groups may be able to help you here or your online interests, efforts in astrology or for charities, may get you there.

There is a FULL MOON in Leo on the 26th that is bringing a peak high point for you at home, with a renovation, remodel, property interest, real estate deal, family matter, mom, roommate, or move. This is about reaching the goal, celebrating the achievement, garnering some recognition here, or wrapping things up and marking endings. The fact that Jupiter is attached to this culmination bodes well for something lucky or big in the mix, opening things up in a monetary way for you here.

Jupiter finally goes Direct after a Retrograde period of slow downs and inner workings around your income since last October 4th. You have had plenty of time to think about what you were doing for a living or how much money you were making or to go back and rework something affecting your happiness, prosperity or beliefs here. Now you are ready to move ahead on a bigger level, to make your earnings grow between now and June 25th while the luck is with you. Jump on this now, Jupiter won't be back to this placement for another 12 years. The only challenge today as this turns is the accompanying Sun/Saturn square. This is a turning point with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent and your position on the career front, with a goal, ambition, your reputation, or concerns with an authority figure will be at the core of it. Do you commit, end things, structure them, set limits, or get ambitious? Whatever appeals most to you, it's time to get real. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

January will open things up and get you focused on any loans you wish to secure, debt you would like to pay down, inheritance matters that are before you, or they could help you deal with bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, or settlements. The energy is also pulling you towards any other outside resource such as alimony, child support, commissions, investments, or a partner's money. It's not all just financial though, your sex life or intimacy needs, reproductive interests or divorce will be in the spotlight as well. It seems Sunday the 6th will be your first big day for news, talks, agreements, writing things up, sales, or decisions in these areas and a lot will be about the opportunity you grasp around the work piling up or job, your health or paperwork.

Monday the 7th will amp things up in your legal life so you may be signing documents or setting off to meet with an attorney, if your legal matters are ok then this energy can motivate you over travel plans or get you geared up over a media or marketing interest. Weddings and higher education are the other arenas you may have a surplus of energy. The configuration is again pointing to paperwork, work, health, or animals in the mix and asking that you get serious about something here. It's kind of a push/pull day when you feel amped up about one side but held back or somber about the other, do your best to find a way to make things happen.

When it comes to your main focus of finances, sex or divorce, the 8th and 11th will stand out. The 8th has Venus moving here and she is all about smoothing things out or helping you attract what you desire. She is kicking off a new LOVE CYCLE and brings more charm your way so your sex life should go better with current partners or sex may evolve into love. If you are single this placement bodes well for meeting someone attractive during this phase. Your pheromones will be on overdrive so expect lots of attention, something I know your sign just hates, lol! Venus will also help you smooth things out with the loans and other financial interests or with divorce proceedings. Since Venus also rules income you may see more personal money flow around what you are doing in your sex life (perhaps spending on those sexy nighties or drinks), divorce or with outside resources.

The 11th is the NEW MOON in these areas so you now have your best 2 week window of the year to launch. This is the time to go over to the bank and meet with a loan officer or other financial advisor, to get with an investment planner or talk to a bankruptcy attorney. If you've been waiting on money to come through you may hear news that it does now or you may want to sit down with your tax accountant or insurance broker and take care of business. It's these two weeks when you may get your fresh start in your sex life by meeting that special person or find solutions to reproductive needs, file for divorce or find a marriage counselor to help you avert divorce. Take the bull by the horns.

On the 19th we have 2 energies shifting into new fields and this will affect you by turning some of your attention to the higher minded arena of your chart. Mercury and the Sun take up residence here turning thoughts to legal interests, travel plans, dealings with people at a distance, marketing, media, publishing, higher education, and weddings. You may have news about some of this now or open up more talks, meetings, writing, sales, agreements, and decisions in these areas. The Suns position here will mean you are pouring more personal and physical energy into these topics. This is where you will want to take the lead and where you will shine.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak moment for you that looks incredibly big or lucky in some way. It is going to focus on news you receive, something you've written or that is written about you, an offer or proposal that comes through, a big sale, an agreement you sign or decision you make, or it revolves around a meeting, talk, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, short trip, local event, or electronics! The placement of Jupiter in your sign in all of this bodes well for something hitting a high note that affects you in some positive and expansive way. You will be celebrating achievements, garnering some recognition or wrapping something up and marking an ending.

Jupiter has been in your sign since June and no doubt you have felt some of the giant shifts going on in your life due to this once in a 12 year period cycle. Jupiter is opening up your life in ways that are meant for your personal growth. He is protective as he does this and there will be some lucky moments wrapped up in your happiness or prosperity as you experience the energy. Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th and now on the 30th of this month he goes Direct! This means that any part of releasing on a personal or physical level you were meant to do in this expansive process is now over and you are entering into a time when you are going to be growing by leaps and bounds. From now through June 25th is your time Gemini! Go for what you want, this is great for your body, image, identity, brand, and any personal goals you have in mind. The only challenge today is that as this shift occurs the Sun will square Saturn pointing out some limit, responsibility, ambition, loss, commitment, or ending that you need to deal with on the work front, with paperwork, health, or pets. You will want to tackle this so you can shine in the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding arena. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

There is a strong emphasis on your relationships in the month of January. This is because there is a lot being highlighted in the opposite part of the zodiac at present and this means more attention on your romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, managers, producers, or other key relationships. Note that on the 6th you will either receive news or be in talks, meetings, making decisions, dealing with agreements, sales, local activities, or short trips with one or more of these people and it is going to be about an opportunity to get serious about a creative project, your love life or children. Look at ways to commit, wrap things up, structure them, or shine on the ambitions here.

The 7th will rev things up in very passionate or motivating ways and it's going to happen around financial needs, sexual attractions or a divorce. You can expect to be really into this and in some way again your creative project, children or love life will be where the serious focus is so again look at commitments or endings, limits or ambitions here. Since Mars and Saturn want opposite things you may have a bit of push/pull over these matters today.

Back to your key relationships, the 8th and 11th are big days for you. The 8th is Venus moving into your relationship zone and here she is kicking off a new LOVE CYCLE that focuses on commitment and those that represent your interests in love. You may make a commitment during this period to a current lover or meet someone that you feel you could move towards commitment with, you could find that someone significant comes to you via an introduction through a representative or client or you may just find you are falling for the agent, attorney or client. Venus in this arena brings more charm and helps you smooth things out so it should begin a nice period for you. Since Venus also holds sway over personal income you may see some of these key people aiding in your bottom line or pointing you towards income producing opportunities.

The NEW MOON on the 11th is your best 2 week window of the year to get a fresh start when it comes to relationships. This may mean you meet someone who will become a marriage or business partner, a new agent or attorney, client or competitor, during this phase, or it could mean that you are launching some new project or idea with a current partner, representative, client, or other key relationship. It seems the universe is favoring change or something surprising or exciting in all of this, it's under positive stars, so don't be afraid to get out there and connect with others during this period, even if they are unlike those who've come before.

The 19th is a powerful day because you have 2 energies moving into your 8th house. Mercury will move here turning some of your thoughts to sex, divorce or the big financial picture and the Sun will move here opening up a period in the weeks ahead where you will be pouring more of your personal and physical energy. This means you may hear news about the loan, settlement, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, investment, inheritance, bankruptcy, partner's money, sexual attraction or issue, reproductive matter, or divorce now, or you may enter more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, decisions, writing, or short trips focused on this. It's time for you to step up and take the lead in your life in these areas, shine your light.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak for you involving your income, a possession or acquisition. This is a time when you are going to see the money finally come through or a check come that you've been waiting on, an offer that brings more money or a time when you wrap up one income source to move onto the next. You may get an answer on some material object in question or the object you've wanted will be within your reach. There is a lot of luck or expansion tied into this culmination and that is thanks to Jupiter. Expect that something artistic, spiritual, romantic, or tied into hospitals, research, or development to bring something to the mix that is aiding you if not immediately then up ahead due to this moment.

Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th last year and how on the 30th he is coming out of slumber and going Direct. This is great news for you because any releasing you have needed to do or tweeking on what you've been working on is now over and you are ready to move ahead in major growth, luck, happiness, or prosperity through film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, a clandestine romance, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research, investigations, magic, psychic interests, or development. Take advantage of the big opportunities that arrive between now and June 25th in these areas because this won't return again for another 12 years like this. The only challenge you have today is around the Sun/Saturn square which will point out any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings involving love, kids or creative projects. Look at where you are in the big financial matter, divorce, sex life, death, or birth, then do what you can to get real about the situation. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

January has some real interesting energy for you around your work life, any organizing you need to do, paperwork piling up, your health, and your animals. If you want to find a new job, introduce new things to your current work environment, get your body into better shape or take care of some health issue, or adopt a pet, this is your month! Note that the 6th will bring some news or opportunity for you in one or more of these areas and it looks like your best bet today will be around what you do at home or with a renovation, move, real estate deal, roommate, or family member. Look at what you can commit to or end here to further your aims (example throw out all the fatty food from your cupboards and replace with healthy choices).

The 7th will bring some push/pull energy that will likely have you running in two different directions or figuring out what you want more. The amped up energy is in your key relationship zone so something going on with or about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other significant person. The structured, limited or serious energy is around home, moves, real estate, family, renovations, or roommates. So you will be dealing with this and wanting to do what you can to figure out how to get around any issues and bring ambitions to bear.

Getting back to your work, paperwork, health, and animal interests, the 8th and 11th are key dates. The 8th marks Venus's move into this zone and kicks off a new LOVE CYCLE. Here she is going to help smooth things out on the work front, with co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, and pets. You may fall for a co-worker or find that by going out after work with them you meet the love of your life, or you could find love through a gym membership or out hiking, walking the dog or at the vets. Since Venus has a hand in personal income as well this time will help you smooth out paperwork tied to income or land the job you've been searching for so you can earn, or she may spur you to spend on more healthy interests or the animals. The weeks ahead definitely give you more charm while working or pursuing work, getting into health or helping animals.

The NEW MOON on the 11th is your best 2 week window of the year to land the new job or put things in motion that will lead to the job of your dreams, to pitch work ideas, ask for the raise, get a new co-worker or hire someone to work for you, to find solutions from doctors or trainers about your health, join the gym, hire the trainer, start the diet, adopt the pet, or start some new interests involving animals. There is something exciting or different about what happens now and you should be open to new opportunities or ideas, be spontaneous and try new approaches. A friend may surprise you in a way that aids your interests in these areas or you may come into contact with a new group or online interest that does it for you.

The 19th will be an energy shift for you on some levels as thoughts turn to key relationships and you find that starting now and into the weeks ahead you are in more talks, meetings, getting more news or offers, signing agreements, making sales, taking more short trips, writing, and pouring more of your personal and physical energy into partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key relationships. You may get news today involving one of these people or make a decision that takes you into new territory with them or towards them.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak moment for YOU! This is a Leo Full Moon so you are at the apex of some moment that should be special for you. This is about an achievement, recognition, a celebration, or marking an ending. Your name may be in lights, your may be reaching something on a physcial level like a goal in the diet or work-out regime or you may be wrapping up something that has been going on with your body, recovering from an illness or operation. It is a high point for your brand, image or identity as well so you may be celebrating a new name or breakthrough with the brand or shedding an old look while celebrating the new. It's a lucky configuration with Jupiter today that makes this moment so special and potentially big, reach for the stars. If something ends today that you are not happy with try to remember that Jupiter is in the mix doing everything here to make it protective and for your growth, but my bet is that most of you have something really great to celebrate now.

Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th last year and on the 30th of this month will finally go Direct! This is great for you when it comes to your aspirations and social interests. From now through June 25th you have the biggest growth cycle of a 12 year period to make new friends or do something big with current friends, to join groups or start some big group activity or project that should bring joy or prosperity, to get your internet presence out there on a bigger level, make social networking work for you, to hone your interest in astrology, become part of a big event, or take a charity to the next level. It should be a very rewarding period for you where the only limit is your own energy reserves when all those invitations start rolling in again. The only challenge to this is that as this great energy starts to move ahead for you, today, there is a Sun/Saturn square that challenges you to look at any limits or responsibilities, commitments or endings, involving home, moves, real estate, family, mom, roommates, or renovations. You will need to get real about where you are in this with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key person. Focus on what you can realistically do here. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

January is calling you to get more serious about your love life or there will be more attention on children or a big creative project. It may be all three for some of you but the important thing here is that you set some goals in these areas and commit some time and energy here. Take note that Sunday the 6th will bring some news about a creative project, lover or child, or it will open up talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or short trips that enhance this in some way. Get out there! There is a serious tone to the communication or meetings but in all of this is opportunity so open up.

The 7th will be one of those days with some push/pull going on between Mars and Saturn. Mars wants action or is stirring up your passions or anger over work matters, paperwork, health, or animals. Saturn is bringing anything from somber news, serious inquiries or offers, commitments or endings in talks or meetings, in the local arena or with neighbors, siblings, vehicles, or electronics. However you get stirred up, you should see any issues that need addressing and should err on the side of caution and be careful out on the roads and make sure your animals are safely tucked away. If you are pushed to sign something today try to take a day to get a professionals opinion to make sure you are doing the best thing for you.

Back to your love life, creative projects and kids, the 8th and 11th are key dates. On the 8th Venus will move here kicking off a new LOVE CYCLE for you, one aimed directly at true love. This is an amazing window Virgo, if single get out there, if dating you may declare your love or any issues should smooth out during this phase. You will have more charm and magnetism so just smile and enjoy. As far as where to find love, creative venues or when doing things with the kids. Since Venus holds sway over personal income as well you may see more earnings in the creative fields during this period or find ways to make money working for the benefit of kids or in recreational areas.

The 11th is your NEW MOON in the love, kids and creative part of your life. This is your best 2 week window of the year to meet a new love interest, set things in motion in your life that will eventually lead to your love, start new projects with lovers, declare your love, propose, decide to have a child, start a project with or for children, get your creative project off the ground, or start taking a creative interest seriously. It's a joyous time if you will throw yourself into it now.

The 19th will bring some new energy to bear as your ruler, Mercury, followed by the Sun, both move into Aquarius. This means your thoughts will now turn to work, paperwork, health interests, and pets/animals. You will find you are pouring more personal and physical energy into these things in the weeks ahead and into more meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, or decision making here. Your siblings or neighbors may play a part or you may hear news now about the job, paperwork, health, or pets. It's a good time to decide to eat better, work out, job search, or find something better for your animals.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak for you around something that has been going on behind closed doors or coming to a head in some way Karmic. It may be a high point with a film, music project or art interest as you celebrate offers or praise coming in or the last performance on a stage, it could bring a culmination to a hospital or prison matter, an addiction, research project, or investigation, or it could be a peak with a clandestine affair, or your interest in magic, psychic abilities, yoga, meditation, spiritual pursuits, or something you have been developing behind the scenes. If you've been in a retreat, hiding out or feeling isolated that could come to a close now too. This particular Full Moon has some real luck tied to it for you so there may be a big goal associated with this high point making you feel very happy or lending itself towards your prosperity.

Jupiter goes Direct on the 30th after being Retrograde since Oct. 4th. This means any releasing or tweeking you have been doing around career, reputation, fame, goals, ambitions, the boss, dad, or authority figures, is now over. You are now ready to start a major expansive stage in these areas between now and June 25th. This is your biggest growth spurt for 12 years around your goals or career so set your aims high, take the lead, go for it now. The only challenge today is that as this shifts there is a Sun/Saturn square which will point out any limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities involving agreements, sales, brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, or decisions. You will need to look at where you are with the work, job, paperwork, health, or animals and get real about the matter at hand. Once this is tackled your growth is on it's way. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

Home is where you will be pouring a lot of energy as January kicks off and it holds some of your most promising opportunities throughout the month but let me expand on that notion. Time spent at home, any renovations, taking in or do things with roommates, family interests you get started, property matters or real estate deals you put in motion, moves, or security needs you address are where the real energy is urging you on. Note that on the 6th there will be news here or the opportunity for a talk, meeting, sale, agreement, offer, or decision that bodes well for earnings and your sense of value so look to home, real estate, property, roommates, family, and moves for good things to flow.

The 7th will amp up and push you a bit when it comes to creative interests, children, recreational activities, or your love life. Whatever here sparks your passions or gets your going, triggers anger or motivates you will be coming up to Saturn and his affect on your income or spending. This means that as you get going here remember the bottom line financially and look at any commitments, endings, limits, responsibilities, or ambitions you have around your income situation. Get serious about it.

Now, back to your home, family, property, roommates, or moves. The 8th and 11th are key dates in these areas. The 8th marks your ruler, Venus, moving into this arena and kicking off a new LOVE CYCLE. This will smooth things out at home, with property issues or real estate deals, renovations, moves, roommates, or family. It will help you attract more of what you desire here and may bring a bit of luxury as well. As far as your love life goes, you will do well to share love at home or if single you may meet a new love interest around property interests, through family or a roommate could introduce you to the one you are meant to love. It's a great time to entertain at home or purchase something beautiful for your immediate surroundings, get into interior design or buy something nice for your roommate.

The 11th is your NEW MOON here and gives you your best 2 week window to buy or sell real estate, start taking real estate or interior design course, plan your move or hire the movers, redecorate the house, start a renovation, get a new roommate or let one go, start a new project with your roommate, get a fresh start with family or mom, start new projects with family or mom, or get your roots and security needs working for you in better ways. It looks like something exciting, different or changing is in the mix here today so be open to the unusual or brilliant ideas.

The 19th brings some new energy to bear and your thoughts will turn to creative endeavors, children or love. In the weeks ahead you will have news about this or find you are into more talks and meetings that bring you love or put your creative projects forward, and that help you to connect with or for kids. You could see proposals, sales, agreements, decisions, short trips, local activities, and big decisions around love, kids and creativity so open up, say it, write it, pitch it, sign it, get out there. You will do best when pouring more personal and physical energy into it all so take the lead.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak for you that looks quite fortuitous. This is about an aspiration coming to fruition or a big social event that you shine at, it can be about something peaking with a friend as you celebrate together or possibly mark and ending, it can be about a big group activity culminating or something you are doing on the internet coming to a head. Charities, parties, astrology, and social networking may also peak in some way for you now. As with all Full Moon's you could end something or achieve something, it is Jupiter's influence on this particular peak that says there will be something lucky or expansive in the mix for you. Look to media, legal, travel, educational, or wedding arenas for this added perk.
Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th and you've been either releasing or tweeking things that are in travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, legal realms, or around wedding plans. On the 30th of this month Jupiter goes Direct and you are now ready to move forward with the biggest luck and growth period of 12 years in these very areas. You have until June 25th to start so that you can take advantage of this blessing. Plan your trip or book the flight, start your import/export idea, connect with foreign people or interests, sign up to go back to school, get certified, learn something new, or teach, get your marketing ideas out there or take a marketing class, send your book out to be published or self publish, go to work for a publisher or media company, get your legal interests in order or study law, become a wedding planner or walk down the aisle, it's your luck cycle and you should grab it by the horns. The only challenge arriving today as this giant shifts in your favor is that the Sun will square Saturn pointing out any issues around income and where you are in the creative process, with the creative project, involving kids, or in your love life. You should look at limits, responsibilities, ambitions, commitments, or endings here and get real about what you can do to move ahead. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

You are going to be busy in January in talks and meetings, writing or dealing with agreements, in sales or pitching ideas, learning, making more short trips or getting more active locally, and you may have some more energy around brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics as well. It's all about communications and transportation amping up and getting serious. Mark the 6th as a day when you get news you've been waiting on or when a serious meeting, talk, sale, agreement, or decision opens something up for you. If you need to pitch an idea about your brand, or make choices about your identity, image or body this day is important for you.

The 7th will take you out of this arena a bit and turn focus to home, family, real estate, moves, roommates, or mom. You will have a lot of active energy here motivating you to make things happen, amping up passions or anger, and spurring you on to do it now. Saturn will be in the mix however so you may feel overburdened or down, or your ambitions that are related to you or your body, brand or identity will be a sombering mix in an otherwise active day. You can look for ways to work through this as long as you don't wear yourself down or let depression get to you. On the up side these challenging squares can help you to urge more leadership and ambition to the forefront and you may achieve a great deal, just don't exhaust yourself.

Back to your communications and transportations. The 8th and 11th will be important turning points for you. The 8th is when Venus moves here and kicks off a new LOVE CYCLE. Venus also has a hand in your personal income. In both she will help you to smooth out dialogues with people and may bring good news. She will help you charm them in meetings and pitches, interviews and auditions, she will make the local activities and short trips more enjoyable and it is here that you will attract your greatest suitors or income potentials, she will smooth things out with siblings or neighbors and they may lead you to love or income opportunities, she will help you find a lovely car or computer to buy, and help you make decisions that are best for your love life or income. You need to be vocal now. This helps you get the attention you want.

The 11th is your NEW MOON here so it brings your best 2 week window of the year to start a new writing project or sign a contract, to pitch that idea or propose, to make a big sale or get into sales, to buy a new vehicle or electronic or start some new project involving them, to get your fresh start with siblings or neighbors or start new projects or interests with them, to get your merchant interests out there, to schedule a short trip or sign up for something to do locally, and to share your ideas with whomever you feel can help you move things forward in your life. There is something unexpected or exciting, changing or surprising in this fresh start so be willing to try new things and go with the flow.

The 19th is big as 2 energies will shift into Aquarius and your thoughts will turn to home, family, roommates, moves, mom, real estate deals, or renovations in the weeks ahead. This will be where you will have more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, decisions, and where you will be pouring more of your personal and physical energy during this period. If you have been waiting to hear about the sale of a property or wanting to buy or lease a home this will be when you may hear about it or will want to get out there locally to see what is out there. If you want to hold meetings in your home or have a talk with mom, advertize for a roommate or get busy with these topics or people, this will be the time.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak for you on the career front. This is a high point when you are either wrapping up the past year's influence on your career or celebrating some achievement you've reached. You may have fame court you now, your reputation climax in some way, or there could be a big goal or ambition that reaches a high point. If you are dealing with an authority figure, the boss, dad, this may be some peak with them as well. This Full Moon is very lucky or expansive for you so whatever happens will be big and favor you now or shortly up ahead. Aim high.

Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th of last year. You've been either in a releasing stage or tweeking things having to do with big financial interests, divorce or your sex life. He goes Direct on Jan. 30th and you will feel this as things are now ready to move forward in big ways. This is your best growth and luck spurt you will have on the career front, with reputation, fame, father, the boss, authority figures, goals, ambitions, leadership, and status in 12 years and it lasts until June 25th. Seize the day. The only challenge today as this shift occurs is that the Sun squares Saturn. This means you will need to deal with some personal limit, commitment, responsibility, or ending around your identity, image, brand, body, or ego. In some way here you are being pushed to look at where you are here in the home, with family, roommates, moves, or real estate needs. Get serious about this, work through it, so much awaits you. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

January has a lot of income potential for you Sage, it will either be a month where you are earning and focusing in on what you have to do here, or you will be setting things in motion that will lead to income. Mark the 6th as a date when you will hear news about this or there will be something you write, are in talks or meetings about, brainstorm, sell, or make a decision about that should put income in a good light. Look to film, music, art, hospitals, institutions, development, spiritual fields, research, or investigations to be places where you can thread your earnings in positive ways today.

The 7th will amp things up for you out locally or in writing, agreements, sales, or talks and stir your passions or anger. You will have to deal with any limits, responsibilities, ambitions, commitments, or endings involving the film, music, art, spiritual interests, hospitals, institutions, dealings with addictions, clandestine affairs, research, development, investigations, or behind the scenes needs. This is a push/pull kind of day but one that is important to show you just what you think should happen and what you might do to deal with it.

Back to your income interests, the 8th and 11th will mark turning point days when things shift. The 8th is when Venus moves into this zone. She is going to help smooth things out and help you attract the income more easily so the weeks that follow this should ease up and you may even feel like spending on a few luxury items. If you are in search of an income source, pour on the charm and look for things women like or a female that might help you attain the work. Venus here also kicks off a new LOVE CYCLE. This means that love will revolve around income matters in the weeks ahead, if single you may meet your love while earning your living, in relationship you will have love play out against what is happening here. Values and possessions will also hold some sway when weighing love.

The 11th is your NEW MOON in this area so it offers you the best 2 week window of the year to start fresh with your income. Take these 2 weeks to launch income making ideas, interview, audition, pitch ideas, go after other gigs or a better source of revenue. Ask for the raise or if you want new footing with a possession in question such as a home or car, go for it now. There is something exciting or unexpected tied to this New Moon so look for the unusual or be spontaneous for best bets.

The energy shifts somewhat on the 19th as your thoughts turn to writing, agreements, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, sales, talks, meetings, and decisions. You will have far more communications and close activities going on now and will find you are more personally or physically in the mix here. It's a great time to put yourself out there, share your ideas, pitch ideas, start writing projects, or do things with your sibs or neighbors. You may receive news today that gives you a hint about what this will mostly focus on for you.

The FULL MOON on the 26th will bring a peak for you in a very momentous way! This is about a trip that you are on winding up or you finally getting your tickets to ride, about a wedding that you attend or proposal, your media or marketing idea or project being accepted, recognized or ending, a publishing deal coming through or you wrap up your publicity push, a legal matter coming to a completion, your educational interest peaking as you celebrate or it ends, or you may have a political or religious peak at this point in time. Whatever high point you are reaching in these areas, there is something quite lucky or expansive in the mix for you and it will likely involve someone else as a key player whether that is in your personal or business life.

Your ruler, Jupiter, has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th and this may have gotten you to pull back, release or tweek things with marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key people. Now, on the 30th Jupiter goes Direct. This means your mojo should start coming back and that a new growth and luck cycle is under way again with these most important relationships. From the 30th through June 25th you will have your biggest opportunity to expand through these relationships or see your partner, representative, client, or other key person enter a growth spurt. This cycle will not return for 12 years so reach out to these people now. The only challenge you face is a square between the Sun and Saturn today that will point out any limits or losses, responsibilities or authority figures you are dealing with behind the scenes, involving hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, research, or investigations. You need to look at where you are in this in your mind and with your ideas. Get real about choices. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

Well now, Cappie, the month ahead is yours, so truly you should be focusing in on your gorgeous self. Spend some time on your body, join the gym, hire the trainer, get to the doctor, eat better. Look at your brand or image, can you develop this more, spark it up, get serious about how you are presenting yourself to the world? What about your identity, are you happy with your current 'title'? Can you put some things in motion to fix that or improve upon it? This is what you should be doing along with amping up your personal goals.  

Mark the 6th when you may either hear news or get an invitation, have a talk or meeting, begin writing, sign an agreement, make a sale or get into sales, or make a decision that puts you and your interests into the mix in favorable ways with emerging aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities.

There will be a big energy push on the 7th to make money and you may have lots of motivation or find that you are expressing more passion, anger or frustration. The reason is that there is a square with Mars to Saturn. Mars wants it to happen now but Saturn is pointing out any limits, commitments, endings, responsibilities, or ambitions with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration. You should pay attention to any slow-downs or serious interests here and find ways to work through this.

Back to YOU! The 8th and 11th will be important dates as they will mark turning points with the energy around you and your body, image, identity, brand, and goals. The 8th is important because Venus moves into your sign on this day and with her comes her charms, attracting abilities and the energy to smooth things out. She kicks off a new LOVE CYCLE here which bodes very well for a new layer to your current love life or a new lover in the picture for single Caps. If you are single, get out there, the goddess of Love in your sign makes you the magnet now so all you have to do is smile and engage, if cupid is meant to find you at this moment in your life, this is going to be one of those golden times. Venus also has a say in personal income so while she tours your sign over the next weeks you will find you can attract income more easily as well. The only down side to Venus in your sign is she can make you feel like, muh, why bother, feed me bonbons. So, as long as you give a little push, you should be fine.

The 11th marks the NEW MOON in your sign and your best 2 week window to launch! This means start the brand now, push it out there or take your current brand to the next level, get your new work-out routine, trainer, diet plan, or gym membership together, see your doctor, consult with a nutritionist, get a stylist, buy the new wardrobe, get a make-over, try a new hairstyle, or look at your current identity, do you want to be single, married, a student, employee, boss, what identity suits you now? Move on it in some way.

Two energies change signs on the 19th so you should feel your thoughts turning to income and possessions now and in the weeks ahead. You will be pouring more personal and physical energy into making money. There will be more meetings, talks, sales, agreements, merchant interests, short trips, local activities, writing, pitches, and ideas that put you out there making money or in pursuit of income. You may hear news today that gives you a hint of how this is going to play out or you may make a decision right off the bat that gets you moving in the right direction.

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak for you in a deeply powerful part of your chart. This one looks very lucky or expansive so here is what to look for: A loan coming through or wrapping up, a settlement or insurance policy paying out, taxes wrapping up, an inheritance or bankruptcy culminating, alimony or child support payments decided, ended or showing up, a big commission or royalty, a partner's money hitting a high point, the divorce ending or celebrating some achievement here, your sex life hitting a high point or ending with someone, a sexual issue ending, a reproductive need reached or reproductive cycle ending, a death, birth, or a triangle or power play hitting it's zenith. Jupiter accompanies this peak so something will favor you or help you grow, find happiness or prosper from what climaxes now.

Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th and so you have either slowed down, seen a retreat, releasing stage, or you've been tweeking things in your work life, with paperwork, health, or pets. Now, on the 30th, Jupiter goes Direct and you are ready again to move ahead in these areas. From now through June 25th you get your biggest growth cycle of 12 years here so look for the job, move to the next level at the job you're at, start your own business or get into another kind of job, hire people to work for you or get new co-workers, get your paperwork all together and filed or out the door, organize, clean out or clear out, do everything you can for your health, now, adopt a pet or get involved with animals, it's going to lead to more happiness or prosperity or help you grow in spirit, all good. The only challenge you have today is that as Jupiter makes this lucky shift there is a Sun/Saturn square. This will point out any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings you need to look at around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, events, or charities and then see where you are in the mix with your personal income and where you want to be. Get real about what you need to do. A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

January will have you pulled back, working behind the scenes or just having some alone time to rest. You will do well in research or investigations, film, music, art, spiritual interests, psychic interests, magic, yoga, meditation, hidden romance, hospitals, dealing with addictions, or development. Mark the 6th as a day when you may hear news about something here or when you may have an opportune talk, meeting, sale, agreement, merchant interest, short trip, or idea that involves this and helps you to achieve a goal or set your career direction in solid ways. You could have an authority figure involved in supportive ways as well.

The 7th will be a hot potato because Mars is going to amp you all up Aquarius. This will put a fire beneath you to motivate you physically or personally and help you express passions or anger. You will be dealing in a more frictional way today with career, the boss, authority figures, goals, reputation, or ambitions and the motivating factor driving you forward is about what you are trying to achieve. Look at any limits or endings, commitments or responsibilities in the mix and do what you can to reach your aim.

Now back to your focus on the arts, spirituality, hidden romance, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, and development behind the scenes. The 8th and 11th will be pivotal days when turning points come as new energy is shifted here. The 8th is about Venus moving into this zone. She is going to smooth things out here and help you attract what you desire more easily. She marks a new LOVE CYCLE now that will point to a more clandestine feel to your love relationships or you will just feel like hiding out with your lover and watching movies, going to concerts, museums, appreciating the lovely things in life, or enjoying some spiritual pursuit. If single this time will offer love attractions while out at those concerts or museums, films or yoga classes, in nature or at the hospital, while training addictions (probably not the place to kindle love but maybe later), or while doing magical things, fantasy oriented activities, or researching something. Since Venus has a hand in income you may see some opportunities to earn come through some of these outlets as well in the weeks ahead. The only caution is if you meet a new lover during these weeks there may be something secretive about them so keep a keen eye to what is behind the curtain.

The NEW MOON on the 11th is your best 2 week window for launching new hidden romances, starting a new film or interest in films, taking up music or booking tickets to a concert, getting involved with a museum or getting a gallery showing of your work, starting a yoga or meditation class, taking up magic or psychic interests, get yourself into a hospital, go to rehab or plan an intervention, get into a research project, start an investigation or take up detective work, go on retreat or disappear to rest and recharge your batteries. It's a good time to look back at what you've accomplished this last year since next month brings your fresh start. There will be something unexpected or exciting to this new beginning this month, look for new or interesting approaches, people or offers in the mix and try it out.

The 19th will mark an energy shift as both Mercury and the Sun move into YOUR sign! This means thoughts now turn to you and your needs, your brand, image, body, physical pleasures and health, identity, and ego needs. You will be meeting and talking about this, making decisions, writing or getting into sales, taking short trips, and getting more personally and physically active in your own needs and well being. Do you want to be married, single, a student, or some other identity that you've been thinking about? Is your brand out there enough, do you want to freshen up your image, get a make-over, buy a new wardrobe or hire a stylist? It's your turn, what do you want?

The FULL MOON on the 26th is bringing a peak for you with a significant relationship. This may be in your personal or business life but it will definitely be a major moment as you see a climax with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, or other key player in your life. Celebrations, recognition, achievements, or endings loom. The really great thing about this particular peak is that it is accompanied by lucky Jupiter. This means something big is in the wind here and that however this plays out it is about protecting you and bringing more happiness, prosperity or growth now or in the near future via this climax. Dream big!

Jupiter has been in Retrograde since Oct. 4th of last year and now on the 30th he goes Direct. This means that the releasing, tweeking or slow-down that you have had in your love life, with children or in creative ventures is now over. You are ready for the biggest growth spurt of 12 years from now through June 25th here. This means you want to do what you can to get out there and put yourself in the path of new love if single, let go of bad relationships if you find yourself bond in one so that this positive energy can bring the right lover to you up ahead, or to take things to the next level with your current love if things are good. It will help you to take your creative ventures to higher levels and if you've wanted to have children this period should help you find solutions or opportunities. You may also just take on something big for kids that brings happiness or prosperity. The only challenge today as this energy shifts to start working for you again is that there is a Sun/Saturn square. This will point out any limits, responsibilities, losses, commitments, or endings around goals, ambitions, career, authority figures, or reputation. Look at what YOU want for YOU, again, identity, image, body, brand, or personal needs. Then, what can you get serious about to make it happen? A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

While everyone else is winding down the social scene after the Holidays your sign is just gearing up! January brings lots of invitations, time with friends, group activities, attention to your internet interests, aspirations, astrology, charities, social networking, and events. Mark the 6th as the day you will hear something important about these people or interests regarding media, marketing, publishing, travel plans or visits, higher education, legal interests, or weddings. If you want to book a flight to see a friend, welcome one in from afar, sign a legal agreement with a friend or sign documents to join the group or do the internet project or charity event, get your media or publishing event out there with the group or online, or you and a friend want to start teaching something or you sign up for a class online or with a group, all good.

The 7th will be amped up and a bit push/pull. Mars wants you to do something, express your passion or release anger, but motivate behind the scenes. This may be about film, music, art, spiritual interests, a clandestine romance, hospital, addiction, research project, investigation, or something in development that you are pushing on. Saturn in the mix is trying to point out responsibilities, limits, commitments, or endings involving that trip, legal matter, media, marketing, publishing, educational interest, or wedding. So you may be pulled between the two arenas or need to get serious about what is going on and find some way to make it all work.

Now back to your social interests and aspirations! The 8th and 11th will be important dates to watch as things shift on these days and open up new levels here for you. The 8th is about Venus moving into this part of your chart. Here she may bring a female into your life today that has a big influence on your social interests or aspirations or she can help smooth things out and attract what's good through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and events.  

Venus is kicking off a new LOVE CYCLE today so this means that love will now flow through friend introductions or you may find a friendship turning towards love, you will find love online or out in a group activity, while working on the charity, following your astrology or at an event or party. If you are in a love relationship already then you and your partner will want to do more social or cause oriented things together now. Since Venus also has a say in your income you will want to notice that some earning opportunities may come through these realms as well.

The NEW MOON on the 11th marks your best 2 week window to launch or get fresh starts in these areas. New friends or starting new projects or interests with current friends are favored, you can join or start a group, get a group project off the ground, start your web page or sign up for a web design class, get into social networking or take yours to the next level, start a charity or join one, get your foundation out there on a new level, take up astrology, plan the event or attend an important one for your aspirations, or choose some new dream you want to work towards. There is something exciting or different about what is happening at this New Moon so be open to unusual approaches or people and situations that aren't your norm.

The 19th is a big day as Mercury and the Sun take their leave of the social scene and thoughts turn to retreat, rest, film, music, art, spiritual interests, hospital matters, dealing with addictions, research, investigations, clandestine romance, and development. You may have more meetings or talks, writing or agreements, sales or decisions here and you will be more physically or personally involved in these arenas. Since the New Moon is still in affect you want to find a way to weave this around what you wanted to start there.

The FULL MOON arrives on the 26th and this is going to be a peak for you at work as things reach a high point or you end a job you've been doing. It can mean a co-worker or employee exits or you are celebrating some achievement with them. It can be about your workload at home or elsewhere and getting that wrapped up, an organizing project completed or some recognition for your employer about your efforts. Health is under this Full Moon so you may be reaching a health goal, see results of the diet or work-out, or you could be ending a health issue or wrapping up what you've been doing to get healthy. Animals may mark a high point in your life now as well with an adoption coming through with a pet or something your animals have been involved in ending. There is something expansive and possibly lucky for you in this Full Moon as Jupiter is bringing something big into the mix at home, with a move, real estate, family, or roommates.

Jupiter has been Retrograde since Oct. 4th last year and on the 30th will finally go Direct. This means the period of releasing, slow-downs or tweeking is now over at home, with real estate or property matters, moves, roommates, mom, or family. From today until June 25th you have the biggest growth cycle of 12 years moving you forward in these areas. You may get into real estate, make a big deal, buy or sell your own property, move someplace new that brings more happiness or gives you more space, have a roommate move out opening up your space or one move in bringing more happiness or prosperity, your mom could have something big happen with her or you could be involved in a big family project or activity, you could renovate or in any other way grow where you put down roots. The only challenge today as this shift occurs is that the Sun squares Saturn. This will point out any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings involving legal matters, travel plans, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, or weddings. You need to look at where you are in retreat, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, a hidden affair, research, development, strategies, dealing with addictions or hospitals, or with hidden agendas. What can you get serious about? A look into the year ahead or into the heart of your chart is available via a private reading with Zoe. If you are ready to look deeper and want answers to what is going on around you now, you can write to schedule a reading or inquire about the process of setting one up zoemoonastrology@gmail.com