Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beranda » , » President Obama’s 2nd term in office – What awaits him in the next 4 years?

President Obama’s 2nd term in office – What awaits him in the next 4 years?

Taking the oath of office

Today the 20th January at 11:56am in a private ceremony in the Blue Room in the White House with his wife and children in attendance, Barack Obama placed his hand on Lincoln’s bible and was sworn in for a new term as President of the United States. What will this administration be like, how will it act and what potential issues face it in the next 4 years? Let’s have a look at the astrology…


Ok, we have Sun and Mercury in 10th house, so Obama will be wanting to make an impression and leave his mark on the US this time around, his last chance to write himself into the history books. Mars is in the 10th house as well, so this will be an active term with maybe the the standout issue of gun (Mars) control. Now with Mars square to the Moon in his first house, he may get some strident intervention and difficulties from the US population (Moon) in trying to get this through this during the next few years. There may also be issues concerning the military, however with a Taurean Ascendant ruling this term, the overriding motivation will be to look for peaceful solutions to problems rather than violent and aggravating ones.

That Moon in the 1st house along with Jupiter shows a focus on the people and acting on behalf of them, the ones who voted Obama in, the workers and the less fortunate in society. Saturn is in the 6th house opposing the ascendant and is sextile to Pluto and Venus sitting in the house of the workers, the unions and of health care issues, so slow but steady progress to improve these areas of US society should be made, but not without opposition first. This a workaholic position and so Obama will be working tirelessly through until 2016.

Jupiter makes a trine to the 10th house Sun and Mercury which focuses a mini grand trine on Uranus in the 12th. Here we have the administration being generous to those in the margins of society, the suffering and the oppressed. Any changes and big reforms will aid these people, there may also be reforms behind the scenes of this administration that may only come to light later on in his term. Obama has always done a lot of back room dealing (Saturn & Jupiter are in his natal 12th), to the annoyance of the mainstream US press who just want to know what is actually going on.

Neptune in the house of political parties, so confusion and potential deception between the administration and the House of Representatives. This will be a dissolving and possibly divisive relationship between the two especially because of a square between Jupiter and Neptune which can bring disappointment and disillusionment, so not much change here.

On financial issues, and the debt, there are no 8th house planets but Sagittarius is on the cusp of the 8th house of money owed, taxes and debt, so the US should see tax rises but also an expansion of the debt at the same time. Not an ideal scenario. Gemini sits on the cusp of the 2nd house, so money may be frittered away in all type of schemes and ideas. Gemini (Mercury) is not good at focusing in on a plan and sticking to it, so the use of money and resources in the Obama 2nd administration may be unwise.

Pluto and Venus in the 9th show major transformation in overseas financial issues as well as powerful matters involving trade or international relations over the next 4 years. Faith issues or the judiciary might be key areas to look out for too. These will be quite important in the direction and fate of this administration as they make a trine to the ascendant. Events overseas, possibly diplomatic (Venus) but certainly including some type of enormous & dramatic change (Pluto) will make Obama's presidency appear in a different light by 2016.

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