Friday, January 4, 2013



The JANUARY MONTHLY FORECAST is still available here:


Speak your truth this weekend, you are bound to hear something you want to hear in return.

Saturday brings key people in your life together with any legal needs you have, your travel plans, media or marketing ideas, wedding plans, or educational interests. It's good to merge with partners, connect with agents or attorneys, link with clients, or deal with competition in these arenas. Talks are off the charts today and tomorrow. It's idea time, sit beneath your proverbial light bulb. LISTEN to what comes back at you. Then cement something one way or the other by Sunday when you have the opportunity to make real headway with financial matters, your sex life or divorce issues.

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Saturday connects you with the right person to help you with travel, law, media, marketing, education, or wedding plans. Don't hold back when talking to those in power positions, they will hear you and there is something big in the mix for you with a little bit of tweaking. Sunday the talks continue, this can bring important meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions. They are under positive stars and can help you cement that loan or other financial need. They may aid your sex life or divorce proceedings as well. A friend may get on your last nerve today, don't go there. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday brings the right work alignment for you and helps you to deal with some debt or other financial interests in due course or may give you an opportunity to put something on your credit card that enhances your ability to earn or get healthy. If you have any health matters you would like to attend to this energy will help with that as well. The talks this weekend are truly on your need to expand your horizons and you may find this potential through further education or teaching, travel, marketing, or education. You need to make some adjustment around what you are doing to make money today. Sunday brings solid opportunities through a partner, agent, attorney, client, or other key player. Career standing or an authority figure may push your buttons a bit tonight but it may be the motivator you need to make things happen. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday aligns your creative needs with key people and opens up potential for love with kids or partners. The talks this weekend are going to focus in on sex, reproduction, divorce, or the big financial picture. Saturday this will mean making a personal adjustment but one that benefits you in the end. Sunday it will mean solid opportunities that come from getting organized, doing the work or securing work, handling health matters, and taking care of animals. You may push extra hard on some travel, legal, media, wedding, or educational matter, don't burst. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday will bring home and organization together in positive ways, you may find that you can get a lot of work done here or begin some healthy new approach in the house, declutter and tend to details. Talks this weekend will focus in on key relationships. Saturday this will mean looking at anything big you want to expand upon that is in development or going on in secret. Be willing to make some adjustments since this looks positive for you. Sunday it will mean cementing something solid in the creative field or with a lover or child. You may need to do something about the loan, debt, credit cards, or other outside resource, or you may feel amped up over sex or divorce topics, it's fire energy. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday opens up the local flow with lovers, children and creative projects, putting you in the right place at the right time. It allows for positive talks or decisions here as well. Your work life, paperwork, health, or pets will be a major focus of thought this weekend. Saturday this will mean making some adjustments around the big event, group activity, charity matter, friendship, astrological interest, or internet need. Bend a little, you get a lot. Sunday it will mean cementing something at home or with real estate, family, roommates, or moves that is solid. You will likely feel motivated where one key person is concerned. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday will bring your earning power in contact with home or real estate, family or roommates, moves or renovations, and this looks positive. The talks this weekend are going to focus in on your love life, children or creative ventures. Saturday this will mean making some adjustments with the boss, your career or goals. Don't sweat the shifts in the mix, it looks quite lucky for you. Sunday it will mean cementing an agreement or decision, something local or involving a short trip, something written or a sale, an important talk or proposal, again positive. Don't be surprised if you feel amped up over work, paperwork, health matters, or animals tonight. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday will open up some opportunities for you through meetings, writing, sales, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or agreements, its positive. The weekend will hold a lot of thought on home, moves, real estate, family, or roommate situations. Saturday this will mean tweaking something involving the legal part of things, marketing, education, travel plans, or a wedding. Do this since it looks lucky. Sunday it means whatever is going on with your property or home life aligns in solid ways with your income flow. You may feel quite amped up over a creative project, lover or child depending on how your income situation is looking. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday gives you a break behind the scenes to either strategize or research for income or to make money on artistic, spiritual or in institutional outlets. The weekend will focus on talks and decisions involving writing, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, siblings, vehicles, electronics, or neighbors. There is something quite big in this for you so think big. Saturday will require a bit of adjustment around loans, debt, settlements, or other resources or the adjustment will play out around your sex life or divorce. Again communications are on your side so give a little to get a lot. Sunday things will cement for you. Something going on at home or with family will have you amped up, think house, mom, kin, moves, roommates, or real estate. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday will open opportunity for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, parties, events, or charities, enjoy. The weekend overall will concentrate on earning opportunities. Be willing to make some adjustments here on Saturday involving partners, representatives, clients, or other key players. There is luck in the picture if you do. Sunday cements something around your earning potential and this may come through what you do behind the scenes, in development, through research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, or with institutions. You will be amped up out in the local scene and should be cautious when on the road today, it could be a bit more accident prone. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday will bring opportunities on the career front or in dealings with people that can help you reach your goals. You may be sealing a deal behind closed doors with a woman that is quite beneficial. The overview for the weekend really points to communicating your needs, fielding offers that come your way, shining your light, and thinking about what you can do to enhance your image, body, brand, or identity. Saturday this means some adjustment at work, with co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health issues or interests, or your animals. There is something big here so be willing to give and take. Sunday you will cement something involving an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity. You will be amped up over income. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday your legal needs or any travel plans, your marketing or media, wedding plans, or educational interests are aligning in beneficial ways so if you have an aspiration here say yes or if you can connect with a friend or group, do something online or for a charity, it's all good. The focus this weekend overall will point towards something that is somewhat hidden. You may have a clandestine romance you are developing or deciding about, a hospital or addictive matter that needs attention, the film, music or art interest coming to a peak, or something in your spiritual life that is calling to you. Saturday this will mean making some adjustment in your love life, with kids or on the creative front. Don't worry, you will be glad you did. Sunday it will mean cementing a goal or career agenda in your favor. You will be very physically amped up for some reason, passions or anger is stirred. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.

Saturday will open things up for you in financial arenas, your sex life or around divorce proceedings. You have an opportunity to get closer to your goal. There will be talks and decisions you are focusing on all weekend involving your aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or some event you are attending or planning. Saturday this will mean making some adjustment at home, with real estate, family, or moves. There is something big in the mix here so don't be afraid to bend a little. Sunday it will mean cementing something legally, through travel, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, or wedding plans, all good. you will be amped up behind the scenes or over some boundary issue, watch your intake. If you are ready to look at what is stirring in your own unique birth chart and peak into the potentials up ahead, scheduling a private reading with Zoe is easy! Inquire here: or call 818-613-6067.