Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Beranda » , » Venus conjunct Ras Alhague - Healing with love

Venus conjunct Ras Alhague - Healing with love


This aspect is now active and is valid until 4th January 2013

After the rather traumatic energy of November and December last year, this aspect comes along and brings a notion of calm and a real chance to repair some damage. Ras Alhague is a star in Orphiuchus, the serpent holder. The sign of a stick with a snake coiled around it is the sign of health and medical services around the world, and the stars of this constellation of the man holding a coiled serpent take on the same meaning. Ras Alhague is a star of teaching, of healing, rejuvenation, knowledge and rebirth.

Venus arriving to conjoin with Ras Alhague brings the nature of social healing. Where there is discord between peoples this gentle conjunction will smooth away the differences. In the house of representatives where a vote on taxes and financial cuts needs to be passed, I think over the next day or so the opposition will lessen as it becomes apparent to the politicians that the people and the economy of the US needs mending, and this will only be achieved through agreement and compromise, and not through having entrenched points of view . Venus is the planet of diplomacy and of money, and her powers will be given a chance here to work her magic.

If you are in a troubled relationship or you have had arguments with people in the recent past, something may happen now or in the next couple of days to soothe the pain. Through this aspect we learn the lessons of our ways and find that a little love and caring can go a long way, not in your own life but in other people's lives too. As the New Year gets going, this is just the tonic we need...

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