We hit the midpoint of the Mercury Retrograde on Saturday and this day is usually rife with information or decisions that peak for us regarding the theme we've been dealing with in retracing the past and revising, releasing or reconnecting. Expect some ah ha moment. In Scorpio this means it's about sex, reproduction, triangles, control, obsession, power, high finance, death, or divorce. Mars and Neptune meet which is an opportunity for actions that are goal oriented and link with hidden agendas, research, clandestine affairs, spiritual interests, magic, psychic abilities, dreams, film, music, art, or investigations. Tonight will point out any limits or responsibilities involving partners, representatives, clients, or competitors, asking for focus on love or income.
Sunday Aquarius Moon takes over keying in our social interests and aligning with Uranus most of the day. This means there is opportunity for excitement and new interests involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and aspirations. There is a square to Saturn so limits, responsibilities or endings around sex, reproduction, divorce, or a major financial matter will tie into one or more of these themes at some point, marking a serious moment.
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Career, goals, reputation, and dealing with authorities will be your focus on Saturday and it's all about the major financial picture or some sexual or divorce need that you are backtracking, revising, releasing, or revisiting in your talks, decisions, agreements, and negotiations. You should be able to strategize or achieve some end behind closed doors today but tonight there will be a serious tone around key relationships. Sunday is about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities and there is an excitement in the air for you as you innovate or get into some new interests. The only downer in any of this involves that financial matter, sexual/reproductive need or the divorce, a serious energy lingers here, face it. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The weekend is really about key relationships so weather you are dealing with a marriage or business partner, meeting with attorneys or agents, dealing with clients or competitors, it behooves you to get in there and make things happen. Saturday this will mark your turning point in the Mercury Retrograde when the revising, revisiting, reconnecting, or releasing hits a peak with someone so look at the news you hear or decisions on the table. THere is opportunity to move things along in legal matters, with media, marketing, publishing, education, travel, weddings, or expansive needs through actions you take today. Tonight will show you any limits involving work, paperwork, health, or pets that should be addressed. Sunday will be a bit more goal oriented and may turn your attention to career, ambitions or authority figures with some good results through efforts behind the scenes. Your key relationships will have some limits, responsibilities or endings around them today, it's time to get serious. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The weekend will focus most intently on your work, paperwork, health, or animals. Saturday this will mean hitting your midpoint in the Mercury Retrograde and hearing just what information you needed to know so that your revision, releasing or reconnecting can take a new tract. There is massive energy behind any sexual, reproductive, divorce, or major financial interests today that should help you motivate and make things happen. Tonight will involve some love or money issue with a lover, child or creative project that you need to work through. Sunday the focus on work, health, paperwork, or animals will be serious, pointing out any limits, endings or commitments you need to make around legal, travel, education, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. There is some excitement today with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, be spontaneous! If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint arrives on Saturday around children, love or creative projects and gives you some insight into what this backtracking has been about. Pay attention to information gathered today as it holds clues to your future direction. There is plenty of drive and passion in the day with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or other key relationships that will align in positive ways to your creative endeavors, kids or love life so reach out and motivate. You may have some luck with legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding plans. Tonight will point out any limits with home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates, look at how you can work on love or income needs here. Sunday will bring up any limits, commitments or endings that affect your love life, children or creative projects and tie in emotionally with sex, reproduction, divorce, or shared financial matters. There is some excitement around goals, career, fame, or authority figures today, be open to new ideas. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
There will be a lot of focus on home, family, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate this weekend. Saturday marks the turning point in the Mercury Retrograde here so you will likely have a peak moment retracing the past or revising things so you can move forward. The action is around work, paperwork, health, or animals and today this means some opportunity to open things up financially or move ahead with divorce or attractions and make inroads at home or with the property. Tonight there will be some news or decisions that involve love or income, these will show you any issues you are having with work, paperwork, health, or pets. Sunday the home matters and work, health, paperwork, or animal needs are aligning but there wil be some limit, responsibility or ending around a key relationship here that you will have to deal with in a serious way. There is positive energy with this key person in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The weekend is filled with talks, decisions, news, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, meetings, or writing. Saturday brings the midpoint of the Mercury Retrograde around these topics as well as pointing out any retracing of issues involving brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Look for information coming through now for clues as to what's its all been about. There will be lots of energy around your love life, children or creative projects now and this looks pretty exciting for key relationships in the mix and the decisions being made. Tonight you will have to deal with some limit, responsibility or ending involving income and get serious about it. Sunday the talks, writing, sales, news, offers, decisions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, or electronics will align with love, kids and creative efforts in positive ways but you will hit some kind of roadblock around work, health, paperwork, or animals in the mix. The good news is that you should be able to find a new route into your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or shared financial arena that pleases. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
Income is central this weekend as the MErcury Retrograde midpoint is reached on Saturday and the backtracking you've been doing leads to some sort of insight, news or decision here. The home, property matters, real estate deals, family, roommates, or moves are figuring strongly into this and there will be opportunity today to motivate here and move ahead with paperwork, organization, work, health, or pets involved the the scenario. Tonight will point out any issues you are having personally or physically around your own needs so try to find some time to pamper yourself at days end. Sunday the money matters align with home, real estate, renovations, moves, roommates, or family again but will not exactly conform to creative interests, children or your love life. Here you will need to get serious, set limits, deal with responsibilities, or handle commitments or endings. There is some excitement around a key relationship that should please, say yes to the surprise. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint peaks on Saturday with a focus on your name, brand, image, identity, or body. You are facing the past in this on some level and it's a turning point. Expect a hyper amount of talks, emails, meetings, agreements, decisions, or ideas to be ricocheting around this weekend. You may have more sales, electronic or vehicle interests, or interactions with siblings, neighbors or short trips as well. Today this will align with your creative projects, children or love life in favorable ways and get you ready for what's next. Tonight will bring some issue over love or income that comes at you from behind closed doors or a secret place. Sunday the communications, transportation, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or sales will align beautifully with your interests or needs. Home, real estate, moves, roommates, or family needs will get a burst of excitement and help you introduce new organizational ideas, clean-ups, work, or afford you the opportunity to tackle paperwork, health concerns or the pets under positive stars. There is a limit to you personally or physically in the home/family/real estate matter tonight as you are either a bit overworked or feel as though the responsibilities are too much, this too shall pass. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
Two themes will focus your weekend, making money and what you are doing behind the scenes or in some artistic, spiritual, romantic, research, or institutional matter there. Saturday you reach the Mercury Retrograde midpoint and will know through talks, news, sales, writing, or decisions made affecting your film, music, art, spiritual, secret romance, hospital, addiction, or research matter what way you are going to go. There is opportunity to earn money here and you are going to see lots more action today around earnings that can motivate you at home, with a move, real estate deal, roommate, or family. Tonight will bring up limits tied to a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or an event. Your income is a big part of this so do your best to work through it. Sunday the artistry, spirituality, romance, investigation, research, hospital, addiction, or developmental project is again key and working with your income flow. However there will be some tough news or serious decisions to make that push you a bit, look at responsibilities, commitments or endings in the mix. You will have a nice opportunity for love or with your creative projects or children today, say yes to the surprise or change. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint arrives on Saturday and points out what the backtracking and revising, releasing and reconnecting has been about with your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities. Expect news or decisions to revolve around these topics. Mars moving into your sign is going to gear you up big time and motivate you on personal goals, your body, physical activities, image, brand, and identity needs starting today. This looks very positive on Saturday as it gets you going in the right direction. Tonight will point out any love or money issues you have and what is going on with the goal here or any career or authority figures in the mix. Sunday the social interests and aspirations are aligning for you in positive ways but there will be something serious to contend with around money. Set some limits or deal with responsibilities here. You will have some exciting surprise or change that bodes well for your earning potential tied to home, real estate, moves, family, or roommates, go with the flow! If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint arrives on Saturday showing you what is what with the backtracking or revising, releasing and rethinking the past in career matters, bosses, authority figures, goals, ambitions, or reputation. Expect news or decisions in these areas. Mars moves behind the scenes where he is going to bring more action, passion or anger around clandestine romances, film, music, art, spiritual interests, hospitals, addictions, research, or investigations. This will work for you if money is in question today and help you open up about career, goals or deal with authority figures. Tonight there will be some issue involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs that arrives asking you to look more closely at your love life or income potential. Sunday the behind the scenes energy in art, spirituality, romance, institutions, research, and development is aligning for you with goals, career and authorities again but there will be some personal or physical limit that must be addressed. Look at your image, body, identity, brand, or ego in the mix and talk about what comes to mind even if it's a bit out there. Some surprise news is bound to please at some point today. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
Your legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, marketing, or publishing needs are going to be front and center this weekend. The Mercury Retrograde midpoint over these topics arrives on Saturday and will point out via news, agreements, sales, talks, or decisions just what in the past has been needed and what should be let go. Mars moves into your aspirations and social arena charging up your energy to do things with friends, groups, online, astrology, charities, or events. This is looking good today but there will be some issue to address tonight here involving sex, divorce or some big financial matter. Sunday your legal, travel, media, wedding, marketing, publishing, or educational needs will again align for you and connect positively with friends, aspirations, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities but there is some limit or responsibility, commitment or ending in the mix that may test you a bit. The good news is around making money, something new or exciting seems to be in the mix! If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
Sunday Aquarius Moon takes over keying in our social interests and aligning with Uranus most of the day. This means there is opportunity for excitement and new interests involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and aspirations. There is a square to Saturn so limits, responsibilities or endings around sex, reproduction, divorce, or a major financial matter will tie into one or more of these themes at some point, marking a serious moment.
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Career, goals, reputation, and dealing with authorities will be your focus on Saturday and it's all about the major financial picture or some sexual or divorce need that you are backtracking, revising, releasing, or revisiting in your talks, decisions, agreements, and negotiations. You should be able to strategize or achieve some end behind closed doors today but tonight there will be a serious tone around key relationships. Sunday is about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities and there is an excitement in the air for you as you innovate or get into some new interests. The only downer in any of this involves that financial matter, sexual/reproductive need or the divorce, a serious energy lingers here, face it. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The weekend is really about key relationships so weather you are dealing with a marriage or business partner, meeting with attorneys or agents, dealing with clients or competitors, it behooves you to get in there and make things happen. Saturday this will mark your turning point in the Mercury Retrograde when the revising, revisiting, reconnecting, or releasing hits a peak with someone so look at the news you hear or decisions on the table. THere is opportunity to move things along in legal matters, with media, marketing, publishing, education, travel, weddings, or expansive needs through actions you take today. Tonight will show you any limits involving work, paperwork, health, or pets that should be addressed. Sunday will be a bit more goal oriented and may turn your attention to career, ambitions or authority figures with some good results through efforts behind the scenes. Your key relationships will have some limits, responsibilities or endings around them today, it's time to get serious. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The weekend will focus most intently on your work, paperwork, health, or animals. Saturday this will mean hitting your midpoint in the Mercury Retrograde and hearing just what information you needed to know so that your revision, releasing or reconnecting can take a new tract. There is massive energy behind any sexual, reproductive, divorce, or major financial interests today that should help you motivate and make things happen. Tonight will involve some love or money issue with a lover, child or creative project that you need to work through. Sunday the focus on work, health, paperwork, or animals will be serious, pointing out any limits, endings or commitments you need to make around legal, travel, education, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. There is some excitement today with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, be spontaneous! If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint arrives on Saturday around children, love or creative projects and gives you some insight into what this backtracking has been about. Pay attention to information gathered today as it holds clues to your future direction. There is plenty of drive and passion in the day with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or other key relationships that will align in positive ways to your creative endeavors, kids or love life so reach out and motivate. You may have some luck with legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding plans. Tonight will point out any limits with home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates, look at how you can work on love or income needs here. Sunday will bring up any limits, commitments or endings that affect your love life, children or creative projects and tie in emotionally with sex, reproduction, divorce, or shared financial matters. There is some excitement around goals, career, fame, or authority figures today, be open to new ideas. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
There will be a lot of focus on home, family, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate this weekend. Saturday marks the turning point in the Mercury Retrograde here so you will likely have a peak moment retracing the past or revising things so you can move forward. The action is around work, paperwork, health, or animals and today this means some opportunity to open things up financially or move ahead with divorce or attractions and make inroads at home or with the property. Tonight there will be some news or decisions that involve love or income, these will show you any issues you are having with work, paperwork, health, or pets. Sunday the home matters and work, health, paperwork, or animal needs are aligning but there wil be some limit, responsibility or ending around a key relationship here that you will have to deal with in a serious way. There is positive energy with this key person in legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The weekend is filled with talks, decisions, news, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, meetings, or writing. Saturday brings the midpoint of the Mercury Retrograde around these topics as well as pointing out any retracing of issues involving brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Look for information coming through now for clues as to what's its all been about. There will be lots of energy around your love life, children or creative projects now and this looks pretty exciting for key relationships in the mix and the decisions being made. Tonight you will have to deal with some limit, responsibility or ending involving income and get serious about it. Sunday the talks, writing, sales, news, offers, decisions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, or electronics will align with love, kids and creative efforts in positive ways but you will hit some kind of roadblock around work, health, paperwork, or animals in the mix. The good news is that you should be able to find a new route into your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or shared financial arena that pleases. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
Income is central this weekend as the MErcury Retrograde midpoint is reached on Saturday and the backtracking you've been doing leads to some sort of insight, news or decision here. The home, property matters, real estate deals, family, roommates, or moves are figuring strongly into this and there will be opportunity today to motivate here and move ahead with paperwork, organization, work, health, or pets involved the the scenario. Tonight will point out any issues you are having personally or physically around your own needs so try to find some time to pamper yourself at days end. Sunday the money matters align with home, real estate, renovations, moves, roommates, or family again but will not exactly conform to creative interests, children or your love life. Here you will need to get serious, set limits, deal with responsibilities, or handle commitments or endings. There is some excitement around a key relationship that should please, say yes to the surprise. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint peaks on Saturday with a focus on your name, brand, image, identity, or body. You are facing the past in this on some level and it's a turning point. Expect a hyper amount of talks, emails, meetings, agreements, decisions, or ideas to be ricocheting around this weekend. You may have more sales, electronic or vehicle interests, or interactions with siblings, neighbors or short trips as well. Today this will align with your creative projects, children or love life in favorable ways and get you ready for what's next. Tonight will bring some issue over love or income that comes at you from behind closed doors or a secret place. Sunday the communications, transportation, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or sales will align beautifully with your interests or needs. Home, real estate, moves, roommates, or family needs will get a burst of excitement and help you introduce new organizational ideas, clean-ups, work, or afford you the opportunity to tackle paperwork, health concerns or the pets under positive stars. There is a limit to you personally or physically in the home/family/real estate matter tonight as you are either a bit overworked or feel as though the responsibilities are too much, this too shall pass. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
Two themes will focus your weekend, making money and what you are doing behind the scenes or in some artistic, spiritual, romantic, research, or institutional matter there. Saturday you reach the Mercury Retrograde midpoint and will know through talks, news, sales, writing, or decisions made affecting your film, music, art, spiritual, secret romance, hospital, addiction, or research matter what way you are going to go. There is opportunity to earn money here and you are going to see lots more action today around earnings that can motivate you at home, with a move, real estate deal, roommate, or family. Tonight will bring up limits tied to a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or an event. Your income is a big part of this so do your best to work through it. Sunday the artistry, spirituality, romance, investigation, research, hospital, addiction, or developmental project is again key and working with your income flow. However there will be some tough news or serious decisions to make that push you a bit, look at responsibilities, commitments or endings in the mix. You will have a nice opportunity for love or with your creative projects or children today, say yes to the surprise or change. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint arrives on Saturday and points out what the backtracking and revising, releasing and reconnecting has been about with your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, events, or charities. Expect news or decisions to revolve around these topics. Mars moving into your sign is going to gear you up big time and motivate you on personal goals, your body, physical activities, image, brand, and identity needs starting today. This looks very positive on Saturday as it gets you going in the right direction. Tonight will point out any love or money issues you have and what is going on with the goal here or any career or authority figures in the mix. Sunday the social interests and aspirations are aligning for you in positive ways but there will be something serious to contend with around money. Set some limits or deal with responsibilities here. You will have some exciting surprise or change that bodes well for your earning potential tied to home, real estate, moves, family, or roommates, go with the flow! If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint arrives on Saturday showing you what is what with the backtracking or revising, releasing and rethinking the past in career matters, bosses, authority figures, goals, ambitions, or reputation. Expect news or decisions in these areas. Mars moves behind the scenes where he is going to bring more action, passion or anger around clandestine romances, film, music, art, spiritual interests, hospitals, addictions, research, or investigations. This will work for you if money is in question today and help you open up about career, goals or deal with authority figures. Tonight there will be some issue involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs that arrives asking you to look more closely at your love life or income potential. Sunday the behind the scenes energy in art, spirituality, romance, institutions, research, and development is aligning for you with goals, career and authorities again but there will be some personal or physical limit that must be addressed. Look at your image, body, identity, brand, or ego in the mix and talk about what comes to mind even if it's a bit out there. Some surprise news is bound to please at some point today. If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
Your legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, marketing, or publishing needs are going to be front and center this weekend. The Mercury Retrograde midpoint over these topics arrives on Saturday and will point out via news, agreements, sales, talks, or decisions just what in the past has been needed and what should be let go. Mars moves into your aspirations and social arena charging up your energy to do things with friends, groups, online, astrology, charities, or events. This is looking good today but there will be some issue to address tonight here involving sex, divorce or some big financial matter. Sunday your legal, travel, media, wedding, marketing, publishing, or educational needs will again align for you and connect positively with friends, aspirations, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities but there is some limit or responsibility, commitment or ending in the mix that may test you a bit. The good news is around making money, something new or exciting seems to be in the mix! If you are ready to look into your own personal chart with Zoe you can schedule a private reading by emailing zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or calling 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/