Hermes is giving you the first week of December to wrap up those talks and decisions about loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, commissions, alimony, child support, settlements, investments, partner's money, bankruptcy, divorce, reproduction, and your sex life. Grab hold and express your powerful needs and desires while you have his blessings. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius where he will turn your mind to thoughts about travel, legal matters, higher education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, politics, or religious interests. You may wish to mull these topics over for a few days and plan your launch in the area of interest on the New Moon.
The 13th marks the Sagittarius New Moon and your best window of opportunity this year for fresh starts in legal matters or pursuits, educational arenas, media outlets, marketing ideas, publishing deals, travel plans, connections with people at a distance, import/export, weddings, politics, religion, and adventure. You have 2 strong weeks to put things into play from today so even if you can't get in the air you can find your best deal on tickets and buy them, if you can't get the contract signed or the legal dispute settled you can at least initiate action that puts you on the road to this, if the book isn't published in these 2 weeks you can at least send it out to publishers, etc, take advantage of this energy to seed what you want to see flower in these areas now.
Uranus has been in slumber mode since July 13th and on the day of the New Moon, December 13th, he wakes and goes Direct. Uranus has been moving through Aries since 2010 and will complete his awakening of the individual and warrior modality in 2018, not to return for another 84 years. As he begins his move forward again each of us is offered an opportunity to begin innovating, breaking free of constraints, making personal and physical changes that excite, and radically overhauling our lives in ways that better suit our individual conscious. Get ready to see some surprising changes.
Venus follows Mercury into the New Moon territory of Sagittarius on the 15th. She is going to start smoothing things out in the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, political, and religious arenas. She will help you to attract love or money through these areas and may bring a female onto the scene that has some influence in benefiting your aims here.
Jupiter and Pluto form an inconjunct on the 20th which will most likely feel as though our big ideas, news, agreements, decisions, sales, talks, or local activities are meeting up with some person of authority or authoritative situation that forces a shift to accommodate the powers that be. You may be reacting or acting on this one but the theme is to get your mind around something big that can evolve with you up ahead, look at career, the direction of your life, your boss or father, reputation, fame, achievements, other authority figures, and your leadership for places of massive shifting of conscious thought and choices.
I could wrap up the monthly at the next shift since it occurs on December 21st and the projected 'end of the world' by many but I'm an eternal optimist, so I'll continue on with what is approaching. (If however, we are spun out into the cosmos, set aflame or launched into the sea, it's been an honor and a privilege to know you, one and all. Catch you on the other side.) The Sun enters Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice and the last date on the Mayan Calendar for all of us! I believe this should be a day of celebration marking the graduation for each and every soul here on Earth at this point, we maneuvered through 2012! We are here and seeding a new age, it is a great time to be alive. It's interesting to note that the Sun makes this move at 11:11 gmt. The Sun's placement in Capricorn means more vital life force focused on ambitions and leadership, achievement and goals, career and those in charge of us. The next 30 days will put you more personally and physically out there on the stage of life.
Jupiter next forms an inconjunct with Saturn on the 22nd. This time it is big ideas, news or decisions adjusting to some major death and transformation, divorce, sexual initiation, or financial matter. It is about the limits, losses, structures, ambitions, leadership, commitments, endings, or responsibilities here. Since Jupiter forms an inconjunct with Pluto on the 20th and an inconjunct with Saturn on the 22nd, the overall pattern is called a FINGER OF GOD. This finger straddles December 21st and may be part of what the ancients were looking at for this period. In the outer world those that choose to ride the lower energies would aim at sweeping choices that force loss, limits and destruction, while those that choose to enlighten and evolve through the higher energetics will aim at sweeping choices that embrace change, responsibility, leadership, and transformation. Finger's of God tend to be event oriented, there is a Fated quality to them, thus the moniker. Enter the period with the highest possible surrounding energy and prayer for consciousness.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th motivating groups, causes, missions, events, revolutions, charities, the internet, astrology, friendships, ideals, and aspirations onto more active footing. Mars brings passion, anger, a fighting spirit, warrior mode, aggression, courage, and determination to the fore. The Sun squares Uranus today shaking things up with those in leadership positions or around your own goals, ambitions, career, or authority figures. Change is in the air.
Saturn and Pluto dance on the 26th opening an opportunity between the limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities in your financial life, sex life or divorce, and the powerful changes, deconstruction and rebirthing, and evolution going on with your status, goals, ambitions, career, reputation, or dealings with authority figures. You can solidify something now that you've been working hard to achieve.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer and brings a huge peak at home, with renovations, moves, remodels, land, real estate deals, roommates, country, patriotism, nurture, mom, family, and your sense of security. This will be a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these arenas. It may be a great time to throw a Holiday party at home or it may be that something big is coming your way.
New Years Eve has Mercury changing signs, entering into Capricorn and turning thoughts to goals and ambitions, our leaders, status, career, and authority figures. You may opt for a more elegant or conservative evening as you think about what you want to do to usher in the new year. Mars and Uranus sextile so the passions and actions are stirring in social scenarios, there should be plenty to do and people to do it with. The Uranus energy is all about radical, outside the box expression so you may wish to buck the trends and shine your freak flag just a bit. The Leo Moon moves into a harmonious alignment with Venus in Sagittarius before entering a VOID for the rest of the night. This is going to bring the love smack dab into the middle of it all and allow for a 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' feel to connections made tonight. The combo bodes well for dreamy, surreal experiences that are over the top and align creativity, love, children, recreation, and speculation, with a broader audience and adventurous experience.
Wrap up talks, agreements and decisions about the financial situation, divorce or sexual interests by the 10th. Connecting on these subjects now will allow for opportunity to flower on the 26th. From the 10th forward you will turn your thoughts to legal matters, media, marketing, higher education, travel plans, weddings, political interests, religion, and publishing matters. You should set up your meetings, talks and agreements for the 13th onward, use these next couple days to brainstorm.
On the 13th the NEW MOON in Sagittarius is your best 2 week window of the year to launch in the legal arena, incorporate, sign legal documents, get into a courtroom, or hire an attorney. It's your cue to start any new media or marketing campaigns, seek a publisher, get back to school as a student or teacher, hop a plane, receive visitors from afar, start an import/export business, plan your wedding or walk down the aisle, get your political agenda out there, or get back into a religious subject that interests you. You may get an offer or surprise that comes along during this period that allows you to express your originality or break free! On this same day, Uranus, the planet of shock, surprise, change, and awakening, goes Direct in your sign! This is bound to wake you up, get you moving in some new direction and may possibly bring some exciting new opportunity to you. Be bold and willing to break free or express your originality or do something completely different with your image, body, identity, or brand.
On the 15th Venus takes up her position in Sagittarius and begins smoothing things over and making it easier for you to attract the love or money you desire through legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, marketing, publishing, political, or religious means. A woman may enter the picture now that can help you here.
The 20th through the 22nd are major days as a Finger of God forms with Pluto and Saturn at the base and Jupiter at the point. The Sun enters Capricorn in the middle of this, on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice. What this means for you on a personal level is a period marking adjustments that you are making in your thinking, with your offers, sales, agreements, writing, proposals, talks, meetings, short trips, moves, local activities, vehicles, electronics, siblings, and neighbors. You will be dealing with big financial issues, authority figures, any sexual, reproductive or divorce issues, career and ambitions, reputation, fame, and status. The Sun's move into Capricorn marks a 30 day cycle that kicks off now putting you more personally and physically into career matters, ambitions, dealings with the boss or other authority figures, and pursuit of fame, leadership or recognition for achievements.
Your ruler moves into Aquarius on the 25th at the same time that the Sun squares Uranus in your sign. To say Christmas will be intense is an understatement. This is about excitement, change, sudden shifts or opportunities, being spontaneous, and gearing things up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. Mars will stir your passions, actions and anger with these people and situations in the weeks ahead, motivating you to get out and make things happen. The only warning for today is be cautious around authority figures and any accident prone objects or situations.
Saturn and Pluto form an opportune alliance on the 26th which opens up an opportunity for you to cement something in the financial arena, with a divorce, reproductive need, or your sex life. Reach for goals, pursue career objectives and reach out to those in power positions for help.
The FULL MOON on the 28th occurs in Cancer and brings a peak around home, moves, renovations, roommates, family, real estate matters, or your sense of security. This is a time of wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrations, and achievements here. If you've been waiting for something to come through in one of these areas or want to throw a party at home, it's going to be big!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, has Mercury moving into Capricorn and turning thoughts to career, goals, ambitions, and those in higher places. It's a good time for talks, news, agreements, or decisions involving these topics. Your ruler, Mars, makes an opportune aspect to Uranus so lots of action and passion is being stirred for you with friends, parties, events, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities today and it should be exciting. If you get a last minute invite to something, go. The Goddess energy wraps up the day and the year as the Moon and Venus come together in harmonious alignment before slipping into a VOID and taking you into a lovely flow around true love, creative outlets and interests, children, recreation, travel, the higher mind, education, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, legal interests, weddings, and adventure. It should prove to be very enlightening and enjoyable. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
The first 10 days of December are still strong for any talks, proposals, agreements, sales, or decisions involving romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key people. Use the time to hash out ideas or negotiate terms, write or meet. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts turn to loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, partner's money, investments, divorce, sex, or reproduction. In the weeks ahead this is where you will be putting pen to paper, in talks, negotiations, meetings, dealing with sales, short trips, local activities, or moves. Give this a couple days to mull over and wait to launch on the New Moon.
The NEW MOON on the 13th marks your best 2 week window opening of the year for launching that new financial pursuit or agreement, the divorce proceeding, a sexual conquest, reproductive need, or finding solutions to sexual issues. It's a time to be proactive in going after what you desire in these areas. You may have something commission based, a settlement, loan, investment, or other monetary interest come your way during this period and if so it will allow you to break free or do something original! A new sexual attraction may come your way as well and if so they will be unlike anyone you've been interested in before but will awaken something in you. Uranus goes Direct today after a long slumber and you are going to feel like shaking things up again and making changes. This is going to play out behind the scenes and may take place in a clandestine affair, with a film, music or art interest, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, or spiritual interests, a hospital, through addictions, research or investigations, or in development on a project. Something is egging you on to express originality, make changes or break free here. It's possible that a secret comes to light now.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th and begins to smooth things out on the divorce front, with your sex life, reproductive needs, and around big financial matters. This may mark a female entering the scene that is beneficial to you here or the ability to attract love or money through shared resources, your sexual appetite or divorce.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd involving Saturn and Pluto pointing at Jupiter. In the middle of this on the 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. What this means for you the need to make some big adjustments involving your personal income that will in some way affect or be affected by partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings here, as well as any power changes involving legal, travel, marketing, media, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. With the Sun now in Capricorn for the next 30 days there is going to be more personal and physical involvement in the legal, travel, media, wedding, marketing, publishing, educational, political, or religious matters as you step up and put body, image, identity, brand, or ego into the mix.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he is going to be lighting a fire under your career ambitions, reputation, quest for fame, goals, and dealings with authority figures. Mars will push you to motivate, take action, express passions, or deal with anger in these realms. On this same day, the Sun squares Uranus so there may be a shock, change, surprise, or awakening that hits you out of the blue and ties in with your connection to the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matter. Shaking things up and dealing with the unexpected is on the agenda.
Saturn and Pluto align on the 26th marking a turning point with significant relationships and the legal, travel, media, marketing, wedding, publishing, educational, political, or religious matters. You can cement things with that marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key player.
The FULL MOON in Cancer comes on the 28th and brings a major peak for you in talks, agreements, pitches, sales, writing, moves, news, or decisions involving your home, sense of security, family, roots, real estate, or living situation. There may be a climax with something involving a brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, local activity, or short trip as well. This is a time of celebrations, endings or achievements in these areas. You may receive an offer or proposal from someone or if you've been waiting on news or opportunities to come through, they should arrive now!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, opens with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to the trip, legal matter, wedding, education, marketing, publishing deal, media interest, political agenda, or religious matter. This is where the talks, news, agreements, decisions, and offers will play out in the weeks ahead. Mars and Uranus dance today bringing excitement and opportunity to the day that plays out around your goals, career, bosses, reputation, fame, authority figures, and something going on behind the scenes. The Moon and Venus meet before entering a VOID, giving a magical feel to the rest of the day/night and aligning your home and sexual interests, any real estate or moves, house or family matters with your financial interests or divorce, and making for a lovely New Year celebration. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
The talks, news, agreements, sales, and decisions continue in December around work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, and people you hire to help you out. This has strong energy until the 10th so get in there and connect or make choices while you have support from Mercury. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts turn to relationships. For the rest of the month you will be in talks, sales, writing, agreements, meetings, proposals, and decision making with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, and other key people. It's likely this will involve communications about legal, travel, media, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. Mull over ideas but hold off on launching for the New Moon.
The New Moon arrives on the 13th in this same arena and offers you the best 2 week window of the year to launch new agreements and decisions with partners, make new partnerships, set things in motion with agents or pursue new agents, sign up new attorneys or get things moving in new directions with your attorneys, hire a specialist or advocate, sign up new clients or introduce something new to clients, get a new handle on the competition, or make a fresh start with any other key individual in your life. Someone new may enter your life during this period that is unlike anyone you've interacted with before but who is going to introduce your to new things, awaken you or help you express your originality! Uranus has been in slumber mode but today he goes Direct. Coming on a New Moon this gives the day a lot of excitement and change is probably a big factor. This means that you are now ready to move ahead, break free, make changes, and express your originality and for you it will play out around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and aspirations.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out for you with key relationships. She may bring a female onto the scene that is beneficial to your partnerships, representation or client base. You will see that attracting love or income through these key people is an easier process now as well.
A FINGER OF GOD is forming between the 20th and 22nd that involves Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. In the middle of this powerful outer pattern, the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st and marks the Winter Solstice. What this means to you is the need to make or deal with powerful changes or adjustments involving your body, image, identity, or brand, looking at limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings around health, work, paperwork, animal interests, or co-workers, and what is transforming in your life around major financial arenas, sex, reproduction, death and rebirth, or divorce. The Sun now in Capricorn puts a spotlight on you over the next 30 days in this sexual, divorce or financial arena, asking you to take the lead and pour more personal or physical energy into goals here.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he will begin to stir up the fire under your legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, or religious interests. Mars is going to bring action, passion or anger into the mix in the weeks ahead and motivate you to do something about one or more of these matters. Today the Sun and Uranus square which adds some excitement, change, shock, or surprise in the mix around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your financial picture, sex life or divorce.
Saturn and Pluto align on the 26th which is a turning point for you that allows you to cement something at work, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, or animals, helping you to change or evolve your financial picture, divorce or sex life.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer and will be bringing a peak for you around income, possessions, value, and acquisitions. This is about reaching a big goal and celebrating the money flow or ending some revenue flow as things wrap up. If you've been waiting on a big check or opportunity to come through that has monetary rewards for you, here it comes!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn and turning your thoughts to sex, divorce, reproduction, or the financial picture. In the weeks ahead more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, or decisions will play out over these topics. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some surprise and action into the mix around parties, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and any travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding interests. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into a VOID and giving the rest of the day and evening a surreal and beautiful feel around key relationships and the talks, meetings, proposals, agreements, and decisions in the mix. Say yes. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Focus your thoughts, decisions, agreements, talks, meetings, and sales on creative ventures, lovers and children in the first 10 days of December while Mercury is here to help you get the ideas across and make the choices that are right for you. On the 10th Mercury moves on and takes up residence in Sagittarius where your thoughts will turn to work, health, paperwork, and animals in the weeks ahead. This is a good time to sign papers here, make decisions, meet, interview, audition, make sales, or get into talks with people about these subjects. Mull over what you would like to do but hold off a few days for the New Moon to launch.
The NEW MOON on the 13th in Sagittarius is your best 2 week window of the year to launch a new health regime, join a gym, see a doctor, hire a trainer or nutritionist, start a diet, interview or audition for a new job, launch a new work idea, start a new job, introduce new ideas on the work force, get a new co-worker or employee, hire someone to help you with legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational interests, adopt a pet, or get involved in some new animal interest. You may have a work opportunity offered to you out of the blue or get some interesting offers involving health or animals that will help you break free or express your originality or awaken something new in you! Uranus has been in slumber mode these last months and today he goes Direct. This is going to add some excitement or changes into the day and awaken things on your career front, with goals and ambitions, reputation, fame, the boss, or with other authority figures. It's time to go after those original concept or break free and go out on your own, make changes or surprise someone.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out in your work life, with paperwork, health matters, and animals. This has to be good, yes? It means a more relaxed approach to these matters, an ability to attract love or money flow more easily, to turn on the charm, and it may bring a female onto the scene that benefits your aims in one or more of these arenas.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd between Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter that is typically event oriented and asks that you make some kind of adjustment in life. In the middle of this the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st marking the Winter Solstice. For you this will mean adjustments around decisions, agreements, sales, news, offers, talks, meetings, or locally involving hospitals, addictions, hidden agendas, secrets, clandestine romances, film, music or artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and the limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities involving creative projects, lovers or children, and the changes with partners, representatives, clients, or competitors. The Sun in Capricorn will illuminate your key relationships over the next 30 days pushing you to step up, take the lead, pour more personal and physical energy into your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he is going to light a fire under your sex life or interests, reproductive needs, divorce, or major financial interests in the weeks ahead. This is going to bring more passion, action and anger into these arenas and motivate you to go after what you want here and make things happen. Today the Sun and Uranus square so there is going to be some excitement, shock, change, or unusual moment around key relationships and the goals, career, reputation, status, or what plays out with authority figures. Be ready to react in the moment.
Saturn and Pluto dance on the 26th marking a turning point with anything serious going on with your love life, children or creative projects and the opportunity to evolve or change through key relationships, think partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or others.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in YOUR SIGN! This is a high point for you this year, when you reach a goal, celebrate an achievement or mark an ending that is quite personal to you. This may be about reaching something with your image, body, identity, or brand. It's your moment to shine. If you've been waiting on some news or opportunities that could raise you to new heights, here it comes!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, starts with Mercury moving into Capricorn and opening up talks, proposals, agreements, decisions, and sales involving marriage, partnership, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competition. In the weeks ahead your thoughts will turn to goals and ambitions here. Mars and Uranus dance today bringing opportunity for some excitement, change, freedom, and action around sex, divorce, major financial matters, goals, ambitions, career, dad, the boss, or other authority figures. The Moon and Venus meet up before slipping into a VOID and taking the rest of the day/night into a cerebral, enchanting energy that will align your values and organic nature, opening a flow between income and work, health or animals as well. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
You have the first 10 days of December to wrap up talks, writing, agreements, and make decisions regarding home, mom, family, moves, real estate, and roommates. On the 10th Mercury moves out of this territory and enters your house of true love, creative projects and children. The rest of the month will have your thoughts turning to these topics and more talks, writing, agreements, sales, proposals, decisions, short trips, local activities, and moves will flow around these themes. Mull over what exactly you would like to do about any of this for a couple day and wait to launch on the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and offers your best 2 week window of the year to move ahead on creative projects or start new creative ventures, to fall in love or do something new and exciting with your current lover, to launch some new venture with or for kids or decide to have children. You may have a new person enter your life during this period that you are fated to fall in love with, meet a new child that is going to impact your life or you may have a new creative opportunity fall in your lap! Regardless of what shows up, it is destined to be unlike anything you've experienced before and aid you in breaking free or expressing your originality or vision. Uranus has been in hiding more or less for months now and today he awakens and begins to go Direct again. This means something exciting, freeing, changing, and unusual can begin to move ahead for you in travel, legal matters, higher education, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, politics, or religious interests. Shake things up.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will start to smooth things out for you in the love life, creative efforts and with children. You should see more ease and ability to attract love or income through these means. A female may enter the picture that can benefit your aims in one or more of these arenas as well. You have more charm now, use it.
A FINGER OF GOD is forming between the 20th and 22nd that involves Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. These are known for being event oriented and with outer body planetary energy it will have more of a background affect on your life. The Sun moves into Capricorn in the middle of this, on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice. What this all means for you is the need to make adjustments involving talks, news, agreements, sales, or decisions with friends, groups, the internet, events, aspirations, astrology, or charities, look at limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities at home, to family, mom, with roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate, and with the changes and evolution occurring around work, health or pets. The Sun in Capricorn for the next 30 days will mean you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into work, auditions, interviews, co-workers, people you hire, health concerns, and animals. It's time to step up.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he is going to light a fire under your key relationships or the need to procure them. Mars brings action, passion and anger into the mix and it is now playing out around romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. You will have plenty of energy to make things happen. Today the Sun/Uranus square adds some unexpected change or surprise into the mix that will play out over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters and your energy at work, in pursuit of work, with paperwork, health matter, or animals.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is about a turning point for you with any serious limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings at home, with moves, family, mom, roommates, renovations, or real estate, and the powerful changes evolving around your work, health or pets. It's an opportunity for positive and solid change.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer and is bringing a peak for you in the mystical and hidden part of your life. This can manifest as a high point in film, music, the arts, spiritual pursuits, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, or a clandestine affair, a climax involving a hospital, retreat, investigation, research, or hidden agenda. It's a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to come through involving one or more of these themes, here they come, big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, opens with Mercury moving into Capricorn and your thoughts turning to work, health, co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, or animals. In the weeks ahead you will be writing, meeting, in talks, making decisions, sales, short trips, or getting more locally involved in these areas. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and action to the relationships and travel plans, legal actions, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, wedding plans, politics, or religious interests. The Moon and Venus meet up before slipping into a VOID that will add some beauty and surreal moments to your day/evening around your love life, children or creative projects. Dream big. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Whether you are focusing on a brother, sister, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic interest, local activity, short trip, writing project, agreement, or decision as December starts, know that you have up until the 10th to have that talk or make your choice clear, sign the document or negotiate your solution. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and your thoughts will turn to home, real estate, family, roommates, or renovations. In the weeks ahead this is where you will want to focus writing, agreements, decisions, meetings, or sales. Mull over what you have on your plate here in the next few days but wait to launch until the New Moon.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 13th and offers your best 2 week period of the year to launch new renovations, make a move, buy or sell real estate, make a new move involving roommates or family, get into property management or interior design, and look at any legal, travel, relocation, marketing, educational, or wedding plans that might influence where you hang your hat or what goes on there. It's important to plant the seed now even if it takes time to flower. You may have an new person or living situation arrive that impacts fresh starts here quite out of the blue and if so they will awaken something in you, help you express your originality or break free, and be unlike what you've known up to this point! Uranus has been in Retrograde for months and today he goes Direct. This is going to awaken your urge to break free or express your unique bent, shaking things up again in areas associated with loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, settlements, investments, a partner's money, divorce, your sex life, or with reproductive needs. It's time for a change, new approach or some excitement, go.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out for you at home, with real estate deals, family, mom, roommates, renovations, or moves. She will help you to attract more love or money here and may bring a female onto the scene that is beneficial for you in these areas in the weeks ahead.
A FINGER OF GOD is forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd, these tend to be event oriented and somewhat Fated. In the middle of this, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. What this means for you is adjustments around decisions, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or talks involving goals, career, status, ambitions, authority figures, or your leadership style and any limits, losses, endings, ambitions, responsibilities, or commitments, as well as any changes or upheavals in your love life, with lovers, around children, or in creative projects. The Sun in Capricorn is now illuminating your place in creative projects, love and with children over the next 30 days. This is where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy and take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he will fire things up at work, with co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, health matters, and animals in the weeks ahead. This is where more action, passion and anger will loom and where you will feel like motivating to make things happen. The Sun/Uranus square today is shaking things up around sex, divorce or financial interests and your love life, kids or creative projects. Expect some surprises or changes in the mix through these topics.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is a turning point allowing for some serious opportunity in talks, agreements, writing, sales, or decisions that will open things up in powerful ways creatively, with lovers or children. Commit to change.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak around something social or involving your aspirations. This marks a time of achievements, endings or celebrations with friends, events, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Expect home, family, or your sense of security to influence the climax. If you've waiting on news or opportunities in these areas, here they come, big time!
New Year's Eve Day, the 31st, is opening with your ruler, Mercury, moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to love, fun, recreation, children, and creative projects. In the weeks ahead this is where you will want to focus your writing, meetings, talks, proposals, agreements, and decisions. You may also amp up local activities or short trips over these themes. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and change around sex, divorce, finances, work, health, and animals. The Moon and Venus meet up before slipping into the VOID for the rest of the day/night giving a magical energy around what is going on behind the scenes, on a Karmic level, at home, or with family. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
December opens with Mercury actively moving through Scorpio for the first 10 days and giving you all the tools you need to talk, write, deal with agreements, meetings, sales, and decisions involving your personal income. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts will turn to siblings, neighbors, writing projects, moves, vehicles, electronics, agreements, local activities, short trips, and the talks and meetings you want to have about legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious themes. Mull over what you would like to say or propose but wait for the New Moon to launch.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new agreements, meet or talk over new ideas or with new people, start new writing projects or get your writing out to new people, make new sales, get involved in new local activities, get a new car or computer, start a new electronic or transportation interest, get a fresh start with a brother, sister or neighbor, or make a new move. Ideas and opportunities may come at your fast and furious now and if so they will be original, exciting and help you break free or express your originality in some interesting new way! Uranus has been in Retrograde for months and today he goes Direct, adding some excitement and change to the mix. This is going to awaken energy in your partnerships, representation and competition so you should feel ready to make some changes, break free, try new things, or introduce new ideas with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents in the months ahead. Expect some sight of this today.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out and help you attract more love or money through talks, meetings, agreements, writing, local activities, short trips, with vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, sales, and decisions. Things should come easier here and you may have a female enter the scene that is beneficial to you in these areas.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd that is usually event oriented and Fated in it's nature. In the middle of this, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. For you this means you will be looking at adjustments that are necessary around legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, weddings, travel plans, import/export, people at a distance, politics, religion, and adventure, any limits, responsibilities, losses, ambitions, commitments, or endings involving income, and the changes and transformations involving home, moves, real estate or property matters, roommates, family, or security needs. The Sun illuminating Capricorn for the next 30 days is putting you in the spotlight over the home, family, moves, real estate, property matters, renovations, roommates, or security needs now. This is where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy and take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th lighting a fire under your creative ideas and projects, your love life or lover and anything you are doing with children. This is where action, passion and anger will surface and where you will motivate to make things happen. The Sun squares Uranus today adding some excitement, surprise, shock, or change to the mix around home, real estate, moves, family, roommates, property matters, and key people such as partners, specialists, clients, representatives, or opponents. Something new is brewing.
The Saturn/Pluto dance on the 26th marks a turning point for you around serious limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities and your income, opening things up at home, with property matters or real estate deals, family, roommates, moves, or security needs. It's time to get real here and cement something or make an ambitious change.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is about a peak on the career front, with a boss, authority figure, dad, an ambition, goal, your reputation, or fame. This is about achievements, recognition, celebrations, or endings around these themes and your security or home matters may figure into what is reached. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to arrive in these areas, here they come!
New Years' Eve Day, the 31st, is marked by Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to home, mom, family, moves, roommates, real estate deals, or property matters. In the weeks ahead these topics will be the arena of talks, agreements, decisions, and sales. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and action to the mix around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, creative projects or interests, recreation, love, and kids. The Moon meets Venus before slipping into a VOID and the rest of the day/night is under this Goddess spell that should bring some magic for you around friends, groups, events, parties, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. It's a feel good combination. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
You should take the first week plus of December to continue to focus your talks, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions on yourself. Look to identity, image, body, and brand now. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts will turn to income. In the weeks ahead you will enter talks, write, deal with agreements or decisions, make pitches, get news, make or get into sales, become more active locally or through short trips, reach out to siblings, neighbors, deal with vehicles or electronics, and share ideas, all in connection to income. Mull over the topics at hand but wait to launch with the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and affords you the best 2 week window to launch new money making opportunities, increase current income, add other gigs to your roster, get a fresh start with possessions or acquisitions, and find new ways to feel valued. Look to media, legal, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or travel arenas to influence this for you. You may have a money making situation drop in your lap and if so it will awaken something in you, ignite some originality or help you break free! Uranus has been Retrograde for months and today the wild and crazy innovator goes Direct. For you this will add some surprise, change or awakening on the work front, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health matters, or pets in the months ahead. Expect to have something open up in at least one of these arenas now.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out for you around earnings. This is a more laid back energy that will help you attract the income more easily and may inspire you to spend on a few luxury items as well. You will be more charming in pursuit of the buck and may have a female enter the picture that can help you reach your aims around money flow over the next weeks.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd between Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. These tend to be event oriented and somewhat Fated. In the middle of this, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. What it means for you is an adjustment in your life around decisions, agreements, sales, or talks involving loans, debt, investments, inheritance, insurance, taxes, bankrtupcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner's money, divorce, your sex life, or reproductive needs, getting serious, dealing with limits, ambitions, responsibilities, commitments, or endings involving you, your identity, brand, image, body, or personal needs, and making or dealing with major changes in agreements, talks, writing, sales, short trips, local activities, or decisions. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days out in the local arena, over agreements, writing, sales, short trips, with vehicles or electronics, siblings or neighbors, and decisions. This is where you will be pouring more personal and physical energy and taking the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he will light a fire under home matters, renovations, moves, real estate deals, property matters, family, mom, or roommates. You will see more action, passion and anger playing out over these topics in the weeks ahead and feel like motivating to make things happen. Today the Sun squares Uranus adding some excitement, shock, change, or awakening around work, health, paperwork, co-workers, employees, or pets. Expect to shake things up.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is opening up a turning point for you that allows you to cement something on a personal level, with your brand, image, body, or identity, and make a powerful agreement, decisions, meeting, talk, local activity, short trip, sale, or idea come together that gets you there.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak for you around your sense of security, family, home, or real estate needs and it's coming through a climax in legal matters as things wrap up or are achieved, in media, marketing or publishing as you celebrate reaching goals or end projects, in higher education or travel plans as things hit a high point, in weddings or religious matters as you celebrate the culmination of emotions with family, or with people at a distance as you mark endings or achievements. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to arrive in these areas, here they come, big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is opening with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to writing, agreements, meetings, talks, sales, siblings, neighbors, local activities, or short trips in the weeks ahead. Mars and Uranus dance bringing more passion, action and excitement to work, health, animals, services, and what is going on at home, with moves, real estate, family, or roommates. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into a VOID and bring some surreal and lovely inspiration around income and goals, values and achievements that will play throughout the rest of the day/night. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
You may be in retreat mode the first week or so of December as you wrap up your artistic endeavor, research project, hospital interest, romantic interlude, spiritual pursuit, or investigation. It's good to focus your thoughts here until the 10th when Mercury will exit this arena and your thoughts will turn to your own needs, body, image, brand, and identity. In the weeks ahead you will find more offers, ideas, decisions, agreements, sales, writing, and local activity brewing around what you want here. Mull this over the next few days but wait to launch new agendas for the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and is your best 2 week window for fresh starts of the year. It's your time to shine, to start a new physical regime to get your body in tip top shape, to have any cosmetic upgrades made, to purchase new wardrobe or have a make-over, to make a stab at a new identity, ie 'married', 'single', 'student', or 'vagabond', to launch your brand in some new way or introduce new parts of your brand to the public, and to pursue your personal goals with a passion. Look at how media, marketing, education, legal interests, weddings, travel plans, or adventure could color this fresh start for you. You may get an offer or proposal now that enhances your identity, goals or brand and if so it will be unlike anything you've done before or it will allow you to break free or express some originality! Uranus has been Retrograde for months and he goes Direct today adding some excitement to the mix. This is about your love life, creative projects, recreational interests, and children awakening and any new interests, ideas, changes, or innovations that you would like to initiate.
Venus moves into your sign on the 15th where she will make you the magnetic, charm of the zodiac for the next weeks. This is great for attracting more love or money, impressing others with how smooth you are and having a more relaxed, luxurious time of life. You may feel like spending on yourself and that's just fine.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that will likely be event oriented and a bit Fated. In the middle of this the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. For you this will mean some adjustments around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and other key people, looking at limits, responsibilities, ambitions, commitments, or endings involving hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine romance, research, or investigations, and major changes around income or possessions. The Sun in Capricorn is going to cast you into the spotlight over earning money for the next 30 days. This is where you will likely pour most of your personal and physical energy and where you will want to take the lead.
Mars enters Aquarius on the 25th where he will light a fire under local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, meetings, talks, sales, and decisions in the weeks ahead. This is where more action, passion and anger will surface and where you will be motivated to make things happen. Today the Sun/Uranus square will shake things up a bit adding some excitement or surprise to the mix around love, kids or creative projects and the affect on you and income.
The Saturn/Pluto dance on the 26th is going to open up an opportunity to cement something behind the scenes, with film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, research, secret romance, investigations, or development, and to transform your earnings or earning potential. This is a turning point and may be felt today or in the next few weeks.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak moment for you in your sex life, reproductive life, divorce, or with commissions, royalties, investments, inheritance, insurance policies, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or other outside resources. This is a time of major climaxes, celebrations, achievements, or endings in these areas. Your sense of security, home, family, or real estate needs may color this peak in some way. If you've been waiting on the money or an opportunity to come together that has financial rewards, or if you've been waiting to wrap up a divorce or meet someone that lights your fire sexually, here it comes!
New Year's Eve Day, the 31st, opens with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to income. In the weeks ahead you will be entering more talks, writing, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, short trips, and local activities over earning. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and action playing out in your love life, on the creative front, recreationally, with kids, locally, through short trips, communications, agreements, and decisions. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into the VOID bringing some inspiration and beauty the rest of the day/evening around media, marketing, publishing, higher education or the higher mind, travel plans, foreign interests, legal matters or interests, weddings, politics, or religious experience. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Your social interests will continue to pique your interest the first 10 days of December with more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions involving friends, groups, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. It's good to focus here now as Mercury will exit this realm on the 10th moving into Sagittarius and the rest of the month your thoughts will turn to more mystical topics, research, investigations, clandestine romance, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, hospitals, retreats, rest, dreams, dealing with addictions, and development. These areas will be what you talk about, write about, meet over, make your decisions, sales or short trips to experience. Mull this over but wait to launch in these areas for the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new film projects, music interests, magical pursuits, yoga or meditation classes, spiritual pursuits, a secret romance, investigations, research, a visit to a hospital or other institution or starting work there, getting into an addiction program, retreating, or starting a developmental project. You may receive an offer or opportunity out of the blue that allows you to express your originality here or helps you break free, whatever comes will definitely be unlike anything before! Uranus has been in slumber mode for months but today he goes Direct and begins to awaken your need for freedom, innovation, excitement, and new situations involving home, renovations, roommates, mom, family, moves, or real estate. It's on again, expect to get wind of something shifting here today.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out behind the scenes. She is going to help you relax a bit and attract the love or money through your research, clandestine affair, spiritual pursuit, artistic project, hospital need, by dealing with the addiction, or in an investigation. A female may appear on the scene that can benefit your aims in one or more of these arenas in the weeks to come.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that involves Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and will likely be somewhat event oriented and Fated. In the middle of this the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. For you this means some major adjustments involving work, paperwork, health, or pets, looking at limits, endings, commitments, or responsibilities with friends, groups, events, the internet, astrology, or charities, and allowing for some personal transformations to identity, image, brand, body, or your personal goals. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you and your needs in the spotlight over the next 30 days and asking that you pour more personal and physical energy into what you need, your body, image, brand, and identity. Take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th lighting a fire under your earning potential and motivating you to take action, express your passion and deal with any anger you have over making money, your possessions, acquisitions, and being valued. You are going to get busy here. Today the Sun/Uranus square is going to shake things up a bit around home, real estate, family, mom, roommates, moves, or security needs, adding some excitement, change or surprise to the mix for you.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer, your opposite sign, and it is bringing a peak for you in at least one key relationship. This means a high point with a romantic or business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, client, competitor, or opponent, so expect to be celebrating achievements or marking endings with one of these people around this date. It's likely your home life, real estate needs, family, roommates, or security needs will color what comes to fruition. If you've been waiting on an offer or opportunity with someone key in your life, here it comes!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is going to open with Mercury moving into your sign and thoughts turning to your needs. In the weeks ahead you will see more agreements, decisions, writing, sales, talks, offers, and short trips forming around you, your body, image, brand, and identity. Mars and Uranus dance adding some action and excitement to the day around income and home, real estate, family, moves, or roommates. The Moon and Venus align before slipping into a VOID bringing together some inspiring and magical quality to the rest of the day/evening that can bode well for your sex life or financial picture, what goes on behind closed doors, and any romantic, spiritual, artistic, or developmental interests in the mix. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Your ambitions should be on overdrive as December opens and your ability to write, meet, make decisions, sales, agreements, and short trips tied to career, goals, fame, or dealings with authority figures remain strong through the 10th. On the 10th Mercury will move into Sagittarius where thoughts will turn to your social life and aspirations. This means in the weeks ahead your meetings, talks, decisions, sales, and agreements will play out over friends, groups, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, events, parties, and aspirations. Open up about ideas and communicate locally with these topics in mind. Mull over this new placement for the next couple days but wait to launch new interests with the New Moon.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 13th and offers your best 2 week window of the year to launch new projects with friends, make new friends, start or join new groups or introduce new ideas to your group, motivate on your internet interests, start an astrology class, get involved with a charity, pursue a new aspiration, plan a party, or attend an event. Look to media, travel, marketing, publishing, educational, foreign, wedding, political, or religious themes to color this fresh start. You may receive an offer or opportunity out of teh blue that helps you to break free, express your originality or make changes that awaken you on some exciting new level! Your ruling energy, Uranus, has been Retrograde for months but today he goes Direct and you are going to feel this big time as you wake from your sleep and ready for changes and innovations. This is going to move things along in your agreements, local activities, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, sales, writing, short trips, and ideas.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she is going to smooth things out with the friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, aspirations, and events in the weeks ahead. You may have a female enter the picture that will benefit your aims here and your charm and popularity will rise in these arenas. It will help you attract more love or income here.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that will likely be event oriented and somewhat Fated. Between this the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. What this means for you is an adjustment involving decisions, agreements, sales, writing, or short trips over love, children or creative projects, a serious look at any limits, commitments, ambitions, losses, endings, or responsibilities involving your goals, ambitions, career, reputation, or dealings with authority figures, and any changes going on behind the scenes, with a secret lover, addiction, institution, artistic project, spiritual pursuit, research, investigation, or developmental project. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in these behind the scenes arenas so expect to be pouring more personal and physical energy into research, investigations, hospitals, dealing with addictions, a clandestine romance, film, music or other artistic outlets, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, or spiritual pursuits, and development.
Mars moves into your sign on the 25th supercharging you with more vim and vigor, action, passion, anger, fighting spirit, and courage in the weeks ahead. This is going to motivate you over your own needs, physical well being, image, identity, and brand, pushing you to make things happen. You may have a bit more of a short fuse during this phase so take care with that. Today the Sun squares Uranus adding a bit of shock, surprise, change, or awakening to the mix out in your local arena, on the road, with vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, moves, writing, talks, meetings, sales, offers, agreements, or decisions, again pushing you in the affair, hospital or addiction matter, research, investigation, artistic or spiritual pursuit, or developmental interest.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is a turning point for you when it comes to serious ambitions, career matters, goals, or anything playing out with reputation, fame, father, the boss, or other authority figures. You can make changes around the artistic, spiritual or romantic interest, hospital matter, addiction, research, investigation, or development, cementing something that works long term for you.
The FULL MOON on the 28th in Cancer is bringing a peak for you on the work front, with a co-worker, someone you hire to help you out, a service you provide, paperwork, an organizational project, a clean-up, a health matter or interest, or something involving animals or the environment. This is a high point here bringing a celebration, achievement or ending in one or more of these arenas. Likely your home, sense of security, family, or real estate will color this in some way. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to arrive in these areas, here they come big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is opened with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to retreat, strategies, research, investigations, secret romances, film, music, fine art, magic, psychic interests, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, prisons, psychiatric wards, and time behind the scenes in development. In the weeks ahead you will be in more talks, writing, agreements, meetings, short trips, sales, or decision making in these areas. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some action and excitement around you and what you do locally, in a short trip, with siblings, neighbors, writing, offers, sales, agreements, or meetings. The Moon meets with Venus before slipping into a VOID adding some magical energy around your social interests, partnerships, aspirations, representation, events, friendships, and other key connections. Mingle pretty. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Your thoughts will be focused on legal, travel, marketing, media, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious interests the first 10 days of December. It's good to do any writing, meetings, sales, short trips, or sign agreements over these topics now. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts turn to career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, authority figures, status, and your leadership abilities. In the weeks ahead this is where you will be focusing ideas, decisions, meetings, sales, and agreements. Mull this new arena over a bit the next couple days but wait to launch new efforts from the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th opening the best 2 week window of the year to seed new career goals, launch new businesses, get a new boss or introduce a new idea to the boss, get a fresh start with or for dad, ask for a promotion, set new goals, seek or seed something towards fame, improve your reputation, and take the lead in your life. It's likely that media, education, travel, legal matters, politics, weddings, or religious ideas will color this fresh start in some way. You may have an opportunity come your way out of the blue and if so it will be unlike anything you've experienced thus far. It will allow you to express your originality or break free! Uranus has been Retrograde for months but today he turns Direct. This is going to bring more excitement, innovation, change, and surprises around your earning potential, income, possessions, and sense of value. In the months ahead you should follow your own path towards making money.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out on the career front, with the boss or dad, with authority figures, goals, ambitions, reputation, and fame, and help you attract the love or money here more easily. You may have a female enter the picture that can benefit your aims here in some way. Your charms should also gear up and help you fall into what you want at this time.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that will likely be event oriented and somewhat Fated. In the middle of this, on the 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. For you this will mean major adjustments around the decisions, agreements, sales, or talks over home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates, the limits, commitments, ambitions, losses, endings, or responsibilities around legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, educational interests, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, political pursuits, or religious matters, and the changes going on around aspirations, friendships, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in these social arenas so you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into events, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. This is where you should take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th lighting a fire under your private life, retreat and fantasy life, clandestine romance, secrets, research, investigations, hospital interests, addictions, film, music and other artistic pursuits, meditation, yoga, magical interests, psychic abilities, and developmental projects in the weeks ahead. You will see more action, passion and anger playing out over these themes and will feel more motivated to make things happen here. Today there is a Sun/Uranus square that will add some excitement, shock, change, or awakening around earnings and where you find yourself with the friend, group, internet, astrology, event, or charity.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is a turning point that is meant to help you cement something legally, in marketing, with travel plans or foreign interests, in publishing, media, higher education, wedding plans, politics, or religious interests, and make changes with the aspirations, friends, groups, internet, astrology, event, or charity. Look for opportunity to get real and make changes.
The Cancer FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak for you with a creative project coming through or wrapping up, a climactic moment with a child or something you are doing for children, a recreational interest hitting a high point, or with your love life or lover in some culminating moment. This is about celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas and something about your home life, family, move, or real estate needs will likely add something to the mix. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities in these areas, here they come big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is opening with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to friends, groups, the internet, events, parties, charities, or astrology. In the weeks ahead you will see more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or short trips over these topics. Mars and Uranus dance today bringing more action and excitement around earnings and what is going on behind the scenes, in film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, clandestine romances, research, development, dealings with institutions or addictions, and development. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into a VOID adding a dreamy vibe to the rest of the day/evening around goals, ambitions, career, authority figures, work, paperwork, health, animals, services, and the details. Let it go and go with the flow. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
The 13th marks the Sagittarius New Moon and your best window of opportunity this year for fresh starts in legal matters or pursuits, educational arenas, media outlets, marketing ideas, publishing deals, travel plans, connections with people at a distance, import/export, weddings, politics, religion, and adventure. You have 2 strong weeks to put things into play from today so even if you can't get in the air you can find your best deal on tickets and buy them, if you can't get the contract signed or the legal dispute settled you can at least initiate action that puts you on the road to this, if the book isn't published in these 2 weeks you can at least send it out to publishers, etc, take advantage of this energy to seed what you want to see flower in these areas now.
Uranus has been in slumber mode since July 13th and on the day of the New Moon, December 13th, he wakes and goes Direct. Uranus has been moving through Aries since 2010 and will complete his awakening of the individual and warrior modality in 2018, not to return for another 84 years. As he begins his move forward again each of us is offered an opportunity to begin innovating, breaking free of constraints, making personal and physical changes that excite, and radically overhauling our lives in ways that better suit our individual conscious. Get ready to see some surprising changes.
Venus follows Mercury into the New Moon territory of Sagittarius on the 15th. She is going to start smoothing things out in the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, political, and religious arenas. She will help you to attract love or money through these areas and may bring a female onto the scene that has some influence in benefiting your aims here.
Jupiter and Pluto form an inconjunct on the 20th which will most likely feel as though our big ideas, news, agreements, decisions, sales, talks, or local activities are meeting up with some person of authority or authoritative situation that forces a shift to accommodate the powers that be. You may be reacting or acting on this one but the theme is to get your mind around something big that can evolve with you up ahead, look at career, the direction of your life, your boss or father, reputation, fame, achievements, other authority figures, and your leadership for places of massive shifting of conscious thought and choices.
I could wrap up the monthly at the next shift since it occurs on December 21st and the projected 'end of the world' by many but I'm an eternal optimist, so I'll continue on with what is approaching. (If however, we are spun out into the cosmos, set aflame or launched into the sea, it's been an honor and a privilege to know you, one and all. Catch you on the other side.) The Sun enters Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice and the last date on the Mayan Calendar for all of us! I believe this should be a day of celebration marking the graduation for each and every soul here on Earth at this point, we maneuvered through 2012! We are here and seeding a new age, it is a great time to be alive. It's interesting to note that the Sun makes this move at 11:11 gmt. The Sun's placement in Capricorn means more vital life force focused on ambitions and leadership, achievement and goals, career and those in charge of us. The next 30 days will put you more personally and physically out there on the stage of life.
Jupiter next forms an inconjunct with Saturn on the 22nd. This time it is big ideas, news or decisions adjusting to some major death and transformation, divorce, sexual initiation, or financial matter. It is about the limits, losses, structures, ambitions, leadership, commitments, endings, or responsibilities here. Since Jupiter forms an inconjunct with Pluto on the 20th and an inconjunct with Saturn on the 22nd, the overall pattern is called a FINGER OF GOD. This finger straddles December 21st and may be part of what the ancients were looking at for this period. In the outer world those that choose to ride the lower energies would aim at sweeping choices that force loss, limits and destruction, while those that choose to enlighten and evolve through the higher energetics will aim at sweeping choices that embrace change, responsibility, leadership, and transformation. Finger's of God tend to be event oriented, there is a Fated quality to them, thus the moniker. Enter the period with the highest possible surrounding energy and prayer for consciousness.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th motivating groups, causes, missions, events, revolutions, charities, the internet, astrology, friendships, ideals, and aspirations onto more active footing. Mars brings passion, anger, a fighting spirit, warrior mode, aggression, courage, and determination to the fore. The Sun squares Uranus today shaking things up with those in leadership positions or around your own goals, ambitions, career, or authority figures. Change is in the air.
Saturn and Pluto dance on the 26th opening an opportunity between the limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities in your financial life, sex life or divorce, and the powerful changes, deconstruction and rebirthing, and evolution going on with your status, goals, ambitions, career, reputation, or dealings with authority figures. You can solidify something now that you've been working hard to achieve.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer and brings a huge peak at home, with renovations, moves, remodels, land, real estate deals, roommates, country, patriotism, nurture, mom, family, and your sense of security. This will be a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these arenas. It may be a great time to throw a Holiday party at home or it may be that something big is coming your way.
New Years Eve has Mercury changing signs, entering into Capricorn and turning thoughts to goals and ambitions, our leaders, status, career, and authority figures. You may opt for a more elegant or conservative evening as you think about what you want to do to usher in the new year. Mars and Uranus sextile so the passions and actions are stirring in social scenarios, there should be plenty to do and people to do it with. The Uranus energy is all about radical, outside the box expression so you may wish to buck the trends and shine your freak flag just a bit. The Leo Moon moves into a harmonious alignment with Venus in Sagittarius before entering a VOID for the rest of the night. This is going to bring the love smack dab into the middle of it all and allow for a 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' feel to connections made tonight. The combo bodes well for dreamy, surreal experiences that are over the top and align creativity, love, children, recreation, and speculation, with a broader audience and adventurous experience.
Wrap up talks, agreements and decisions about the financial situation, divorce or sexual interests by the 10th. Connecting on these subjects now will allow for opportunity to flower on the 26th. From the 10th forward you will turn your thoughts to legal matters, media, marketing, higher education, travel plans, weddings, political interests, religion, and publishing matters. You should set up your meetings, talks and agreements for the 13th onward, use these next couple days to brainstorm.
On the 13th the NEW MOON in Sagittarius is your best 2 week window of the year to launch in the legal arena, incorporate, sign legal documents, get into a courtroom, or hire an attorney. It's your cue to start any new media or marketing campaigns, seek a publisher, get back to school as a student or teacher, hop a plane, receive visitors from afar, start an import/export business, plan your wedding or walk down the aisle, get your political agenda out there, or get back into a religious subject that interests you. You may get an offer or surprise that comes along during this period that allows you to express your originality or break free! On this same day, Uranus, the planet of shock, surprise, change, and awakening, goes Direct in your sign! This is bound to wake you up, get you moving in some new direction and may possibly bring some exciting new opportunity to you. Be bold and willing to break free or express your originality or do something completely different with your image, body, identity, or brand.
On the 15th Venus takes up her position in Sagittarius and begins smoothing things over and making it easier for you to attract the love or money you desire through legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, marketing, publishing, political, or religious means. A woman may enter the picture now that can help you here.
The 20th through the 22nd are major days as a Finger of God forms with Pluto and Saturn at the base and Jupiter at the point. The Sun enters Capricorn in the middle of this, on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice. What this means for you on a personal level is a period marking adjustments that you are making in your thinking, with your offers, sales, agreements, writing, proposals, talks, meetings, short trips, moves, local activities, vehicles, electronics, siblings, and neighbors. You will be dealing with big financial issues, authority figures, any sexual, reproductive or divorce issues, career and ambitions, reputation, fame, and status. The Sun's move into Capricorn marks a 30 day cycle that kicks off now putting you more personally and physically into career matters, ambitions, dealings with the boss or other authority figures, and pursuit of fame, leadership or recognition for achievements.
Your ruler moves into Aquarius on the 25th at the same time that the Sun squares Uranus in your sign. To say Christmas will be intense is an understatement. This is about excitement, change, sudden shifts or opportunities, being spontaneous, and gearing things up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. Mars will stir your passions, actions and anger with these people and situations in the weeks ahead, motivating you to get out and make things happen. The only warning for today is be cautious around authority figures and any accident prone objects or situations.
Saturn and Pluto form an opportune alliance on the 26th which opens up an opportunity for you to cement something in the financial arena, with a divorce, reproductive need, or your sex life. Reach for goals, pursue career objectives and reach out to those in power positions for help.
The FULL MOON on the 28th occurs in Cancer and brings a peak around home, moves, renovations, roommates, family, real estate matters, or your sense of security. This is a time of wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrations, and achievements here. If you've been waiting for something to come through in one of these areas or want to throw a party at home, it's going to be big!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, has Mercury moving into Capricorn and turning thoughts to career, goals, ambitions, and those in higher places. It's a good time for talks, news, agreements, or decisions involving these topics. Your ruler, Mars, makes an opportune aspect to Uranus so lots of action and passion is being stirred for you with friends, parties, events, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities today and it should be exciting. If you get a last minute invite to something, go. The Goddess energy wraps up the day and the year as the Moon and Venus come together in harmonious alignment before slipping into a VOID and taking you into a lovely flow around true love, creative outlets and interests, children, recreation, travel, the higher mind, education, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, legal interests, weddings, and adventure. It should prove to be very enlightening and enjoyable. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
The first 10 days of December are still strong for any talks, proposals, agreements, sales, or decisions involving romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key people. Use the time to hash out ideas or negotiate terms, write or meet. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts turn to loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, partner's money, investments, divorce, sex, or reproduction. In the weeks ahead this is where you will be putting pen to paper, in talks, negotiations, meetings, dealing with sales, short trips, local activities, or moves. Give this a couple days to mull over and wait to launch on the New Moon.
The NEW MOON on the 13th marks your best 2 week window opening of the year for launching that new financial pursuit or agreement, the divorce proceeding, a sexual conquest, reproductive need, or finding solutions to sexual issues. It's a time to be proactive in going after what you desire in these areas. You may have something commission based, a settlement, loan, investment, or other monetary interest come your way during this period and if so it will allow you to break free or do something original! A new sexual attraction may come your way as well and if so they will be unlike anyone you've been interested in before but will awaken something in you. Uranus goes Direct today after a long slumber and you are going to feel like shaking things up again and making changes. This is going to play out behind the scenes and may take place in a clandestine affair, with a film, music or art interest, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, or spiritual interests, a hospital, through addictions, research or investigations, or in development on a project. Something is egging you on to express originality, make changes or break free here. It's possible that a secret comes to light now.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th and begins to smooth things out on the divorce front, with your sex life, reproductive needs, and around big financial matters. This may mark a female entering the scene that is beneficial to you here or the ability to attract love or money through shared resources, your sexual appetite or divorce.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd involving Saturn and Pluto pointing at Jupiter. In the middle of this on the 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. What this means for you the need to make some big adjustments involving your personal income that will in some way affect or be affected by partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings here, as well as any power changes involving legal, travel, marketing, media, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. With the Sun now in Capricorn for the next 30 days there is going to be more personal and physical involvement in the legal, travel, media, wedding, marketing, publishing, educational, political, or religious matters as you step up and put body, image, identity, brand, or ego into the mix.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he is going to be lighting a fire under your career ambitions, reputation, quest for fame, goals, and dealings with authority figures. Mars will push you to motivate, take action, express passions, or deal with anger in these realms. On this same day, the Sun squares Uranus so there may be a shock, change, surprise, or awakening that hits you out of the blue and ties in with your connection to the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matter. Shaking things up and dealing with the unexpected is on the agenda.
Saturn and Pluto align on the 26th marking a turning point with significant relationships and the legal, travel, media, marketing, wedding, publishing, educational, political, or religious matters. You can cement things with that marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key player.
The FULL MOON in Cancer comes on the 28th and brings a major peak for you in talks, agreements, pitches, sales, writing, moves, news, or decisions involving your home, sense of security, family, roots, real estate, or living situation. There may be a climax with something involving a brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, local activity, or short trip as well. This is a time of celebrations, endings or achievements in these areas. You may receive an offer or proposal from someone or if you've been waiting on news or opportunities to come through, they should arrive now!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, opens with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to the trip, legal matter, wedding, education, marketing, publishing deal, media interest, political agenda, or religious matter. This is where the talks, news, agreements, decisions, and offers will play out in the weeks ahead. Mars and Uranus dance today bringing excitement and opportunity to the day that plays out around your goals, career, bosses, reputation, fame, authority figures, and something going on behind the scenes. The Moon and Venus meet before entering a VOID, giving a magical feel to the rest of the day/night and aligning your home and sexual interests, any real estate or moves, house or family matters with your financial interests or divorce, and making for a lovely New Year celebration. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
The talks, news, agreements, sales, and decisions continue in December around work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, and people you hire to help you out. This has strong energy until the 10th so get in there and connect or make choices while you have support from Mercury. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts turn to relationships. For the rest of the month you will be in talks, sales, writing, agreements, meetings, proposals, and decision making with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, and other key people. It's likely this will involve communications about legal, travel, media, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. Mull over ideas but hold off on launching for the New Moon.
The New Moon arrives on the 13th in this same arena and offers you the best 2 week window of the year to launch new agreements and decisions with partners, make new partnerships, set things in motion with agents or pursue new agents, sign up new attorneys or get things moving in new directions with your attorneys, hire a specialist or advocate, sign up new clients or introduce something new to clients, get a new handle on the competition, or make a fresh start with any other key individual in your life. Someone new may enter your life during this period that is unlike anyone you've interacted with before but who is going to introduce your to new things, awaken you or help you express your originality! Uranus has been in slumber mode but today he goes Direct. Coming on a New Moon this gives the day a lot of excitement and change is probably a big factor. This means that you are now ready to move ahead, break free, make changes, and express your originality and for you it will play out around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and aspirations.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out for you with key relationships. She may bring a female onto the scene that is beneficial to your partnerships, representation or client base. You will see that attracting love or income through these key people is an easier process now as well.
A FINGER OF GOD is forming between the 20th and 22nd that involves Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. In the middle of this powerful outer pattern, the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st and marks the Winter Solstice. What this means to you is the need to make or deal with powerful changes or adjustments involving your body, image, identity, or brand, looking at limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings around health, work, paperwork, animal interests, or co-workers, and what is transforming in your life around major financial arenas, sex, reproduction, death and rebirth, or divorce. The Sun now in Capricorn puts a spotlight on you over the next 30 days in this sexual, divorce or financial arena, asking you to take the lead and pour more personal or physical energy into goals here.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he will begin to stir up the fire under your legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, or religious interests. Mars is going to bring action, passion or anger into the mix in the weeks ahead and motivate you to do something about one or more of these matters. Today the Sun and Uranus square which adds some excitement, change, shock, or surprise in the mix around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your financial picture, sex life or divorce.
Saturn and Pluto align on the 26th which is a turning point for you that allows you to cement something at work, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, or animals, helping you to change or evolve your financial picture, divorce or sex life.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer and will be bringing a peak for you around income, possessions, value, and acquisitions. This is about reaching a big goal and celebrating the money flow or ending some revenue flow as things wrap up. If you've been waiting on a big check or opportunity to come through that has monetary rewards for you, here it comes!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn and turning your thoughts to sex, divorce, reproduction, or the financial picture. In the weeks ahead more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, or decisions will play out over these topics. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some surprise and action into the mix around parties, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, events, and any travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding interests. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into a VOID and giving the rest of the day and evening a surreal and beautiful feel around key relationships and the talks, meetings, proposals, agreements, and decisions in the mix. Say yes. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Focus your thoughts, decisions, agreements, talks, meetings, and sales on creative ventures, lovers and children in the first 10 days of December while Mercury is here to help you get the ideas across and make the choices that are right for you. On the 10th Mercury moves on and takes up residence in Sagittarius where your thoughts will turn to work, health, paperwork, and animals in the weeks ahead. This is a good time to sign papers here, make decisions, meet, interview, audition, make sales, or get into talks with people about these subjects. Mull over what you would like to do but hold off a few days for the New Moon to launch.
The NEW MOON on the 13th in Sagittarius is your best 2 week window of the year to launch a new health regime, join a gym, see a doctor, hire a trainer or nutritionist, start a diet, interview or audition for a new job, launch a new work idea, start a new job, introduce new ideas on the work force, get a new co-worker or employee, hire someone to help you with legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational interests, adopt a pet, or get involved in some new animal interest. You may have a work opportunity offered to you out of the blue or get some interesting offers involving health or animals that will help you break free or express your originality or awaken something new in you! Uranus has been in slumber mode these last months and today he goes Direct. This is going to add some excitement or changes into the day and awaken things on your career front, with goals and ambitions, reputation, fame, the boss, or with other authority figures. It's time to go after those original concept or break free and go out on your own, make changes or surprise someone.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out in your work life, with paperwork, health matters, and animals. This has to be good, yes? It means a more relaxed approach to these matters, an ability to attract love or money flow more easily, to turn on the charm, and it may bring a female onto the scene that benefits your aims in one or more of these arenas.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd between Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter that is typically event oriented and asks that you make some kind of adjustment in life. In the middle of this the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st marking the Winter Solstice. For you this will mean adjustments around decisions, agreements, sales, news, offers, talks, meetings, or locally involving hospitals, addictions, hidden agendas, secrets, clandestine romances, film, music or artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and the limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities involving creative projects, lovers or children, and the changes with partners, representatives, clients, or competitors. The Sun in Capricorn will illuminate your key relationships over the next 30 days pushing you to step up, take the lead, pour more personal and physical energy into your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he is going to light a fire under your sex life or interests, reproductive needs, divorce, or major financial interests in the weeks ahead. This is going to bring more passion, action and anger into these arenas and motivate you to go after what you want here and make things happen. Today the Sun and Uranus square so there is going to be some excitement, shock, change, or unusual moment around key relationships and the goals, career, reputation, status, or what plays out with authority figures. Be ready to react in the moment.
Saturn and Pluto dance on the 26th marking a turning point with anything serious going on with your love life, children or creative projects and the opportunity to evolve or change through key relationships, think partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or others.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in YOUR SIGN! This is a high point for you this year, when you reach a goal, celebrate an achievement or mark an ending that is quite personal to you. This may be about reaching something with your image, body, identity, or brand. It's your moment to shine. If you've been waiting on some news or opportunities that could raise you to new heights, here it comes!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, starts with Mercury moving into Capricorn and opening up talks, proposals, agreements, decisions, and sales involving marriage, partnership, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competition. In the weeks ahead your thoughts will turn to goals and ambitions here. Mars and Uranus dance today bringing opportunity for some excitement, change, freedom, and action around sex, divorce, major financial matters, goals, ambitions, career, dad, the boss, or other authority figures. The Moon and Venus meet up before slipping into a VOID and taking the rest of the day/night into a cerebral, enchanting energy that will align your values and organic nature, opening a flow between income and work, health or animals as well. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
You have the first 10 days of December to wrap up talks, writing, agreements, and make decisions regarding home, mom, family, moves, real estate, and roommates. On the 10th Mercury moves out of this territory and enters your house of true love, creative projects and children. The rest of the month will have your thoughts turning to these topics and more talks, writing, agreements, sales, proposals, decisions, short trips, local activities, and moves will flow around these themes. Mull over what exactly you would like to do about any of this for a couple day and wait to launch on the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and offers your best 2 week window of the year to move ahead on creative projects or start new creative ventures, to fall in love or do something new and exciting with your current lover, to launch some new venture with or for kids or decide to have children. You may have a new person enter your life during this period that you are fated to fall in love with, meet a new child that is going to impact your life or you may have a new creative opportunity fall in your lap! Regardless of what shows up, it is destined to be unlike anything you've experienced before and aid you in breaking free or expressing your originality or vision. Uranus has been in hiding more or less for months now and today he awakens and begins to go Direct again. This means something exciting, freeing, changing, and unusual can begin to move ahead for you in travel, legal matters, higher education, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, politics, or religious interests. Shake things up.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will start to smooth things out for you in the love life, creative efforts and with children. You should see more ease and ability to attract love or income through these means. A female may enter the picture that can benefit your aims in one or more of these arenas as well. You have more charm now, use it.
A FINGER OF GOD is forming between the 20th and 22nd that involves Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. These are known for being event oriented and with outer body planetary energy it will have more of a background affect on your life. The Sun moves into Capricorn in the middle of this, on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice. What this all means for you is the need to make adjustments involving talks, news, agreements, sales, or decisions with friends, groups, the internet, events, aspirations, astrology, or charities, look at limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities at home, to family, mom, with roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate, and with the changes and evolution occurring around work, health or pets. The Sun in Capricorn for the next 30 days will mean you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into work, auditions, interviews, co-workers, people you hire, health concerns, and animals. It's time to step up.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he is going to light a fire under your key relationships or the need to procure them. Mars brings action, passion and anger into the mix and it is now playing out around romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. You will have plenty of energy to make things happen. Today the Sun/Uranus square adds some unexpected change or surprise into the mix that will play out over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters and your energy at work, in pursuit of work, with paperwork, health matter, or animals.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is about a turning point for you with any serious limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings at home, with moves, family, mom, roommates, renovations, or real estate, and the powerful changes evolving around your work, health or pets. It's an opportunity for positive and solid change.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer and is bringing a peak for you in the mystical and hidden part of your life. This can manifest as a high point in film, music, the arts, spiritual pursuits, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, or a clandestine affair, a climax involving a hospital, retreat, investigation, research, or hidden agenda. It's a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to come through involving one or more of these themes, here they come, big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, opens with Mercury moving into Capricorn and your thoughts turning to work, health, co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, or animals. In the weeks ahead you will be writing, meeting, in talks, making decisions, sales, short trips, or getting more locally involved in these areas. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and action to the relationships and travel plans, legal actions, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, wedding plans, politics, or religious interests. The Moon and Venus meet up before slipping into a VOID that will add some beauty and surreal moments to your day/evening around your love life, children or creative projects. Dream big. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Whether you are focusing on a brother, sister, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic interest, local activity, short trip, writing project, agreement, or decision as December starts, know that you have up until the 10th to have that talk or make your choice clear, sign the document or negotiate your solution. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and your thoughts will turn to home, real estate, family, roommates, or renovations. In the weeks ahead this is where you will want to focus writing, agreements, decisions, meetings, or sales. Mull over what you have on your plate here in the next few days but wait to launch until the New Moon.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 13th and offers your best 2 week period of the year to launch new renovations, make a move, buy or sell real estate, make a new move involving roommates or family, get into property management or interior design, and look at any legal, travel, relocation, marketing, educational, or wedding plans that might influence where you hang your hat or what goes on there. It's important to plant the seed now even if it takes time to flower. You may have an new person or living situation arrive that impacts fresh starts here quite out of the blue and if so they will awaken something in you, help you express your originality or break free, and be unlike what you've known up to this point! Uranus has been in Retrograde for months and today he goes Direct. This is going to awaken your urge to break free or express your unique bent, shaking things up again in areas associated with loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, settlements, investments, a partner's money, divorce, your sex life, or with reproductive needs. It's time for a change, new approach or some excitement, go.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out for you at home, with real estate deals, family, mom, roommates, renovations, or moves. She will help you to attract more love or money here and may bring a female onto the scene that is beneficial for you in these areas in the weeks ahead.
A FINGER OF GOD is forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd, these tend to be event oriented and somewhat Fated. In the middle of this, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. What this means for you is adjustments around decisions, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or talks involving goals, career, status, ambitions, authority figures, or your leadership style and any limits, losses, endings, ambitions, responsibilities, or commitments, as well as any changes or upheavals in your love life, with lovers, around children, or in creative projects. The Sun in Capricorn is now illuminating your place in creative projects, love and with children over the next 30 days. This is where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy and take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he will fire things up at work, with co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, health matters, and animals in the weeks ahead. This is where more action, passion and anger will loom and where you will feel like motivating to make things happen. The Sun/Uranus square today is shaking things up around sex, divorce or financial interests and your love life, kids or creative projects. Expect some surprises or changes in the mix through these topics.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is a turning point allowing for some serious opportunity in talks, agreements, writing, sales, or decisions that will open things up in powerful ways creatively, with lovers or children. Commit to change.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak around something social or involving your aspirations. This marks a time of achievements, endings or celebrations with friends, events, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Expect home, family, or your sense of security to influence the climax. If you've waiting on news or opportunities in these areas, here they come, big time!
New Year's Eve Day, the 31st, is opening with your ruler, Mercury, moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to love, fun, recreation, children, and creative projects. In the weeks ahead this is where you will want to focus your writing, meetings, talks, proposals, agreements, and decisions. You may also amp up local activities or short trips over these themes. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and change around sex, divorce, finances, work, health, and animals. The Moon and Venus meet up before slipping into the VOID for the rest of the day/night giving a magical energy around what is going on behind the scenes, on a Karmic level, at home, or with family. There is never a better time to schedule a private reading with Zoe than at year's end. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
December opens with Mercury actively moving through Scorpio for the first 10 days and giving you all the tools you need to talk, write, deal with agreements, meetings, sales, and decisions involving your personal income. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts will turn to siblings, neighbors, writing projects, moves, vehicles, electronics, agreements, local activities, short trips, and the talks and meetings you want to have about legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious themes. Mull over what you would like to say or propose but wait for the New Moon to launch.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new agreements, meet or talk over new ideas or with new people, start new writing projects or get your writing out to new people, make new sales, get involved in new local activities, get a new car or computer, start a new electronic or transportation interest, get a fresh start with a brother, sister or neighbor, or make a new move. Ideas and opportunities may come at your fast and furious now and if so they will be original, exciting and help you break free or express your originality in some interesting new way! Uranus has been in Retrograde for months and today he goes Direct, adding some excitement and change to the mix. This is going to awaken energy in your partnerships, representation and competition so you should feel ready to make some changes, break free, try new things, or introduce new ideas with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents in the months ahead. Expect some sight of this today.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out and help you attract more love or money through talks, meetings, agreements, writing, local activities, short trips, with vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, sales, and decisions. Things should come easier here and you may have a female enter the scene that is beneficial to you in these areas.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd that is usually event oriented and Fated in it's nature. In the middle of this, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. For you this means you will be looking at adjustments that are necessary around legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, weddings, travel plans, import/export, people at a distance, politics, religion, and adventure, any limits, responsibilities, losses, ambitions, commitments, or endings involving income, and the changes and transformations involving home, moves, real estate or property matters, roommates, family, or security needs. The Sun illuminating Capricorn for the next 30 days is putting you in the spotlight over the home, family, moves, real estate, property matters, renovations, roommates, or security needs now. This is where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy and take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th lighting a fire under your creative ideas and projects, your love life or lover and anything you are doing with children. This is where action, passion and anger will surface and where you will motivate to make things happen. The Sun squares Uranus today adding some excitement, surprise, shock, or change to the mix around home, real estate, moves, family, roommates, property matters, and key people such as partners, specialists, clients, representatives, or opponents. Something new is brewing.
The Saturn/Pluto dance on the 26th marks a turning point for you around serious limits, commitments, endings, or responsibilities and your income, opening things up at home, with property matters or real estate deals, family, roommates, moves, or security needs. It's time to get real here and cement something or make an ambitious change.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is about a peak on the career front, with a boss, authority figure, dad, an ambition, goal, your reputation, or fame. This is about achievements, recognition, celebrations, or endings around these themes and your security or home matters may figure into what is reached. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to arrive in these areas, here they come!
New Years' Eve Day, the 31st, is marked by Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to home, mom, family, moves, roommates, real estate deals, or property matters. In the weeks ahead these topics will be the arena of talks, agreements, decisions, and sales. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and action to the mix around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, creative projects or interests, recreation, love, and kids. The Moon meets Venus before slipping into a VOID and the rest of the day/night is under this Goddess spell that should bring some magic for you around friends, groups, events, parties, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. It's a feel good combination. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
You should take the first week plus of December to continue to focus your talks, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions on yourself. Look to identity, image, body, and brand now. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts will turn to income. In the weeks ahead you will enter talks, write, deal with agreements or decisions, make pitches, get news, make or get into sales, become more active locally or through short trips, reach out to siblings, neighbors, deal with vehicles or electronics, and share ideas, all in connection to income. Mull over the topics at hand but wait to launch with the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and affords you the best 2 week window to launch new money making opportunities, increase current income, add other gigs to your roster, get a fresh start with possessions or acquisitions, and find new ways to feel valued. Look to media, legal, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or travel arenas to influence this for you. You may have a money making situation drop in your lap and if so it will awaken something in you, ignite some originality or help you break free! Uranus has been Retrograde for months and today the wild and crazy innovator goes Direct. For you this will add some surprise, change or awakening on the work front, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health matters, or pets in the months ahead. Expect to have something open up in at least one of these arenas now.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out for you around earnings. This is a more laid back energy that will help you attract the income more easily and may inspire you to spend on a few luxury items as well. You will be more charming in pursuit of the buck and may have a female enter the picture that can help you reach your aims around money flow over the next weeks.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming between the 20th and 22nd between Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. These tend to be event oriented and somewhat Fated. In the middle of this, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. What it means for you is an adjustment in your life around decisions, agreements, sales, or talks involving loans, debt, investments, inheritance, insurance, taxes, bankrtupcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner's money, divorce, your sex life, or reproductive needs, getting serious, dealing with limits, ambitions, responsibilities, commitments, or endings involving you, your identity, brand, image, body, or personal needs, and making or dealing with major changes in agreements, talks, writing, sales, short trips, local activities, or decisions. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days out in the local arena, over agreements, writing, sales, short trips, with vehicles or electronics, siblings or neighbors, and decisions. This is where you will be pouring more personal and physical energy and taking the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th where he will light a fire under home matters, renovations, moves, real estate deals, property matters, family, mom, or roommates. You will see more action, passion and anger playing out over these topics in the weeks ahead and feel like motivating to make things happen. Today the Sun squares Uranus adding some excitement, shock, change, or awakening around work, health, paperwork, co-workers, employees, or pets. Expect to shake things up.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is opening up a turning point for you that allows you to cement something on a personal level, with your brand, image, body, or identity, and make a powerful agreement, decisions, meeting, talk, local activity, short trip, sale, or idea come together that gets you there.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak for you around your sense of security, family, home, or real estate needs and it's coming through a climax in legal matters as things wrap up or are achieved, in media, marketing or publishing as you celebrate reaching goals or end projects, in higher education or travel plans as things hit a high point, in weddings or religious matters as you celebrate the culmination of emotions with family, or with people at a distance as you mark endings or achievements. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to arrive in these areas, here they come, big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is opening with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to writing, agreements, meetings, talks, sales, siblings, neighbors, local activities, or short trips in the weeks ahead. Mars and Uranus dance bringing more passion, action and excitement to work, health, animals, services, and what is going on at home, with moves, real estate, family, or roommates. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into a VOID and bring some surreal and lovely inspiration around income and goals, values and achievements that will play throughout the rest of the day/night. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
You may be in retreat mode the first week or so of December as you wrap up your artistic endeavor, research project, hospital interest, romantic interlude, spiritual pursuit, or investigation. It's good to focus your thoughts here until the 10th when Mercury will exit this arena and your thoughts will turn to your own needs, body, image, brand, and identity. In the weeks ahead you will find more offers, ideas, decisions, agreements, sales, writing, and local activity brewing around what you want here. Mull this over the next few days but wait to launch new agendas for the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and is your best 2 week window for fresh starts of the year. It's your time to shine, to start a new physical regime to get your body in tip top shape, to have any cosmetic upgrades made, to purchase new wardrobe or have a make-over, to make a stab at a new identity, ie 'married', 'single', 'student', or 'vagabond', to launch your brand in some new way or introduce new parts of your brand to the public, and to pursue your personal goals with a passion. Look at how media, marketing, education, legal interests, weddings, travel plans, or adventure could color this fresh start for you. You may get an offer or proposal now that enhances your identity, goals or brand and if so it will be unlike anything you've done before or it will allow you to break free or express some originality! Uranus has been Retrograde for months and he goes Direct today adding some excitement to the mix. This is about your love life, creative projects, recreational interests, and children awakening and any new interests, ideas, changes, or innovations that you would like to initiate.
Venus moves into your sign on the 15th where she will make you the magnetic, charm of the zodiac for the next weeks. This is great for attracting more love or money, impressing others with how smooth you are and having a more relaxed, luxurious time of life. You may feel like spending on yourself and that's just fine.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that will likely be event oriented and a bit Fated. In the middle of this the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. For you this will mean some adjustments around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and other key people, looking at limits, responsibilities, ambitions, commitments, or endings involving hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine romance, research, or investigations, and major changes around income or possessions. The Sun in Capricorn is going to cast you into the spotlight over earning money for the next 30 days. This is where you will likely pour most of your personal and physical energy and where you will want to take the lead.
Mars enters Aquarius on the 25th where he will light a fire under local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, meetings, talks, sales, and decisions in the weeks ahead. This is where more action, passion and anger will surface and where you will be motivated to make things happen. Today the Sun/Uranus square will shake things up a bit adding some excitement or surprise to the mix around love, kids or creative projects and the affect on you and income.
The Saturn/Pluto dance on the 26th is going to open up an opportunity to cement something behind the scenes, with film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, research, secret romance, investigations, or development, and to transform your earnings or earning potential. This is a turning point and may be felt today or in the next few weeks.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak moment for you in your sex life, reproductive life, divorce, or with commissions, royalties, investments, inheritance, insurance policies, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or other outside resources. This is a time of major climaxes, celebrations, achievements, or endings in these areas. Your sense of security, home, family, or real estate needs may color this peak in some way. If you've been waiting on the money or an opportunity to come together that has financial rewards, or if you've been waiting to wrap up a divorce or meet someone that lights your fire sexually, here it comes!
New Year's Eve Day, the 31st, opens with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to income. In the weeks ahead you will be entering more talks, writing, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, short trips, and local activities over earning. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some excitement and action playing out in your love life, on the creative front, recreationally, with kids, locally, through short trips, communications, agreements, and decisions. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into the VOID bringing some inspiration and beauty the rest of the day/evening around media, marketing, publishing, higher education or the higher mind, travel plans, foreign interests, legal matters or interests, weddings, politics, or religious experience. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Your social interests will continue to pique your interest the first 10 days of December with more meetings, talks, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions involving friends, groups, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. It's good to focus here now as Mercury will exit this realm on the 10th moving into Sagittarius and the rest of the month your thoughts will turn to more mystical topics, research, investigations, clandestine romance, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, hospitals, retreats, rest, dreams, dealing with addictions, and development. These areas will be what you talk about, write about, meet over, make your decisions, sales or short trips to experience. Mull this over but wait to launch in these areas for the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new film projects, music interests, magical pursuits, yoga or meditation classes, spiritual pursuits, a secret romance, investigations, research, a visit to a hospital or other institution or starting work there, getting into an addiction program, retreating, or starting a developmental project. You may receive an offer or opportunity out of the blue that allows you to express your originality here or helps you break free, whatever comes will definitely be unlike anything before! Uranus has been in slumber mode for months but today he goes Direct and begins to awaken your need for freedom, innovation, excitement, and new situations involving home, renovations, roommates, mom, family, moves, or real estate. It's on again, expect to get wind of something shifting here today.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out behind the scenes. She is going to help you relax a bit and attract the love or money through your research, clandestine affair, spiritual pursuit, artistic project, hospital need, by dealing with the addiction, or in an investigation. A female may appear on the scene that can benefit your aims in one or more of these arenas in the weeks to come.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that involves Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and will likely be somewhat event oriented and Fated. In the middle of this the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. For you this means some major adjustments involving work, paperwork, health, or pets, looking at limits, endings, commitments, or responsibilities with friends, groups, events, the internet, astrology, or charities, and allowing for some personal transformations to identity, image, brand, body, or your personal goals. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you and your needs in the spotlight over the next 30 days and asking that you pour more personal and physical energy into what you need, your body, image, brand, and identity. Take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th lighting a fire under your earning potential and motivating you to take action, express your passion and deal with any anger you have over making money, your possessions, acquisitions, and being valued. You are going to get busy here. Today the Sun/Uranus square is going to shake things up a bit around home, real estate, family, mom, roommates, moves, or security needs, adding some excitement, change or surprise to the mix for you.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is in Cancer, your opposite sign, and it is bringing a peak for you in at least one key relationship. This means a high point with a romantic or business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, client, competitor, or opponent, so expect to be celebrating achievements or marking endings with one of these people around this date. It's likely your home life, real estate needs, family, roommates, or security needs will color what comes to fruition. If you've been waiting on an offer or opportunity with someone key in your life, here it comes!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is going to open with Mercury moving into your sign and thoughts turning to your needs. In the weeks ahead you will see more agreements, decisions, writing, sales, talks, offers, and short trips forming around you, your body, image, brand, and identity. Mars and Uranus dance adding some action and excitement to the day around income and home, real estate, family, moves, or roommates. The Moon and Venus align before slipping into a VOID bringing together some inspiring and magical quality to the rest of the day/evening that can bode well for your sex life or financial picture, what goes on behind closed doors, and any romantic, spiritual, artistic, or developmental interests in the mix. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Your ambitions should be on overdrive as December opens and your ability to write, meet, make decisions, sales, agreements, and short trips tied to career, goals, fame, or dealings with authority figures remain strong through the 10th. On the 10th Mercury will move into Sagittarius where thoughts will turn to your social life and aspirations. This means in the weeks ahead your meetings, talks, decisions, sales, and agreements will play out over friends, groups, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, events, parties, and aspirations. Open up about ideas and communicate locally with these topics in mind. Mull over this new placement for the next couple days but wait to launch new interests with the New Moon.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 13th and offers your best 2 week window of the year to launch new projects with friends, make new friends, start or join new groups or introduce new ideas to your group, motivate on your internet interests, start an astrology class, get involved with a charity, pursue a new aspiration, plan a party, or attend an event. Look to media, travel, marketing, publishing, educational, foreign, wedding, political, or religious themes to color this fresh start. You may receive an offer or opportunity out of teh blue that helps you to break free, express your originality or make changes that awaken you on some exciting new level! Your ruling energy, Uranus, has been Retrograde for months but today he goes Direct and you are going to feel this big time as you wake from your sleep and ready for changes and innovations. This is going to move things along in your agreements, local activities, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, sales, writing, short trips, and ideas.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she is going to smooth things out with the friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, aspirations, and events in the weeks ahead. You may have a female enter the picture that will benefit your aims here and your charm and popularity will rise in these arenas. It will help you attract more love or income here.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that will likely be event oriented and somewhat Fated. Between this the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice on the 21st. What this means for you is an adjustment involving decisions, agreements, sales, writing, or short trips over love, children or creative projects, a serious look at any limits, commitments, ambitions, losses, endings, or responsibilities involving your goals, ambitions, career, reputation, or dealings with authority figures, and any changes going on behind the scenes, with a secret lover, addiction, institution, artistic project, spiritual pursuit, research, investigation, or developmental project. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in these behind the scenes arenas so expect to be pouring more personal and physical energy into research, investigations, hospitals, dealing with addictions, a clandestine romance, film, music or other artistic outlets, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, or spiritual pursuits, and development.
Mars moves into your sign on the 25th supercharging you with more vim and vigor, action, passion, anger, fighting spirit, and courage in the weeks ahead. This is going to motivate you over your own needs, physical well being, image, identity, and brand, pushing you to make things happen. You may have a bit more of a short fuse during this phase so take care with that. Today the Sun squares Uranus adding a bit of shock, surprise, change, or awakening to the mix out in your local arena, on the road, with vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, moves, writing, talks, meetings, sales, offers, agreements, or decisions, again pushing you in the affair, hospital or addiction matter, research, investigation, artistic or spiritual pursuit, or developmental interest.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is a turning point for you when it comes to serious ambitions, career matters, goals, or anything playing out with reputation, fame, father, the boss, or other authority figures. You can make changes around the artistic, spiritual or romantic interest, hospital matter, addiction, research, investigation, or development, cementing something that works long term for you.
The FULL MOON on the 28th in Cancer is bringing a peak for you on the work front, with a co-worker, someone you hire to help you out, a service you provide, paperwork, an organizational project, a clean-up, a health matter or interest, or something involving animals or the environment. This is a high point here bringing a celebration, achievement or ending in one or more of these arenas. Likely your home, sense of security, family, or real estate will color this in some way. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities to arrive in these areas, here they come big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is opened with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to retreat, strategies, research, investigations, secret romances, film, music, fine art, magic, psychic interests, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, prisons, psychiatric wards, and time behind the scenes in development. In the weeks ahead you will be in more talks, writing, agreements, meetings, short trips, sales, or decision making in these areas. Mars and Uranus dance today adding some action and excitement around you and what you do locally, in a short trip, with siblings, neighbors, writing, offers, sales, agreements, or meetings. The Moon meets with Venus before slipping into a VOID adding some magical energy around your social interests, partnerships, aspirations, representation, events, friendships, and other key connections. Mingle pretty. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Your thoughts will be focused on legal, travel, marketing, media, publishing, educational, wedding, political, or religious interests the first 10 days of December. It's good to do any writing, meetings, sales, short trips, or sign agreements over these topics now. On the 10th Mercury moves into Sagittarius and thoughts turn to career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, authority figures, status, and your leadership abilities. In the weeks ahead this is where you will be focusing ideas, decisions, meetings, sales, and agreements. Mull this new arena over a bit the next couple days but wait to launch new efforts from the New Moon.
The NEW MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th opening the best 2 week window of the year to seed new career goals, launch new businesses, get a new boss or introduce a new idea to the boss, get a fresh start with or for dad, ask for a promotion, set new goals, seek or seed something towards fame, improve your reputation, and take the lead in your life. It's likely that media, education, travel, legal matters, politics, weddings, or religious ideas will color this fresh start in some way. You may have an opportunity come your way out of the blue and if so it will be unlike anything you've experienced thus far. It will allow you to express your originality or break free! Uranus has been Retrograde for months but today he turns Direct. This is going to bring more excitement, innovation, change, and surprises around your earning potential, income, possessions, and sense of value. In the months ahead you should follow your own path towards making money.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 15th where she will begin to smooth things out on the career front, with the boss or dad, with authority figures, goals, ambitions, reputation, and fame, and help you attract the love or money here more easily. You may have a female enter the picture that can benefit your aims here in some way. Your charms should also gear up and help you fall into what you want at this time.
There is a FINGER OF GOD forming in the heavens between the 20th and 22nd that will likely be event oriented and somewhat Fated. In the middle of this, on the 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. For you this will mean major adjustments around the decisions, agreements, sales, or talks over home, moves, real estate, family, mom, or roommates, the limits, commitments, ambitions, losses, endings, or responsibilities around legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, educational interests, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, political pursuits, or religious matters, and the changes going on around aspirations, friendships, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or events. The Sun in Capricorn is putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in these social arenas so you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into events, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. This is where you should take the lead.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 25th lighting a fire under your private life, retreat and fantasy life, clandestine romance, secrets, research, investigations, hospital interests, addictions, film, music and other artistic pursuits, meditation, yoga, magical interests, psychic abilities, and developmental projects in the weeks ahead. You will see more action, passion and anger playing out over these themes and will feel more motivated to make things happen here. Today there is a Sun/Uranus square that will add some excitement, shock, change, or awakening around earnings and where you find yourself with the friend, group, internet, astrology, event, or charity.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile on the 26th is a turning point that is meant to help you cement something legally, in marketing, with travel plans or foreign interests, in publishing, media, higher education, wedding plans, politics, or religious interests, and make changes with the aspirations, friends, groups, internet, astrology, event, or charity. Look for opportunity to get real and make changes.
The Cancer FULL MOON on the 28th is bringing a peak for you with a creative project coming through or wrapping up, a climactic moment with a child or something you are doing for children, a recreational interest hitting a high point, or with your love life or lover in some culminating moment. This is about celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas and something about your home life, family, move, or real estate needs will likely add something to the mix. If you've been waiting on news or opportunities in these areas, here they come big time!
New Years Eve Day, the 31st, is opening with Mercury moving into Capricorn and thoughts turning to friends, groups, the internet, events, parties, charities, or astrology. In the weeks ahead you will see more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or short trips over these topics. Mars and Uranus dance today bringing more action and excitement around earnings and what is going on behind the scenes, in film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, clandestine romances, research, development, dealings with institutions or addictions, and development. The Moon and Venus meet before slipping into a VOID adding a dreamy vibe to the rest of the day/evening around goals, ambitions, career, authority figures, work, paperwork, health, animals, services, and the details. Let it go and go with the flow. If you would like to look at what is coming up for you in 2013 or purchase a look ahead for someone you care about, email or call to schedule a personal reading or 818-613-6067. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: