Monday, November 26, 2012

Beranda » » Taurus Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for December 2012

Taurus Rising – Monthly astrological forecast for December 2012

Taurus 1

The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Taurus as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN

Taurus Rising – December 2012

For those of you with Taurus rising, the Sun this month is moving through your 8th house of sharing and dealing with other people’s finances and you may find that you have to spend time with issues of debt and working out who owns what to whom. You may have to put your mind to matters of debt or you may have to work through issues with big business, especially around the 3rd December as Jupiter makes an opposition to the Sun. Beware, as your spending could get out of control now.

Mercury begins December in your 7th house so you can improve partnerships and one to one relationships by chatting and communicating with the one you love and with business associates. It’s good to talk, you know. Intimate relations begin to be on your mind as Mercury moves back into your 8th house on 11th December. The effect of Mercury passing through here may be quite significant. You may long for something to make your life complete, but the object of your desire may be part or fully owned by someone else. Be aware that jealousy can surface from nowhere and can cause all amounts problems, so battles for control of resources can prove upsetting. Subjects like life after death and the unexplained could also fascinate you now. Mercury makes a fire trine to imaginative Uranus on 13th and your mind will be alive and whirring around this time, although you may not be able to concentrate on any one thing, as you may be living on your nerves. The New Moon in Sagittarius also on the 13th brings all of these matters more directly into focus.

Venus for the first half of December continues its passage through your 7th house of relationships and one to one dealings. Venus has a soothing effect wherever she goes and your marriage or any permanent relationships should be relatively trouble free during this time. On the 16th, Venus enters Sagittarius and squares to Neptune, an aspect that can initiate confusion in a partnership, maybe over money or ownership issues. On the 19th Venus trines to Uranus, and a surprising secret that may have been hiding away from you for a while may now come to light.

Mars is moving for majority of the month in your 9th house, so your motivation to learn and achieve new skills continues well into December up until Christmas time. You may be motivated to get away during the holiday season, and this would be an excellent idea, as all of your travels will be fun, active and exciting.

Just before we end the year, we have a very powerful full Moon in Cancer occurring in your 3rd house. This suggests possible battles with brothers or sisters; they could be in a feisty mood. This is a really emotional full Moon and much frustration may be released as it occurs. Letters, emails or phone calls received or sent could cause resentment or jealousy and may raise tensions overall. Try and use this powerful energy in a sentimental or caring way if possible towards friends and neighbours who may be very appreciate if you offer to assist them in any way.

Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

For A More Personal Look At The Future

As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?

Get in touch with me at providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months. Please note I am unable to do personal readings for free.

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