Thursday, November 1, 2012

Beranda » » November Horoscopes and the Eclipses

November Horoscopes and the Eclipses

The Witching Hour by Miriam Escofet.

We're blasting into November in the wake of the extraordinary Full Moon of October 29th.

And oh my goodness – so much to write about for November with two eclipses and a retrograde Mercury.

Eclipses bring change, and the two coming up are powerfully aligned with the outer planets. The first, a Scorpio solar eclipse on the 13th, is the beginning of a new series across the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The second lunar one in Gemini, is the ultimate in a series that's been running for 18 months, which goes across Gemini-Sagittarius. In very simple terms, we're moving from the information axis to the money axis. Scorpio is, of course, the sign that rules debt: Taurus rules income.

As we are all, rather miserably, aware, money ain't what it used to be. This could become even more evident in the next 18 months – or, and I hope this is the case, we may finally begin to see some real solutions to the current crisis in capitalism. Mercury retrogrades this month from Sagittarius into Scorpio, suggesting a rethink about the same issues.

We have two important scheduled political changes – the US election and China's 18th National Congress which is due to elect a new leader, the first in 10 years. Expect the unexpected.

To see how the astrological weather works in your own chart, click here for this month's horoscopes.