Here we go, one of those major weeks ahead. Monday will help you focus in on relationships with people in business or romantic life and ask that in the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or decisions that you make some adjustments and find ways to expand your world a bit, focus on love, the kids or your creative needs. Pluto has all but stopped in the astrological sky preparing to go Direct in the wee hours tonight so you will likely feel something intense around you as the day moves on.
Tuesday Pluto goes Direct and the energy of power, triangles, control, sex, divorce, and finances shifts in the sky, moving forward again in the sign of goals, ambitions, status, father, authority, leadership, career, and reputation. It’s time to begin more upheaval and rebirthing, empowerment and evolution here. The Scorpio Moon (Pluto’s sign) pushes for adjustment with Uranus in Aries so personal or physical adjustments are on tap in this shift today. Look at your needs, your body, image, identity, or brand in the equation. The day builds to the Uranus/Pluto square that culminates in the wee hours tomorrow so more intense energy is present.
Wednesday is the Uranus/Pluto square and the 2nd marker of 7 that are transforming our lives between 2012 and 2015. CHANGE is the key word, whatever comes, whatever sparks your desires, know that change is where it’s at. Scorpio Moon squares Venus and sits with Mars so there may be strong passion in the mix, a sexual interest or issue, triangle, divorce issue, or major financial matter on the table and a need to look at the love, kids or creative side of things.
Thursday Mercury amps things up in Libra bringing talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, sales, offers, and news involving marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, or other significant people. It’s more shaking things up, excitement, change, and focused in on what you need or who you are, and the goals, career, leadership, or reputation. Venus and Jupiter align in a beautiful way bringing something amazing through love, kids or creative opportunity so keep communications open.
Friday the Sagittarius Moon will flirt with Mercury, face Jupiter across the way and then align with Venus. This bodes well for any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or wedding plans. Involve the partners, representatives, clients, lovers, kids, or creative projects and again keep communications open, all good.
Daily Forecasts on FB
Sweet Tweets
This week starts with a focus on relationships on Monday that should help you creatively or with kids but require some adjustment in artistic or romantic projects, with hospitals or other institutions, or around retreat or research. Tuesday and Wednesday are the big days that are all about major changes around goals, career, the boss, dad, authority figures, your leadership abilities, ambitions, reputation, or fame. Things are starting to move again and the process takes you one step further along a road that winds for 3 years. Sex, divorce or some major financial matter is in the mix in all of this and will require some adjustments on a personal level and attention to love, kids or creative input. Thursday brings powerful talks, decisions, news, sales, or agreements involving other significant people and the goal, career, boss, dad, authority figure, or ambitions. Most of this is based off of what comes up on Tuesday/Wednesday. You have luck with love, kids or creative projects. Friday the focus turns to legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, or wedding plans. It’s a good day to link with partners, representatives, kids, lovers, or creative outlets through these means. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday focuses in on work, health or pets and the important people you are involved with here. There’s positive flow in this at home, with real estate, roommates, family, or moves and around income but you will need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, online, around astrology, or charities. Tuesday Pluto goes Direct and changes are starting to happen again involving legal matters, travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, education, and weddings in the months ahead. You need to make adjustments today with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person about changes. Wednesday brings something from behind the scenes, development, with hospitals or other institutions, in a clandestine romance, with an artistic project, a spiritual pursuit, hidden enemy, addiction, or retreative stance that will push the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matter further out towards change. Partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, clients, or opponents are in the mix with energy at home, around real estate, family, mom, roommates, or moves. Thursday is about the work, health or pet talks, the news you get or decisions you make, sales on the table, any agreements in the mix or writing that needs to be done. Again the energy is about pushing things forward. You have a lovely alignment with home, real estate, renovations, moves, family, or roommates, and the income. Friday focuses in on a big financial matter, divorce or sex. You should be able to talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, get the work or paperwork done, tend to health and animals, make money, and deal with home, real estate, moves, family, or other property needs in positive ways today. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is going to focus in on lovers, kids or creative projects and align nicely with talks, meetings, decisions, writing, agreements, and personal needs. You will need to make an adjustment with the goal, authority figure or career. Tuesday and Wednesday focus in on the major changes and challenges to empower yourself through loans, settlements, taxes, insurance, investments, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, partner’s money, inheritance, divorce, sex, or reproductive interests. This energy is now moving forward again and changes are meant to happen here. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity involving work, health or pet needs. Wednesday the financial, sexual or divorce change will bring in the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity energy again in a big way as you push ahead. Work, health or pet needs have an important energy in the day as any news, offers, sales, decisions, agreements, or talks come together around love or money. Friday is all about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other significant person and the decisions, meetings, agreements, or news about love, kids, creative projects that can open things up and bring more happiness or prosperity your way. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday will focus in on home, mom, family, moves, real estate, or roommates and help you to make money and do some things behind the scenes that benefit. You will need to make an adjustment around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters. Tuesday and Wednesday are about the massive change and evolvement that is ongoing over the next 3 years coming to another peak. This is about marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents and you can now see these relationships begin to move ahead again in powerful ways involving financial interests, sex or divorce. Tuesday there will be an adjustment necessary involving the goal or career and your kids, lover or creative potential. Wednesday the relationship changes tie into career, goals, reputation, fame, ambitions, dad, the boss, or authority figures. Look at who or what you love and your creative needs and what you need to do to make money today. Thursday brings talks, meetings, decisions, sales, and agreements around home, real estate, moves, roommates, mom, family, or renovations. Again dealing with that representative, partner or competitor is key. You have some luck with money flow and what’s going on behind the scenes. Friday turns to work, paperwork, health, or pet needs with positive energy around home, real estate, mom, family, moves, or roommates in the mix and the income potential. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or short trips on your plate. You are in a positive position with this and in tune with the friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities but you will need to make an adjustment around the big financial interest, sex or divorce. Tuesday and Wednesday are all about the massive evolvement and change that is ongoing until 2015 but peaks in some way now. This is going to be about your work, paperwork, co-workers, employees, services, organizational skills, health, or animals. There is a need to tend to the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans in the mix and transform the best way possible. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment at home or with a move, real estate deal, renovation, family, mom, or roommate. Wednesday brings your need for love or money into the picture. Thursday brings offers, news, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, short trips, or sales, possibly some focus on siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics as well. You will be pushing work, health or pet needs here and shaking things up. Luck is with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Friday is about the love life, kids or creative project and looks very good for any agreements, meetings, sales, short trips, writing, or decisions as well as positive for you in any social situation. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about the income potential and should go well for you behind the scenes or in any development, artistic endeavor, or dealing with research or institutions. You have luck with those in positions of authority and pursuit of your goals today. You will have to make an adjustment around a partner, representative or opponent. Tuesday and Wednesday are the big days in the ongoing 3 year major change in your life as upheaval, evolvement and empowerment peaks in some way with your love life, children or creative projects. There is something big in the picture involving a divorce, your sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs, or the financial picture involving loans, inheritance, debt, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, investments, taxes, insurance, your partner’s money, commissions, royalties, or other outside resources. Make adjustments around news you hear or decisions that need to be made, any agreements or writing, sales or siblings in the mix and know that something going on behind the scenes holds some challenge as well that you need to overcome. Thursday is about making money and the changes, excitement and opportunity you have to reach a goal or move ahead on the career front or with an authority figure. You will need to deal with what came up on Tuesday/Wednesday again. Friday is about home, moves, real estate deals, family, mom, or roommates and bodes well for the money flow and what you are doing behind the scenes, artistically, spiritually, with institutions, research, romance, or development. Reach for goals. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about you, your image, body, needs, ego, brand, or identity. You should do well with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and any legal, travel, media, or educational interests. You will need to make an adjustment around work, health or pets. Tuesday and Wednesday are about the major changes that are taking you over the next 3 years and the way they come to some kind of peak now. This involves your home, real estate needs, property matters, family, mom, roommates, or renovations and any changes occurring involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. Expect to see things move in some new way now and to make some adjustments around income on Tuesday while dealing with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities on Wednesday. Thursday is about the talks, meetings, agreements, writing, decisions, or sales that you make, are aimed at your needs, body, image, or identity and tie in with home, property, family, roommates, or mom. There is luck for you today with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charity, and any legal, travel, media, or educational matters. Friday is about the siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, talks, or decisions, and this looks positive for you via your needs and the friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charities. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is spent behind the scenes, in retreat or working on something in development, involving research, artistry, romance, spirituality, institutions, or a Karmic bond. You will do well with goals here and any financial, sexual or divorce topics but you will need to make an adjustment around the kids, love life or creative projects. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as you peak with the ongoing 3 year changes, upheavals and rebirthing that is going on for everyone now. This is about writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, offers, news, decisions, talks, meetings, and your work, paperwork, services, co-workers, employees, health, and pets. Expect for something to shake up now in these areas towards more evolvement and change. Tuesday you will need to make adjustments with the work/paperwork, health or pets and your own needs, identity, brand, body, or image. Wednesday you will need to work around goals, ambitions, career, authority figures, or reputation. Thursday brings talks, offers, agreements, writing, or decisions behind the scenes, focused on the art, spiritual, romantic, institutional, addictive, or research matters and point out any agreements or decisions that still need effort. You have luck today with sex, divorce or the big financial picture and your goals, career or authority figures. Friday is about income and brings talks, writing, agreements, news, offers, or sales that should go well. Look to authority figures, goals and ambitions to get you there. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about social interests and should focus you in on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You can travel, get into education, legal matters, media, marketing, or publishing in positive ways and partner or seek out representatives that help. You will need to make adjustments with the agreement, writing, sales, meeting, transportation, or decision. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as the big changes that are ongoing this year through 2015 peak in some way. Look for change to find you through income, possessions, your creative projects or interests, children, and your love life. Things will likely shake up here now. Tuesday be willing to make adjustments behind the scenes and Wednesday look at any travel, legal, media, marketing, wedding, or educational needs that should be addressed. Thursday is about the talks, meetings, writing, sales, or decisions involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the money you make. You will be in there over what came up Tuesday/Wednesday. Luck is with you in partnerships, with representatives, clients, or other significant people. Friday puts the focus on you, your brand, image, body, needs, or identity and looks very positive for the talks or decisions regarding friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and any legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or educational needs. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about career, goals, the boss, authority figures, ambitions, reputation, and fame. There is positive flow with this to finances, sex, divorce, and work, health or pets. You will need to make adjustments in talks, agreements, decisions, sales, offers, or writing. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as the big upheavals, rebirthing and changes that take you through this year to 2015 reach another peak. This is about you, your identity, body, image, brand, and your home, real estate, family, moves, mom, roommates, or sense of security. Expect shake ups and evolvement now. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity. Wednesday you will need to deal with the big financial matter, sex, divorce, or some life and death scenario. Thursday brings talks, meetings, sales, offers, decisions, agreements, or short trips into the picture focusing on career, the boss, authority figures, ambitions, goals, and any personal changes you need to make. Luck is with you at work, with health or pets and any big financial matter, sexual interest or divorce issue. Friday is about what goes on behind the scenes with the boss, career, goals, authority figures, or ambitions and the positive ideas or decisions here. Sex, divorce and high finance are again aligned positively here. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is all about the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational interests and the alignment with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people in a beneficial way. There is positive flow around love, kids and creative ventures as well but you will need to make an adjustment around income. Tuesday and Wednesday are major for the ongoing massive changes reshaping your life between 2012 and 2015. You can expect some peak in this now and it will involve Karma, addictions, research, hospitals, retreat, hidden agendas, film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, or development, and the agreements, decisions, meetings, writing, sales, offers, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, transportation, local activities, and ideas in the mix. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment involving career, goals, the boss, authority figures, or ambitions. Wednesday you will need to deal with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, client, or other significant person over the love or money. Thursday is about the talks, agreements, decisions, offers, sales, writing, or talks involving legal, travel, media, wedding, or educational needs. These will bring some attention to what transpired on Tuesday/Wednesday. Luck is with you in love, with kids or creative projects and your significant relationships here. Friday is about social interests, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational interests. These should go well. You should also do well with partners, agents, attorneys, clients, or other significant people. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about sex, divorce or some major financial matter that involves work or health. This should go well and you at home, with real estate, family, mom, or roommate situations as well. You will need to make a personal or physical adjustment in this today. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as the ongoing 3 year upheaval, rebirthing and change peaks in some way involving your friends, groups, the internet, your aspirations, astrology, charities, and your income or way you make your living. Expect for some shake ups now. Tuesday you will need to make adjustments around any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational influence. Wednesday you will need to deal with something at work, with a female co-worker or employee or over some income situation with them, with a health matter, or the pets. Thursday is about the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions involving a big financial matter, divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or reproductive need. Expect something big with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration in the mix again and for income to be focal as well. Luck is at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, family, mom, or security needs. Friday is about career, reputation, fame, father, the boss, authority figures, or goals and ambitions. You should be able to work out some agreement around the big finances, sexual interest or divorce today and find some smoother sailing at work, with co-workers, in health, or around pets. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
Tuesday Pluto goes Direct and the energy of power, triangles, control, sex, divorce, and finances shifts in the sky, moving forward again in the sign of goals, ambitions, status, father, authority, leadership, career, and reputation. It’s time to begin more upheaval and rebirthing, empowerment and evolution here. The Scorpio Moon (Pluto’s sign) pushes for adjustment with Uranus in Aries so personal or physical adjustments are on tap in this shift today. Look at your needs, your body, image, identity, or brand in the equation. The day builds to the Uranus/Pluto square that culminates in the wee hours tomorrow so more intense energy is present.
Wednesday is the Uranus/Pluto square and the 2nd marker of 7 that are transforming our lives between 2012 and 2015. CHANGE is the key word, whatever comes, whatever sparks your desires, know that change is where it’s at. Scorpio Moon squares Venus and sits with Mars so there may be strong passion in the mix, a sexual interest or issue, triangle, divorce issue, or major financial matter on the table and a need to look at the love, kids or creative side of things.
Thursday Mercury amps things up in Libra bringing talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, sales, offers, and news involving marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, or other significant people. It’s more shaking things up, excitement, change, and focused in on what you need or who you are, and the goals, career, leadership, or reputation. Venus and Jupiter align in a beautiful way bringing something amazing through love, kids or creative opportunity so keep communications open.
Friday the Sagittarius Moon will flirt with Mercury, face Jupiter across the way and then align with Venus. This bodes well for any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or wedding plans. Involve the partners, representatives, clients, lovers, kids, or creative projects and again keep communications open, all good.
Daily Forecasts on FB
Sweet Tweets
This week starts with a focus on relationships on Monday that should help you creatively or with kids but require some adjustment in artistic or romantic projects, with hospitals or other institutions, or around retreat or research. Tuesday and Wednesday are the big days that are all about major changes around goals, career, the boss, dad, authority figures, your leadership abilities, ambitions, reputation, or fame. Things are starting to move again and the process takes you one step further along a road that winds for 3 years. Sex, divorce or some major financial matter is in the mix in all of this and will require some adjustments on a personal level and attention to love, kids or creative input. Thursday brings powerful talks, decisions, news, sales, or agreements involving other significant people and the goal, career, boss, dad, authority figure, or ambitions. Most of this is based off of what comes up on Tuesday/Wednesday. You have luck with love, kids or creative projects. Friday the focus turns to legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, or wedding plans. It’s a good day to link with partners, representatives, kids, lovers, or creative outlets through these means. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday focuses in on work, health or pets and the important people you are involved with here. There’s positive flow in this at home, with real estate, roommates, family, or moves and around income but you will need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, online, around astrology, or charities. Tuesday Pluto goes Direct and changes are starting to happen again involving legal matters, travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, education, and weddings in the months ahead. You need to make adjustments today with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person about changes. Wednesday brings something from behind the scenes, development, with hospitals or other institutions, in a clandestine romance, with an artistic project, a spiritual pursuit, hidden enemy, addiction, or retreative stance that will push the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matter further out towards change. Partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, clients, or opponents are in the mix with energy at home, around real estate, family, mom, roommates, or moves. Thursday is about the work, health or pet talks, the news you get or decisions you make, sales on the table, any agreements in the mix or writing that needs to be done. Again the energy is about pushing things forward. You have a lovely alignment with home, real estate, renovations, moves, family, or roommates, and the income. Friday focuses in on a big financial matter, divorce or sex. You should be able to talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, get the work or paperwork done, tend to health and animals, make money, and deal with home, real estate, moves, family, or other property needs in positive ways today. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is going to focus in on lovers, kids or creative projects and align nicely with talks, meetings, decisions, writing, agreements, and personal needs. You will need to make an adjustment with the goal, authority figure or career. Tuesday and Wednesday focus in on the major changes and challenges to empower yourself through loans, settlements, taxes, insurance, investments, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, partner’s money, inheritance, divorce, sex, or reproductive interests. This energy is now moving forward again and changes are meant to happen here. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity involving work, health or pet needs. Wednesday the financial, sexual or divorce change will bring in the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity energy again in a big way as you push ahead. Work, health or pet needs have an important energy in the day as any news, offers, sales, decisions, agreements, or talks come together around love or money. Friday is all about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other significant person and the decisions, meetings, agreements, or news about love, kids, creative projects that can open things up and bring more happiness or prosperity your way. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday will focus in on home, mom, family, moves, real estate, or roommates and help you to make money and do some things behind the scenes that benefit. You will need to make an adjustment around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters. Tuesday and Wednesday are about the massive change and evolvement that is ongoing over the next 3 years coming to another peak. This is about marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents and you can now see these relationships begin to move ahead again in powerful ways involving financial interests, sex or divorce. Tuesday there will be an adjustment necessary involving the goal or career and your kids, lover or creative potential. Wednesday the relationship changes tie into career, goals, reputation, fame, ambitions, dad, the boss, or authority figures. Look at who or what you love and your creative needs and what you need to do to make money today. Thursday brings talks, meetings, decisions, sales, and agreements around home, real estate, moves, roommates, mom, family, or renovations. Again dealing with that representative, partner or competitor is key. You have some luck with money flow and what’s going on behind the scenes. Friday turns to work, paperwork, health, or pet needs with positive energy around home, real estate, mom, family, moves, or roommates in the mix and the income potential. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or short trips on your plate. You are in a positive position with this and in tune with the friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities but you will need to make an adjustment around the big financial interest, sex or divorce. Tuesday and Wednesday are all about the massive evolvement and change that is ongoing until 2015 but peaks in some way now. This is going to be about your work, paperwork, co-workers, employees, services, organizational skills, health, or animals. There is a need to tend to the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans in the mix and transform the best way possible. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment at home or with a move, real estate deal, renovation, family, mom, or roommate. Wednesday brings your need for love or money into the picture. Thursday brings offers, news, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, short trips, or sales, possibly some focus on siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics as well. You will be pushing work, health or pet needs here and shaking things up. Luck is with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Friday is about the love life, kids or creative project and looks very good for any agreements, meetings, sales, short trips, writing, or decisions as well as positive for you in any social situation. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about the income potential and should go well for you behind the scenes or in any development, artistic endeavor, or dealing with research or institutions. You have luck with those in positions of authority and pursuit of your goals today. You will have to make an adjustment around a partner, representative or opponent. Tuesday and Wednesday are the big days in the ongoing 3 year major change in your life as upheaval, evolvement and empowerment peaks in some way with your love life, children or creative projects. There is something big in the picture involving a divorce, your sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs, or the financial picture involving loans, inheritance, debt, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, investments, taxes, insurance, your partner’s money, commissions, royalties, or other outside resources. Make adjustments around news you hear or decisions that need to be made, any agreements or writing, sales or siblings in the mix and know that something going on behind the scenes holds some challenge as well that you need to overcome. Thursday is about making money and the changes, excitement and opportunity you have to reach a goal or move ahead on the career front or with an authority figure. You will need to deal with what came up on Tuesday/Wednesday again. Friday is about home, moves, real estate deals, family, mom, or roommates and bodes well for the money flow and what you are doing behind the scenes, artistically, spiritually, with institutions, research, romance, or development. Reach for goals. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about you, your image, body, needs, ego, brand, or identity. You should do well with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and any legal, travel, media, or educational interests. You will need to make an adjustment around work, health or pets. Tuesday and Wednesday are about the major changes that are taking you over the next 3 years and the way they come to some kind of peak now. This involves your home, real estate needs, property matters, family, mom, roommates, or renovations and any changes occurring involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. Expect to see things move in some new way now and to make some adjustments around income on Tuesday while dealing with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities on Wednesday. Thursday is about the talks, meetings, agreements, writing, decisions, or sales that you make, are aimed at your needs, body, image, or identity and tie in with home, property, family, roommates, or mom. There is luck for you today with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charity, and any legal, travel, media, or educational matters. Friday is about the siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, talks, or decisions, and this looks positive for you via your needs and the friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charities. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is spent behind the scenes, in retreat or working on something in development, involving research, artistry, romance, spirituality, institutions, or a Karmic bond. You will do well with goals here and any financial, sexual or divorce topics but you will need to make an adjustment around the kids, love life or creative projects. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as you peak with the ongoing 3 year changes, upheavals and rebirthing that is going on for everyone now. This is about writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, offers, news, decisions, talks, meetings, and your work, paperwork, services, co-workers, employees, health, and pets. Expect for something to shake up now in these areas towards more evolvement and change. Tuesday you will need to make adjustments with the work/paperwork, health or pets and your own needs, identity, brand, body, or image. Wednesday you will need to work around goals, ambitions, career, authority figures, or reputation. Thursday brings talks, offers, agreements, writing, or decisions behind the scenes, focused on the art, spiritual, romantic, institutional, addictive, or research matters and point out any agreements or decisions that still need effort. You have luck today with sex, divorce or the big financial picture and your goals, career or authority figures. Friday is about income and brings talks, writing, agreements, news, offers, or sales that should go well. Look to authority figures, goals and ambitions to get you there. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about social interests and should focus you in on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. You can travel, get into education, legal matters, media, marketing, or publishing in positive ways and partner or seek out representatives that help. You will need to make adjustments with the agreement, writing, sales, meeting, transportation, or decision. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as the big changes that are ongoing this year through 2015 peak in some way. Look for change to find you through income, possessions, your creative projects or interests, children, and your love life. Things will likely shake up here now. Tuesday be willing to make adjustments behind the scenes and Wednesday look at any travel, legal, media, marketing, wedding, or educational needs that should be addressed. Thursday is about the talks, meetings, writing, sales, or decisions involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the money you make. You will be in there over what came up Tuesday/Wednesday. Luck is with you in partnerships, with representatives, clients, or other significant people. Friday puts the focus on you, your brand, image, body, needs, or identity and looks very positive for the talks or decisions regarding friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and any legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or educational needs. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about career, goals, the boss, authority figures, ambitions, reputation, and fame. There is positive flow with this to finances, sex, divorce, and work, health or pets. You will need to make adjustments in talks, agreements, decisions, sales, offers, or writing. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as the big upheavals, rebirthing and changes that take you through this year to 2015 reach another peak. This is about you, your identity, body, image, brand, and your home, real estate, family, moves, mom, roommates, or sense of security. Expect shake ups and evolvement now. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity. Wednesday you will need to deal with the big financial matter, sex, divorce, or some life and death scenario. Thursday brings talks, meetings, sales, offers, decisions, agreements, or short trips into the picture focusing on career, the boss, authority figures, ambitions, goals, and any personal changes you need to make. Luck is with you at work, with health or pets and any big financial matter, sexual interest or divorce issue. Friday is about what goes on behind the scenes with the boss, career, goals, authority figures, or ambitions and the positive ideas or decisions here. Sex, divorce and high finance are again aligned positively here. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is all about the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational interests and the alignment with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people in a beneficial way. There is positive flow around love, kids and creative ventures as well but you will need to make an adjustment around income. Tuesday and Wednesday are major for the ongoing massive changes reshaping your life between 2012 and 2015. You can expect some peak in this now and it will involve Karma, addictions, research, hospitals, retreat, hidden agendas, film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, or development, and the agreements, decisions, meetings, writing, sales, offers, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, transportation, local activities, and ideas in the mix. Tuesday you will need to make an adjustment involving career, goals, the boss, authority figures, or ambitions. Wednesday you will need to deal with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, client, or other significant person over the love or money. Thursday is about the talks, agreements, decisions, offers, sales, writing, or talks involving legal, travel, media, wedding, or educational needs. These will bring some attention to what transpired on Tuesday/Wednesday. Luck is with you in love, with kids or creative projects and your significant relationships here. Friday is about social interests, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational interests. These should go well. You should also do well with partners, agents, attorneys, clients, or other significant people. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
Monday is about sex, divorce or some major financial matter that involves work or health. This should go well and you at home, with real estate, family, mom, or roommate situations as well. You will need to make a personal or physical adjustment in this today. Tuesday and Wednesday are major as the ongoing 3 year upheaval, rebirthing and change peaks in some way involving your friends, groups, the internet, your aspirations, astrology, charities, and your income or way you make your living. Expect for some shake ups now. Tuesday you will need to make adjustments around any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational influence. Wednesday you will need to deal with something at work, with a female co-worker or employee or over some income situation with them, with a health matter, or the pets. Thursday is about the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions involving a big financial matter, divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or reproductive need. Expect something big with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration in the mix again and for income to be focal as well. Luck is at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, family, mom, or security needs. Friday is about career, reputation, fame, father, the boss, authority figures, or goals and ambitions. You should be able to work out some agreement around the big finances, sexual interest or divorce today and find some smoother sailing at work, with co-workers, in health, or around pets. If you are ready to hear about what your own personal chart holds for you it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe or 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: