The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Aries as your rising sign , which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN
Scorpio Rising - Your Month Ahead - October 2012
Background influences for October
During the month of October, the Sun is transiting through Libra and your hidden 12th house, before crossing your ascendant and emerging into your 1st house of the self. For you, this is the end of the solar cycle and subconsciously you will want to withdraw away for a while and you may find trusting others rather difficult. In the same way, you will prefer to keep your opinions to yourself in the first half of the month. If you are feeling a little confused and bewildered now, try and work out why. Old habits die hard, especially those ones that still affect you from your childhood years. If you can dispel those ingrown fears now, the next cycle of your life will be far more rewarding. In a way, it is time to review what happened to you recently and plan ahead so that you can move on in a more positive manner in the future. In the last week of the month as the Sun approaches your Ascendant, you will start to feel more self-confident and assertive; this will be the start of a period when you will benefit from acting much more in your own interests.
Mercury is moving through your first house allowing you to focus on yourself and express you own personal views to everyone around you. Your mind will tend to switch from one thing to the next, so on any one task may be quite problematic; try and organize things so that you can address each issue one at a time. Looking at yourself and where you are, you can be quite objective right now. Listen to your instincts.
Venus begins the month in your 11th house of friends and associations so you should experience a buzz of social activity and enjoyable times doing activities with people and groups, maybe even attending business conferences and making new friends and contacts. You should be in an agreeable mood and all sorts of relationships, personal or professional should go well. Group activities are especially favoured now, and you may be able to contribute fully to the furtherance of any team activities. I suggest that you get in touch with old friends, they'll be glad to hear from you.
From the 5th through to the 7th 3 planets all change signs, Mars into Sagittarius and Mercury and Saturn simultaneously into Scorpio. This is an important time, as Saturn will soon be crossing your ascendant. All in all, these transits will make you feel far more self-confident in the long run and significant changes to your life will start to herald new beginnings for you.
Specific Planetary Aspects
Early into the month and on the 3rd October we have a Venus Neptune opposition squared by Mars. Do you have unrealistic expectations with a boss or a parent at home with medical issues and needs your time and attention? Either of these possibilities can affect your independence now, and will strain your nerves if you allow these things to affect you.
On the 15th we have a new Moon in Libra arriving in your 12th house. This is a time of soul searching and quiet reflection and you may find yourself needing some time to relax and recuperate. If you do decide to start anything new, than any service based activity should appeal to you, certainly right now you will be rather in tune with the needs of others around you.
On the 17th Uranus receives a double hit from Mars and Pluto. Do you find that recently you haven’t been able to really settle into a steady work or health regime? With Mars making a connection to Uranus, you now have the energy to put up with any amount of demands that may be put on you. Maybe this positive attitude can be translated into winning over brothers, sisters and neighbours too? On the 25th October, the Sun meets Saturn in Scorpio trine to Neptune. You are in a long term process of clearing out what is not needed in your life, getting rid of old out-dated things to usher in a new cycle of growth. This aspect helps you along the way to sacrifice something that you don’t require any more. Out with the old, and in with the new should be your motto now.
Finally on the 29th there is a full Moon in Taurus in your 7th house that opposes Saturn in your 1st house. Now is a time when you will have to take into consideration the feelings and to respect the opinions of other people in your life, but it won't be easy. You may have to compromise your own position and let go of some control in your life. If you are able to do this then maybe something special can be created, be it finding a business partner or starting a new one to one relationship.
Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
For A More Personal Look At The Future
As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?
Get in touch with me at paul@solarisastrology.co.uk providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months.
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