Monday, September 17, 2012

Beranda » » Sagittarius Rising - Monthly Astrological Forecast for October 2012

Sagittarius Rising - Monthly Astrological Forecast for October 2012

autumn 9

The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Aries as your rising sign , which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN

Sagittarius Rising - Your Month Ahead - October 2012

Background influences for October

In October, the Sun is moving through your 11th house of friends, groups and associations before in mid month passing into your 12th house of sacrifice and seclusion. During the initial three weeks of October, you will be concerned with networking; interacting with people, and friends or colleagues may give you a helping hand with your endeavours. You may be dealing or cooperating with groups of people or maybe companies, and if you do need some inspiration, then this could be provided by friends or younger people who see life slightly differently than you do. This is a time for assessing if you are truly achieving all the goals that you want to out of your life.

For you, Mercury is reaching the end of its cycle around your chart as it passes through your 12th house and subconsciously you will want to withdraw away for a while and you may find trusting others rather difficult. Why? It is because you may feel that whatever you say may be used by others and against your best interests. As such, you will prefer to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself in the first half of the month. If you are feeling a little confused and bewildered now, try and work out why. Old habits die hard, especially those ones that still affect you from your childhood years. If you can dispel those ingrown fears now, the next cycle of your life will be far more rewarding. In a way, it is time to review what happened to you recently and plan ahead so that you can move on in a more positive manner in the future. This can start to happen as Mercury enters Sagittarius in the final week of the month and eventually moves into your 1st house, a place where you will be more confident to speak out and voice your opinions again.

Venus starts the month in your 10th house of work and career, and here your life for a brief time will be running smoothly. Your relationship with bosses will be congenial and any problems in the past may be smoothed over during this time. Any work projects could have successful outcomes and you may feel more popular in your place of work than you have been in some time. It is entirely possible that you may be involved now in some creative or social aspect of your work, be it in design or in public relations of some kind. Older people can be a source of comfort now and you may use their experience to help you progress in life.

From the 5th through to the 7th 3 planets all change signs, Mars into Sagittarius and Mercury and Saturn simultaneously into Scorpio. These planetary moves will see you more self-assertive and at the same time you will start to appreciate that many of things that you are doing now are coming slowly to the end of the line. It maybe time to start considering how your life can be refreshed.

Specific Planetary Aspects

Early into the month and on the 3rd October we have a Venus Neptune opposition squared by Mars. It may well be that you are getting mixed messages because of this influence. People in your local area or your brothers and sisters may be telling you one thing, but you may believe something else completely different. You will not be in a mood to fight your case now and the best course of action may be to take some time alone, and to take some time to make your own mind up who actually is correct on this occasion.

As we reach the 15th October, the new Moon in Libra lands in your 11th house. This is a great moment to network and get in touch with people who can further your life and ambitions in a personal and also professional manner, and to understand how you fit into the wider context of groups and associations. Connect with people, and the fruits of your efforts will follow.

On the 17th Uranus receives a double hit from Mars and Pluto. This is a time when you will be tempted to try out new things, encounter new people or take risks. Your attitudes to art & creativity, science and technology and children are changing for the better. That creativity can spark into life now and if you have children, you’d be wise keep a close eye on them as they could cause trouble. Be careful, your enthusiasm and verve can lead to have misfortunes and accidents. On the 25th October, the Sun meets Saturn in Scorpio trine to Neptune. Do you think you know the people in your local environment or your neighbours as well as you think you do? Now could be a chance to spread the net and connect with people and groups in your local area. You never know, it may be an enlightening experience.

Finally on the 29th there is a full Moon in Taurus in your 6th house that occurs opposing Saturn in your 12th. This is an energetic and constructive new Moon activating the routines and health part of your chart. Is it time for you to bring in new systems in your daily work or to decide to eat a bit more healthily or do a bit more exercise? Maybe so, although something that you were not previously aware of may make these personal plans far harder to implement that you anticipated. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t achieve everything you want right now.

Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

For A More Personal Look At The Future

As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?

Get in touch with me at providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months.

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