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On that day, 41 Liverpool fans might have survived had those in charge acted more swiftly. |
On that day in April 1989, 96 people were crushed to death in a football stadium in Sheffield. In the following decades, the police, with the connivance of the legal system and the press, did their best to obscure the truth, including altering evidence. They laid the blame on "drunken fans" for the deaths.
This week lies, lies and more lies have been exposed. It turns out that the police completely mismanaged the crowd, stuffing too many people in too small a space. But that is only the beginning of the series of errors that led to the deaths of so many. The football stadium did not even have a valid safety certificate. Those mistakes were deliberately concealed, or ignored in subsequent enquiries.
The chart for the disaster with the current transits is instructive. We'd expect to see transiting Pluto active. This is the planet that exposes uncomfortable truths; truths that make us want to hide our eyes.

So I'd also expect to see the prince of lies, Neptune, involved.
In fact, Pluto is transiting the disaster's natal Uranus right now. And in a way we are all reliving the shock of the initial event as we realise that the version we were told was completely false.
In the natal chart we see Neptune in Capricorn conjunct Saturn. It's easy, with the benefit of hindsight, to say that's a perfect symbol for an establishment cover-up. Capricorn and Saturn are the planet and the sign of established order. Saturn also rules boundaries, of course, and it was these very boundaries, "the pens", that squashed people. Neptune creates a fog.
I have an exact time for the disaster, the moment the gates were opened, 2.52pm, which gives 2° Virgo rising. That's right on the South Node which can be a point of wounding. Currently, it's being opposed by Neptune. That's quite interesting, because it suggests that Neptune is doing the opposite of fogging things up. Neptune seems to be washing things clean in Pisces. The dirty linen is coming out and getting scrubbed. I wonder if that may be a function of Neptune's transit through it's own sign.
But the real energy of these revelations is Pluto square Uranus, just as it has been with the Leveson Enquiry and the exposure of the antics of tabloid press. Pluto cuts like a laser to the truth, and Uranus shocks. There's no compromise. With Pluto going through Capricorn (institutions) we're seeing the inner workings of our institutions – the police, the judiciary, the press, parliament – laid bare. And it's not a pretty sight.
We find corruption everywhere.
I don't think the Hillsborough cover-up could happen now. Aside from anything else, people have mobile phones with cameras. But have the attitudes that caused the cover-up changed yet?
Hillsborough came at the end of the 1980s, a decade which had seen endless battles between the police and the people (mainly miners, poll-tax protesters). But to put it bluntly, the football fans who were blamed for the disaster were working class (probably), and they were from Liverpool (definitely). It was more comfortable to believe that drunken scousers had crushed each other to death than to admit the truth, a complete failure by government to protect its people. Shame.
Just a few more things I want to point out about this chart. It's a Jupiter Return - so the event is large in the news again. And transiting Mars is conjunct the natal Pluto. Pluto in the natal chart might represent the police, in the shape of the forces of oppression. They are certainly under attack. Finally, Saturn is still in Libra, the sign of the law. Saturn is the father of time, exalted in Libra: justice comes to those who wait.
May the victims rest in peace.