Thursday, September 6, 2012

Beranda » » September Horoscopes

September Horoscopes

Painting by Grandma Moses (b. Sept 7 1860)
Oh September. Golden light, ripe plums, a little tristesse for another summer gone.

The general feeling of tension continues this month with the Uranus-Pluto square making another exact hit on September 19. This is at 6 degrees Aries-Capricorn, so if you have any planets there you may feel this more strongly. Then at the end of the month the Full Moon occurs just one degree from this point, so pay attention in those final 10 days of September. You may not be directly affected by this tension, but the world around you will be.

Otherwise all the inner planets are moving forwards this month. Mars is in its own sign, Scorpio, an excellent position, and Mercury is also in its own sign Virgo, for the first part of the month. That means that you can get things done now reasonably smoothly.

Click here to read your horoscope and meanwhile listen to the perfect (MC in Virgo) Ms Sarah Vaughan singing September Song.