Friday, September 21, 2012

Beranda » , » Astrology of Now: When Pluto Struts His Stuff

Astrology of Now: When Pluto Struts His Stuff

When Pluto walks into town, it could be time to retire to the back room with the shutters down and a loaded shotgun. Or maybe just get under the covers and hum a cheerful little tune.

The problem is he'll flush you out of your hiding place. This is the planet of purging, drains, transformation; of death, darkness and violence.

What's more even the so-called easy aspects – trines and sextiles – can be unpleasant.

And he's just turned direct. And he's squaring Uranus, the shocking planet, in fiery Aries. The violent protests around the world in the past week have the sulphur smell of Uranus-Pluto. The theme that connects the riots in China with those in the Muslim world is the purging of foreigners.

If you have any planets or points at 6° of Libra, Aries, Capricorn or especially Cancer, you may be feeling Pluto now. You may be cowering under the covers. I hope you're somewhere safe.

If you live in a sane place, then you may be one of the people who actually benefits from a Pluto transit because this is the Lord of transformation. The places he touches in your chart will never be the same again, but did you really want your life to be static?

The Hindus understand the importance of death
 in the cycle of life better than any other religion.
Kali, the "black goddess",
time and change brings death. Her husband
Shiva, covered with funeral ash, lies beneath
her dancing feet, cooling her wrath
The tree falls. Fungus grows, beetles gnaw. The worms come. And one day a sapling is growing in that spot.

You need to get rid of stuff to make way for the new.

Pluto helps you throw it away. It's up to you to decide what and how much. Look at where Pluto is transiting through your chart. What needs to go? And here's the thing: Pluto reveals the truth however unpleasant. What needs to be exposed?

In this country, corruption has been exposed in all branches of government and the fourth estate as Pluto transits Capricorn, the sign of establishment, and approaches the UK Sun.

Certain signs may find the purge easier: especially Scorpio, then Pisces, Virgo, and Taurus may even be benefiting from some radical transformation in their lives. Also if you have a strong Plutonian cast to your chart already, this powerful transit may be galvanising.

If you are not in a position of having change forced on you by outside forces, such as rioters or debt-collectors, then count yourself lucky, and think about how you can ride this powerful energy.