The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Taurus as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN
Taurus Rising – March 2013
In the month of March, the Sun is moving through your 11th house of friends, groups and associations before in mid month passing into your 12th house of sacrifice and seclusion. During the initial three weeks of this month, you will be concerned with networking; interacting with people, and friends or colleagues may give you a helping hand with your endeavours. You may be dealing or cooperating with groups of people or maybe companies, and if you do need some inspiration, then this could be provided by friends, or by young people. Venus and Mars are passing through your 11th house too, so you should experience a buzz of social activities with friends and groups, maybe being invited to attend business conferences allowing you to make new friends and contacts. Mars here increases your tension with friends or team-mates and if there are disagreements, things could get tense and argumentative. You should however be in an agreeable mood and most relationships, personal or professional should go well so long as you do not try to dominate the agenda too much. As these planets enter Aries Mars on 12th March and Venus and the Sun on 20th and 21st, there will be a significant shift as you look for a bit more time to yourself, some solitude, some peace and quiet to do your own thing. Others may start to get in your way and interfere now, and they may make you rather unsettled. On the 22nd Mars and Uranus conjunct in your 12th house potentially making you very irritable and frustrated if you can’t get your own way. You may be in a strange mood with all around you as you feel someone is working against you, so maybe it will be best to try and go away from anyone who could potentially upset you.
Mercury and Saturn make simultaneous sextiles to Pluto on 7th March, a set of aspects that may see the revealing of an issue that may change your views on a partnership or a friend. You may see these people in a new light but be wary. You will be able to act on this new information at the end of the month as Mercury moving finally direct allows you to make some positive decisions about what is revealed to you. Mercury in still in Pisces moving retrograde until 17th March so friends may be rather unreliable in particular leading up to when it stations and as Mercury nears a conjunction with Neptune. Money matters could cause you some problems now and if you have children, the things they get up to could upset the rhythm and routine of your life.
We have a powerful full Moon in Libra arriving on 27th March in your 6th house of everyday work, routine and health matters. This full Moon is exactly opposite to Uranus, Venus and Mars as well as the Sun; it is widely square to Pluto and trine to Jupiter. Relations with work colleagues could be affected as unexpected changes occur, and your daily routine could be upset dramatically. It may be a good time to keep a close eye on your health and welfare and it may be time to change your diet or start a new health regime.
Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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