Monday, March 4, 2013

Beranda » , » Neptune conjunct Fomalhaut - Things just ain't what they seem...

Neptune conjunct Fomalhaut - Things just ain't what they seem...

sean connery

This aspect is now active until 3rd May 2013

I've been away for a few days, but not stopped working. Writing all those monthly horoscopes take some time, and I had a rush of personal reports to write as well.

In the meantime, Neptune has slid into orb of Fomalhaut, the star in Piscis Australis, the constellation of the Southern fish. This is one of the Royal Persian stars, the watcher of the South and a star that has a really mystical and magical sense about it. This is a star of charisma and anyone who has a connection to this star must try to keep their feet firmly on the ground, otherwise they can become a fall from excessive pride, over optimism or just sheer arrogance.

Neptune here brings intuition, imagination and a wonderfully psychic feel to the next couple of months, but don't be fooled. The deceptive qualities of Neptune I think are also enhanced too, and as much as one can wonder at the beauty of the world around you and dream the impossible dream and think that it can become reality, you can also be totally deceived or conned by unscrupulous people.

This is a connection for creating an illusion and making people think that what they are seeing is really real when in fact it is not. Great for TV and making films, producing art and transforming one form into another. I can imagine anyone with creative or artistic talents will be totally inspired by this link between Neptune and Fomalhaut.

There is a spiritual link here and it no surprise that the new Pope will be nominated under it's gaze. Maybe one of his remits will be to finally deal with the unseen and unholy rumours of abuse and deception in the Catholic Church that have been going on for decades now? This is a conjunction ripe for espionage and for the dark arts that governments get up to and for lifting a veil on any bad practices that have been going on. Robson says this influence is connected to secret affairs or government work, occult interests, detective ability, many secret enemies and maybe violent death through them, gain through speculation and many narrow escapes. It sounds very much like the plot to a Bond movie.

Interesting times lie ahead for us all under Neptune conjunct Fomalhaut, but remember that not everything and everyone that you meet, see and hear will be honest and working for your best interests...

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