The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Virgo as your rising sign, which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN
Virgo Rising – March 2013
The Sun, Venus and Mars are making their way through your 7th house of relationships during the first three weeks of March. This is the house of one to one relationships, both personal and professional and you will be examining these intently to see where you can improve then. Marriage is highlighted in this house and your attitudes to your partner will be tested to the full, especially as Mars will heighten tension to see if they are functioning well. The presence of Venus will act here as a soothing influence to combat the more aggressive yet active presence of the red planet. Venus is after all the planet of love, and there should be plenty of love to share and receive between you and your permanent partner. Professional relationships can also be struck up now as Mars pushes you into action. On the 20th and 21st March, Venus and the Sun join Mars who is running ahead in your 8th house and matters will turn to sharing, to intimacy and to all issues involved in the sharing of assets and ideas. This is the start of an intense time in your life, one where some changes in the most personal parts of your life may occur. Matters of debt, owed money and shared finances will be important and you may have to deal with banks, financial institutions or people in powerful positions in the next few weeks. On 22nd March, Mars and Uranus connect in this 8th house. Someone close to you may be reckless with their money, which could cause problems for you in the future. This is a very potent aspect that could spark a secret love affair, an unexpected meeting or an event that has dramatic effects on your children.
Saturn and Mercury both moving retrograde make constructive sextiles to Pluto on 7th March. Pluto is in you 5th house of affairs of the heart and individual creativity and children and information you find out from someone in your local area now could initiate changes at the end of the month in your love life, affect your children in some way or could either restrict your freedom or give you a chance to express the creative side of your character. Mercury remains retrograde until 17th March allowing you to assess the suitability of a partnership. There may be misunderstandings with your spouse or in one to one meetings now that you will have to guard against.
We have an important full Moon in Libra arriving in your 2nd house of personal finance, possessions and self worth occurring on 27th March. This full Moon is exactly opposite to Uranus, Venus and Mars as well as the Sun; it is widely square to Pluto and trine to Jupiter. There could well be financial implications occurring now that you did not expect, maybe you will find out that you owe much more than you though was the case, or in a best-case scenario you may benefit from the unexpected generosity of your father or though other people who want to assist you.
Other Ascendant Sign Forecasts
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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