I've just been asked to put up a chart for the earthquake, so here it is. As I pointed out before, Uranus is in the last minutes of Pisces, so the planet of surprises leaves the sign of the deepest oceans on a tidal wave.
The imagery could not be clearer.
I haven't decided which is the better chart - of the many - for Japan, as requested; that requires a bit more work. But I have put transits from the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 around the edge of the chart in green. It's backwards transiting if you like, but quite effective. Take a look at the surprise planets which are at work.
Today's Venus 3 degrees from Boxing Day's Neptune in Aquarius.
Enough already – see what else you can see for yourself. Suffice to say the charts are very intertwined.
But I would like to point out some things that interest me about the earthquake chart.
First of all, look at Saturn the planet of stability, exalted there, right in the very middle of Libra, the sign of balance. He's at the point of two 135° angles – one from Neptune (the sea god himself) which is conjunct Ceres (the earth goddess herself) and the other from the Moon, which as we know rules the tides but also acts as a trigger to set off planetary energies.
Mars, the planet of violence is in Pisces, the sign of the ocean, and also at an aggressive quincunx to Saturn. He's also in mutual reception with Jupiter, the planet that makes everything bigger, because Jupiter is in Mars' home sign Aries and Mars is in Jupiter's sign Pisces. This means they strengthen each other. And when Jupiter and Mars back each other up, you're likely to get major action.
So Saturn, in the very centre of the sign of the scales, is knocked off balance - interesting.
The chart ruler, because of the Leo ascendant, is the Sun in Pisces, of course.
One last thing before I have my supper. The MC is in Taurus and Venus is in the humanitarian sign of Pisces. I think we may well see many people at their best in the disaster - helpful, practical, fair.
The imagery could not be clearer.

Today's Venus 3 degrees from Boxing Day's Neptune in Aquarius.
Today's Saturn 1 degree from Boxing Day's Jupiter in Libra.
Today's Chiron 1 degree from Boxing Day's Uranus in Pisces.
Today's Pluto 3 degrees from Boxing Day's Sun in Capricorn.
Boxing Day's Ceres just 2 degrees from today's IC and 2 degrees off sextile to today's Pluto.
But I would like to point out some things that interest me about the earthquake chart.
First of all, look at Saturn the planet of stability, exalted there, right in the very middle of Libra, the sign of balance. He's at the point of two 135° angles – one from Neptune (the sea god himself) which is conjunct Ceres (the earth goddess herself) and the other from the Moon, which as we know rules the tides but also acts as a trigger to set off planetary energies.
Mars, the planet of violence is in Pisces, the sign of the ocean, and also at an aggressive quincunx to Saturn. He's also in mutual reception with Jupiter, the planet that makes everything bigger, because Jupiter is in Mars' home sign Aries and Mars is in Jupiter's sign Pisces. This means they strengthen each other. And when Jupiter and Mars back each other up, you're likely to get major action.
So Saturn, in the very centre of the sign of the scales, is knocked off balance - interesting.
The chart ruler, because of the Leo ascendant, is the Sun in Pisces, of course.
One last thing before I have my supper. The MC is in Taurus and Venus is in the humanitarian sign of Pisces. I think we may well see many people at their best in the disaster - helpful, practical, fair.