Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beranda » , , » Lovely Elizabeth Taylor

Lovely Elizabeth Taylor

Liz Taylor had glamour. Right up to the end she sparkled with magical, movie star enchantment.

Neptune sprinkled her with stardust, but cursed her as well – with boozers, with losers, with no boundaries. She was such a Pisces.

Look at those famous violet eyes.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions from her film-star chart with Neptune, Hollywood's planet, right at the top and directly opposite her Pisces Sun. You'll find that screen legends almost invariably have a prominent Neptune.

Here are a few things to look at.

Jupiter, the chart's ruler is in the 8th house of sexy money. She also has her Moon in sexy Scorpio, so intense. In her prime, Taylor had an intensely erotic screen presence. She was naturally voluptuous but her allure was more than that. She had the glamour.

She must have been tigress with Venus in the she-warrior sign of Aries squaring Pluto in the 8th in Cancer. Pluto is in its own house there, so strong. Pluto rules sex – and death. Cancer rules breasts - and boy did she have 'em. In Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? she shows off this tiger side and proves what a great actress she was. It's a real shame she didn't make more movies.

Venus in impulsive Aries is also exactly conjunct the planet of divorce, Uranus. Getting married all those times is, well, optimistic. Getting divorced all those times is, well, sad. And there's more than a hint of melancholy about Taylor; again this is such a Piscean quality. That's part of what made her a star.

She has Sun, Mercury, Mars and the North Node in the fishes opposing Pisces' ruler Neptune, which makes her very Piscean indeed. Depending on which house system you use, she may also have Moon in the 12th, Pisces house.

One of the defining features of the sign is a lack of boundaries. Pisces' eyes are oceans, Pisces imagination is the starry sky. But those with much fishes can also forget to keep the bad stuff out - the booze, the hangers-on, the nightmares, the weirdos, the scroungers may all crowd in. Elizabeth Taylor had her share of that.

I recently wrote a post about Rupert Murdoch, an example of a Pisces whose boundaries are global.

Pisces' capacity for survival is legendary - and Taylor was that. She was plagued by ill health and romantic misadventure, but she went on, outliving most of her contemporaries. And like Monroe, she will also survive as a legend – a glittering mythical old style star shining in the public imagination.

So beautiful.

P.S . When she died, her progressed ascendant had reached the North Node and progressed Moon was at the South Node.  Transiting Jupiter had just crossed into the 4th house of endings.