Saturday, December 15, 2012



We mourned another horrific event with the murderous rampage at Newtown. I received many emails and calls asking what the astrology looked like. The event chart told it all and like the horrid shootings in schools before this did little more than to sicken me. I tried to sit with the chart and start to interpret it for you guys and I have to say I literally couldn't breathe, I began sucking air, it's so dark, it's more than my spirit can handle, it's too dark. Instead of focusing energy on the specifics of this man or what came together specifically in the stars to trigger it I would just like to say this: 

We as a race are moving through Uranus square Pluto from June 2012-March 2015. These planetary energies separately are always conspicuous in evil events and in the years of this square between them will unfortunately bring dark forces to our attention. It will also be marked by exceptional rebirthing and evolving as we each go through upheavals and changes. It is not an easy transit by any means, Uranus rules sudden and shocking events, shake-ups and changes, it brings awakening, surprise, excitement, or revolution. Pluto rules death and transformation, it razes things to the ground and allows rebirthing from the ashes. In square they are changing the landscape of our lives through challenges and tests and most of us know what this is meaning in our own lives by this point since we have moved through 2 of the 7 exact squares so far. 

Pluto introduces power, control, triangles, financial matters, sex, death, divorce, and manipulations into the mix, in Capricorn it makes it public, involves government, leaders, banking, fame, notoriety, status, or goals. Uranus introduces change, shock, revolution, perversion, genius, freedom, independence, shake-ups, surprise, or excitement, in Aries is makes it about the individual, anger, war, blood, cutting, guns, passion, actions, courage, will, or ego. 

The majority of souls here are harnessing this to learn the greatest lessons of spirit in this lifetime, right here and now, we are growing, learning about our own character as we face these losses or changes and reinvent ourselves. There will, it seems, always be disturbed individuals that will be triggered by this intense combination, as well as downright evil individuals who will gleefully plot upon the wave of this energy to bring chaos and destruction.   

Friday brought focus on both Uranus and Pluto, there were 2 main planetary configurations; Uranus was with Mercury and Pluto was with the Moon. Uranus had just turned Direct after a long slumber since mid-July and the New Moon in Sagittarius gave energy behind new actions tied to something big, involving education, law, media, and beliefs. The pressure cooker was set for anyone unstable with dark ideas to move on them just as it was set to inspire and help all of the great souls here to move ahead with something positive in the face of hard times and change. 

As with the 60's that brought the last Uranus/Pluto square, we had the inspiring music, love and freedom movement introducing change right alongside Vietnam, the Manson Family and some of our darker days. The times they were a changing because these two planets ARE the change agents, in frictional angle to each other that change is amping up, and here we go again. I wanted to show that there is HOPE during this period and we must all stay strong and reach out to each other when it is at it's worst.  I pray for the families and friends of Newtown and the fallen there, no words can suffice when it comes to this kind of horrific tragedy. Please keep them in your prayers in the weeks and months ahead.  Having lost 2 of my family members in the last few months I know how devastating death is and I have no comprehension of how you would live through the aftermath of this kind of brutal attack or senseless loss.


Career, goals, reputation, authority figures, these are your focus on Saturday and there is real positive energy around any big changes you can make or deal with involving finances, power, control, third party situations, or if your goals are of a more personal nature, then look to your sex life or divorce needs. Venus moves into Sagittarius and your new LOVE CYCLE kicks off bringing matters of the heart into focus through travel, with people at a distance, foreigners, through legal interests, media, publishing, marketing, higher education, politics, weddings, or religion. Look here to find or express love. These realms will also color your personal income a great deal in the weeks ahead. Sunday is social, turn to friends, groups, parties, the internet, astrology, or charities. It's good for meeting, writing, talking, or getting active locally. Your sales or agreements should go well however financial needs, sex or divorce is under challenging energy today. Something needs to be dealt with around retreat or isolation, hospitals or addictions, research or investigations, clandestine affairs, the arts, or spiritual interests, meditate on it. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is about the action you take on legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans and the opportunity in all of this for love or money via a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key person. This looks good, get moving. Venus moves into Sagittarius and kicks off your new LOVE CYCLE. This is going to amp up your sex life or get you on more intimate footing with a lover, help you focus on divorce if it stands in the way of love and get any major financial interests smoothed out such as loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, settlements, investments, commissions, or a partner's money. Your personal income should be colored by these topics as well. Sunday will give your career some attention or get you focused on goals, ambitions, reputation, or authority figures. You can make some big money today here or put things in motion that lead you that direction. You will have some limits with the partner, representative, client, or competitor to contend with. You also need to look at the cloudy energy around an aspiration, friend, group, internet matter, astrology, or charity today and see what you need to address involving your divorce, sex life or financial picture. Listen to your gut. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is about the big money, your sex life or the divorce Gemini. YOu will find that you have lots of passion and drive here and that some opportunity at work, with co-workers, employees, paperwork, health interests, or pets will stir this in positive ways for love or money. Venus enters Sagittarius and kicks off a new LOVE CYCLE for you. This is going to focus in on relationship, commitments, balance, equitable situations, and justice with partners, marriage, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or any other key relationship in the weeks ahead. Sunday will turn your attention to travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, legal matters, education, or weddings with some very big interests here tied directly to your personal growth, happiness or prosperity, all good. You will have to deal with some limits or responsibilities on the work front, with paperwork, health, or pets though. There is a need to look at any illusion or confusion around career, status, reputation, fame, goals, ambitions, or authority figures today and how your key relationships factor into this via love or income. Tune into your inner voice. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday will be about the action or passion you have for or with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key relationship. You have opportunity here in your love life, with the kids or on creative projects that should bode quite well for your heart and your pocket book, say yes. Venus moves into Sagittarius to kick off your new LOVE CYCLE and this is going to focus on work, details, paperwork, organization, being of service, health, and pets in the weeks ahead. Single? Get into these arenas to find love, in a relationship already? These topics should bond you. These are also the areas that will benefit your income. Sunday is about sex, the finances or divorce. You will have some big influence in this tied to what you do behind the scenes, in research, development, secret, with hospitals, addictions, investigations, or tied to film, music, art, spiritual interests, or clandestine affairs. Set some limits or take more responsibilities around love, kids or creative projects. There is a need to look at anything that is foggy or confusing around a trip, person at a distance, legal matter, media or marketing deal, publishing deal, educational interest, or wedding plan. How can your love or income needs work here and what work, health or pet need should you address first? Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday brings tons of energy at work, with paperwork, organizing, health, and animals. The energy is great for getting things done and bringing your passions to bear, look for ways to make this work at home, with moves, real estate interests, family, or roommates, the love or income here is in opportune aspect! Venus moves into Sagittarius kicking off your new LOVE CYCLE. This is going to be one of those memorable transits as Venus takes up residence in your house of true love, creative endeavors, recreational activities, and children. Focus here to attract love, express love, receive love, and enhance income in the weeks ahead. Sunday puts focus on key relationships so look to romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other important people and expect some big energy around aspirations, social events, friendships, group activities, charities, or astrology. This looks good. You will have to set some limits or get more ambitious about a talk, agreement, proposal, sale, writing project, short trip, sibling, vehicle, neighbor, or electronic need. Look at what seems foggy or confusing in your sex life, reproductive life, with divorce, or some major financial agenda. You have to see if your love life, kids or creative process needs something different here or if something is ebbing away at what you want. Give it some thought. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday will give you lots of passion and motivation around your love life, with kids or for creative projects. There will be lovely opportunities in this for talks, proposals, offers, sales, agreements, short trips, local activities, or something involving siblings or neighbors that should boost love or enhance income. Venus moves into Sagittarius and kicks off your new LOVE CYCLE. This is going to amp love up at home or help you find love or express love more through home activities, moves, roommates, family, real estate interests, property matters, or renovations. The weeks ahead should bring some growth here or bring more happiness or prosperity. Sunday will turn focus to work, paperwork, health, or animals. There is protective energy around this that should help you reach goals or connect with authority figures but you will have to deal with at least one sobering communication. There is also something going on that is foggy or confusing today involving a partner, attorney, agent, specialist, client, opponent, or other key person and it has a direct affect on home, real estate, family, roommates, or security needs. Pay attention and look a bit closer. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is great for home projects or gatherings, renovations, moves, real estate deals or property interests, family, roommates, and your security needs. There is lots of passion and motivation here and Venus is opening up some income opportunity or a way to express love based on all of this. Venus will move into Sagittarius tonight to kick off a new LOVE CYCLE that will bring love into your life or help you express your love with current relationships through local activities, short trips, writing, proposals, meetings, talks, sales, through introductions from siblings, neighbors, while you are dealing with vehicles or electronics, or as your thinking shifts opening up more opportunities. The weeks ahead should bring lots of communications around this topic and all of these outlets will be where your personal income revolves as well. Sunday turns to lovers, kids or creative projects. Luck is here in connection to travel plans or visitors, legal interests, weddings, higher education, media, marketing, or publishing. You will have to deal with some income issue at some point. There is also a need to look at something foggy or confusing around your work, paperwork, co-workers or employees, health, or pets today. Some communication affecting your love or income here is going to push buttons a bit, can you get more clarity? Is there a boundary issue you can address? Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is very communicative Scorpio. Lots of messages and meetings coming through, ideas abounding, writing, agreements, sales, and local activities taking up space in the most passionate and motivating ways. There is an opportunity for you in all of this today and it will bring love or money your way, stay the course. Venus moves into Sagittarius tonight kicking off your new LOVE CYCLE. This is going to open up around your growing sense of value and attract love from those that truly value you as you deserve to be valued (keep the bar high), and it will also begin to open up love for you while you are earning money or in pursuit of income. This period will help you attract income as well. Sunday attention turns to home, real estate, family, roommates, moves, or security needs. Lucky talks or news with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key people should improve upon what is going on here however Saturn in your sign is going to point out any personal or physical limits you have today so take it easy on YOU. There is a need to look at something foggy or confusing around creative projects, a lover or a child today and address how the money flow is affecting this situation. Tune in, it's right in front of you. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday will focus in on earnings, possessions and what you value. There is great motivation and passion around this that should help you make things happen and there is opportunity coming your way via film, music, art, spiritual interests, clandestine romance, research, development, institutions, dealing with addictions, strategies, or investigations that will tie in with the money in a positive way. Venus moves into your sign tonight and kicks off your new LOVE CYCLE. This is wonderful for you in the weeks ahead as Venus will bring more charm and chemistry around you drawing love to you and helping you to express it more easily. It's a great time to show some love to yourself with make-overs, wardrobe, brand enhancement, or something you do for your body. If you are single you pretty much just need to get out there and smile. Sunday will turn attention to meetings and talks, writing and agreements, sales and local activities, and this is aligning in big ways with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key people, it's lucky! You will have to deal with some limit or responsibility behind the scenes. There is something foggy or confusing going on at home, with family, roommates, moves, or real estate deals today so take the time to key into how you feel about the love or money and your own needs being fulfilled here. You need more clarity. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is keying in on you, your body, brand, image, or identity and giving you lots of drive and passion to go out there and make things happen or express yourself in some strong way. There is opportunity today with aspirations, friends, groups, events, the internet, astrology, or charities so look for the love or money here. Venus moves into Sagittarius tonight kicking off her new LOVE CYCLE. This is going to take love behind closed doors so you may be starting an affair that needs privacy or just holing up for some one on one time with someone away from the maddening crowds. Film, music, the arts, nature, magic, spiritual interests, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, investigations, fantasy, and clandestine interludes will all be things you can attach to love during the weeks ahead. If single this is where you look for love, if in relationship this is how it will flow. You may make a Karmic connection during this period, re-meeting a past life love. Sunday turns attention to income and the lucky or expansive energy around your work, paperwork, health, or pets, this looks good. You will need to set limits or deal with responsibilities involving aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charities today as income is dealt with. There is also some meeting, talk, news, sale, writing, agreement, neighbor, brother, sister, local activity, vehicle, electronic, or short trip that is under cloudy, confusing energy today. This is in some way pointing to what is going on behind closed doors and how love or income is manifesting around you. Take the time to key into this, you need more clarity before making decisions. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is your day to draw back the shades and have some quiet time or to delve into a film, music or art project, get into spiritual interests or express your passions with a clandestine romance, to research, develop or strategize, deal with hospitals or addictions, or just dream and get inspired. There is plenty of energy for what you want to do in any of these behind the scenes activities and an opportunity to reach goals involving love or income here. Venus moves into Sagittarius tonight kicking off her new LOVE CYCLE. This means the weeks ahead will bring love for singles or help those of you in relationship to express love through parties, events, group activities, friends, social networking, the internet, astrology, or charities. It's a fun time that should make love a lovely expression. Look to enhance income through these same arenas. Sunday will turn focus to you and your needs, your body, image, identity, or brand. There is luck in all of this when it comes to recreational activities, creative projects, your love life, or kids. YOu will need to deal with a limit or responsibility involving career, reputation, dad, the boss or an authority figure, or a big goal. It is important that you look at whatever is foggy or confusing right now around income and try for some clarity around your aspirations or with that friend, group, internet interest, astrology, or charity. Listen to that inner voice. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.

Saturday is social or all about your aspirations. There is going to be plenty of action and motivating forces around going for the dream, getting together or doing something involving a friend, group, with the internet, astrology, or charities. There is an opportunity in all of this tied to legal matters, travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, politics, or religion. Look for the love or income through all of this activity. Venus moves into Sagittarius tonight kicking off your new LOVE CYCLE. This is going to bring love to you or help you express love through career activities, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or authority figures. It may bring an older lover or someone who is established during this period or you may set a big goal with a lover or meet love while pursuing ambitions. Income will also be colored by energy spent in these areas over the weeks ahead. Sunday will give you some time to pull back, rest, recharge your batteries, or get into some artistic interest, spiritual pursuit, clandestine romance, deal with hospitals, addictions, research, or investigations. Focus on home or real estate in this for lucky results but you will need to deal with some limit or responsibility involving legal, travel, media, marketing, educational, wedding, political, or religious matters. Something is going on with you today involving Neptune in your sign and it will go better for you if you stop and pay attention to this feeling. It may be an uneasy feeling or some confusion or disillusion or you may be facing some self-sabotaging tendency, addiction or deception around you. How is this affecting your goals, career, status, or reputation? Listen to your inner voice, you can get a handle on this if you focus on your true talents and leave the rest in the past. Get deeper into your own personal chart with a private reading from Zoe, inquire here: or 818-613-6067.