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Imagine if you suddenly found yourself reading Don Draper's (from TV's Mad Men) chart. |
Now, I am always grateful to anyone willing to divulge their birth data, so I drew up the chart and glanced at it, thinking I'd just be able to add it to my careers database, since I'm always curious to see how a person's chart fits with their job.
I paused when the chart came up, because I couldn't help noticing immediately that the Uranus-Pluto square was hitting it with force at that very moment – and I had a feeling this was bad rather than marvellously transformational and evolutionary.
"What can you see?" asked the suit.
I looked over at him and it was as if a veil lifted: suddenly I could see beyond the uniform. There was a human being in all his vulnerability and nobility. I saw that the guy really wanted to know what I could see, and I felt the same odd sensation that I have sometimes in a consultation when I know we've hit the crux of a matter.
In the blink of an eye, we had been transformed from casual acquaintances into astrologer and client (although that's not a word I'm entirely comfortable with). I had a responsibility to him, which I had not had moments earlier.
I hedged, unwilling to say anything too negative because that's not usually constructive. "We-e-ell, some major changes happening there with the old relationship...hey, do you have a lot of children?
A story of horrible marriage breakdown stuttered out. What had happened to this man was beyond nasty. Pluto had been wielding his wrecking ball, Uranus providing the shocks. But I could see his relief as he shared his burden and I read the chart for him.
My duty was to listen until he had said everything he needed to say, and to offer succinct, understandable insight. This was a doer not a dreamer; what he needed was a schedule, which is, of course, one of the key things astrology provides. I could see the bottom of the situation, and that there was a future beyond it.
Astrology also gave him confirmation. Although it's not a phrase that he would have felt comfortable with, he could see that indeed he was the plaything of the gods. He saw that he had to stop clinging to the shore as it was washed away, and flow with time's river.
He got in touch with me a few months later. That short, sharp reading had given him the courage to make the major changes that were necessary. His life would have been transformed anyway – Pluto was involved remember – but with just a nudge from astrology, he was able to become part of the change instead of a victim.