Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Beranda » , , , , » RIP Dave Brubeck

RIP Dave Brubeck

With his customary impeccable timing (Saturn in Virgo), jazzman Dave Brubeckwas died yesterday, just two days short of his 92nd birthday. But today is his actual Solar Return, the moment in the year the Sun returns to the place it was when you were born.

The planets of ending and transformation have come to take hime home. Saturn, in his guise as grim reaper, is conjuncting Brubeck's Moon-North Node in Scorpio right now, and Pluto, the god of the Underworld, is opposite his natal position at 8° Cancer. That's a "half-return". Both those aspects are to the exact degree. Perfect.

Jupiter is just a few degrees from opposing his Sun, ready to sweep him into the great unknown. The music, of course, is immortal.