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Rene Magritte: Rider in the Woods |
She was moaning so much the other day that someone whose ear she'd been bending told her to go away and write herself a fantasy email from her future, successful self – and think about it.
Q sent me the resulting email too and it made me laugh with delight. She had laid out in detail how she'd achieved (her brilliant) potential in her career, and resolved her rackety love life with a clever metaphorical twist worthy of a film script.
So why am I telling you this?
Because it's a perfect action to take with the current planetary set up. Jupiter, the planet which helps see the helicopter view, dominates this Sagittarian time of year. And currently Jupiter is in Gemini, the sign of writing and detail.
In my last post on this, I listed some of the authors who have Jupiter in Gemini, including Dickens and JK Rowling. You can see immediately how these two created special worlds right down to the smallest element. Oh and their books are really big (Jupiter). But think about this: Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey also have the signature. Again these women both have had very big visions of what they can achieve. Both have built communications empires. They've influenced the detail of people's lives. Oprah's advocacy of reading proper literature is a perfect expression of the benevolence of Jupiter in Gemini.
Right now, there's a really interesting Yod, or finger of God configuration, pointing right at that Jupiter. Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio are sextile to each other. That is a lively conversational sort of contact, and they are in mutual reception in each other's signs. The planets of death, endings and transformation are working as a happy team. Hard to visualise, I know, but you can imagine a bit of sardonic humour there, especially when Mercury slides right into the picture in a few days time, snapping the whole Yod into action as he opposes Jupiter. Tomorrow he goes into Sagittarius.
Jupiter's energy is forward looking. It is about strategy and vision. Pluto in Capricorn is about practical transformation. This is a sign that means business. And Saturn in Scorpio certainly signifies the death of something, possibly certain psychological tropes. Pluto and Saturn are both in quincunx to Jupiter, an angle that is irritating and implies change. Does your strategy or your vision need to shift?
This is all adds up to a moment to throw out old habits and realise once and for all that they won't fit in with the shiny new future you can see for yourself. As with any Pluto/Saturn moment, there is the potential for deep and wonderful evolution, or for destruction. On a personal level, the choice could be yours. On a geopolitical level, this could go either way. You could interpret this as a moment for slash and burn, but that is to make way for a practical and exciting new vision of future.
With the help of that communicative, clever Jupiter, and Mercury in mutual reception with him, it might be an idea for you to write yourself an email from your future (happy and successful) self, and see just how that exercise helps you make a practical plan.
Don't expect overnight miracles. But my friend Q actually feels much less cross and really rather hopeful today.