How’s that Mars in Scorpio energy treating you? Feeling amorous, angry, Machiavellian, ruthless? How about deeply evolved and active? Well, as you get acquainted with this new powerful placement and head into the weekend, know that Mars will be making his first contact from Pluto’s domain late Saturday night or Sunday. It speaks a great deal about the theme of this transit that first contact is with Neptune, the Lord of Dreams, spiritual journeys, artistic talents and pursuits, Karmic love affairs that tend to begin in secret or are kept private for a while, dealings with institutions, hidden enemies, addictions, or investigations, and anything you have in development. This is a POSTIVE aspect so look for ways this weekend to act on changes you would like to see happen that tie in these themes with a big financial picture, divorce, sexual attraction or need, reproductive matter, life and death scenario, and the passion, anger or motivating force you wish to contend with to move things forward.
This combination bodes well for major fantasy that can be applied to any or all of the above. Saturday the Moon in Sagittarius brings needs for adventure, travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters into the mix. Talks or agreements are big here involving other people and there’s a bit of luck in the mix. Be ready to make some concessions or adjustments involving a woman and the home or where you hang your hat, family or roommates, real estate deals or moves. Anything you do today to open up communications, journey short distances, get local energy moving, should flow nicely.
Sunday the Mars/Neptune aspect will be in full force, amping up the imagination, stirring fantasies, bringing film, music and other art forms into powerful alignment with outside financial interests, third party situations, sexual chemistry, or divorce needs, sparring spiritual growth at deep levels, bringing something intense at a retreat, hospital or other institution, sparking a clandestine affair, or on the more challenging side allowing one’s self to fall into addictions or addictive behaviors with ease. The Moon in Capricorn is all about opening doors on the career front, around notoriety or fame, with reputation, ambitions, goals, authority figures, power people, the boss, or dad, and helping you in connection to the above mentioned areas of Mars and Neptune!
Want more detail about the upcoming shift with the Node of Destiny and the Karmic Node? If you want a jump on how this change will affect you over the next year and a half you can listen to what I covered for each sign on this last show: Or get a free download of it over on itunes:
For daily updates:
To get her tweets, sweet!
Saturday will help you tackle any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs with some lucky talks or offers coming in from other people. You will need to make some adjustments at home or with family, a roommate, move, real estate deal, or mom. Good energy comes through love, kids or creativity tonight. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring the entire weekend is going to amp things up for you around some financial matter such as a loan, debt, inheritance, settlement, investment, tax situation, insurance policy, alimony or child support payment, commission, royalty, or partners money. It may also amp things up around your sex life or divorce needs. In all of this there is an opportunity to strategize, hole up behind closed doors, open up your imagination, deal positively with institutions, spark your artistic or spiritual side, research, investigate, or get things into development. Sunday brings added opportunities with the boss, any authority figures, dad, career, ambitions, goals, or fame. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday puts the focus on some big financial matter, your sex life or the divorce. You should be able to make some headway with someone over your own personal income or a spending issue to positive affect but you will need to give a little with a woman over the love or money today. Expect home to be your happy place in all of this or that you can get what you want in real estate, moves, with renovations, remodels, roommates, family, or mom. The Mars/Neptune configuration that is coloring the entire weekend is helping you to move ahead with something involving a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, advocate, or competitor. This will align beautifully to your aspirations, any friendships or group affiliations, astrology or charities, social networking, or some social event. Let your passions lead you forward and use your imagination. Sunday’s Capricorn Moon is going to add some opportunities for you in all of this involving travel plans or people far away, any media, marketing or publishing interests, an educational matter, wedding, or on the legal end of things so bring it on. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will help you connect with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competitors in some lucky ways. Talks about income or spending with these people will require some concession or adjustment on your part. However by tonight all communications, meetings, decisions, agreements, and short trips look positive for you in your connection with them. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring this entire weekend is going to be bringing action to your work, a job offer, through a co-worker or employee, with your services, on the health front, or with pets. This is aligning beautifully to your career goals, the direction in your life, your reputation, fame, ambitions, and dealings with authority figures, the boss or dad. Bring your passion to these areas, motivate and let your imagination take you to higher levels. Sunday there is an added energy that will bring some opportunity through your sex life, a divorce proceeding or with a big financial interest so put in the efforts. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday should focus you in on the work at hand, organization, details, being of service, your job, better health, and your pets. There is some luck with someone else in all of this through what goes on behind the scenes today. You need to make a bit of a personal or physical adjustment by showing yourself some love or spending a bit of money on yourself to these ends. Talks or offers tonight associated with the work, health or pets brings money flow for you so say yes. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring this entire weekend is going to be sparking you up over creative projects, with your lover or in the pursuit of love, or with children. This is a positive aspect that is driving you forward and bringing some imaginative energy for you here around travel or with people far away, through legal interests, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, weddings, or higher education. Express your passions and get inspired. Sunday adds some opportunity to all of this through a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, advocate, or the competition, connect and move ahead. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday puts focus on the kids, your love life and any creative projects with some luck coming through a friend, group, on the internet, through astrology, or tied to a charity. Something going on behind the scenes or involving a hospital, retreat, film, music project, art interest, clandestine affair, addiction, or research need will require a bit of adjustment. By tonight your talks and meetings, offers and sales, writing and agreements, should go well with the lover, in pursuit of love, with kids, or on the creative path. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring this entire weekend is going to be gearing you up at home, with a move, real estate deal, family, mom, or roommate and helping you to bring some imagination or inspiration through in the big financial picture, with your sex life or over divorce issues. You should come up with some interesting ways forward. Sunday adds some extra luck to all of this through your work efforts, job, people you hire to help out, co-workers, or services. It can also bring some benefits to health or pet needs in the mix. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on home needs, family matters, roommates, moves, or real estate deals. There is some luck for you in this through another person regarding your goals or ambitions or in dealing with career matters or authority figures. You will need to make some adjustments in all of this around a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity but by tonight you will find that your retreat at home or over property and family matters, the research, any talks or agreements going on behind closed doors, dealings with institutions, or what you do artistically, spiritually or in your clandestine romance will go well. The Mars/Neptune energy flooding this entire weekend is all about you taking action locally or on a short trip, with an agreement or something you write, in a talk or meeting, through a sale, sibling, or neighbor, or with a vehicle or electronic need. This is going to involve a partner in romance or business, an agent or attorney, a client or advocate, specialist or competitor, opponent or other significant person and spark your imagination. Bring your passion into the mix. Sunday brings an added opportunity in all of this tied to your creative projects, love life or children so open up here. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on local errands or activities, short trips, writing, looking at agreements, more talks or meetings, any sales, or dealings with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. There is some luck in all of this through another person and the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding needs. You need to make an adjustment with a woman over career matters or involving an authority figure. By tonight your talks and meetings will involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and go very well. The Mars/Neptune energy coloring the entire weekend is going to gear you up to make money or go after money making opportunities. This is aligning with your imagination and the work you do, your paperwork, interviews or auditions, organizational skills, details, health interests, and pets and brings positive outlets for what you pursue. Bring your passion. Sunday brings an added opportunity to the mix through home, moves, real estate deals, property needs, roommates, family, or mom so open up. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday is all about making money, aligning with what you value, spending on what you value, building something, and experiencing some pleasure. There is some luck in all of this through another person and what they bring in outside finances, sexual chemistry, power, third party matters, or divorce. You will need to make an adjustment around a woman and the travel, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, legal, wedding, or educational matter. By tonight the personal money flow energy aligns with those in power positions, authority figures, the boss, dad, fame, reputation, ambitions, goals, and career. It’s about talks, offers, sales, writing, agreements, and decisions. The Mars/Neptune energy coloring this entire weekend is all about amping things up for you personally so look for ways to put yourself out there personally, physically, get active with your image, brand, identity, or body, and tie this in with imagination and fantasy in your creative projects, with your love life or with the kids. Bring your passion. Sunday kicks in an added opportunity in all of this through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, short trips, local activities, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, sales, or ideas, say yes. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus your attention on your body or personal needs, your image or identity, or your brand. It’s important to take care of you or put yourself out there in some way. There is luck in this through a partner, representative or other significant person. You will need to make an adjustment around your sex life, a divorce, a life or death scenario, or a big financial matter. By tonight the energy aligns beautifully for any interests you have involving travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, or legal matters. The Mars/Neptune energy coloring this entire weekend is about gearing you up behind the scenes, on some film, music or art project, a spiritual retreat, research project, in a clandestine affair, with an institution, or in some developmental interest and this is going to help you bring things together at home, with any decorating or renovations, moves, real estate deals, family matters, roommates, or mom. Let your imagination fly. Sunday adds some opportunity to the mix in these areas through making money so find ways to earn the green. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on what you can accomplish on your own or behind the scenes. This is good for retreat and rest if you need it or for research, development, artistic or spiritual pursuits, dealing with institutions, or time with a romantic interest. It seems that there is luck with someone over work, health or pet needs but the need to work around the partner, representative, client, or competitor. By tonight what you are doing in all of this opens up your sex life, needs in a divorce or some big financial matter to your liking. The Mars/Neptune energy that is coloring this entire weekend is going to charge you up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and help you to bring imagination into the mix in talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, or short trips, all good. Sunday this continuing theme gets an added boost of opportunity from the universe that aligns directly with you so put yourself out there, take care of your image, brand, body, and chase goals or what feels adventurous with your friends, groups or online, the doors are open. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and help you connect with someone over love, a creative project or the kids in lucky ways. You will need to make an adjustment with a woman over work, services, health, or pets. By tonight there is a wonderful alignment for the talks or meetings you have with partners, agents, clients, attorneys, or other significant people, again the social factor plays into this scenario. The Mars/Neptune combo that colors this entire weekend will gear you up big time over ambition, goals or the career, helping you to make things happen. This is a direct line to making money so let your passions fly. You may also be motivating over all this with the boss, dad or an authority figure to make things happen. Sunday there is an added energy to all of this action that brings opportunity for you behind the scenes or in strategies or development, with film, music or art, spiritual interests, a clandestine romance, hospital, retreat, or other institution, or investigation. Keep your imagination in the mix. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on the career, boss, goals, ambitions, fame, dad, or authority figures. There is something lucky here through another person over the home, family, real estate, or involving a move, roommate, or mom. You will need to make some kind of adjustment today with your children, lover or creative project. By tonight there is great energy for the talks, meetings, writing, paperwork, short trips, local activities, or sales tied to your work or organizing, health, services, or pets, and that big goal or career matter, authority figure or ambition. The Mars/Neptune energy that is coloring this entire weekend is going to gear you up to take a trip, deal with educational interests, get into marketing, publishing, media, weddings, or some legal matter. This is aligned beautifully to your own personal talents and spiritual growth, your intuition and any needs you may have on a physical level so listen to your heart and go for it. There is added energy on Sunday bringing some opportunity through a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity so open up. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
This combination bodes well for major fantasy that can be applied to any or all of the above. Saturday the Moon in Sagittarius brings needs for adventure, travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters into the mix. Talks or agreements are big here involving other people and there’s a bit of luck in the mix. Be ready to make some concessions or adjustments involving a woman and the home or where you hang your hat, family or roommates, real estate deals or moves. Anything you do today to open up communications, journey short distances, get local energy moving, should flow nicely.
Sunday the Mars/Neptune aspect will be in full force, amping up the imagination, stirring fantasies, bringing film, music and other art forms into powerful alignment with outside financial interests, third party situations, sexual chemistry, or divorce needs, sparring spiritual growth at deep levels, bringing something intense at a retreat, hospital or other institution, sparking a clandestine affair, or on the more challenging side allowing one’s self to fall into addictions or addictive behaviors with ease. The Moon in Capricorn is all about opening doors on the career front, around notoriety or fame, with reputation, ambitions, goals, authority figures, power people, the boss, or dad, and helping you in connection to the above mentioned areas of Mars and Neptune!
Want more detail about the upcoming shift with the Node of Destiny and the Karmic Node? If you want a jump on how this change will affect you over the next year and a half you can listen to what I covered for each sign on this last show: Or get a free download of it over on itunes:
For daily updates:
To get her tweets, sweet!
Saturday will help you tackle any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs with some lucky talks or offers coming in from other people. You will need to make some adjustments at home or with family, a roommate, move, real estate deal, or mom. Good energy comes through love, kids or creativity tonight. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring the entire weekend is going to amp things up for you around some financial matter such as a loan, debt, inheritance, settlement, investment, tax situation, insurance policy, alimony or child support payment, commission, royalty, or partners money. It may also amp things up around your sex life or divorce needs. In all of this there is an opportunity to strategize, hole up behind closed doors, open up your imagination, deal positively with institutions, spark your artistic or spiritual side, research, investigate, or get things into development. Sunday brings added opportunities with the boss, any authority figures, dad, career, ambitions, goals, or fame. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday puts the focus on some big financial matter, your sex life or the divorce. You should be able to make some headway with someone over your own personal income or a spending issue to positive affect but you will need to give a little with a woman over the love or money today. Expect home to be your happy place in all of this or that you can get what you want in real estate, moves, with renovations, remodels, roommates, family, or mom. The Mars/Neptune configuration that is coloring the entire weekend is helping you to move ahead with something involving a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, advocate, or competitor. This will align beautifully to your aspirations, any friendships or group affiliations, astrology or charities, social networking, or some social event. Let your passions lead you forward and use your imagination. Sunday’s Capricorn Moon is going to add some opportunities for you in all of this involving travel plans or people far away, any media, marketing or publishing interests, an educational matter, wedding, or on the legal end of things so bring it on. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will help you connect with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competitors in some lucky ways. Talks about income or spending with these people will require some concession or adjustment on your part. However by tonight all communications, meetings, decisions, agreements, and short trips look positive for you in your connection with them. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring this entire weekend is going to be bringing action to your work, a job offer, through a co-worker or employee, with your services, on the health front, or with pets. This is aligning beautifully to your career goals, the direction in your life, your reputation, fame, ambitions, and dealings with authority figures, the boss or dad. Bring your passion to these areas, motivate and let your imagination take you to higher levels. Sunday there is an added energy that will bring some opportunity through your sex life, a divorce proceeding or with a big financial interest so put in the efforts. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday should focus you in on the work at hand, organization, details, being of service, your job, better health, and your pets. There is some luck with someone else in all of this through what goes on behind the scenes today. You need to make a bit of a personal or physical adjustment by showing yourself some love or spending a bit of money on yourself to these ends. Talks or offers tonight associated with the work, health or pets brings money flow for you so say yes. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring this entire weekend is going to be sparking you up over creative projects, with your lover or in the pursuit of love, or with children. This is a positive aspect that is driving you forward and bringing some imaginative energy for you here around travel or with people far away, through legal interests, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, weddings, or higher education. Express your passions and get inspired. Sunday adds some opportunity to all of this through a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, advocate, or the competition, connect and move ahead. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday puts focus on the kids, your love life and any creative projects with some luck coming through a friend, group, on the internet, through astrology, or tied to a charity. Something going on behind the scenes or involving a hospital, retreat, film, music project, art interest, clandestine affair, addiction, or research need will require a bit of adjustment. By tonight your talks and meetings, offers and sales, writing and agreements, should go well with the lover, in pursuit of love, with kids, or on the creative path. The Mars/Neptune aspect coloring this entire weekend is going to be gearing you up at home, with a move, real estate deal, family, mom, or roommate and helping you to bring some imagination or inspiration through in the big financial picture, with your sex life or over divorce issues. You should come up with some interesting ways forward. Sunday adds some extra luck to all of this through your work efforts, job, people you hire to help out, co-workers, or services. It can also bring some benefits to health or pet needs in the mix. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on home needs, family matters, roommates, moves, or real estate deals. There is some luck for you in this through another person regarding your goals or ambitions or in dealing with career matters or authority figures. You will need to make some adjustments in all of this around a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity but by tonight you will find that your retreat at home or over property and family matters, the research, any talks or agreements going on behind closed doors, dealings with institutions, or what you do artistically, spiritually or in your clandestine romance will go well. The Mars/Neptune energy flooding this entire weekend is all about you taking action locally or on a short trip, with an agreement or something you write, in a talk or meeting, through a sale, sibling, or neighbor, or with a vehicle or electronic need. This is going to involve a partner in romance or business, an agent or attorney, a client or advocate, specialist or competitor, opponent or other significant person and spark your imagination. Bring your passion into the mix. Sunday brings an added opportunity in all of this tied to your creative projects, love life or children so open up here. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on local errands or activities, short trips, writing, looking at agreements, more talks or meetings, any sales, or dealings with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. There is some luck in all of this through another person and the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding needs. You need to make an adjustment with a woman over career matters or involving an authority figure. By tonight your talks and meetings will involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and go very well. The Mars/Neptune energy coloring the entire weekend is going to gear you up to make money or go after money making opportunities. This is aligning with your imagination and the work you do, your paperwork, interviews or auditions, organizational skills, details, health interests, and pets and brings positive outlets for what you pursue. Bring your passion. Sunday brings an added opportunity to the mix through home, moves, real estate deals, property needs, roommates, family, or mom so open up. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday is all about making money, aligning with what you value, spending on what you value, building something, and experiencing some pleasure. There is some luck in all of this through another person and what they bring in outside finances, sexual chemistry, power, third party matters, or divorce. You will need to make an adjustment around a woman and the travel, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, legal, wedding, or educational matter. By tonight the personal money flow energy aligns with those in power positions, authority figures, the boss, dad, fame, reputation, ambitions, goals, and career. It’s about talks, offers, sales, writing, agreements, and decisions. The Mars/Neptune energy coloring this entire weekend is all about amping things up for you personally so look for ways to put yourself out there personally, physically, get active with your image, brand, identity, or body, and tie this in with imagination and fantasy in your creative projects, with your love life or with the kids. Bring your passion. Sunday kicks in an added opportunity in all of this through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, short trips, local activities, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, sales, or ideas, say yes. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus your attention on your body or personal needs, your image or identity, or your brand. It’s important to take care of you or put yourself out there in some way. There is luck in this through a partner, representative or other significant person. You will need to make an adjustment around your sex life, a divorce, a life or death scenario, or a big financial matter. By tonight the energy aligns beautifully for any interests you have involving travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, or legal matters. The Mars/Neptune energy coloring this entire weekend is about gearing you up behind the scenes, on some film, music or art project, a spiritual retreat, research project, in a clandestine affair, with an institution, or in some developmental interest and this is going to help you bring things together at home, with any decorating or renovations, moves, real estate deals, family matters, roommates, or mom. Let your imagination fly. Sunday adds some opportunity to the mix in these areas through making money so find ways to earn the green. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on what you can accomplish on your own or behind the scenes. This is good for retreat and rest if you need it or for research, development, artistic or spiritual pursuits, dealing with institutions, or time with a romantic interest. It seems that there is luck with someone over work, health or pet needs but the need to work around the partner, representative, client, or competitor. By tonight what you are doing in all of this opens up your sex life, needs in a divorce or some big financial matter to your liking. The Mars/Neptune energy that is coloring this entire weekend is going to charge you up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and help you to bring imagination into the mix in talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, or short trips, all good. Sunday this continuing theme gets an added boost of opportunity from the universe that aligns directly with you so put yourself out there, take care of your image, brand, body, and chase goals or what feels adventurous with your friends, groups or online, the doors are open. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and help you connect with someone over love, a creative project or the kids in lucky ways. You will need to make an adjustment with a woman over work, services, health, or pets. By tonight there is a wonderful alignment for the talks or meetings you have with partners, agents, clients, attorneys, or other significant people, again the social factor plays into this scenario. The Mars/Neptune combo that colors this entire weekend will gear you up big time over ambition, goals or the career, helping you to make things happen. This is a direct line to making money so let your passions fly. You may also be motivating over all this with the boss, dad or an authority figure to make things happen. Sunday there is an added energy to all of this action that brings opportunity for you behind the scenes or in strategies or development, with film, music or art, spiritual interests, a clandestine romance, hospital, retreat, or other institution, or investigation. Keep your imagination in the mix. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
Saturday will focus you in on the career, boss, goals, ambitions, fame, dad, or authority figures. There is something lucky here through another person over the home, family, real estate, or involving a move, roommate, or mom. You will need to make some kind of adjustment today with your children, lover or creative project. By tonight there is great energy for the talks, meetings, writing, paperwork, short trips, local activities, or sales tied to your work or organizing, health, services, or pets, and that big goal or career matter, authority figure or ambition. The Mars/Neptune energy that is coloring this entire weekend is going to gear you up to take a trip, deal with educational interests, get into marketing, publishing, media, weddings, or some legal matter. This is aligned beautifully to your own personal talents and spiritual growth, your intuition and any needs you may have on a physical level so listen to your heart and go for it. There is added energy on Sunday bringing some opportunity through a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity so open up. If you would like to take a look at how this new energy placement is playing out in your personal chart, you can schedule a private reading with Zoe by emailing or calling 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: