The Mercury Retrograde has been a whopper for many as we have reworked, revisited, reconnected, and released over or involving loved ones and our creative expression in the past weeks. This weekend Mercury Retrograde makes his last aspect of this process. He will go Direct on Wednesday the 8th, so it’s important to head into the weekend with a conscious approach about what is still left to be said, heard, written, negotiated, or given some more thought since you won’t have another big one like this in this part of life for some time.
Saturday Mercury makes this aspect, it is an adjustment to Neptune in Pisces and it arrives at 12:06am which means that some of us will experience this as part of Friday night’s energetic as well. The aspect means that something has changed or is changing and that you need to adjust in some way. The Neptune/Pisces field of play means that this is Karmic, it is about something you didn’t see coming or something that is hidden, Fated, going on behind the scenes or behind your back, involves a clandestine romance, artistic talent or project, spiritual process or pursuit, hospital or other institution, retreat, feeling of isolation, research or investigation, magic or dream influence, or something that you have a gut feeling about. Again with Mercury in Leo you need to focus in on how love, lovers, children, creative projects, recreational activities, or speculation are in the mix here. The adjustment at this point holds a great deal of influence over which way you go after Mercury goes Direct.
Pisces Moon is in the action on Saturday as well, reinforcing it all with emotional needs and impressions, imagination and inspiration. This Moon adjusts to the Sun in Leo doubling the importance of what you are willing to finesse or concede and then she adjusts to Mars in Saturn which means that something involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other significant person comes into the equation. Mars sparks action here or brings passions or anger into the mix as you do what you can to shift things a bit or deal with shifting energy coming at you.
Sunday this adjustment continues but the Moon takes up the adjustment with Saturn so something is going to be serious here, it’s get real time with these partners, representatives or opponents, make the adjustment, commit, structure things, set limits, end things, or shape ambitions in a different way. Communications with a woman will be challenging at some point today as you air any love or money issues and try to overcome obstacles. By mid-day the energy lightens up a bit as the Aries Moon takes over and comes to sit in alignment with Retrograde Mercury at which point you should feel as though your own needs are coming into alignment with that lover, love interest, child, recreational activity, or creative project.
It looks like you have some things to do behind closed doors this weekend or that you could use a rest. Retreat, hole up, use your imagination, and if you have to deal with hospitals or other institutions head into this with the knowledge that the adjustment energy will hit here and involve love, kids, creative flow, partners, representatives, or other significant people in the mix. You will be dealing with the topics of institutions, research, Karmic relationships, things that are normally hidden, the spiritual side of the matter, romance in private, any artistic interests, while adapting around the serious matters involving your relationships and the love, kids or creative needs. Once you get past the tough talk or news regarding love or money on Sunday you should see things begin to align for you in positive ways and come to conclusions or agreements that suit you in love and creativity. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
This weekend is all about some important adjustments you need to make involving your home, a move, any renovations or real estate deals, roommates, family, or your security needs, and the tie in with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, your aspirations, or charities. This is the last big shift to get through in revisiting, reconnecting or releasing the past issues or needs so that you can move ahead next week. Your work, services, health, or pets will figure into adjustments here and it’s important that you go into each conversation, decision, meeting, agreement, or idea with others with this in mind. What do you need to get serious about? Do you need to commit, structure, bring more ambition to bear, set limits, or end something here? Once you get past the income issue on Sunday with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity connection, you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel as your personal needs behind the scenes begin to align with home, property and family interests. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is going to be all about adjustments that are going to focus in on just a few areas for you as your ruler, Mercury, makes his last big important aspects of this Retrograde cycle. This means that you will need to focus in on adjustments involving speaking, writing, meetings, talks, agreements, decisions, siblings, neighbors, short trips, local activities, vehicles, or electronics (all Mercury themes), and how this is tying into career, ambition, goals, Father, the boss, other authority figures, reputation, or fame. What needs to be said, heard or decided and what can you give or take to adapt? Mars and Saturn getting into the mix means that part of the adjustments for you this weekend involve love, kids or creative projects and the significant people involved in relationships here. What needs doing, is there passion or anger pent up, do you need to make a commitment, set limits, structure things, or end them? Once you get past your own challenges over love or money on Sunday you should begin to see things start to move into the flow through communications with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is asking that you make some adjustments as the last efforts during this Mercury Retrograde in rethinking, reconnecting, reworking, or releasing with love and creative interests. The focus for you in this will revolve around personal income or spending, any people at a distance or trips, beliefs, legal matters, educational interests, media, marketing, or publishing needs, or weddings. You need to do what you can to tweak or negotiate, rewrite or talk things out and once Mars and Saturn get into the picture this is going to also involve adjustments with partners, representatives or opponents over home, moves, real estate, family, Mom, or roommates as well. In this you will be taking action, expressing passion or anger, getting serious, setting limits, structuring things, committing or taking on more responsibility, or marking endings. Keep your focus on what and who you love and your creative needs as you move through this over the weekend. A challenging communication with a woman behind the scenes or something that needs written or signed will be the last obstacle and then the energy falls into better alignment for you with income and career, goals, Dad, the boss, authority figures, reputation, or fame bringing good times for talks or agreements. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is about making final adjustments over ideas or agreements involving what/who you love and your creative interests as they pertain to you, your body, image, identity, brand, or personal goals. You will be working around any last big push from the past here with attractions, sex, divorce, or any big shared financial interest and getting very busy locally, through short trips or in talks, meetings, writing, agreements, and decision making. Mars and Saturn get into the adjustment asking that you get active with or about a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent in the mix and express passions or deal with anger, get serious, set limits, structure things, commit, take on more responsibility, or end things. Again, negotiate, bend, adapt, give a bit to get a bit, you will be heavily into talks or decisions over all of this. Once you get past some issue or obstacle with a friend, group, internet matter, astrology, or a charity on Sunday, the energy evens out and pours into positive alignment for you with something legal, travel oriented, educational, ceremonial, media or publishing related, or in marketing. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is all about adapting, adjusting and reworking, reconnecting or releasing in areas involving partners on the romantic or business level, any representatives or advocates, or competitors and opponents as you deal with what’s been going on on a Karmic level or behind the scenes and how your values are being affected or your income and spending is being influenced. Can you push yourself a bit to come out of hiding or is there an institution, artistic, spiritual or romantic need that you can finesse a bit in the picture? Expect to get active as you deal with things and to get serious about commitments, endings, structures, limits, ambitions, passions, and anger as you rethink or rework topics. A female connected to goals, career, reputation, ambitions, or status will need to be dealt with by Sunday as you look at the love or money flow in the picture and find ways to overcome obstacles. After this the energy shifts and you will see that your intimate life, divorce issues or shared financial interests fall into the flow in some inspired or private way. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend takes you into the last big adjustment phase of this Mercury Retrograde and pulls a few more planets into the playground to get it right. You will be dealing with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the work, health or pet interests as you rework, rethink, reconnect, or release ideas, agreements, or decisions from the past here. Whatever comes up for you on the work front or with health or pets will push you to get active, to express your passions or deal with anger issues and put yourself out there in some more serious or committed way. It’s about your ambitions, limits, long term needs, or endings in these areas and what you are willing to step up to do that is a bit outside the norm or further along the path. You will need to deal with a woman over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters and figure out how to solve work, health or pet needs in this by Sunday. Once you do the energy around your relationships with partners, representatives or others will align with any social interests or aspirations and you should be able to come to some agreements or decisions that please. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend asks that you make more adjustments and these involve your ongoing Mercury Retrograde cycle of rethinking, reworking, reconnecting, or releasing around career interests, leadership, dealing with authority figures, dad or the boss, ambitions, goals, reputation, or fame. You will need to decide what you can adapt or adjust on a creative level, with love or loved ones, or around the kids. This is going to spur you on behind the scenes where you may adapt a bit around rest and isolation, or deal with institutions, research, hidden romance, artists or artistic interests, or your spiritual needs. What can you tweak? By Sunday you will need to deal with a woman over sex, intimacy, divorce, or some big shared financial interest and do what you can to work out the current round of obstacles or challenges involving love, the kids or your creative project. Once you do this the energy shifts and you will be aligning work, health and pet needs with goals and achievement, career and ambitions, all under positive stars. If you can meet or talk things out here tonight, do so. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
This weekend helps you to get a picture about the last of the Mercury Retrograde needs that you should adjust around involving legal mattters, travel, visitors, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, or beliefs. Your home or any real estate, moves, roommates, family, or renovations will be in the mix and part of the necessary adjustment as you look at your past and revisit, revise or release. You will be active with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities in this and either expressing your passions, motivating or dealing with anger, again adjust as best you can. You will need to get serious in these areas and take the lead, set limits, structure something, commit or end things as you process. You will have to deal with a woman about partners, representation or competition by Sunday again playing out at home or around family or roommate situations. Look for ways to handle a challenge here. Once you do the energy shifts and you are aligning your love life or needs, kids or creative projects with travel, legal, media, or educational matters that favor you. It’s good to meet or talk things out, make decisions or share ideas. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The last of the Mercury Retrograde big transitions occurs over the weekend asking that you do the adjusting or adapting around life and death scenarios, sex or attractions, divorce, or some major financial interests. Do you need to revisit, reconnect or release anything else? There is something going on with your mind, ideas, decisions, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements in this so rethink it a bit or come up with the energy to have your say as you move things around the next level. You should feel motivated to act on a career matter, your reputation, father or father figures, the boss or an authority figure, or some big goal in the matter, again with some adjustments and an expression of passion or anger that you are working through. You will be getting serious here and either committing or ending something, setting limits or pouring in more ambitions. A woman and some issue tied to work, health or pets will require some effort by Sunday so look for ways to work things out. Once you do there is new energy around home, real estate, roommates, family, moves, and the sex, divorce, death and rebirth, or shared financials you are confronting, all good. If you need to talk, meet, write, sign, or decide about this, now is the time. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is all about the adjustments you still need to make with partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other significant people from this Mercury Retrograde. Do you need to hash something out over income or spending or is there a possession or acquisition in the mix that you should work out? Can you rethink, revisit, reconnect, or release here? What decision or talk still needs to happen or can you adapt to the news you are receiving? Expect to get motivated over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters as you deal with this and again to adapt and adjust. Your passions or anger may be stirred and you will be getting serious as you commit or end something, set limits or shine more ambition into the situation. A connection with a female over love, kids or a creative matter will need to be dealt with by Sunday as you push on money making needs or any spending and possessions in the equation. Once you do the energy opens for you with your most significant relationships and allows for positive talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is all about the adjustments you will be making involving what you have been revisiting or releasing at work, with co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets and it will be directly linked to you, your needs, body, goals, image, brand, or ego. What are you willing to concede, adapt or finesse? Do you need to rework something or rethink it? You will be motivated to act on shared financial interests, triangles and third party situations, sex or attractions, or divorce issues as you continue in the adaptive state. Your passions or anger may be tied to this. It will be time to get serious and either commit more, take on more responsibility, end things, set limits, or structure them differently. You will need to deal with a woman about home, family, moves, real estate, or roommate situations by Sunday and do what you can to overcome any obstacles here. Once you do there is great energy aligning for you around income and work or any money tied to health or pet concerns so open up, say it or ask for it. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
Saturday Mercury makes this aspect, it is an adjustment to Neptune in Pisces and it arrives at 12:06am which means that some of us will experience this as part of Friday night’s energetic as well. The aspect means that something has changed or is changing and that you need to adjust in some way. The Neptune/Pisces field of play means that this is Karmic, it is about something you didn’t see coming or something that is hidden, Fated, going on behind the scenes or behind your back, involves a clandestine romance, artistic talent or project, spiritual process or pursuit, hospital or other institution, retreat, feeling of isolation, research or investigation, magic or dream influence, or something that you have a gut feeling about. Again with Mercury in Leo you need to focus in on how love, lovers, children, creative projects, recreational activities, or speculation are in the mix here. The adjustment at this point holds a great deal of influence over which way you go after Mercury goes Direct.
Pisces Moon is in the action on Saturday as well, reinforcing it all with emotional needs and impressions, imagination and inspiration. This Moon adjusts to the Sun in Leo doubling the importance of what you are willing to finesse or concede and then she adjusts to Mars in Saturn which means that something involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other significant person comes into the equation. Mars sparks action here or brings passions or anger into the mix as you do what you can to shift things a bit or deal with shifting energy coming at you.
Sunday this adjustment continues but the Moon takes up the adjustment with Saturn so something is going to be serious here, it’s get real time with these partners, representatives or opponents, make the adjustment, commit, structure things, set limits, end things, or shape ambitions in a different way. Communications with a woman will be challenging at some point today as you air any love or money issues and try to overcome obstacles. By mid-day the energy lightens up a bit as the Aries Moon takes over and comes to sit in alignment with Retrograde Mercury at which point you should feel as though your own needs are coming into alignment with that lover, love interest, child, recreational activity, or creative project.
It looks like you have some things to do behind closed doors this weekend or that you could use a rest. Retreat, hole up, use your imagination, and if you have to deal with hospitals or other institutions head into this with the knowledge that the adjustment energy will hit here and involve love, kids, creative flow, partners, representatives, or other significant people in the mix. You will be dealing with the topics of institutions, research, Karmic relationships, things that are normally hidden, the spiritual side of the matter, romance in private, any artistic interests, while adapting around the serious matters involving your relationships and the love, kids or creative needs. Once you get past the tough talk or news regarding love or money on Sunday you should see things begin to align for you in positive ways and come to conclusions or agreements that suit you in love and creativity. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
This weekend is all about some important adjustments you need to make involving your home, a move, any renovations or real estate deals, roommates, family, or your security needs, and the tie in with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, your aspirations, or charities. This is the last big shift to get through in revisiting, reconnecting or releasing the past issues or needs so that you can move ahead next week. Your work, services, health, or pets will figure into adjustments here and it’s important that you go into each conversation, decision, meeting, agreement, or idea with others with this in mind. What do you need to get serious about? Do you need to commit, structure, bring more ambition to bear, set limits, or end something here? Once you get past the income issue on Sunday with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity connection, you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel as your personal needs behind the scenes begin to align with home, property and family interests. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is going to be all about adjustments that are going to focus in on just a few areas for you as your ruler, Mercury, makes his last big important aspects of this Retrograde cycle. This means that you will need to focus in on adjustments involving speaking, writing, meetings, talks, agreements, decisions, siblings, neighbors, short trips, local activities, vehicles, or electronics (all Mercury themes), and how this is tying into career, ambition, goals, Father, the boss, other authority figures, reputation, or fame. What needs to be said, heard or decided and what can you give or take to adapt? Mars and Saturn getting into the mix means that part of the adjustments for you this weekend involve love, kids or creative projects and the significant people involved in relationships here. What needs doing, is there passion or anger pent up, do you need to make a commitment, set limits, structure things, or end them? Once you get past your own challenges over love or money on Sunday you should begin to see things start to move into the flow through communications with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is asking that you make some adjustments as the last efforts during this Mercury Retrograde in rethinking, reconnecting, reworking, or releasing with love and creative interests. The focus for you in this will revolve around personal income or spending, any people at a distance or trips, beliefs, legal matters, educational interests, media, marketing, or publishing needs, or weddings. You need to do what you can to tweak or negotiate, rewrite or talk things out and once Mars and Saturn get into the picture this is going to also involve adjustments with partners, representatives or opponents over home, moves, real estate, family, Mom, or roommates as well. In this you will be taking action, expressing passion or anger, getting serious, setting limits, structuring things, committing or taking on more responsibility, or marking endings. Keep your focus on what and who you love and your creative needs as you move through this over the weekend. A challenging communication with a woman behind the scenes or something that needs written or signed will be the last obstacle and then the energy falls into better alignment for you with income and career, goals, Dad, the boss, authority figures, reputation, or fame bringing good times for talks or agreements. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is about making final adjustments over ideas or agreements involving what/who you love and your creative interests as they pertain to you, your body, image, identity, brand, or personal goals. You will be working around any last big push from the past here with attractions, sex, divorce, or any big shared financial interest and getting very busy locally, through short trips or in talks, meetings, writing, agreements, and decision making. Mars and Saturn get into the adjustment asking that you get active with or about a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent in the mix and express passions or deal with anger, get serious, set limits, structure things, commit, take on more responsibility, or end things. Again, negotiate, bend, adapt, give a bit to get a bit, you will be heavily into talks or decisions over all of this. Once you get past some issue or obstacle with a friend, group, internet matter, astrology, or a charity on Sunday, the energy evens out and pours into positive alignment for you with something legal, travel oriented, educational, ceremonial, media or publishing related, or in marketing. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is all about adapting, adjusting and reworking, reconnecting or releasing in areas involving partners on the romantic or business level, any representatives or advocates, or competitors and opponents as you deal with what’s been going on on a Karmic level or behind the scenes and how your values are being affected or your income and spending is being influenced. Can you push yourself a bit to come out of hiding or is there an institution, artistic, spiritual or romantic need that you can finesse a bit in the picture? Expect to get active as you deal with things and to get serious about commitments, endings, structures, limits, ambitions, passions, and anger as you rethink or rework topics. A female connected to goals, career, reputation, ambitions, or status will need to be dealt with by Sunday as you look at the love or money flow in the picture and find ways to overcome obstacles. After this the energy shifts and you will see that your intimate life, divorce issues or shared financial interests fall into the flow in some inspired or private way. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend takes you into the last big adjustment phase of this Mercury Retrograde and pulls a few more planets into the playground to get it right. You will be dealing with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the work, health or pet interests as you rework, rethink, reconnect, or release ideas, agreements, or decisions from the past here. Whatever comes up for you on the work front or with health or pets will push you to get active, to express your passions or deal with anger issues and put yourself out there in some more serious or committed way. It’s about your ambitions, limits, long term needs, or endings in these areas and what you are willing to step up to do that is a bit outside the norm or further along the path. You will need to deal with a woman over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters and figure out how to solve work, health or pet needs in this by Sunday. Once you do the energy around your relationships with partners, representatives or others will align with any social interests or aspirations and you should be able to come to some agreements or decisions that please. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend asks that you make more adjustments and these involve your ongoing Mercury Retrograde cycle of rethinking, reworking, reconnecting, or releasing around career interests, leadership, dealing with authority figures, dad or the boss, ambitions, goals, reputation, or fame. You will need to decide what you can adapt or adjust on a creative level, with love or loved ones, or around the kids. This is going to spur you on behind the scenes where you may adapt a bit around rest and isolation, or deal with institutions, research, hidden romance, artists or artistic interests, or your spiritual needs. What can you tweak? By Sunday you will need to deal with a woman over sex, intimacy, divorce, or some big shared financial interest and do what you can to work out the current round of obstacles or challenges involving love, the kids or your creative project. Once you do this the energy shifts and you will be aligning work, health and pet needs with goals and achievement, career and ambitions, all under positive stars. If you can meet or talk things out here tonight, do so. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
This weekend helps you to get a picture about the last of the Mercury Retrograde needs that you should adjust around involving legal mattters, travel, visitors, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, or beliefs. Your home or any real estate, moves, roommates, family, or renovations will be in the mix and part of the necessary adjustment as you look at your past and revisit, revise or release. You will be active with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities in this and either expressing your passions, motivating or dealing with anger, again adjust as best you can. You will need to get serious in these areas and take the lead, set limits, structure something, commit or end things as you process. You will have to deal with a woman about partners, representation or competition by Sunday again playing out at home or around family or roommate situations. Look for ways to handle a challenge here. Once you do the energy shifts and you are aligning your love life or needs, kids or creative projects with travel, legal, media, or educational matters that favor you. It’s good to meet or talk things out, make decisions or share ideas. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The last of the Mercury Retrograde big transitions occurs over the weekend asking that you do the adjusting or adapting around life and death scenarios, sex or attractions, divorce, or some major financial interests. Do you need to revisit, reconnect or release anything else? There is something going on with your mind, ideas, decisions, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements in this so rethink it a bit or come up with the energy to have your say as you move things around the next level. You should feel motivated to act on a career matter, your reputation, father or father figures, the boss or an authority figure, or some big goal in the matter, again with some adjustments and an expression of passion or anger that you are working through. You will be getting serious here and either committing or ending something, setting limits or pouring in more ambitions. A woman and some issue tied to work, health or pets will require some effort by Sunday so look for ways to work things out. Once you do there is new energy around home, real estate, roommates, family, moves, and the sex, divorce, death and rebirth, or shared financials you are confronting, all good. If you need to talk, meet, write, sign, or decide about this, now is the time. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is all about the adjustments you still need to make with partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other significant people from this Mercury Retrograde. Do you need to hash something out over income or spending or is there a possession or acquisition in the mix that you should work out? Can you rethink, revisit, reconnect, or release here? What decision or talk still needs to happen or can you adapt to the news you are receiving? Expect to get motivated over legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters as you deal with this and again to adapt and adjust. Your passions or anger may be stirred and you will be getting serious as you commit or end something, set limits or shine more ambition into the situation. A connection with a female over love, kids or a creative matter will need to be dealt with by Sunday as you push on money making needs or any spending and possessions in the equation. Once you do the energy opens for you with your most significant relationships and allows for positive talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
The weekend is all about the adjustments you will be making involving what you have been revisiting or releasing at work, with co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets and it will be directly linked to you, your needs, body, goals, image, brand, or ego. What are you willing to concede, adapt or finesse? Do you need to rework something or rethink it? You will be motivated to act on shared financial interests, triangles and third party situations, sex or attractions, or divorce issues as you continue in the adaptive state. Your passions or anger may be tied to this. It will be time to get serious and either commit more, take on more responsibility, end things, set limits, or structure them differently. You will need to deal with a woman about home, family, moves, real estate, or roommate situations by Sunday and do what you can to overcome any obstacles here. Once you do there is great energy aligning for you around income and work or any money tied to health or pet concerns so open up, say it or ask for it. If you are ready to look more closely at your own personal chart for answers it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: