Humina Humina, you knew it was going to be intense. The weekend is all about the change, change, change coming down the pike in your life. It is change that cannot be fought, change that is destined, change that is meant to begin to transform your life, empower you, raze something to the ground and rebirth it at a new level, excite, enlighten, awaken, help you gain more independence, freedom, express more originality, and deeply unearth anything you have buried in an effort to skip coping. So, on the one hand it can be very uncomfortable or disturbing, emotional or dark, as you see the underbelly of the proverbial beast in your life, the one that lives in the back room of your anti-chamber or has been locked in the basement of your childhood. It may shake things up, rattle the status quo, bring outside events to bear that require a new strategy and plan going forward. On the other hand, it may excite and awaken, transform and rebirth your life, you are ready to embark on this journey and anyone or anything that is not part of your truest and highest evolvement over the next 3 years is going to have to go. When and if you see this happening, starting this weekend, see if for what it is.
Typically we complain about these transits when they are occurring. This is the first of 7 exact configurations that start this weekend and take us through March 2015. It may be that some things that are completely out of our control will be happening and we will have to step up and deal. Some things that we haven’t faced within ourselves will be dredged up and we will have to deal. However, these very times are the ones that we tend to look back on most reverently later on, the times when we say ‘that period changed my life, I came into my own, I met my destiny, it was challenging but I never felt so alive’.
You get the picture. In my work with clients I have found that some people absolutely LOVE squares. The frictional part of the energy is like a massive adrenaline rush for them, they harness the power of change and drive and use it to ride the square to some vital destination. Changes that were hard to make before are now all but mandatory and the universe conspires in the process so you have all kinds of outer energies pushing you into that new territory. I write all this to you guys so that one, you know that change is absolutely coming and you are going to be reinventing some part of your life during this 3 years, two you don’t try to fight this change because it cannot be fought, and three so that you may choose to decide to ride it like the proverbial bucking bull at the local ho-down, jump on, say watch what I can do, and take that bucker for the ride of its life. Yes, I said bucker. Since you know it’s changing, since you have some idea of where the change is going to occur, why not dive in and choose some interesting new approaches?
Saturday the Leo Moon makes nice with Saturn allowing you to cement something with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person regarding what you love or create. This will help you commit or end something, connect and enjoy the flow. Sun meets up with Neptune to align your home needs with romantic, spiritual or artistic flow. Take this day to center yourself. The entire day is building to the Uranus/Pluto square at 5:12am/2:12am Sunday morning eastern/pacific time. Changes are in action.
Sunday Uranus and Pluto square and it’s time to take that first step towards reinventing yourself, making a change, allowing your independence and ambitions to push you out into new territory, and perhaps act out in some way that you normally would not consider. Virgo Moon has the day which means being of service, taking care of the details, cleaning out, organizing, taking care of paperwork, pursuing work, taking care of health or animals, and simplifying your life will be part of the mix. The day builds towards Monday morning’s Jupiter/Neptune square and Saturn going Direct so you can expect that today’s events will have some serious considerations involving significant relationships, the home, hidden issues, and major decisions, news or talks.
You should be able to connect with someone significant on Saturday to further your love or creative needs. Pour yourself into what you can accomplish at home or with a real estate deal, move, renovation, home business, or family matter with a focus on development, strategy, research, artistic needs, spiritual pursuits, or romance. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your own name, body, identity, brand, image, personal needs, and ambitions, career, goals, reputation, fame, leadership abilities, and dealings with those in positions of authority. Pay attention to what it is you are driven towards now and any changes that may arrive. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Put efforts into work, health or pets today as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday things should start to smooth out and feel fun again at home, with renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, roommates, and any work you have going on there involving someone else. You can step up and make a decision or have a talk, meet or sign agreements, all aligned with your aspirations. It’s also a good time to connect socially, online or through charities or astrology. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your karmic world, your hidden passions and romances, your artistic abilities, your spiritual development, strategic abilities, and any higher minded agendas through travel, media, marketing, higher education, legal matters, or weddings. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will align with love, creativity and children today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday is allowing you to connect with lovers, kids or your creative side, to meet others, express yourself, make great sales, pitch ideas or propose, write or sign agreements, all good. You are in the spotlight around making money and achieving goals or moving career matters further too, so put it out there. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your aspirations, friendships, group activities, internet interests, astrology, charities, and the way you work with shared financial interests such as loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, divorce, or your sexual attractions or issues. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus you on the home needs today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday is positive for you where home, moves, real estate, family, and any money making opportunities are concerned. You should be able to align with someone to make things happen here. You can also take the lead in some travel, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or legal interest and smooth things out or inspire. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, dealings with authority figures, and your partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, and opponents. It’s a day to have talks, meet, write, or deal with agreements and pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens up some opportunities to talk, meet, write, sell, sign documents, or cement something with someone significant. You can commit or end things under positive stars. You should retreat or find ways to connect to your artistic, romantic or spiritual side and align with any deep needs you feel sexually, intimately, financially, or over divorce issues. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your travel, global, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, political, and religious sector as well as through your work, health and pet interests. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus on income today so put some attention here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday gives you some support through other people and making money, your investigations or research, work behind the scenes, in development, artistry, spiritual interests, institutions, and strategies. You can take the lead towards an aspiration or with friends, groups, online, through astrology, or charities and align with others for something positive. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your shared financial arena, money flow with banks or investors, tied to government or shared with others, your sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs, intimacy, divorce issues, and your ability to love, lovers, love interests, children, and creative projects or interests. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus in on your own needs or body today as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday should flow well for you with friends, online, with groups, aspirations, astrology, and charities, and you should be able to connect with solid people to cement things or put ambitions forward. You should take the lead on a big goal or career front today and set things in motion around work, health or pets. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your relationships, partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, and home, real estate matters, property interests, roommates, family, or moves. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus on what is going on behind the scenes, retreat, isolation, institutions, research, artistic needs, spiritual interests, hidden romantic connections, or addictions today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday puts you in a good place with career or goals, dealings with power people, ambitions, and something you are cementing behind the scenes with another person. You should step into the spotlight or take the lead on a media, marketing publishing, travel, legal, wedding, or educational matter today and allow it to align with creative potential or your lovers or kids. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your work, services, co-workers, employees, paperwork, organizational skills, detail orientation, health, pets, and your writing, agreements, negotiating, sales, meetings, talks, decisions, ideas, short trips, local activities, electronics, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, or moves. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will focus on friends, group activities, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations today so expect to put some energy here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens things up with friends, groups, social occasions, aspirations, the internet, astrology, or charities and any travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs you may have. You can take the lead in some big financial matter pertaining to the house or family, you can also connect intimately with someone at home or deal with divorce issues pertaining to living situations, all good. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your love life, lovers, children, creative projects, recreational interests, values, and income. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus in on goals, career, reputation, fame, or ambitions today so put some effort here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens some doors to reach goals that are financial, sexual or about a divorce. You should be able to connect in solid ways with someone to these ends. Step up with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent today and have the talk, sign the agreement, make the sale, pitch the idea or proposal, meet, write, or make the decision, you have inspiration on your side. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your home, moves, real estate, property interests, renovation, roommates, family, and your personal goals, image, identity, brand, or body. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will focus on travel, legal, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters today so expect to spend some time on these topics. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens up doors for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person and any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters. You should get in there and go to work, pursue work, deal with co-workers or employees, services, health, or pets, since your money flow looks positively enhanced by the efforts. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your decisions, writing, agreements, ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, proposals, and your Karmic relationships, hidden agendas, clandestine romances, artistic pursuits, spiritual interests, addictions, research, investigations, development on projects, work behind the scenes, and dealings with institutions. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will focus on sex, intimacy, divorce, or major financial matters shared with others or institutions so expect to pour some energy here as well today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens things up at work, through concerted efforts to organize or streamline, your health or care of pets, and any solid moves you can make with another person financially, sexually or involving the divorce. You should step up and take the reins with love, kids or creative ventures today since it looks like you will be noticed and have fun. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your values, income, spending, possessions, and aspirations, friends, groups, internet interests, astrology, charities, and social networking. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus on partners, representatives or opponents today so expect to pour some energy here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
Typically we complain about these transits when they are occurring. This is the first of 7 exact configurations that start this weekend and take us through March 2015. It may be that some things that are completely out of our control will be happening and we will have to step up and deal. Some things that we haven’t faced within ourselves will be dredged up and we will have to deal. However, these very times are the ones that we tend to look back on most reverently later on, the times when we say ‘that period changed my life, I came into my own, I met my destiny, it was challenging but I never felt so alive’.
You get the picture. In my work with clients I have found that some people absolutely LOVE squares. The frictional part of the energy is like a massive adrenaline rush for them, they harness the power of change and drive and use it to ride the square to some vital destination. Changes that were hard to make before are now all but mandatory and the universe conspires in the process so you have all kinds of outer energies pushing you into that new territory. I write all this to you guys so that one, you know that change is absolutely coming and you are going to be reinventing some part of your life during this 3 years, two you don’t try to fight this change because it cannot be fought, and three so that you may choose to decide to ride it like the proverbial bucking bull at the local ho-down, jump on, say watch what I can do, and take that bucker for the ride of its life. Yes, I said bucker. Since you know it’s changing, since you have some idea of where the change is going to occur, why not dive in and choose some interesting new approaches?
Saturday the Leo Moon makes nice with Saturn allowing you to cement something with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person regarding what you love or create. This will help you commit or end something, connect and enjoy the flow. Sun meets up with Neptune to align your home needs with romantic, spiritual or artistic flow. Take this day to center yourself. The entire day is building to the Uranus/Pluto square at 5:12am/2:12am Sunday morning eastern/pacific time. Changes are in action.
Sunday Uranus and Pluto square and it’s time to take that first step towards reinventing yourself, making a change, allowing your independence and ambitions to push you out into new territory, and perhaps act out in some way that you normally would not consider. Virgo Moon has the day which means being of service, taking care of the details, cleaning out, organizing, taking care of paperwork, pursuing work, taking care of health or animals, and simplifying your life will be part of the mix. The day builds towards Monday morning’s Jupiter/Neptune square and Saturn going Direct so you can expect that today’s events will have some serious considerations involving significant relationships, the home, hidden issues, and major decisions, news or talks.
You should be able to connect with someone significant on Saturday to further your love or creative needs. Pour yourself into what you can accomplish at home or with a real estate deal, move, renovation, home business, or family matter with a focus on development, strategy, research, artistic needs, spiritual pursuits, or romance. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your own name, body, identity, brand, image, personal needs, and ambitions, career, goals, reputation, fame, leadership abilities, and dealings with those in positions of authority. Pay attention to what it is you are driven towards now and any changes that may arrive. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Put efforts into work, health or pets today as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday things should start to smooth out and feel fun again at home, with renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, roommates, and any work you have going on there involving someone else. You can step up and make a decision or have a talk, meet or sign agreements, all aligned with your aspirations. It’s also a good time to connect socially, online or through charities or astrology. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your karmic world, your hidden passions and romances, your artistic abilities, your spiritual development, strategic abilities, and any higher minded agendas through travel, media, marketing, higher education, legal matters, or weddings. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will align with love, creativity and children today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday is allowing you to connect with lovers, kids or your creative side, to meet others, express yourself, make great sales, pitch ideas or propose, write or sign agreements, all good. You are in the spotlight around making money and achieving goals or moving career matters further too, so put it out there. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your aspirations, friendships, group activities, internet interests, astrology, charities, and the way you work with shared financial interests such as loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, divorce, or your sexual attractions or issues. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus you on the home needs today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday is positive for you where home, moves, real estate, family, and any money making opportunities are concerned. You should be able to align with someone to make things happen here. You can also take the lead in some travel, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or legal interest and smooth things out or inspire. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, dealings with authority figures, and your partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, and opponents. It’s a day to have talks, meet, write, or deal with agreements and pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens up some opportunities to talk, meet, write, sell, sign documents, or cement something with someone significant. You can commit or end things under positive stars. You should retreat or find ways to connect to your artistic, romantic or spiritual side and align with any deep needs you feel sexually, intimately, financially, or over divorce issues. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your travel, global, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, political, and religious sector as well as through your work, health and pet interests. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus on income today so put some attention here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday gives you some support through other people and making money, your investigations or research, work behind the scenes, in development, artistry, spiritual interests, institutions, and strategies. You can take the lead towards an aspiration or with friends, groups, online, through astrology, or charities and align with others for something positive. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your shared financial arena, money flow with banks or investors, tied to government or shared with others, your sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs, intimacy, divorce issues, and your ability to love, lovers, love interests, children, and creative projects or interests. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus in on your own needs or body today as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday should flow well for you with friends, online, with groups, aspirations, astrology, and charities, and you should be able to connect with solid people to cement things or put ambitions forward. You should take the lead on a big goal or career front today and set things in motion around work, health or pets. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your relationships, partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, and home, real estate matters, property interests, roommates, family, or moves. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus on what is going on behind the scenes, retreat, isolation, institutions, research, artistic needs, spiritual interests, hidden romantic connections, or addictions today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday puts you in a good place with career or goals, dealings with power people, ambitions, and something you are cementing behind the scenes with another person. You should step into the spotlight or take the lead on a media, marketing publishing, travel, legal, wedding, or educational matter today and allow it to align with creative potential or your lovers or kids. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your work, services, co-workers, employees, paperwork, organizational skills, detail orientation, health, pets, and your writing, agreements, negotiating, sales, meetings, talks, decisions, ideas, short trips, local activities, electronics, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, or moves. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will focus on friends, group activities, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations today so expect to put some energy here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens things up with friends, groups, social occasions, aspirations, the internet, astrology, or charities and any travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs you may have. You can take the lead in some big financial matter pertaining to the house or family, you can also connect intimately with someone at home or deal with divorce issues pertaining to living situations, all good. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your love life, lovers, children, creative projects, recreational interests, values, and income. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus in on goals, career, reputation, fame, or ambitions today so put some effort here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens some doors to reach goals that are financial, sexual or about a divorce. You should be able to connect in solid ways with someone to these ends. Step up with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent today and have the talk, sign the agreement, make the sale, pitch the idea or proposal, meet, write, or make the decision, you have inspiration on your side. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your home, moves, real estate, property interests, renovation, roommates, family, and your personal goals, image, identity, brand, or body. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will focus on travel, legal, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters today so expect to spend some time on these topics. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens up doors for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person and any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters. You should get in there and go to work, pursue work, deal with co-workers or employees, services, health, or pets, since your money flow looks positively enhanced by the efforts. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your decisions, writing, agreements, ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, proposals, and your Karmic relationships, hidden agendas, clandestine romances, artistic pursuits, spiritual interests, addictions, research, investigations, development on projects, work behind the scenes, and dealings with institutions. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotional needs will focus on sex, intimacy, divorce, or major financial matters shared with others or institutions so expect to pour some energy here as well today. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
Saturday opens things up at work, through concerted efforts to organize or streamline, your health or care of pets, and any solid moves you can make with another person financially, sexually or involving the divorce. You should step up and take the reins with love, kids or creative ventures today since it looks like you will be noticed and have fun. Today the Uranus/Pluto energy builds and is exact on Sunday. Both days begin the process for you of enormous empowerment and change streaming through your values, income, spending, possessions, and aspirations, friends, groups, internet interests, astrology, charities, and social networking. It’s a day to pay attention to these powerful areas of change for clues about what you will be dealing with in the 3 years ahead. Emotions will focus on partners, representatives or opponents today so expect to pour some energy here as well. If you would like to go into detail about these profound changes that will be occurring in your own personal chart, contact Zoe to schedule a private reading or call 818-613-6067.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: