Why bury deep issues when you can open up and at least get part of it out there? It gets the ball rolling, no one wants stagnant balls!
Saturday is the day to seek ways to talk about the loan, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, royalties, or any other major financial consideration. It’s also time to talk out any sexual energy or issues, reproductive needs or divorce options. In all of this you don’t want to skim the surface but you will have to make some adjustments involving other parties. Once you communicate needs and aims Mars will help you get active about doing something about it and here you have positive energy so get ready to act, express your passion, and really work things out!
Sunday sparks your needs for adventure or growth in certain areas of life. You may feel like taking a trip or heading back to school, learning something new, embarking on a media or publishing venture, or dealing with legal matters to shake things up. There is positive energy flow around the talks, agreements, writing, meetings, and decisions you make involving your partners, agents, attorneys, other representatives, specialists, competitors, or opponents today. This can cement things long term or help you wrap things up or end them nicely. Find time for the important peeps today and get real about what you need.
You need to either have the talk or meet up about the financial situation or need on Saturday and be willing to work around any situation you come into contact with here. There may also be opportunity to talk things out or meet up over sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs or divorce matters. In all be willing to adapt a bit in talks, decisions or agreements. Your ruler is amping up to help you take the bull by the horns once you get things out in the open so you will have plenty of energy to get in there and make things work, stir things with work projects, health needs, and with any animals you are caring for or helping out.
Sunday the need for adventure or growth, learning, travel, media, publishing, or marketing, legal needs, or dealing with educational matters will move into the fore. You are in a good position here to be spontaneous and try something new, shake things up a bit. News from a partner or representative will be solid today and please you or you may meet up, sign agreements, or have a talk that cements things long term to your liking. If you need to draw things to a close with anyone significant this energy will help you find the right words to bring things home. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Saturday brings some intense conversations or agreements with someone you are dealing with over income or spending. You will want to get things out into the open and look for ways to work around schedules or needs as you adapt a bit to the situation. Once you do there is great creative flow for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or other important person in the mix or you may just find that you are doing something fun, recreational, involving your love interest, or children with this person and that you are quite pleased with the passionate nature of the day or how motivated you all are!
Sunday is turning the focus to deeper needs and will bring you into a sexual attraction or situation, dealing with some big financial matter or a divorce. You should be able to shake things up and enjoy the excitement behind closed doors once you deal with the friend and whatever the hidden agenda seems to be these days. The alignment happening over work and income opportunities is solid today so you should pursue any talks, meetings, agreements, or writing tied to these themes, get it out the door or get the approval, it should be positive. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
You really need to have that talk or write things up, look at that agreement or have the meeting about your work on Saturday or maybe it’s about the health or the pets for you today? Whichever topic comes under fire it is important for you to dig a bit deeper and make some adjustments so that you can get it out there under the circumstances. Once you do there is ample energy available for you to motivate and make things happen at home, with a move, any real estate needs, family, roommates, or something pertaining to your security.
Sunday the energy shifts away from work, health and pets and all that organizing and detail work you were doing and centers on your relationships. This may be about a romantic or business partner or connections with agents or attorneys, the energy is good for shaking things up and doing something social, with friends, groups, online, involving astrology or charities, or pursuing your aspirations. The alignment between your needs and personal preferences today and the lover, child or creative project are stellar and it’s all about cementing something solid and long term through your talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or decisions. You can also wrap something up here or end it under positive stars as well. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
So much to concentrate on behind closed doors on Saturday, either you are researching and digging up some buried information or you are delving into talks or meetings that are clandestine romantically or artistically for now, writing, looking at agreements, and finding ways to reach creative decisions or connect with your lover or the kids. Adjustments are necessary but you should be asking for what you need. There will be plenty of opportunity today to motivate on the local scene, take a short trip or express your passions with your lover, kids and creative projects once you do.
Sunday the energy shifts to work, your health needs or the pets as you shake things up in the way you pursue your goals here. Trying new things will lead to positive flow so look at it a bit differently today. The talk, meeting, agreement, or decision you get into about the home, real estate, family, move, or roommate situation is bound to cement things long term under positive stars or help you end something with a positive twist so open up the lines of communication. Again this may go on behind closed doors, in private or secret, through research or artistic means, or involve some clandestine affair or hidden agenda, still positive so go ahead. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
You need to open up to the group on Saturday or get in touch with a friend and share what is on your mind. You can also use this energy to connect online, over internet projects or astrology, charities or aspirations. Whichever it is for you there is a need to make some adjustments here so focus in on the agreements, decisions, writing, and any love or money needs in the mix and make certain that your home or living conditions are going to be addressed as well. Once you get this out in the open there is great energy for earning money or going after some potential resource so amp it up!
Sunday the energy shifts to the fun stuff. You may feel like shaking things up creatively, recreationally, or doing something big with a lover or the kids. You have lots of excitement here by way of travel plans, weddings, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, or higher education so pursue these fields. The talk, agreement, proposal, writing, or meeting today will be social or focus in on that friend, group, social networking or occasion, internet, astrology, or charity, and help you to cement something long term under positive stars. You could also end something equally solid and feel good about it if the time is right for this. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Your Saturday involves getting into some heavy thinking, writing, agreements, talks, or meetings about career, goals or ambitions, or involving authority figures, reputation, and responsibilities or leadership. You need to be willing to work around things here and finesse it forward, negotiate, compromise, pitch ideas, and look at the money flow or love in the situation as you go. Once you get a handle on this today you will see that there is plenty of energy behind moving ahead, taking action and bringing your passion to the table.
Sunday your focus will shift to home, moves, real estate needs, family, or roommates and there is some exciting, shake-em-up energy here involving the financial situation, sexual attractions or divorce proceedings, do it differently! The news you get today or the talk, meeting, writing, agreement, or decision, will bring you solid, long term benefits with career, bosses, authority figures, goals, ambitions, and income potential so cement things or end them, the stars have your back. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Alrighty then, you need to dig deep and deal with the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matter on Saturday, the one that is impacting your income. Something needs to shift a bit and you may need to express your needs here with a focus on adjusting around the issues so you see the flow you want. Once you have your say or hear the news, you can write things, deal with the contracts, meet, talk, and gear up behind the scenes with lots of passion and energy. It’s a good day to research, work on the film, music or other artistic project, tend to spiritual needs, hole up with your secret amore, or get your imagination going. If you earn through hospitals or other institutions that is under positive stars as well.
Sunday you will be more about the talks or meetings with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships and this looks not only positive but exciting or different that at other times. You may be ready for a change or get news that something new is about to happen, all good. The talks or agreements, writing or meetings involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs today is all about cementing something long term under positive stars so open up! You can also end something in a beneficial way if that is your bent. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Saturday is the day to bring out any issues, needs or ideas you have and focus in on the decisions, agreements, writing, meetings, or talks involving any major financial matter, sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, or divorce matter. You are going to want to go deep, look at any third party issues and be willing to negotiate or make some concessions or adjustments to get what you want. Once you get it all out on the table there is great energy behind what you do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, it’s all about expressing passion or motivating under opportune stars.
Sunday will shift to making money or the pursuit of such and there is some interesting energy at play pointing to some excitement or new approaches to work, health or pets that should benefit this for you. Shake things up! The talk, news, agreement, writing, meeting, or decision about the sex, divorce or finances today aligns very harmoniously to solid, long term potential or endings under positive stars. This will play out through what goes on behind closed doors or through research, your artistic pursuits, hidden strategies, clandestine affairs, spiritual interests, or dealings with institutions or addictions, all good. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
You need to go deep, uncover something powerful or address the underbelly of what is going on with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent on Saturday. This may involve reacting to news you hear from them or be about your talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, writing, or short trips and the love or income matter in the mix with them. You should unlock what is hidden or be willing to look at something that you weren’t aware of up til this point, while making some adjustments or negotiating your position. Once you do you should have plenty of energy behind making things happen on the career front, with a boss, authority figure, or towards a goal or ambition, all good.
Sunday you will find that your needs and body, image or personal concerns take over somewhat and that there is plenty of excitement for you with a lover or new love interest, child or creative project. You should go where no man has been before, lol. It’s all about trying new things. You may find it’s a great day for recreation or fun as well. The talks, agreements or decisions involving the partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person are going to help solidify something with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest, long term or it will help you to end something under positive stars. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
OMG do you have lots of organizing, catching up with workload, meeting and talking with co-workers or employees, or nailing the health or pet needs on Saturday! This is all about adjustments that are rather powerful involving love or money matters in these areas and the deep, intense energy smoldering around the communications, decisions and ideas you bring to the table. You may have to work around social obligations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities here but once you do there is a whole lot of energy for you to gear things up and motivate or express your passion through a trip, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, or legal avenue.
Sunday the energy shifts to retreating behind closed doors and doing something exciting or unusual where you hang your hat. This may involve home, real estate, moves, roommates, family, or be about some Karmic interest that is playing out for you. The talks or meetings involving your work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets is under very positive stars today and will help you cement something solid or long term with the boss, an authority figure, career matter, goal, or ambition. If you need to end something you can do that as well in a beneficial way. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Saturday is about the news, talks or decisions you will be into with the lover, child or creative needs and you should head into it all with an eye on negotiating goals or ambitions, adjusting where you can and being heard on your needs. Look at the love or income flow here and deal with women in the mix with the same compromising attitude. Your career or status could need a bit of tweaking as well. Once you move ahead on this there will be plenty of energy amping things up in positive ways for you financially so delve into loans, settlements, commissions, or any other outside resource that helps you get what you want. There is also lots of passion stirring around sexual attractions that should please you or you can use this energy to pursue divorce needs under positive stars.
Sunday the energy shifts to focus on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and you will be shaking things up a bit or hearing some exciting news. Any meetings or talks will bring some unusual but awakening experiences your way with these people or interests. You should talk, come to terms or make a decision today with the lover, child or creative project because you are under solid, long term energy that can cement something legally, through travel, relocation, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, or higher education. You can also end something in these areas as well under positive stars. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
News, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements involving home, real estate, moves, family, or roommates will require some negotiation or adjustments on Saturday. You want to dig deep, uncover anything buried and express your needs in love or income and any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matters here. Once you get through this the energy will help you to motivate and express passion under positive stars in these matters with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person.
Sunday the energy shifts focus to career, goals, reputation, fame, authority figures, the boss, dad, or your ambitions and there is some really exciting or unusual opportunities here involving your income so look for new ways to approach earning money and these people or situations. The news or talk, agreement or decision about home, real estate, moves, mom, roommates, family, or renovations that you have today has the potential to solidify something long term in a financial realm such as a loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, mortgage, settlement, insurance matter, taxes, commissions, or partner’s money. You could also cement something with home, real estate, moves, or roommates involving divorce or sexual attractions. Commitments and endings are both favored depending on what it is you truly want or need. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
Why bury deep issues when you can open up and at least get part of it out there? It gets the ball rolling, no one wants stagnant balls!
Saturday is the day to seek ways to talk about the loan, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, royalties, or any other major financial consideration. It’s also time to talk out any sexual energy or issues, reproductive needs or divorce options. In all of this you don’t want to skim the surface but you will have to make some adjustments involving other parties. Once you communicate needs and aims Mars will help you get active about doing something about it and here you have positive energy so get ready to act, express your passion, and really work things out!
Sunday sparks your needs for adventure or growth in certain areas of life. You may feel like taking a trip or heading back to school, learning something new, embarking on a media or publishing venture, or dealing with legal matters to shake things up. There is positive energy flow around the talks, agreements, writing, meetings, and decisions you make involving your partners, agents, attorneys, other representatives, specialists, competitors, or opponents today. This can cement things long term or help you wrap things up or end them nicely. Find time for the important peeps today and get real about what you need.
You need to either have the talk or meet up about the financial situation or need on Saturday and be willing to work around any situation you come into contact with here. There may also be opportunity to talk things out or meet up over sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs or divorce matters. In all be willing to adapt a bit in talks, decisions or agreements. Your ruler is amping up to help you take the bull by the horns once you get things out in the open so you will have plenty of energy to get in there and make things work, stir things with work projects, health needs, and with any animals you are caring for or helping out.
Sunday the need for adventure or growth, learning, travel, media, publishing, or marketing, legal needs, or dealing with educational matters will move into the fore. You are in a good position here to be spontaneous and try something new, shake things up a bit. News from a partner or representative will be solid today and please you or you may meet up, sign agreements, or have a talk that cements things long term to your liking. If you need to draw things to a close with anyone significant this energy will help you find the right words to bring things home. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Saturday brings some intense conversations or agreements with someone you are dealing with over income or spending. You will want to get things out into the open and look for ways to work around schedules or needs as you adapt a bit to the situation. Once you do there is great creative flow for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or other important person in the mix or you may just find that you are doing something fun, recreational, involving your love interest, or children with this person and that you are quite pleased with the passionate nature of the day or how motivated you all are!
Sunday is turning the focus to deeper needs and will bring you into a sexual attraction or situation, dealing with some big financial matter or a divorce. You should be able to shake things up and enjoy the excitement behind closed doors once you deal with the friend and whatever the hidden agenda seems to be these days. The alignment happening over work and income opportunities is solid today so you should pursue any talks, meetings, agreements, or writing tied to these themes, get it out the door or get the approval, it should be positive. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
You really need to have that talk or write things up, look at that agreement or have the meeting about your work on Saturday or maybe it’s about the health or the pets for you today? Whichever topic comes under fire it is important for you to dig a bit deeper and make some adjustments so that you can get it out there under the circumstances. Once you do there is ample energy available for you to motivate and make things happen at home, with a move, any real estate needs, family, roommates, or something pertaining to your security.
Sunday the energy shifts away from work, health and pets and all that organizing and detail work you were doing and centers on your relationships. This may be about a romantic or business partner or connections with agents or attorneys, the energy is good for shaking things up and doing something social, with friends, groups, online, involving astrology or charities, or pursuing your aspirations. The alignment between your needs and personal preferences today and the lover, child or creative project are stellar and it’s all about cementing something solid and long term through your talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or decisions. You can also wrap something up here or end it under positive stars as well. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
So much to concentrate on behind closed doors on Saturday, either you are researching and digging up some buried information or you are delving into talks or meetings that are clandestine romantically or artistically for now, writing, looking at agreements, and finding ways to reach creative decisions or connect with your lover or the kids. Adjustments are necessary but you should be asking for what you need. There will be plenty of opportunity today to motivate on the local scene, take a short trip or express your passions with your lover, kids and creative projects once you do.
Sunday the energy shifts to work, your health needs or the pets as you shake things up in the way you pursue your goals here. Trying new things will lead to positive flow so look at it a bit differently today. The talk, meeting, agreement, or decision you get into about the home, real estate, family, move, or roommate situation is bound to cement things long term under positive stars or help you end something with a positive twist so open up the lines of communication. Again this may go on behind closed doors, in private or secret, through research or artistic means, or involve some clandestine affair or hidden agenda, still positive so go ahead. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
You need to open up to the group on Saturday or get in touch with a friend and share what is on your mind. You can also use this energy to connect online, over internet projects or astrology, charities or aspirations. Whichever it is for you there is a need to make some adjustments here so focus in on the agreements, decisions, writing, and any love or money needs in the mix and make certain that your home or living conditions are going to be addressed as well. Once you get this out in the open there is great energy for earning money or going after some potential resource so amp it up!
Sunday the energy shifts to the fun stuff. You may feel like shaking things up creatively, recreationally, or doing something big with a lover or the kids. You have lots of excitement here by way of travel plans, weddings, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, or higher education so pursue these fields. The talk, agreement, proposal, writing, or meeting today will be social or focus in on that friend, group, social networking or occasion, internet, astrology, or charity, and help you to cement something long term under positive stars. You could also end something equally solid and feel good about it if the time is right for this. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Your Saturday involves getting into some heavy thinking, writing, agreements, talks, or meetings about career, goals or ambitions, or involving authority figures, reputation, and responsibilities or leadership. You need to be willing to work around things here and finesse it forward, negotiate, compromise, pitch ideas, and look at the money flow or love in the situation as you go. Once you get a handle on this today you will see that there is plenty of energy behind moving ahead, taking action and bringing your passion to the table.
Sunday your focus will shift to home, moves, real estate needs, family, or roommates and there is some exciting, shake-em-up energy here involving the financial situation, sexual attractions or divorce proceedings, do it differently! The news you get today or the talk, meeting, writing, agreement, or decision, will bring you solid, long term benefits with career, bosses, authority figures, goals, ambitions, and income potential so cement things or end them, the stars have your back. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Alrighty then, you need to dig deep and deal with the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matter on Saturday, the one that is impacting your income. Something needs to shift a bit and you may need to express your needs here with a focus on adjusting around the issues so you see the flow you want. Once you have your say or hear the news, you can write things, deal with the contracts, meet, talk, and gear up behind the scenes with lots of passion and energy. It’s a good day to research, work on the film, music or other artistic project, tend to spiritual needs, hole up with your secret amore, or get your imagination going. If you earn through hospitals or other institutions that is under positive stars as well.
Sunday you will be more about the talks or meetings with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships and this looks not only positive but exciting or different that at other times. You may be ready for a change or get news that something new is about to happen, all good. The talks or agreements, writing or meetings involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs today is all about cementing something long term under positive stars so open up! You can also end something in a beneficial way if that is your bent. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Saturday is the day to bring out any issues, needs or ideas you have and focus in on the decisions, agreements, writing, meetings, or talks involving any major financial matter, sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, or divorce matter. You are going to want to go deep, look at any third party issues and be willing to negotiate or make some concessions or adjustments to get what you want. Once you get it all out on the table there is great energy behind what you do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, it’s all about expressing passion or motivating under opportune stars.
Sunday will shift to making money or the pursuit of such and there is some interesting energy at play pointing to some excitement or new approaches to work, health or pets that should benefit this for you. Shake things up! The talk, news, agreement, writing, meeting, or decision about the sex, divorce or finances today aligns very harmoniously to solid, long term potential or endings under positive stars. This will play out through what goes on behind closed doors or through research, your artistic pursuits, hidden strategies, clandestine affairs, spiritual interests, or dealings with institutions or addictions, all good. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
You need to go deep, uncover something powerful or address the underbelly of what is going on with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent on Saturday. This may involve reacting to news you hear from them or be about your talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, writing, or short trips and the love or income matter in the mix with them. You should unlock what is hidden or be willing to look at something that you weren’t aware of up til this point, while making some adjustments or negotiating your position. Once you do you should have plenty of energy behind making things happen on the career front, with a boss, authority figure, or towards a goal or ambition, all good.
Sunday you will find that your needs and body, image or personal concerns take over somewhat and that there is plenty of excitement for you with a lover or new love interest, child or creative project. You should go where no man has been before, lol. It’s all about trying new things. You may find it’s a great day for recreation or fun as well. The talks, agreements or decisions involving the partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person are going to help solidify something with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest, long term or it will help you to end something under positive stars. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
OMG do you have lots of organizing, catching up with workload, meeting and talking with co-workers or employees, or nailing the health or pet needs on Saturday! This is all about adjustments that are rather powerful involving love or money matters in these areas and the deep, intense energy smoldering around the communications, decisions and ideas you bring to the table. You may have to work around social obligations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities here but once you do there is a whole lot of energy for you to gear things up and motivate or express your passion through a trip, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, or legal avenue.
Sunday the energy shifts to retreating behind closed doors and doing something exciting or unusual where you hang your hat. This may involve home, real estate, moves, roommates, family, or be about some Karmic interest that is playing out for you. The talks or meetings involving your work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets is under very positive stars today and will help you cement something solid or long term with the boss, an authority figure, career matter, goal, or ambition. If you need to end something you can do that as well in a beneficial way. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
Saturday is about the news, talks or decisions you will be into with the lover, child or creative needs and you should head into it all with an eye on negotiating goals or ambitions, adjusting where you can and being heard on your needs. Look at the love or income flow here and deal with women in the mix with the same compromising attitude. Your career or status could need a bit of tweaking as well. Once you move ahead on this there will be plenty of energy amping things up in positive ways for you financially so delve into loans, settlements, commissions, or any other outside resource that helps you get what you want. There is also lots of passion stirring around sexual attractions that should please you or you can use this energy to pursue divorce needs under positive stars.
Sunday the energy shifts to focus on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and you will be shaking things up a bit or hearing some exciting news. Any meetings or talks will bring some unusual but awakening experiences your way with these people or interests. You should talk, come to terms or make a decision today with the lover, child or creative project because you are under solid, long term energy that can cement something legally, through travel, relocation, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, or higher education. You can also end something in these areas as well under positive stars. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
News, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements involving home, real estate, moves, family, or roommates will require some negotiation or adjustments on Saturday. You want to dig deep, uncover anything buried and express your needs in love or income and any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matters here. Once you get through this the energy will help you to motivate and express passion under positive stars in these matters with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person.
Sunday the energy shifts focus to career, goals, reputation, fame, authority figures, the boss, dad, or your ambitions and there is some really exciting or unusual opportunities here involving your income so look for new ways to approach earning money and these people or situations. The news or talk, agreement or decision about home, real estate, moves, mom, roommates, family, or renovations that you have today has the potential to solidify something long term in a financial realm such as a loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, mortgage, settlement, insurance matter, taxes, commissions, or partner’s money. You could also cement something with home, real estate, moves, or roommates involving divorce or sexual attractions. Commitments and endings are both favored depending on what it is you truly want or need. Is it time for a private reading with Zoe? Call 818-613-6067 or email to get on the schedule and find out what is in the stars for you!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: