Catch Zoe Moon LIVE every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS sky radio:
The great task master, Saturn, went Direct at the end of June and we all officially entered the very last testing period in our relationships of a 29 year cycle. We have from June 25 through October 5th to cement long term partnerships or connect on serious projects or agreements with representatives or competitors. We can end relationships that are not meant to move ahead with us into the new cycle or find new ways to structure these dynamics. It has been a 3 year period of very Karmic balancing for each of us as we met the mirror in others. This last 3 month push to get it right with significant relationships is therefore very important and once we move through it we won’t have this kind of cosmic push for almost 30 years.
To that end, on July 3rd, the activating planet, Mars, will move into this territory and push each and every one of us to DO SOMETHING about our romantic or marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, advocates, or opponents. Mars will be here pushing this through for us from now until August 23rd. This energy will take everything that we have contemplated regarding these people and begin to make things happen, motivate us and them, bring any remaining anger to the surface to be released, stir passions, give us the drive to move it ahead, and urge us to fight the good fight if necessary. You can expect that the 3rd and the 17th-18th will be the biggest days for seeing these things happen this month.
On the very same day, July 3rd, we have a FULL MOON in Capricorn and major goals and ambitions are brought to a peak. This is a time of reaching a climax on the career front or with that big project you have been working towards, achieving goals, receiving recognition, seeing what you do or what you are about, out there in a big way before the public or others around you. It is a time of endings in these same areas as you wrap things up, and status, reputation or fame culminate in some way. You may see a high point involving a boss, authority figure or dad at this time as well. With the Mars energy so highly active today, a partner, representative or opponent will play a pivotal role.
Astrologically there are two planetary energies called benefic: Venus the lesser benefic and Jupiter the greater benefic. This means that we look for one of these energies when looking for something good, lucky, happy, prosperous, growth oriented, or opening us up to love or money flow. At the first of July Venus is going to come within 3 degrees of Jupiter and they are going to illuminate each other for an amazing combination of positive flow. The last time these two embraced by conjunction through the Gemini territory was 1989! The conjunction that these two planets make with each other will continue from the 1st of July through the 25th. This means the big wide open door to something amazing happening or the very first steps towards that big picture will come through news you hear, an offer, a meeting that happens, talks or information you uncover, an agreement you sign or negotiate, a big idea, a decision you make, a major sale, an audition or interview, something you write, a proposal, a short trip, local activity, vehicle, electronic, brother, sister, neighbor, or move. Put yourself out there for love, money and growth opportunities in these arenas, the month of July promises the Moon when it comes to what you can expand upon here! Zoe Moon says so ;)
Friday the 13th brings the Retrograde of shock and change planet, Uranus. This is occurring in the personal sign Aries where our identity, ego, physical body, brand, and image have been trying to awaken on some new level, try new things, shake up the status quo, and let the originality and uniqueness of being shine through. You have made some serious strides here in the months leading up to this point and the Retrograde should allow you to catch up to this new level in the months ahead, to go within and process what is new about you. Because this is an electrical energy and is shifting in the astrological sky today you will want to take care around anything that could cause accidents and guard against any shocking or rebellious action you may feel like taking. Uranus pretty much always makes us want to break free, revolt, surprise, or change things, today this is about a personal or physical need. Your best bet is to allow this day to awaken something within.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th in the sign of Leo. We are experiencing the fire sign Retrogrades this year and for this reason a lot of the backtracking and reworking of ideas or decisions involve passion, action or anger. From now through August 8th Mercury is asking that we rethink, revisit, rework, release, or reconnect with past decisions or ideas involving lovers, children, speculation, recreation, and creative projects. This is a good time to connect with anyone or anything that you would like a second shot at but it is not a good time to launch into new love affairs, creative ventures or projects with kids if you can wait until August 9th to do so.
Mercury rules our contracts, writing and decisions so hold off on the new in these areas but it is ok to bring up the past. There is a positive aspect between Mercury and Venus on the day of this Retrograde which bodes well for working things out by having an open mind and keeping the lines of communication open between you and what or who you love, your kids, lovers, and creative ideas. Mercury Retrogrades are notorious for miscommunications, technical or mechanical breakdowns, and for transportation glitches. In Leo this may pertain to those you love, what you love, recreational activities, creative ventures, and kids so again, hold off on new purchases of vehicles or electronics and guard against mix-ups involving these themes during this period. The cosmos thinks you need to tweak something and is giving you a do-over, you know what you need to do so do it.
Wednesday the 18th is a highly charged energy day with Mars opposing Uranus, shaking things up big time. This is playing out between you and another person and can bring sudden, electrical passion that shakes you to the core, it can bring unexpected, shocking anger or actions that shake you up, accidents involving fire, electrical equipment, road rage, volcanoes, earthquakes, or other violent, shaking activity, but by far this configuration is meant to awaken something between you and another person so that change may happen. In perfect balance this aspect can at its highest bring a ton of dynamic energy that pushes some original, inventive, exciting meeting, idea or project forward to the next level and will involve you and another person. On the same day, Jupiter adjusts to Pluto bringing some big news or decisions that require the goal, career, ambition, boss, or authority figure to be dealt with in some adjustment. This looks powerful and expansive. It is another day to watch on the global level as the shock or excitement, change, shake-up or revolution, and the intense or violent underbelly of things shift. Again this can be political, earthquakes or other shaking upsets, affecting the financial situation, war/violence, or other major upheavals.
The NEW MOON in Cancer occurs on the 19th and is your 2 week window from the universe to make a fresh start at home, through a move, a real estate deal, with family, mom, a roommate, or involving your security needs, nurturing, patriotism, land, or childhood issues. This is about how grounded or rooted you feel, what you can do to improve or change the situation and the new beginnings that you can seed now.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and the cosmic spotlight turns to fun, love, creativity, recreation, and children in the 30 days ahead. Whatever you decide to pour your physical or personal energy into during this phase you will find that you need to have fun doing it, that your pride and ego will be more strongly tied to the results and you will be doing it because you love it or because love will be the end result or reward. You may want to draw a big red heart around this day on the calendar because there are a couple other stellar aspects joining the new energy flow. First, the luck agent, Jupiter, is going to dance with the change agent, Uranus, opening up an opportunity to meet, talk, write, sell, sign agreements, make decisions, or come up with big ideas that are due to bring happiness, prosperity or growth opportunities. Secondly, Mercury dances with Mars opening up opportunities for true love, creative ventures and children’s interests to take wing through partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people. You can again talk, meet, sign agreements, write, sell, or make decisions here that bring positive action. Keep in mind with the Mercury Retrograde in full flow that your best bet here is to tie this into past people, ideas, decisions, or situations.
From the 3rd of the month you will have all the energy you need at your disposal to get things moving with the marriage partner, business partner, in pursuit of a personal relationship if you are single, with agents or attorneys, specialists or advocates, or in dealing with competitors or opponents. You have been waiting for almost a year to have this kind of active, passionate, angry, motivating energy at your disposal so focus on what you want and go make it happen! This aggressive flow is with you through August 23rd and should help you to cement some long term relationships as well as end any that have run their course.
The FULL MOON on the same day is bringing a high point for you as you reach a goal you have been working on or wrap one up and close it down. You may be celebrating the achievement or recognition, winning the big career goal, celebrating something with a boss or authority figure, taking on more leadership or responsibility, or ending something big on the career front, with a boss, dad, or authority figure. Fame and reputation may also play a part in the peak that is today.
Your ruler, Mars is going to be in some strange waters on the 8th and you may want to take care today with partners, representatives or opponents. This may be about Karmic shifting or something that is very much unclear as of yet but trying to make it’s way through so tread softly, don’t buy into anything just yet, poke it with a stick and see how it reacts, look closely to see if the artistic integrity is what you want, the romantic ideal is not hiding something, the spiritual direction aligns, and that any institution you are dealing with can be brought into line. You may need to deal with hidden agendas or addictions, retreat and recharging of batteries, just remember that your urge to forge ahead may meet with a bit of cloudy waters today.
You have been hosting the great awakener in your sign for a while now and on the 13th this energy Retrogrades. It means that the changes and innovations you have made in the last months to your body, image, brand, or personal goals will settle down a bit for now as you catch up to the place you find yourself. You may feel like one last push for freedom or originality, act out in some wild way or you may need to watch out for accidents or outlandish behavior today. However you feel it, this should bring some respite from the crazy and help you attune to your latest version of you.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and will be backtracking from now through August 9th. You know the drill, don’t sign new contracts, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and back up all data beforehand if possible. Watch out for miscommunications or breakdowns associated with kids, lovers or creative projects during this time. You do have an open door to revisit past creative ideas or ventures and rework them to carry forward, to pitch old creative opportunities or sell them, to have past offers in these areas resurface during this phase, and it’s a great time to revisit past lovers or love interests, see if the fire is still burning or if you can release any toxic waste, or redo some old project with kids, revisit past issues or ideas and rework or release them. Today that door is WIDE open with a kiss from the universe so open up.
Your ruler is going wild during the 17th and 18th. This means all kinds of energy is being stirred up with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent during these days. It’s about the action, passion or anger, motivating things forward, opening up talks, agreements, meetings, offers, sales, short trips, local activities, ideas, and decisions and pointing out what needs to happen to reach a goal. Some adjustment should be broached with career, goals, ambitions, the boss, an authority figure, or over responsibilities, reputation or fame during this period. Use your words!
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and spotlights true love, kids, creative endeavors, recreational activities, and fun over the next 30 days. You will do best when stepping up in these areas, taking the lead, pouring your personal and physical energy into the mix, and letting your needs be known. You may be recognized for your creative input during this period, meet with the love of your life if single or revamp something lovely with a current amore, decide to have kids or start a project with children, and just come alive again on a childlike, fun-filled project or interest. Today this aligns beautifully with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person. If you want to set up a meeting or have a talk that counts, write or pitch an idea, make a big sale, propose, sign contracts, renegotiate, audition, interview, or in any other way share the magic, today is big and exciting with growth opportunity written into the stars. Set it up for now. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
Well Taurus, July is going to be night and day from June for you. With your ruling energy, Venus, now picking up speed again and revitalizing you personally and physically, her placement in forward motion helping you land income opportunities, and Mars moving into your work activity on July 3rd, you have every reason to believe that you can earn and tackle jobs, interview or audition and get ahead by being fearless, diving in and making things happen. No more sitting on the fence for you. If you’ve let your health go a bit recently or haven’t dealt with animals in your care, this energy boost will get you motivated here as well. Just guard against accidents on the 3rd since Mars is noted for cutting, fire and haphazard events.
The Capricorn FULL MOON occurs on the 3rd as well and will be bringing a major culmination for you on legal agreements or issues, travel plans, with a person at a distance, import/export interest, media project, publishing deal, marketing campaign, educational pursuit, or wedding plans. This is about achieving goals here, celebrating, or wrapping things up and ending them.
The first 25 days of this month are some of the luckiest you will ever experience for making money or purchases that benefit you, for aligning with love that values you, and for seeing growth and prosperity seeded. Your ruler, Venus, will be traveling in conjunction with the great benefic, Jupiter, in this arena during this phase so by all means go all out to land the big money or look for ways to earn that bring more happiness or leave more time for love.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all that change you’ve been embarking upon behind closed doors, in secret, through development, artistic outlets, hidden romance, spiritual evolution, or research and dealings with institutions, now can mellow a bit and you get some time to catch up to the new places you find yourself after all this change. Since this is electrical energy you want to take care today around any accidents waiting to happen, it will be a little charged up as it shifts.
Mercury has been helping you to make decisions, put in more thought and communications, sign agreements, write, and tackle local activities, and short trips involving your home, any moves, real estate deals, family matters, roommates, and renovations in the last weeks. On the 14th Mercury Retrogrades here and you get the next 3 plus weeks to rework anything here, to revisit the past, release or reconnect, and come to better understandings. You may experience some slow-downs or changes of mind at this point at home or with any of the above mentioned topics and should watch for communications glitches, technical or mechanical breakdowns and missed information here until it goes forward. This is NOT the best time to sign agreements on new properties but it is ok to come to terms on any old issue at home or with past real estate deals or needs. There is a dance today with Venus which bodes well for making money at home or through renovations, remodels or real estate so look for that opportunity.
The 18th may be quite a raucous day as the accidental and excitable energies drive something forward at work, with a co-worker, employee, service, health matter, or animal and things shake up and move forward. This can be a sudden change, excitement, anger, accidents, or something you didn’t expect that motivates the day in these areas. Some big income matter is going to need to be adjusted around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational factors today as well.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is in Cancer and opens up a 2 week window of opportunity to seed new agreements, writing prospects, get into new talks or meetings, make a new sale, schedule a short trip that pleases, get more active on something new locally, do something new with your vehicle or electronic, start new projects with brothers, sisters, neighbors, or with moves.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd illuminating your home base over the next 30 days and giving you the spotlight to get more personally and physically involved in renovations, remodels, design, home activities, family projects, with roommates, moves, real estate deals, or your security needs. This is a stellar day for you with the agreements, decisions and talks about any of this leading to opportune work, health or pet needs. There is big luck and exciting change taking place involving your income and something going on behind the scenes as well, if you need to be proactive, do it now.
Two other days of note for Taurus when money may flow more readily or you may find opportunities to earn more easily, are the 4th and 31st of July, make a note of it. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
It’s one of those months Gemini, when your ruler is going to Retrograde and your energy is going to carry you back into the past and the month begins with Mercury already in his shadow so you can expect to spend this month with a lot of your personal or physical energy focused on past decisions, agreements, ideas, and meetings.
Mars is charging into your house of true love and creativity on the 3rd where he is going to demand some action and shake up the passion or anger in the weeks ahead. If anything has been stagnant for you this is certainly going to get you moving. Mars wants you to motivate so if you are single this placement will help attract others to you and you may fall for someone new this month. If you are in a relationship then this energy is going to amp things up one way or the other, stirring emotions and pushing things ahead. Mars here will also aid you in moving your creative ventures forward, putting in more time on recreational activities, and motivating with the kids.
The FULL MOON on this day is bringing a very powerful peak for you sexually, in a divorce or with some big financial matter. This is about achieving a goal, celebrating, or wrapping things up and ending them so you may finally get intimate with someone close or end a sexual union, hear about a reproductive need or finally deliver that baby, sign off on the divorce, get the loan or pay it off, or hit a high point with settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, or a partner’s money.
There are going to be 2 important adjustment days for you this month when the talks, decisions, agreements, or meetings require you to finesse or shift what is going on with the intimacy, reproductive needs, divorce, or finances and these fall on the 4th and are revisited due to the Retrograde on the 26th. It’s all about how much love you show yourself and how you value your needs right now so keep that in mind when negotiating or asking for your end of things.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and the excitement and new experiences, shake-ups and changes, with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities will now mellow a bit and you will have the months ahead to settle into where you find yourself here and go within to make the growth and adjustments internally in these arenas. There may be a surprise or two in these areas today as the energy shifts.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you are now retracing past agreements, decisions, ideas, meetings, talks, writing projects, neighbors, siblings, sales, or topics you were involved with in the past with them, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and local activities in the weeks ahead. It is your do-over so rework the past and release or reconnect in the ways that inspire. You do need to guard against malfunctions, breakdowns and miscommunications in these areas so double check your information and hold off on signing or making new purchases until Mercury is back in full swing. Today there is a chance to choose something that is good for your love life, money flow or personal and physical well being.
The 18th may be quite the crazy energy day for you as things get charged up with a creative project, child or lover and you are dealing with some excitement or change involving an aspiration, friend, group, social occasion, internet project, astrology, or charity. There is another big push on a personal or physical level towards profound change and empowerment involving your sex life, ability to be intimate, divorce, reproductive needs, or some big financial matter.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is giving you 2 strong weeks to start new money making ventures, to increase current income, to seed new ideas or make new purchases that support money flow, and to set off on a new course that values you at a higher level.
The 22nd marks the Sun’s move into your communications zone and for the next 30 days talks, meetings, agreements, writing, decisions, local activities, short trips, and connections with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and sales are where you shine. It is your turn to be noticed in these arenas and taking the lead should pay off. Today this aligns with true love, kids or creative projects so propose, meet up, write together, sign the agreement, or jet off to a nearby town for some fun. There is huge luck in the works today as well swirling around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities so see what kind of interesting new things you can get into here.
The 24th and 25th will be stellar days for you personally or physically and when you should grab the bull by the horns and communicate needs, sign agreements, do for yourself, your body, image, brand, or identity, it’s all good. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
July promises to get things moving at home or with a move, through real estate deals, renovations, roommates, or family, and it all starts on the 3rd. Mars is amping things up for you here, motivating you, stirring passions or anger, and getting you determined to make something happen so you can expect lots of energy pouring through this part of the chart in the weeks ahead. There is also a FULL MOON today that is bringing a peak emotional climax for you with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant person. This will be about hitting a high note, reaching a goal, recognition for achievements, or endings with someone important.
The first 25 days of July are some of the luckiest of your life as Venus and Jupiter both travel within orb of each other through your zone of destiny. This is the Karmic house, where you may be connecting with or rebalancing Karma with someone, seeing opportunity and happiness stem from something going on in development, secret, behind the scenes, through research, investigations, artistic talents or projects, spiritual connections, dreams, mystical experiences, clandestine romance, dealing with addictions, hospitals, retreats, or through following your intuition. You should do what you can to trust your inner voice now and to look for signs to move ahead.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the surprise, innovation, excitement, and change that you have experienced on the career front, with the boss or authority figures, dad, fame, reputation, goals, and ambitions will mellow a bit and you are now given a grace period to catch up to where you find yourself. You will need to watch today for any shake-ups or original ideas since the day a planet shifts can be a spike.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you will be retracing past income and spending matters in the weeks ahead. There may be an offer from the past coming back around or a check you have been waiting on finally comes through or you could see some communications breakdowns or glitches so watch the numbers on your checks and deposit slips and take care on the road to your job. You want to back up all your computer information before this retrograde if it pertains to money for you at all and hold off on signing agreements regarding income flow if they arrive during this 3 plus week period and are brand new opportunities. It’s ok to agree to something from the past coming back around. Today there is a lovely opportunity tied to that behind the scenes, artistic, spiritual, research, or developmental faction for making money.
The 18th is likely to be quite the day as things really shake, rattle and roll at home, with a move, real estate deal, family matter, or roommate and the goal shifts, a career matter kicks in or changes, an authority figure or boss has something unusual to add, or dad surprises you. That big thing going on behind closed doors is about to make an adjustment with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other significant person so look for changes here as well.
The NEW MOON in your sign occurs on the 19th and is very special to you Cancer. This is your new year in many ways, a fresh start with anything personal to you, a new healthy approach to your body, new make-over or image, fresh starts with your brand and launching your name out there, a new identity that begins now, or some other goal that you set and go after during this 2 week period.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22 and lights up your income opportunities and needs for the next 30 days. This is stellar for you getting noticed if you want to make money. Just step up, take the lead, get out there and make things happen. Today there is great opportunity for this to benefit your home or your home to benefit the income. Look at real estate, interior design, remodels, renovations, moves, home, family, or roommates for positive benefits. There is also a very lucky influence at work today involving what has been going on behind the scenes and reaching a goal. This is about awakening, exciting, and expanding through artistic, spiritual or romantic ideals and trusting that inner voice to carry the day. Try something new or be open to what comes. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
For almost 3 years now you have been tested and given more responsibilities and limits, ambition and connections with other people through your ideas, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, proposals, pitches, interviews, auditions, local activities, short trips, and in connection with siblings, neighbors, routine, vehicles, electronics, and sales. On the 3rd of July Mars is going to move into this arena and amp things up greatly, motivating action, passion and anger to stir the waters and move things ahead. In the weeks before you this is going to charge you up enough that you DO something about it.
The FULL MOON on the same day is bringing a climax at work, with co-workers, employees, health matters, services, some organizational project or need, or pets. This is about reaching a high point, celebrating achievements or wrapping something up and ending it.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the changes and excitement that has been shaking things up legally, through trips and people far away, around a wedding, media, marketing or publishing interests, and educational matters will now mellow a bit and grant you the time to catch up to where you find yourself. There may be some shaking today as this shift occurs so watch for any last minute changes or surprises in these arenas.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you are now entering the weeks ahead retracing your steps and decisions about your image, identity, personal and physical needs, body, and brand. You have a do-over to get it right, to reconnect, rework or release anything that may need tweaking. It’s a good time to visit past styles or needs but not the best time for a decision that take you in completely new directions apart from the past. Today there is a great connection for you in all of this past energy tied to a friend, group, internet project, astrology, or charity so open up here.
You are ruled by the Sun as a Leo and on the 15th there is a square to Saturn from the Sun so you may be doing something secret that day that involves the idea, decision, writing, agreement, speaking part, sale, meeting, proposal, or talk. This is a frictional pattern that can frustrate or limit in some way or under the best circumstances will motivate you and what it is pushing is the commitment or ending here.
The 18th may be a wild ride of a day with passions or anger spilling forth in conversations, news, meetings, out in the local arena, through writing and agreements, in sales and with vehicles or electronics. Things will be changing or shaking up involving legal, travel, media, publishing, wedding, or educational interests in all of this. There is something big happening socially, through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and this means some adjustments with the work, health or pets.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your fresh new start to retreat and recharge your batteries, to rest, recuperate, start some new film, music or art project or interest, get going on a new spiritual path or practice, start up a secret affair, get to the hospital or tackle that addiction, start the research project, investigation or developmental deal. You have 2 strong weeks to make it happen or get it seeded.
You come out of the shadows and out into our own energy field on the 22nd when the Sun moves into Leo. This gives you 30 days to do things for yourself, put your brand out there, forge a new identity or revamp your image. Today this is all about a talk or meeting, agreement or decision you make involving your passions or what you want to see happen, all good. There is luck today around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the excitement and change occurring through legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters.
Take note that on the 24th and 30th you will be making adjustments or concessions involving sex, divorce, finances, work, health, and pets. The 28th and 31st are ging to make it easy for you to talk things out or sign agreements, write or pitch ideas, make a sale, and align to exciting outlets through media, marketing, publishing, travel, education, or weddings. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
Money, money, money, money, Virgo! On the 3rd Mars is pretty much done with sitting on the sidelines when it comes to your making a living. He is diving into the territory held by Saturn these past 3 years and he is stirring the waters, motivating you to do something about earning, spending, possessions, and how you value yourself. This will drive things forward in the weeks ahead and help you to fight the good fight, express your passions and move ahead.
There is a FULL MOON on this day that brings a peak involving a creative project, lover, recreational interest, or child. This is about achieving goals, celebrating or wrapping something up and ending it here.
Take note that the 4th brings an extreme amount of behind the scenes communications, research, hidden agendas, artistic interests, writing, or agreements, that will stir some adjustments but also open up some opportunities to achieve and make changes with some shared financial matter, sexual interest or divorce. Any adjustments you find yourself making today about the creative project, child or lover will be revisited again on the 26th as part of the Retrograde coming up.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the excitement, change and new approaches and situations you have experienced in the last months with loans, investments, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, divorce, sex, or intimacy will now mellow as you are given some time to catch up to where you currently find yourself in these realms.
Your ruler, Mercury, Retrogrades on the 14th and you begin your journey into the past to rework, revisit, release, or reconnect with decisions, writing, agreements, ideas, or in talks over hidden agendas, private matters, development, secret romances, artistic projects, spiritual interests, dreams, hospitals, prisons, addictions, research, and investigations. Guard against miscommunications or technical and mechanical breakdowns associated with these fields, double check facts and figures, and wait to sign new agreements or purchase new items in these areas until Mercury is Direct. It’s ok to sign a past agreement or buy that item you had on layaway. Today there is a positive alignment with goals, career or authority figures in this so open up!
The 18th may be pretty wild as things amp up big time over money. You may feel driven to earn money or go after your due while seeing something shocking or exciting going on with the outside financial resources, a sexual attraction or divorce. The big goal, career matter, ambition, or growth opportunity with the boss, authority figure or dad is going to push you to make some creative changes or deal with ones thrust upon you, to stretch things with a child or lover, and to seek ways to express your creative measure.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is opening up 2 strong weeks for you to launch on a new aspiration, to start up projects with friends or group, join new groups or form them, make new friends, have a social networking event or party, start a new website or begin some new enterprise on the internet, get into astrology, or start a charity or charity event. Seed it now, get out there and meet and mingle.
The 22nd has the Sun moving into your hidden zone, lighting up the artistic, spiritual or romantic interests, your research, investigations, development, retreat, isolation, dealings with hospitals, addictions or institutions, and helps you to take the lead, tackle your personal or physical needs here and step forward. There is great opportunity today around making money through one of these realms so see what you can do. Luck is playing out on the career front or with an authority figure or goal. This should bring some excitement and change into the shared financial arena, sexual interest, or divorce issues.
The 24th and 25th are really good days for you in your talks or meetings, writing or with agreements, going on behind closed doors, through research, development, institutions, artistry, romance, or spirituality. You should be a bit lucky and surprised by these days and the way your goals align and that financial, sexual or divorce matter opens up. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
July should be one of those great months for you Libra! Your ruler, Venus, is going to move hand in hand with the luck and happiness planet, Jupiter, from the first of July through the 25th, an embrace that is bound to bring good things your way via your expanding belief system, travel plans or visits from people from afar, connections with foreign people or ideas, going by to school, teaching or getting certified in something, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, and publicity, legal matters, weddings, politics, and religion! Choose what it is you would like to do in any of these arenas and get busy on it this month.
You have been hosting the task master, Saturn, in your sign since October of 2009 and it has brought you many lessons and Karmic experiences, shown you serious limits or endings, ladled more responsibilities and duties upon your shoulders, pushed you over ambitions and leadership, and hopefully made you look at who you want to be when you grow up (well when you move along to that next level of adult life). It has been a time to get real about your position in life, how you are caring for your body, image, identity, ego, and brand, to look at how these needs are reflected in your most serious relationships, and then to commit more or end things that play a part in you becoming the best you after this transit is over. So, from now until October 5th, 2012 you are in the last big push to make your choices. This won’t return for another 29 years so the choices are ones that will have quite a bit of impact up ahead. To that end, July becomes important because on the 3rd Mars moves into this field of energy and he is known as the great activator. With him now in the equation and Saturn Direct for the last time in Libra, you are ready to DO SOMETHING about your body, image, brand, needs, identity, ego, and any other personal goal you may consider imperative. It’s go time, take the reins and run with it.
On the same day you get your FULL MOON bringing something to a head at home, with a move, a real estate deal or interest, renovation, remodel, interior design, property management, roommate, family, or mom. This is a time of celebration and achievement here or you are marking an ending as things wrap up. It’s important to note that your ruler, Venus, is making a heavy adjustment to Pluto in Capricorn today so you may need to make an effort to shift something involving your financial interests or issues, a sexual attraction or divorce, in order to get what you want, it’s all in how you say it or ask for it.
The 4th brings your ruler, Venus, into an opportunity aspect with Uranus so there is some exciting energy around someone significant and the travel, media, publishing, marketing, educational, legal, or wedding interests today. Note what comes up because by the 22nd Jupiter takes hold of it and takes it to a much bigger level and it all looks good.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the changes, surprises and new radical insights and awakening you have experienced via romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, and other significant people will now mellow a bit. You are entering a phase of catching up to the shifts you’ve experienced here. Today may bring up one last big insight or shake-up as the energy turns in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and during the next 3 plus weeks you will be retracing steps and ideas, dealing with miscommunications or technical breakdowns, revisiting the past and reworking or releasing things, and all of it is coming through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your aspirations. It’s your cosmic do-over in meetings and talks, writing or agreements here but do double check information and try to hold off on new purchases in these areas or contracts tied to these themes unless they stem from the past. Today there is a lovely open door through one of these areas to a trip, legal interest, wedding, media or publishing project, or educational interest, say yes.
The 18th looks to be very energetic for you. It is a day to be prepared to react to other’s energy and to make certain you are NOT approaching anyone that could get angry with you. Mars and Uranus oppose across your sign and your partners, representatives and opponents axis. This is great if you’ve been waiting to see some action or passion, it can surprise and excite. However, it can also bring accidents, anger and actions that align with this side of things so pick your battles and avoid the crazy. Whichever way it goes, change is certainly in the air and you may meet someone today that emphasizes this electrical, fire energy combination. There is a need to make some adjustment involving property and a trip, legal matter, media or publishing need, educational factor, or wedding today. Work out those triangles!
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your 2 week window to launch your new business, move ahead on new career needs, ask for the promotion, receive some kind of award or recognition, get your name out there, look for new bosses to enter the picture, start something new with or through an authority figure or dad, make new inroads into fame or with reputation, and make a concerted push with goals and ambitions.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd putting the spotlight on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities over the next 30 days. This is where you will stand out and feel most like pouring your personal and physical energy. Today this opens up wonderful opportunities for you to meet, talk, write, deal with agreements, or get active and have fun. There is a very lucky and big energy combination taking hold today above and beyond all of this and it wants to help launch your trip, legal needs, media or publishing project, educational interests, adventure, or wedding. There is someone significant on a personal or business level tied to this so expect to get into it with them or come across them while in the pursuit of these activities!
The last day of the month brings some solid energy your way as your ruler, Venus, aligns with Saturn in your sign and things seem to solidify involving the travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matter. It’s a great day to seed something here that you want to see last a long time, to commit to something or someone, or to end something under positive stars. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
This is a month featuring many adjustments for you as your ruler, Pluto, is receiving many such combinations from Mercury (both in forward motion and revisiting again in Retrograde), Venus, the Sun, and the big one, Jupiter! What this means is that you are working through a transitional phase from one way of doing things to another, one life to another, one interest to another, one relationship or situation to another, and it will be this month that defines that divide for you up ahead. Your co-ruler, Mars, is exiting Virgo where he has spent an inordinate amount of time (since 11/11/11) getting you to deal with the actual details and efforts involved with your most fervent aspirations, your social circle, the internet, your interests in astrology or charities, and your group affiliations. The angels have been orchestrating the great service and efforts here even though they have also been holding things back so the details were just so.
On the 3rd, Mars moves into Libra! This is where Saturn has been teaching you about how to work in one-on-one relationships in business and your personal life, with opponents and those that support you, since fall of 2009. With Mars now here all the lessons you have learned and the new sense of self-mastery that is evolving through these trials and ambitions, will now get a great push of action and forward movement. It’s time to DO SOMETHING with these people or end things once and for all. You will see motivating forces bring things into motion, passion expressed or anger released, as your partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, and opponents all begin to cement or exit positions in your life. All of this has been playing out in your Karmic field. All of this has had some bearing on your artistic interests, spiritual growth, hidden romantic life or any isolation you’ve experienced romantically during this phase, addictions, hospitals or other institutions, research, investigations, and development of some project.
On the same day as Mars kicks things into gear, a FULL MOON peaks bringing a culmination around news, a meeting, talk, decision, agreement, writing, a sale, a brother, sister, neighbor, move, local activity, short trip, vehicle, or electronic. It is a time of celebrations or endings in these arenas.
The 3rd and 4th bring the first 2 adjustments involving your ruler, Pluto. This means that news or decisions will be in front of you regarding the financial picture, divorce, sexual attractions, career, goals, reputation, fame, or authority figures, and you will need to work around situations or information as it arises. Remember that what you are seeing crop up on these days that require some finessing or adjustment will be under review again on the 26th and 30th during Retrograde phase. However, at the end of the month it will only require you working around career, reputation, fame, authority figures, or goals, it seems as if you have ironed out the finances, sex or divorce theme by then.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th in your work, health and pet zone. This means that in the month prior you have seen many ups and downs, innovations, excitement, change, more change, shock, shake-ups, and new people or situations evolving. From today forward you get a bit of a reprieve, things mellow and you can catch up to where you find yourself after all this inventive period on the work front, with your health needs and any interests involving animals. Because the day an energy shifts can be felt, you may get one last bit of excitement or change about these things today.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you begin a 3 plus week period of reworking any career matters, interests involving authority figures, ambitions, goals, or involving reputation or fame. If there is an agreement, writing, a meeting or decision, that involves a past matter or person here, this period is your do-over so take advantage of the opportunity. You may see a boss or authority figure exit the scene now or one from the past return, a business or career opportunity resurface that you had let go, and you may also experience some communication breakdowns or mechanical difficulties involving these themes so double check information and hold off on signing new contracts if someone new approaches you during this phase, it’s best to wait for Mercury Direct. Today there is an opportunity for you in all this involving sex, a divorce or a shared financial arrangement.
The 18th is a big day for you because Mars and Uranus face off across the zodiac amping something up between you and another person. This can bring action and change, it is either going to shake things up and shock or excite and awaken, depending upon the nature of your situation. It may affect work, co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, details, organization, health, or pets. Jupiter makes his big adjustment with Pluto today and you are into the very big shift and adjustment regarding divorce, sex or the financial picture and any agreements, writing, meetings, talks, news, offers, sales, or information on the table.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your fresh start in media, publishing, marketing, education, legal matters, weddings, travel plans, import/export, adventure, politics, beliefs, or foreign interests. You have 2 strong weeks to seed things here so that they flower in the months ahead so do something towards your desired results.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and illuminates your career Midheaven over the next 30 days. This effectively places you in the spotlight and will motivate you to pour your personal and physical energy into career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, leadership, and dealing with bosses, dad or authority figures. Today there is something very opportune attached to this shift via action going on behind the scenes, make sure to take your calls and meetings and keep all communications open. Jupiter is opening some lucky doors as well today via the sex, divorce or financial opportunities and these play out at work, with co-workers or employees, around health needs or activities, or over the pets or animal interests (ie you could meet someone sexy while walking the dog or get sparking in the divorce).
Earlier in your forecast I spoke of adjustments to your ruling energy, Pluto. The last come on the 26th and 30th and will be more fine-tuning around any news or offers you have, writing, agreements, talks or meetings, sales or pitches, short trips or local activities, electronics, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, or moves, and the goals, ambitions, career, reputation, fame, or authority figures involved. Remember you are finessing your future opportunities here and transitioning out of the old and into the new direction. This is the cosmos way of giving you a do-over during the Retrograde phase to rework it, rewrite it, renegotiate it, revisit it, or release it. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
If you have felt as though you have been tested and limited or that you have taken on more responsibility and leadership but have had to work harder with your aspirations, group activities and affiliations, friends, internet projects, astrology or charity interests, or social networking since the fall of 2009, you are right, you have. Saturn has been putting you through your paces asking you to get real and serious about what you aspire to and the circle you cast around you via your social connections. This phase will wrap up on October 5th this year not to return for another 29 years so it’s been important for you to hunker down. The good news is that Mars, the planet of ACTION, is moving into these areas on the 3rd and you will finally have some energy behind making things happen, moving ahead, expressing your passions or anger, and stirring the pot enough that some commitments, long term efforts, and endings can occur.
On the same day there is a FULL MOON that is bringing a peak for you involving income, spending, possessions, pleasure, or what you value. This is a high point that may be about celebrating the money coming through or a raise, a climax with your purchase or possession, or an ending as you wrap up one phase and look forward to the next.
There is a very special thing occurring this month for Sagittarius and it involves Venus traveling together with your ruler, Jupiter, for the first 25 days of July. This is about real luck and happiness, prosperity and growth opportunities that will either manifest or be seeded during this period and have the potential for growth for the next 12 years! Look to your relationships with other people for these opportunities. You want to partner with others, seek representation or counsel, and expect that the good things that your closest peeps are experiencing will be shared with you on some level.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the changes, excitement, shake-ups, and unusual experiences that you’ve undergone over the past months in love, with kids or in creative projects will now mellow. You are entering a period when you can catch up to the shifts you’ve made and get your bearings in these arenas. You may experience one last bit of excitement or change here today as the energy shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and over the next 3 plus weeks you will be revisiting and reworking ideas, decisions, writing, agreements, or sales tied to travel plans, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, legal matters, weddings, or educational interests. This is your do-over to pick something back up and rework it or release it. You do want to double check information tied to these topics and hold off on purchasing new electronics or vehicles tied to these themes until the Retrograde is over. There is an opportunity today in one of these areas that looks especially positive and it involves a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person so open up.
The 17th is a day of action for you with that partner, representative or other significant person and it is very good for doing something big involving friends, groups, social networking, astrology, charities, or aspirations.
The 18th is a power day when some unexpected or surprising things are bound to happen and they are due to excite or change things. This plays out between you and another tied to a social gathering, friend, group, internet interest, astrology, charity, lover, child, or creative project. It’s very motivating and either passionate or angry. Your ruler is making a major adjustment today as well and this means that your partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person you are dealing with today and the income matter must be worked around.
The NEW MOON on the 18th is offering you 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh new starts with loans, inheritance, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, alimony, child support, divorce, or sexual interests. Look for ways to open doors in these areas.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and lights up your media, travel, publishing, marketing, educational, adventure, wedding, and belief zones for the next 30 days. This is where you will stand out and feel best when pouring your personal and physical energy into these topics. There is an opportunity in this for you today if you involve a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity. Your ruler is exciting Uranus today in a very opportune way opening up something positive for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or other person and true love, creative interests, or children. Think big!
The 24th brings some great news or positive meetings, ideas, talks, decisions, writing, or agreements and again this is going to play out between you and another person over media, marketing, publishing, travel, education, wedding, or legal matters. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
You are in a position to see some amazing growth and opportunity in the first 25 days of July through your work, co-workers, employees, services, people you hire services from, health, organization, and pets/animals. The 2 benefics are traveling hand in hand during this phase and the more you are willing to put your energy here, the bigger and better things will grow for you over the course of the next 12 years.
On the 3rd, Mars moves into Libra and triggers some big things for you as well. Since October of 2009 you have been on a course to master new things and test yourself through career, ambitions, goals, the boss, authority figures, reputation, fame, and leadership. It hasn’t always been easy. This phase will end October 5th, 2012 so you are now in the last leg of this journey. As Mars moves into the territory you will begin to see things are starting to happen here. Forward motion is now possible and Mars will kick in the drive, determination, action, passion, and help you deal with any anger as well. You may see a younger male enter or exit the picture in these areas now to help motivate.
On the same day there is a FULL MOON in your sign. This is always big for you as something intimate to your personal needs reaches a peak. This may be a high point with a goal being met or wrapping up, a celebration about your image, body or health, a peak involving your brand or identity, but overall it should be a time when you feel as though something has reached its zenith and you get it.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and the roller coaster ride that has been exciting and shaking things up at home, with real estate, mom, family, roommates, renovations, remodels, or moves will now mellow a bit. You enter a period of more stability and a time of catching up to where these awakenings have brought you in these topics. There may be one last yeehaw today as it shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you begin a 3 plus week backtracking over agreements, decisions, words, ideas, writing, or sales involving sex, divorce or some big financial matter. It is time to rework the agreements or revisit proposals or sales, you may have a sexual partner from the past return or a current one exit during this phase to give you some time to rethink things, and any divorce issues can resurface to be addressed. Miscommunications or technical breakdowns can come up over these topics so double check loan applications, settlements, alimony or child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, partner’s money, commissions, royalties, divorce papers, and any information the sex partner is sharing. Today there is an opportunity that should be positive for you in one or more of these areas and it’s tied to work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets.
The 15th is a date of note and one that will either help you to define something in a serious way or may feel as though you are faced with hard limits or responsibilities. This is about helping you to commit more, structure things or end them and it involves partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or authority figures. Regardless of how this plays out it is important to approach the topics seriously and get real about what needs doing.
The 18th is a wild energy day as things on the career front or with the boss/authority figure get revved up and you are acting or reacting to changes or surprises going on at home, with real estate, mom, family, roommates, or moves. There is a major adjustment in play today as well, one that is protective of you but expects some change, and this is playing out through work, co-workers, employees, health, services, or pets.
The 19th is the NEW MOON in Cancer and your fresh start with significant relationships. You have 2 strong weeks to start something with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents, or to go seeking new people for these roles.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and lights up your sex, divorce and shared financial arena for the next 30 days. This is putting you in the spotlight here and you will naturally gravitate to pouring your personal and physical energy into these topics. For you it means more sex, energy behind any divorce issues or reproductive needs, and lots of efforts behind loans, settlements, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, bankruptcy, inheritance, a partner’s money, or other outside resources. Today this is tying into an opportunity with the boss, an authority figure, your career, a goal, ambition, or reputation. Jupiter is bringing the luck today through your work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets and opening up some excitement at home, through real estate, moves, family, mom, or roommates, all good.
You have a solid alignment on the 31st between your ruling energy and Venus that is set to cement something serious for you via work, health or pets and a goal, career matter, boss, or authority figure. Get serious and put in the effort. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
You may feel as though you are on a high the first 25 days of July and this is just fine, Aquarius! It is due to the lucky and benevolent planets, Jupiter and Venus, uniting and moving together through your house of true love, children and creative projects. It doesn’t get any better than this so put as much energy as you can into pursuit of these topics and know that what you are seeding now has the potential to flower for years to come.
Saturn has been testing your ability to handle legal agreements, get real about weddings, set limits or add responsibilities or ambition to travel, people at a distance, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, or higher education, and get you to get real about what you want here. This has been going on since the fall of 2009 and will finally end on October 5th this year. It has been a Karmic experience for you in these areas and sometime slow going. On July 3rd Mars is going to enter the picture and in the weeks ahead he is going to make things happen, motivate you, help you express your passions or anger, and it’s all going to be about moving things along with the trip, legalities, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or education.
There is a FULL MOON on the same day bringing something Karmic to a peak for you. This is about wrapping things up that have been going on behind the scenes, in development, involving hidden romances, spiritual interests, film, music or other artistic interests, hospitals, addictions, dreams, research, or investigations, and celebrating the high points or ending things.
Mark the 4th as an excellent day for you when the talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements come through for you and brings a lot of freedom and excitement to play through partners, agents, attorneys, lovers, children, and creative ventures. It’s a wonderful day for recreational activities and connecting with who or what you love.
Your ruler, Uranus, Retrogrades on the 13th and you will definitely feel as though all the massive change and excitement that has been pushing your mental capacity in the months gone by will finally ease up a bit and mellow. You have had much change via agreements, decisions, writing, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, sales, and merchant interests and these will stabilize a bit now as well. You enter a phase of catching up to all these changes and getting a handle on where you stand. You may have one last shake-up or excitement today as the energy shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and over the next 3 plus weeks you will be revisiting past ideas, sales, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, and local activities involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or other significant people. You may see a relationship from the past come back around or an opportunity to readdress issues and reconnect or release them. A current relationship may exit during this period. It’s a good time for a do-over or to pick something back up to rework it. Try to double check information and watch for miscommunications or technical glitches related to these people. Today there is an opportunity for you in these tied to your love life, kids or creative interests.
The 18th is going to be a high energy day and part of this is about something taking place through a trip, at a distance, in legal realms, with media, marketing, publishing, a wedding, or higher education. Expect exciting or shocking news, meetings, agreements, decisions, or talks here between you and another person. Jupiter is asking that you do something big regarding a lover, child or creative project/interest today and this requires some major adjustment around something going on behind the scenes or in secret.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your fresh start at work, in the pursuit of a job, in launching your services, hiring someone to work for you, with a co-worker, any health concerns, or with pets. You have 2 strong weeks to seed new beginnings here so get cracking!
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd illuminating your relationships over the next 30 days. This puts the spotlight on you and your personal and physical involvement with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents. You will want to pour your energy here and take the lead, stand out and move ahead. Today there is great energy around this and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans so open up the communications or make your decisions. There is big luck at play today involving lovers, kids or creative interests and the agreements, meetings, short trips, local activities, talks, news, offers, sales, or proposals that occur, be proactive.
The 25th and 31st are stellar days for you as well. These days are lining up to bring meetings and agreements, decisions and ideas, to bear between you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person that should benefit you and awaken a new sense of excitement and freedom. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
Since November of last year you have had more than your share of ups and downs, backs and forths, through your most significant relationships Pisces. This has been an extraordinary time for partnerships, representation, specialists, or dealing with competitors or opponents. You are wrapping that cycle up as you enter July and this has to feel good.
Saturn has been testing you with these same people over issues involving shared financial matters, outside resources, divorce, life and death scenarios, and sex since the fall of 2009. This is a tough transit when you feel more limited or take on more responsibility in these matters but the good news is it arms you with a new sense of mastery and this is going to wrap up on October 5th this year! I bring it up because on July 3rd, Mars moves into this territory and for the first time you are going to see a major push forward to make things happen here. Mars is about to give you the drive and determination, spark all kinds of sexy, attractive qualities to help you connect with someone intimately or get any anger or passion issues on the table to be dealt with, he is going to amp things up with the divorce, or he is going to give you the motivation to go after the loan, settlement, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, inheritance, or partner’s money and get things on their solid footing, commit more effort or end things here. From the get-go, this month is helping you to make your move. A younger male may enter the picture at this time and be pivotal in one of these arenas for you.
On the same day that Mars comes along, there is a FULL MOON in Capricorn and you will feel a peak around something involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, foundations, social networking, a social gathering or event, or your aspirations. This is a high point that may bring celebrations, achievements or endings.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the ups and downs, excitement and shock, that has been associated with your income, spending, possessions, pleasure seeking, and values will finally stabilize a bit and you will have months ahead to regroup and catch up to where you find yourself. This has been a time of awakening for you and should have helped you figure out what you wanted regarding what you do for a living or the amount of money you earn. You may experience one last shake-up or exciting thing today as the energy shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and over the next 3 plus weeks you will be revisiting issues or people tied to work, co-workers, employees, services, health needs, or pets. This is your do-over to rework decisions, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and rethink any past ideas you may have that you would like to implement. You may run into past co-workers or people you knew involved with work, health or pets and they may have something to impart to you that is important. You may decide to leave a job or see a co-worker or employee exit now. You may have a long lost pet return or go back to the shelter you visited before and adopt an animal. You may have a health issue vanish or decide it’s time to revisit a doctor for a follow up. Do watch for miscommunications or technical breakdowns in these areas. Double check paychecks and appointment times. There is an opportunity in the health, work or pet situation tied to home, a move, real estate, family, mom, or roommates today.
The 18th is going to be a wild day and it starts with you and another person dealing with money. This is about your income, the overhead or shared resources, and may also have some divorce or sexual situation playing into it. There is action, passion or anger stirred and surprise, shock or excitement in the mix. Jupiter wants you to go big on something involving your home, a move, real estate, mom, family, or roommates today and this means making adjustments involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd shining his Light there for the next 30 days and putting you in the spotlight at work, in the pursuit of work, over paperwork services, co-workers, employees, health needs, and pets. This means that you will stand out in these areas and will feel best when pouring your personal and physical energy into these efforts. It’s creative so get out there and audition or interview, bring your ideas to the work place, do more with your co-workers or employees, start that healthy work-out or diet, take care of your physical needs, and do for your animals. Today there is an opportunity to big money, through divorce or involving your sex life in all of this. Lucky Jupiter is opening an opportunity for you at home, with a move, real estate, mom, family, or roommates today and this is going to excite your income zone so look for ways to make money or spend it here.
The 24th brings the Sun into an adjustment aspect with your ruling energy, Neptune. This means that you can expect to need to make an adjustment or concessions today as you work out the health need, pet situation, services, work issues or needs, or anything involving the co-workers or employees. Take the lead and adapt as much as you can. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
The great task master, Saturn, went Direct at the end of June and we all officially entered the very last testing period in our relationships of a 29 year cycle. We have from June 25 through October 5th to cement long term partnerships or connect on serious projects or agreements with representatives or competitors. We can end relationships that are not meant to move ahead with us into the new cycle or find new ways to structure these dynamics. It has been a 3 year period of very Karmic balancing for each of us as we met the mirror in others. This last 3 month push to get it right with significant relationships is therefore very important and once we move through it we won’t have this kind of cosmic push for almost 30 years.
To that end, on July 3rd, the activating planet, Mars, will move into this territory and push each and every one of us to DO SOMETHING about our romantic or marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, advocates, or opponents. Mars will be here pushing this through for us from now until August 23rd. This energy will take everything that we have contemplated regarding these people and begin to make things happen, motivate us and them, bring any remaining anger to the surface to be released, stir passions, give us the drive to move it ahead, and urge us to fight the good fight if necessary. You can expect that the 3rd and the 17th-18th will be the biggest days for seeing these things happen this month.
On the very same day, July 3rd, we have a FULL MOON in Capricorn and major goals and ambitions are brought to a peak. This is a time of reaching a climax on the career front or with that big project you have been working towards, achieving goals, receiving recognition, seeing what you do or what you are about, out there in a big way before the public or others around you. It is a time of endings in these same areas as you wrap things up, and status, reputation or fame culminate in some way. You may see a high point involving a boss, authority figure or dad at this time as well. With the Mars energy so highly active today, a partner, representative or opponent will play a pivotal role.
Astrologically there are two planetary energies called benefic: Venus the lesser benefic and Jupiter the greater benefic. This means that we look for one of these energies when looking for something good, lucky, happy, prosperous, growth oriented, or opening us up to love or money flow. At the first of July Venus is going to come within 3 degrees of Jupiter and they are going to illuminate each other for an amazing combination of positive flow. The last time these two embraced by conjunction through the Gemini territory was 1989! The conjunction that these two planets make with each other will continue from the 1st of July through the 25th. This means the big wide open door to something amazing happening or the very first steps towards that big picture will come through news you hear, an offer, a meeting that happens, talks or information you uncover, an agreement you sign or negotiate, a big idea, a decision you make, a major sale, an audition or interview, something you write, a proposal, a short trip, local activity, vehicle, electronic, brother, sister, neighbor, or move. Put yourself out there for love, money and growth opportunities in these arenas, the month of July promises the Moon when it comes to what you can expand upon here! Zoe Moon says so ;)
Friday the 13th brings the Retrograde of shock and change planet, Uranus. This is occurring in the personal sign Aries where our identity, ego, physical body, brand, and image have been trying to awaken on some new level, try new things, shake up the status quo, and let the originality and uniqueness of being shine through. You have made some serious strides here in the months leading up to this point and the Retrograde should allow you to catch up to this new level in the months ahead, to go within and process what is new about you. Because this is an electrical energy and is shifting in the astrological sky today you will want to take care around anything that could cause accidents and guard against any shocking or rebellious action you may feel like taking. Uranus pretty much always makes us want to break free, revolt, surprise, or change things, today this is about a personal or physical need. Your best bet is to allow this day to awaken something within.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th in the sign of Leo. We are experiencing the fire sign Retrogrades this year and for this reason a lot of the backtracking and reworking of ideas or decisions involve passion, action or anger. From now through August 8th Mercury is asking that we rethink, revisit, rework, release, or reconnect with past decisions or ideas involving lovers, children, speculation, recreation, and creative projects. This is a good time to connect with anyone or anything that you would like a second shot at but it is not a good time to launch into new love affairs, creative ventures or projects with kids if you can wait until August 9th to do so.
Mercury rules our contracts, writing and decisions so hold off on the new in these areas but it is ok to bring up the past. There is a positive aspect between Mercury and Venus on the day of this Retrograde which bodes well for working things out by having an open mind and keeping the lines of communication open between you and what or who you love, your kids, lovers, and creative ideas. Mercury Retrogrades are notorious for miscommunications, technical or mechanical breakdowns, and for transportation glitches. In Leo this may pertain to those you love, what you love, recreational activities, creative ventures, and kids so again, hold off on new purchases of vehicles or electronics and guard against mix-ups involving these themes during this period. The cosmos thinks you need to tweak something and is giving you a do-over, you know what you need to do so do it.
Wednesday the 18th is a highly charged energy day with Mars opposing Uranus, shaking things up big time. This is playing out between you and another person and can bring sudden, electrical passion that shakes you to the core, it can bring unexpected, shocking anger or actions that shake you up, accidents involving fire, electrical equipment, road rage, volcanoes, earthquakes, or other violent, shaking activity, but by far this configuration is meant to awaken something between you and another person so that change may happen. In perfect balance this aspect can at its highest bring a ton of dynamic energy that pushes some original, inventive, exciting meeting, idea or project forward to the next level and will involve you and another person. On the same day, Jupiter adjusts to Pluto bringing some big news or decisions that require the goal, career, ambition, boss, or authority figure to be dealt with in some adjustment. This looks powerful and expansive. It is another day to watch on the global level as the shock or excitement, change, shake-up or revolution, and the intense or violent underbelly of things shift. Again this can be political, earthquakes or other shaking upsets, affecting the financial situation, war/violence, or other major upheavals.
The NEW MOON in Cancer occurs on the 19th and is your 2 week window from the universe to make a fresh start at home, through a move, a real estate deal, with family, mom, a roommate, or involving your security needs, nurturing, patriotism, land, or childhood issues. This is about how grounded or rooted you feel, what you can do to improve or change the situation and the new beginnings that you can seed now.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and the cosmic spotlight turns to fun, love, creativity, recreation, and children in the 30 days ahead. Whatever you decide to pour your physical or personal energy into during this phase you will find that you need to have fun doing it, that your pride and ego will be more strongly tied to the results and you will be doing it because you love it or because love will be the end result or reward. You may want to draw a big red heart around this day on the calendar because there are a couple other stellar aspects joining the new energy flow. First, the luck agent, Jupiter, is going to dance with the change agent, Uranus, opening up an opportunity to meet, talk, write, sell, sign agreements, make decisions, or come up with big ideas that are due to bring happiness, prosperity or growth opportunities. Secondly, Mercury dances with Mars opening up opportunities for true love, creative ventures and children’s interests to take wing through partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people. You can again talk, meet, sign agreements, write, sell, or make decisions here that bring positive action. Keep in mind with the Mercury Retrograde in full flow that your best bet here is to tie this into past people, ideas, decisions, or situations.
From the 3rd of the month you will have all the energy you need at your disposal to get things moving with the marriage partner, business partner, in pursuit of a personal relationship if you are single, with agents or attorneys, specialists or advocates, or in dealing with competitors or opponents. You have been waiting for almost a year to have this kind of active, passionate, angry, motivating energy at your disposal so focus on what you want and go make it happen! This aggressive flow is with you through August 23rd and should help you to cement some long term relationships as well as end any that have run their course.
The FULL MOON on the same day is bringing a high point for you as you reach a goal you have been working on or wrap one up and close it down. You may be celebrating the achievement or recognition, winning the big career goal, celebrating something with a boss or authority figure, taking on more leadership or responsibility, or ending something big on the career front, with a boss, dad, or authority figure. Fame and reputation may also play a part in the peak that is today.
Your ruler, Mars is going to be in some strange waters on the 8th and you may want to take care today with partners, representatives or opponents. This may be about Karmic shifting or something that is very much unclear as of yet but trying to make it’s way through so tread softly, don’t buy into anything just yet, poke it with a stick and see how it reacts, look closely to see if the artistic integrity is what you want, the romantic ideal is not hiding something, the spiritual direction aligns, and that any institution you are dealing with can be brought into line. You may need to deal with hidden agendas or addictions, retreat and recharging of batteries, just remember that your urge to forge ahead may meet with a bit of cloudy waters today.
You have been hosting the great awakener in your sign for a while now and on the 13th this energy Retrogrades. It means that the changes and innovations you have made in the last months to your body, image, brand, or personal goals will settle down a bit for now as you catch up to the place you find yourself. You may feel like one last push for freedom or originality, act out in some wild way or you may need to watch out for accidents or outlandish behavior today. However you feel it, this should bring some respite from the crazy and help you attune to your latest version of you.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and will be backtracking from now through August 9th. You know the drill, don’t sign new contracts, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and back up all data beforehand if possible. Watch out for miscommunications or breakdowns associated with kids, lovers or creative projects during this time. You do have an open door to revisit past creative ideas or ventures and rework them to carry forward, to pitch old creative opportunities or sell them, to have past offers in these areas resurface during this phase, and it’s a great time to revisit past lovers or love interests, see if the fire is still burning or if you can release any toxic waste, or redo some old project with kids, revisit past issues or ideas and rework or release them. Today that door is WIDE open with a kiss from the universe so open up.
Your ruler is going wild during the 17th and 18th. This means all kinds of energy is being stirred up with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent during these days. It’s about the action, passion or anger, motivating things forward, opening up talks, agreements, meetings, offers, sales, short trips, local activities, ideas, and decisions and pointing out what needs to happen to reach a goal. Some adjustment should be broached with career, goals, ambitions, the boss, an authority figure, or over responsibilities, reputation or fame during this period. Use your words!
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and spotlights true love, kids, creative endeavors, recreational activities, and fun over the next 30 days. You will do best when stepping up in these areas, taking the lead, pouring your personal and physical energy into the mix, and letting your needs be known. You may be recognized for your creative input during this period, meet with the love of your life if single or revamp something lovely with a current amore, decide to have kids or start a project with children, and just come alive again on a childlike, fun-filled project or interest. Today this aligns beautifully with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person. If you want to set up a meeting or have a talk that counts, write or pitch an idea, make a big sale, propose, sign contracts, renegotiate, audition, interview, or in any other way share the magic, today is big and exciting with growth opportunity written into the stars. Set it up for now. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
Well Taurus, July is going to be night and day from June for you. With your ruling energy, Venus, now picking up speed again and revitalizing you personally and physically, her placement in forward motion helping you land income opportunities, and Mars moving into your work activity on July 3rd, you have every reason to believe that you can earn and tackle jobs, interview or audition and get ahead by being fearless, diving in and making things happen. No more sitting on the fence for you. If you’ve let your health go a bit recently or haven’t dealt with animals in your care, this energy boost will get you motivated here as well. Just guard against accidents on the 3rd since Mars is noted for cutting, fire and haphazard events.
The Capricorn FULL MOON occurs on the 3rd as well and will be bringing a major culmination for you on legal agreements or issues, travel plans, with a person at a distance, import/export interest, media project, publishing deal, marketing campaign, educational pursuit, or wedding plans. This is about achieving goals here, celebrating, or wrapping things up and ending them.
The first 25 days of this month are some of the luckiest you will ever experience for making money or purchases that benefit you, for aligning with love that values you, and for seeing growth and prosperity seeded. Your ruler, Venus, will be traveling in conjunction with the great benefic, Jupiter, in this arena during this phase so by all means go all out to land the big money or look for ways to earn that bring more happiness or leave more time for love.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all that change you’ve been embarking upon behind closed doors, in secret, through development, artistic outlets, hidden romance, spiritual evolution, or research and dealings with institutions, now can mellow a bit and you get some time to catch up to the new places you find yourself after all this change. Since this is electrical energy you want to take care today around any accidents waiting to happen, it will be a little charged up as it shifts.
Mercury has been helping you to make decisions, put in more thought and communications, sign agreements, write, and tackle local activities, and short trips involving your home, any moves, real estate deals, family matters, roommates, and renovations in the last weeks. On the 14th Mercury Retrogrades here and you get the next 3 plus weeks to rework anything here, to revisit the past, release or reconnect, and come to better understandings. You may experience some slow-downs or changes of mind at this point at home or with any of the above mentioned topics and should watch for communications glitches, technical or mechanical breakdowns and missed information here until it goes forward. This is NOT the best time to sign agreements on new properties but it is ok to come to terms on any old issue at home or with past real estate deals or needs. There is a dance today with Venus which bodes well for making money at home or through renovations, remodels or real estate so look for that opportunity.
The 18th may be quite a raucous day as the accidental and excitable energies drive something forward at work, with a co-worker, employee, service, health matter, or animal and things shake up and move forward. This can be a sudden change, excitement, anger, accidents, or something you didn’t expect that motivates the day in these areas. Some big income matter is going to need to be adjusted around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational factors today as well.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is in Cancer and opens up a 2 week window of opportunity to seed new agreements, writing prospects, get into new talks or meetings, make a new sale, schedule a short trip that pleases, get more active on something new locally, do something new with your vehicle or electronic, start new projects with brothers, sisters, neighbors, or with moves.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd illuminating your home base over the next 30 days and giving you the spotlight to get more personally and physically involved in renovations, remodels, design, home activities, family projects, with roommates, moves, real estate deals, or your security needs. This is a stellar day for you with the agreements, decisions and talks about any of this leading to opportune work, health or pet needs. There is big luck and exciting change taking place involving your income and something going on behind the scenes as well, if you need to be proactive, do it now.
Two other days of note for Taurus when money may flow more readily or you may find opportunities to earn more easily, are the 4th and 31st of July, make a note of it. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
It’s one of those months Gemini, when your ruler is going to Retrograde and your energy is going to carry you back into the past and the month begins with Mercury already in his shadow so you can expect to spend this month with a lot of your personal or physical energy focused on past decisions, agreements, ideas, and meetings.
Mars is charging into your house of true love and creativity on the 3rd where he is going to demand some action and shake up the passion or anger in the weeks ahead. If anything has been stagnant for you this is certainly going to get you moving. Mars wants you to motivate so if you are single this placement will help attract others to you and you may fall for someone new this month. If you are in a relationship then this energy is going to amp things up one way or the other, stirring emotions and pushing things ahead. Mars here will also aid you in moving your creative ventures forward, putting in more time on recreational activities, and motivating with the kids.
The FULL MOON on this day is bringing a very powerful peak for you sexually, in a divorce or with some big financial matter. This is about achieving a goal, celebrating, or wrapping things up and ending them so you may finally get intimate with someone close or end a sexual union, hear about a reproductive need or finally deliver that baby, sign off on the divorce, get the loan or pay it off, or hit a high point with settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, or a partner’s money.
There are going to be 2 important adjustment days for you this month when the talks, decisions, agreements, or meetings require you to finesse or shift what is going on with the intimacy, reproductive needs, divorce, or finances and these fall on the 4th and are revisited due to the Retrograde on the 26th. It’s all about how much love you show yourself and how you value your needs right now so keep that in mind when negotiating or asking for your end of things.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and the excitement and new experiences, shake-ups and changes, with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities will now mellow a bit and you will have the months ahead to settle into where you find yourself here and go within to make the growth and adjustments internally in these arenas. There may be a surprise or two in these areas today as the energy shifts.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you are now retracing past agreements, decisions, ideas, meetings, talks, writing projects, neighbors, siblings, sales, or topics you were involved with in the past with them, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and local activities in the weeks ahead. It is your do-over so rework the past and release or reconnect in the ways that inspire. You do need to guard against malfunctions, breakdowns and miscommunications in these areas so double check your information and hold off on signing or making new purchases until Mercury is back in full swing. Today there is a chance to choose something that is good for your love life, money flow or personal and physical well being.
The 18th may be quite the crazy energy day for you as things get charged up with a creative project, child or lover and you are dealing with some excitement or change involving an aspiration, friend, group, social occasion, internet project, astrology, or charity. There is another big push on a personal or physical level towards profound change and empowerment involving your sex life, ability to be intimate, divorce, reproductive needs, or some big financial matter.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is giving you 2 strong weeks to start new money making ventures, to increase current income, to seed new ideas or make new purchases that support money flow, and to set off on a new course that values you at a higher level.
The 22nd marks the Sun’s move into your communications zone and for the next 30 days talks, meetings, agreements, writing, decisions, local activities, short trips, and connections with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and sales are where you shine. It is your turn to be noticed in these arenas and taking the lead should pay off. Today this aligns with true love, kids or creative projects so propose, meet up, write together, sign the agreement, or jet off to a nearby town for some fun. There is huge luck in the works today as well swirling around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities so see what kind of interesting new things you can get into here.
The 24th and 25th will be stellar days for you personally or physically and when you should grab the bull by the horns and communicate needs, sign agreements, do for yourself, your body, image, brand, or identity, it’s all good. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
July promises to get things moving at home or with a move, through real estate deals, renovations, roommates, or family, and it all starts on the 3rd. Mars is amping things up for you here, motivating you, stirring passions or anger, and getting you determined to make something happen so you can expect lots of energy pouring through this part of the chart in the weeks ahead. There is also a FULL MOON today that is bringing a peak emotional climax for you with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant person. This will be about hitting a high note, reaching a goal, recognition for achievements, or endings with someone important.
The first 25 days of July are some of the luckiest of your life as Venus and Jupiter both travel within orb of each other through your zone of destiny. This is the Karmic house, where you may be connecting with or rebalancing Karma with someone, seeing opportunity and happiness stem from something going on in development, secret, behind the scenes, through research, investigations, artistic talents or projects, spiritual connections, dreams, mystical experiences, clandestine romance, dealing with addictions, hospitals, retreats, or through following your intuition. You should do what you can to trust your inner voice now and to look for signs to move ahead.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the surprise, innovation, excitement, and change that you have experienced on the career front, with the boss or authority figures, dad, fame, reputation, goals, and ambitions will mellow a bit and you are now given a grace period to catch up to where you find yourself. You will need to watch today for any shake-ups or original ideas since the day a planet shifts can be a spike.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you will be retracing past income and spending matters in the weeks ahead. There may be an offer from the past coming back around or a check you have been waiting on finally comes through or you could see some communications breakdowns or glitches so watch the numbers on your checks and deposit slips and take care on the road to your job. You want to back up all your computer information before this retrograde if it pertains to money for you at all and hold off on signing agreements regarding income flow if they arrive during this 3 plus week period and are brand new opportunities. It’s ok to agree to something from the past coming back around. Today there is a lovely opportunity tied to that behind the scenes, artistic, spiritual, research, or developmental faction for making money.
The 18th is likely to be quite the day as things really shake, rattle and roll at home, with a move, real estate deal, family matter, or roommate and the goal shifts, a career matter kicks in or changes, an authority figure or boss has something unusual to add, or dad surprises you. That big thing going on behind closed doors is about to make an adjustment with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other significant person so look for changes here as well.
The NEW MOON in your sign occurs on the 19th and is very special to you Cancer. This is your new year in many ways, a fresh start with anything personal to you, a new healthy approach to your body, new make-over or image, fresh starts with your brand and launching your name out there, a new identity that begins now, or some other goal that you set and go after during this 2 week period.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22 and lights up your income opportunities and needs for the next 30 days. This is stellar for you getting noticed if you want to make money. Just step up, take the lead, get out there and make things happen. Today there is great opportunity for this to benefit your home or your home to benefit the income. Look at real estate, interior design, remodels, renovations, moves, home, family, or roommates for positive benefits. There is also a very lucky influence at work today involving what has been going on behind the scenes and reaching a goal. This is about awakening, exciting, and expanding through artistic, spiritual or romantic ideals and trusting that inner voice to carry the day. Try something new or be open to what comes. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
For almost 3 years now you have been tested and given more responsibilities and limits, ambition and connections with other people through your ideas, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, proposals, pitches, interviews, auditions, local activities, short trips, and in connection with siblings, neighbors, routine, vehicles, electronics, and sales. On the 3rd of July Mars is going to move into this arena and amp things up greatly, motivating action, passion and anger to stir the waters and move things ahead. In the weeks before you this is going to charge you up enough that you DO something about it.
The FULL MOON on the same day is bringing a climax at work, with co-workers, employees, health matters, services, some organizational project or need, or pets. This is about reaching a high point, celebrating achievements or wrapping something up and ending it.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the changes and excitement that has been shaking things up legally, through trips and people far away, around a wedding, media, marketing or publishing interests, and educational matters will now mellow a bit and grant you the time to catch up to where you find yourself. There may be some shaking today as this shift occurs so watch for any last minute changes or surprises in these arenas.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you are now entering the weeks ahead retracing your steps and decisions about your image, identity, personal and physical needs, body, and brand. You have a do-over to get it right, to reconnect, rework or release anything that may need tweaking. It’s a good time to visit past styles or needs but not the best time for a decision that take you in completely new directions apart from the past. Today there is a great connection for you in all of this past energy tied to a friend, group, internet project, astrology, or charity so open up here.
You are ruled by the Sun as a Leo and on the 15th there is a square to Saturn from the Sun so you may be doing something secret that day that involves the idea, decision, writing, agreement, speaking part, sale, meeting, proposal, or talk. This is a frictional pattern that can frustrate or limit in some way or under the best circumstances will motivate you and what it is pushing is the commitment or ending here.
The 18th may be a wild ride of a day with passions or anger spilling forth in conversations, news, meetings, out in the local arena, through writing and agreements, in sales and with vehicles or electronics. Things will be changing or shaking up involving legal, travel, media, publishing, wedding, or educational interests in all of this. There is something big happening socially, through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and this means some adjustments with the work, health or pets.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your fresh new start to retreat and recharge your batteries, to rest, recuperate, start some new film, music or art project or interest, get going on a new spiritual path or practice, start up a secret affair, get to the hospital or tackle that addiction, start the research project, investigation or developmental deal. You have 2 strong weeks to make it happen or get it seeded.
You come out of the shadows and out into our own energy field on the 22nd when the Sun moves into Leo. This gives you 30 days to do things for yourself, put your brand out there, forge a new identity or revamp your image. Today this is all about a talk or meeting, agreement or decision you make involving your passions or what you want to see happen, all good. There is luck today around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the excitement and change occurring through legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters.
Take note that on the 24th and 30th you will be making adjustments or concessions involving sex, divorce, finances, work, health, and pets. The 28th and 31st are ging to make it easy for you to talk things out or sign agreements, write or pitch ideas, make a sale, and align to exciting outlets through media, marketing, publishing, travel, education, or weddings. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
Money, money, money, money, Virgo! On the 3rd Mars is pretty much done with sitting on the sidelines when it comes to your making a living. He is diving into the territory held by Saturn these past 3 years and he is stirring the waters, motivating you to do something about earning, spending, possessions, and how you value yourself. This will drive things forward in the weeks ahead and help you to fight the good fight, express your passions and move ahead.
There is a FULL MOON on this day that brings a peak involving a creative project, lover, recreational interest, or child. This is about achieving goals, celebrating or wrapping something up and ending it here.
Take note that the 4th brings an extreme amount of behind the scenes communications, research, hidden agendas, artistic interests, writing, or agreements, that will stir some adjustments but also open up some opportunities to achieve and make changes with some shared financial matter, sexual interest or divorce. Any adjustments you find yourself making today about the creative project, child or lover will be revisited again on the 26th as part of the Retrograde coming up.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the excitement, change and new approaches and situations you have experienced in the last months with loans, investments, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, divorce, sex, or intimacy will now mellow as you are given some time to catch up to where you currently find yourself in these realms.
Your ruler, Mercury, Retrogrades on the 14th and you begin your journey into the past to rework, revisit, release, or reconnect with decisions, writing, agreements, ideas, or in talks over hidden agendas, private matters, development, secret romances, artistic projects, spiritual interests, dreams, hospitals, prisons, addictions, research, and investigations. Guard against miscommunications or technical and mechanical breakdowns associated with these fields, double check facts and figures, and wait to sign new agreements or purchase new items in these areas until Mercury is Direct. It’s ok to sign a past agreement or buy that item you had on layaway. Today there is a positive alignment with goals, career or authority figures in this so open up!
The 18th may be pretty wild as things amp up big time over money. You may feel driven to earn money or go after your due while seeing something shocking or exciting going on with the outside financial resources, a sexual attraction or divorce. The big goal, career matter, ambition, or growth opportunity with the boss, authority figure or dad is going to push you to make some creative changes or deal with ones thrust upon you, to stretch things with a child or lover, and to seek ways to express your creative measure.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is opening up 2 strong weeks for you to launch on a new aspiration, to start up projects with friends or group, join new groups or form them, make new friends, have a social networking event or party, start a new website or begin some new enterprise on the internet, get into astrology, or start a charity or charity event. Seed it now, get out there and meet and mingle.
The 22nd has the Sun moving into your hidden zone, lighting up the artistic, spiritual or romantic interests, your research, investigations, development, retreat, isolation, dealings with hospitals, addictions or institutions, and helps you to take the lead, tackle your personal or physical needs here and step forward. There is great opportunity today around making money through one of these realms so see what you can do. Luck is playing out on the career front or with an authority figure or goal. This should bring some excitement and change into the shared financial arena, sexual interest, or divorce issues.
The 24th and 25th are really good days for you in your talks or meetings, writing or with agreements, going on behind closed doors, through research, development, institutions, artistry, romance, or spirituality. You should be a bit lucky and surprised by these days and the way your goals align and that financial, sexual or divorce matter opens up. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
July should be one of those great months for you Libra! Your ruler, Venus, is going to move hand in hand with the luck and happiness planet, Jupiter, from the first of July through the 25th, an embrace that is bound to bring good things your way via your expanding belief system, travel plans or visits from people from afar, connections with foreign people or ideas, going by to school, teaching or getting certified in something, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, and publicity, legal matters, weddings, politics, and religion! Choose what it is you would like to do in any of these arenas and get busy on it this month.
You have been hosting the task master, Saturn, in your sign since October of 2009 and it has brought you many lessons and Karmic experiences, shown you serious limits or endings, ladled more responsibilities and duties upon your shoulders, pushed you over ambitions and leadership, and hopefully made you look at who you want to be when you grow up (well when you move along to that next level of adult life). It has been a time to get real about your position in life, how you are caring for your body, image, identity, ego, and brand, to look at how these needs are reflected in your most serious relationships, and then to commit more or end things that play a part in you becoming the best you after this transit is over. So, from now until October 5th, 2012 you are in the last big push to make your choices. This won’t return for another 29 years so the choices are ones that will have quite a bit of impact up ahead. To that end, July becomes important because on the 3rd Mars moves into this field of energy and he is known as the great activator. With him now in the equation and Saturn Direct for the last time in Libra, you are ready to DO SOMETHING about your body, image, brand, needs, identity, ego, and any other personal goal you may consider imperative. It’s go time, take the reins and run with it.
On the same day you get your FULL MOON bringing something to a head at home, with a move, a real estate deal or interest, renovation, remodel, interior design, property management, roommate, family, or mom. This is a time of celebration and achievement here or you are marking an ending as things wrap up. It’s important to note that your ruler, Venus, is making a heavy adjustment to Pluto in Capricorn today so you may need to make an effort to shift something involving your financial interests or issues, a sexual attraction or divorce, in order to get what you want, it’s all in how you say it or ask for it.
The 4th brings your ruler, Venus, into an opportunity aspect with Uranus so there is some exciting energy around someone significant and the travel, media, publishing, marketing, educational, legal, or wedding interests today. Note what comes up because by the 22nd Jupiter takes hold of it and takes it to a much bigger level and it all looks good.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the changes, surprises and new radical insights and awakening you have experienced via romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, and other significant people will now mellow a bit. You are entering a phase of catching up to the shifts you’ve experienced here. Today may bring up one last big insight or shake-up as the energy turns in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and during the next 3 plus weeks you will be retracing steps and ideas, dealing with miscommunications or technical breakdowns, revisiting the past and reworking or releasing things, and all of it is coming through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your aspirations. It’s your cosmic do-over in meetings and talks, writing or agreements here but do double check information and try to hold off on new purchases in these areas or contracts tied to these themes unless they stem from the past. Today there is a lovely open door through one of these areas to a trip, legal interest, wedding, media or publishing project, or educational interest, say yes.
The 18th looks to be very energetic for you. It is a day to be prepared to react to other’s energy and to make certain you are NOT approaching anyone that could get angry with you. Mars and Uranus oppose across your sign and your partners, representatives and opponents axis. This is great if you’ve been waiting to see some action or passion, it can surprise and excite. However, it can also bring accidents, anger and actions that align with this side of things so pick your battles and avoid the crazy. Whichever way it goes, change is certainly in the air and you may meet someone today that emphasizes this electrical, fire energy combination. There is a need to make some adjustment involving property and a trip, legal matter, media or publishing need, educational factor, or wedding today. Work out those triangles!
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your 2 week window to launch your new business, move ahead on new career needs, ask for the promotion, receive some kind of award or recognition, get your name out there, look for new bosses to enter the picture, start something new with or through an authority figure or dad, make new inroads into fame or with reputation, and make a concerted push with goals and ambitions.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd putting the spotlight on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities over the next 30 days. This is where you will stand out and feel most like pouring your personal and physical energy. Today this opens up wonderful opportunities for you to meet, talk, write, deal with agreements, or get active and have fun. There is a very lucky and big energy combination taking hold today above and beyond all of this and it wants to help launch your trip, legal needs, media or publishing project, educational interests, adventure, or wedding. There is someone significant on a personal or business level tied to this so expect to get into it with them or come across them while in the pursuit of these activities!
The last day of the month brings some solid energy your way as your ruler, Venus, aligns with Saturn in your sign and things seem to solidify involving the travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding matter. It’s a great day to seed something here that you want to see last a long time, to commit to something or someone, or to end something under positive stars. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
This is a month featuring many adjustments for you as your ruler, Pluto, is receiving many such combinations from Mercury (both in forward motion and revisiting again in Retrograde), Venus, the Sun, and the big one, Jupiter! What this means is that you are working through a transitional phase from one way of doing things to another, one life to another, one interest to another, one relationship or situation to another, and it will be this month that defines that divide for you up ahead. Your co-ruler, Mars, is exiting Virgo where he has spent an inordinate amount of time (since 11/11/11) getting you to deal with the actual details and efforts involved with your most fervent aspirations, your social circle, the internet, your interests in astrology or charities, and your group affiliations. The angels have been orchestrating the great service and efforts here even though they have also been holding things back so the details were just so.
On the 3rd, Mars moves into Libra! This is where Saturn has been teaching you about how to work in one-on-one relationships in business and your personal life, with opponents and those that support you, since fall of 2009. With Mars now here all the lessons you have learned and the new sense of self-mastery that is evolving through these trials and ambitions, will now get a great push of action and forward movement. It’s time to DO SOMETHING with these people or end things once and for all. You will see motivating forces bring things into motion, passion expressed or anger released, as your partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, and opponents all begin to cement or exit positions in your life. All of this has been playing out in your Karmic field. All of this has had some bearing on your artistic interests, spiritual growth, hidden romantic life or any isolation you’ve experienced romantically during this phase, addictions, hospitals or other institutions, research, investigations, and development of some project.
On the same day as Mars kicks things into gear, a FULL MOON peaks bringing a culmination around news, a meeting, talk, decision, agreement, writing, a sale, a brother, sister, neighbor, move, local activity, short trip, vehicle, or electronic. It is a time of celebrations or endings in these arenas.
The 3rd and 4th bring the first 2 adjustments involving your ruler, Pluto. This means that news or decisions will be in front of you regarding the financial picture, divorce, sexual attractions, career, goals, reputation, fame, or authority figures, and you will need to work around situations or information as it arises. Remember that what you are seeing crop up on these days that require some finessing or adjustment will be under review again on the 26th and 30th during Retrograde phase. However, at the end of the month it will only require you working around career, reputation, fame, authority figures, or goals, it seems as if you have ironed out the finances, sex or divorce theme by then.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th in your work, health and pet zone. This means that in the month prior you have seen many ups and downs, innovations, excitement, change, more change, shock, shake-ups, and new people or situations evolving. From today forward you get a bit of a reprieve, things mellow and you can catch up to where you find yourself after all this inventive period on the work front, with your health needs and any interests involving animals. Because the day an energy shifts can be felt, you may get one last bit of excitement or change about these things today.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you begin a 3 plus week period of reworking any career matters, interests involving authority figures, ambitions, goals, or involving reputation or fame. If there is an agreement, writing, a meeting or decision, that involves a past matter or person here, this period is your do-over so take advantage of the opportunity. You may see a boss or authority figure exit the scene now or one from the past return, a business or career opportunity resurface that you had let go, and you may also experience some communication breakdowns or mechanical difficulties involving these themes so double check information and hold off on signing new contracts if someone new approaches you during this phase, it’s best to wait for Mercury Direct. Today there is an opportunity for you in all this involving sex, a divorce or a shared financial arrangement.
The 18th is a big day for you because Mars and Uranus face off across the zodiac amping something up between you and another person. This can bring action and change, it is either going to shake things up and shock or excite and awaken, depending upon the nature of your situation. It may affect work, co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, details, organization, health, or pets. Jupiter makes his big adjustment with Pluto today and you are into the very big shift and adjustment regarding divorce, sex or the financial picture and any agreements, writing, meetings, talks, news, offers, sales, or information on the table.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your fresh start in media, publishing, marketing, education, legal matters, weddings, travel plans, import/export, adventure, politics, beliefs, or foreign interests. You have 2 strong weeks to seed things here so that they flower in the months ahead so do something towards your desired results.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and illuminates your career Midheaven over the next 30 days. This effectively places you in the spotlight and will motivate you to pour your personal and physical energy into career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, leadership, and dealing with bosses, dad or authority figures. Today there is something very opportune attached to this shift via action going on behind the scenes, make sure to take your calls and meetings and keep all communications open. Jupiter is opening some lucky doors as well today via the sex, divorce or financial opportunities and these play out at work, with co-workers or employees, around health needs or activities, or over the pets or animal interests (ie you could meet someone sexy while walking the dog or get sparking in the divorce).
Earlier in your forecast I spoke of adjustments to your ruling energy, Pluto. The last come on the 26th and 30th and will be more fine-tuning around any news or offers you have, writing, agreements, talks or meetings, sales or pitches, short trips or local activities, electronics, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, or moves, and the goals, ambitions, career, reputation, fame, or authority figures involved. Remember you are finessing your future opportunities here and transitioning out of the old and into the new direction. This is the cosmos way of giving you a do-over during the Retrograde phase to rework it, rewrite it, renegotiate it, revisit it, or release it. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
If you have felt as though you have been tested and limited or that you have taken on more responsibility and leadership but have had to work harder with your aspirations, group activities and affiliations, friends, internet projects, astrology or charity interests, or social networking since the fall of 2009, you are right, you have. Saturn has been putting you through your paces asking you to get real and serious about what you aspire to and the circle you cast around you via your social connections. This phase will wrap up on October 5th this year not to return for another 29 years so it’s been important for you to hunker down. The good news is that Mars, the planet of ACTION, is moving into these areas on the 3rd and you will finally have some energy behind making things happen, moving ahead, expressing your passions or anger, and stirring the pot enough that some commitments, long term efforts, and endings can occur.
On the same day there is a FULL MOON that is bringing a peak for you involving income, spending, possessions, pleasure, or what you value. This is a high point that may be about celebrating the money coming through or a raise, a climax with your purchase or possession, or an ending as you wrap up one phase and look forward to the next.
There is a very special thing occurring this month for Sagittarius and it involves Venus traveling together with your ruler, Jupiter, for the first 25 days of July. This is about real luck and happiness, prosperity and growth opportunities that will either manifest or be seeded during this period and have the potential for growth for the next 12 years! Look to your relationships with other people for these opportunities. You want to partner with others, seek representation or counsel, and expect that the good things that your closest peeps are experiencing will be shared with you on some level.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the changes, excitement, shake-ups, and unusual experiences that you’ve undergone over the past months in love, with kids or in creative projects will now mellow. You are entering a period when you can catch up to the shifts you’ve made and get your bearings in these arenas. You may experience one last bit of excitement or change here today as the energy shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and over the next 3 plus weeks you will be revisiting and reworking ideas, decisions, writing, agreements, or sales tied to travel plans, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, legal matters, weddings, or educational interests. This is your do-over to pick something back up and rework it or release it. You do want to double check information tied to these topics and hold off on purchasing new electronics or vehicles tied to these themes until the Retrograde is over. There is an opportunity today in one of these areas that looks especially positive and it involves a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person so open up.
The 17th is a day of action for you with that partner, representative or other significant person and it is very good for doing something big involving friends, groups, social networking, astrology, charities, or aspirations.
The 18th is a power day when some unexpected or surprising things are bound to happen and they are due to excite or change things. This plays out between you and another tied to a social gathering, friend, group, internet interest, astrology, charity, lover, child, or creative project. It’s very motivating and either passionate or angry. Your ruler is making a major adjustment today as well and this means that your partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person you are dealing with today and the income matter must be worked around.
The NEW MOON on the 18th is offering you 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh new starts with loans, inheritance, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, alimony, child support, divorce, or sexual interests. Look for ways to open doors in these areas.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and lights up your media, travel, publishing, marketing, educational, adventure, wedding, and belief zones for the next 30 days. This is where you will stand out and feel best when pouring your personal and physical energy into these topics. There is an opportunity in this for you today if you involve a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity. Your ruler is exciting Uranus today in a very opportune way opening up something positive for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or other person and true love, creative interests, or children. Think big!
The 24th brings some great news or positive meetings, ideas, talks, decisions, writing, or agreements and again this is going to play out between you and another person over media, marketing, publishing, travel, education, wedding, or legal matters. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
You are in a position to see some amazing growth and opportunity in the first 25 days of July through your work, co-workers, employees, services, people you hire services from, health, organization, and pets/animals. The 2 benefics are traveling hand in hand during this phase and the more you are willing to put your energy here, the bigger and better things will grow for you over the course of the next 12 years.
On the 3rd, Mars moves into Libra and triggers some big things for you as well. Since October of 2009 you have been on a course to master new things and test yourself through career, ambitions, goals, the boss, authority figures, reputation, fame, and leadership. It hasn’t always been easy. This phase will end October 5th, 2012 so you are now in the last leg of this journey. As Mars moves into the territory you will begin to see things are starting to happen here. Forward motion is now possible and Mars will kick in the drive, determination, action, passion, and help you deal with any anger as well. You may see a younger male enter or exit the picture in these areas now to help motivate.
On the same day there is a FULL MOON in your sign. This is always big for you as something intimate to your personal needs reaches a peak. This may be a high point with a goal being met or wrapping up, a celebration about your image, body or health, a peak involving your brand or identity, but overall it should be a time when you feel as though something has reached its zenith and you get it.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and the roller coaster ride that has been exciting and shaking things up at home, with real estate, mom, family, roommates, renovations, remodels, or moves will now mellow a bit. You enter a period of more stability and a time of catching up to where these awakenings have brought you in these topics. There may be one last yeehaw today as it shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and you begin a 3 plus week backtracking over agreements, decisions, words, ideas, writing, or sales involving sex, divorce or some big financial matter. It is time to rework the agreements or revisit proposals or sales, you may have a sexual partner from the past return or a current one exit during this phase to give you some time to rethink things, and any divorce issues can resurface to be addressed. Miscommunications or technical breakdowns can come up over these topics so double check loan applications, settlements, alimony or child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, partner’s money, commissions, royalties, divorce papers, and any information the sex partner is sharing. Today there is an opportunity that should be positive for you in one or more of these areas and it’s tied to work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets.
The 15th is a date of note and one that will either help you to define something in a serious way or may feel as though you are faced with hard limits or responsibilities. This is about helping you to commit more, structure things or end them and it involves partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or authority figures. Regardless of how this plays out it is important to approach the topics seriously and get real about what needs doing.
The 18th is a wild energy day as things on the career front or with the boss/authority figure get revved up and you are acting or reacting to changes or surprises going on at home, with real estate, mom, family, roommates, or moves. There is a major adjustment in play today as well, one that is protective of you but expects some change, and this is playing out through work, co-workers, employees, health, services, or pets.
The 19th is the NEW MOON in Cancer and your fresh start with significant relationships. You have 2 strong weeks to start something with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents, or to go seeking new people for these roles.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and lights up your sex, divorce and shared financial arena for the next 30 days. This is putting you in the spotlight here and you will naturally gravitate to pouring your personal and physical energy into these topics. For you it means more sex, energy behind any divorce issues or reproductive needs, and lots of efforts behind loans, settlements, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, bankruptcy, inheritance, a partner’s money, or other outside resources. Today this is tying into an opportunity with the boss, an authority figure, your career, a goal, ambition, or reputation. Jupiter is bringing the luck today through your work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets and opening up some excitement at home, through real estate, moves, family, mom, or roommates, all good.
You have a solid alignment on the 31st between your ruling energy and Venus that is set to cement something serious for you via work, health or pets and a goal, career matter, boss, or authority figure. Get serious and put in the effort. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
You may feel as though you are on a high the first 25 days of July and this is just fine, Aquarius! It is due to the lucky and benevolent planets, Jupiter and Venus, uniting and moving together through your house of true love, children and creative projects. It doesn’t get any better than this so put as much energy as you can into pursuit of these topics and know that what you are seeding now has the potential to flower for years to come.
Saturn has been testing your ability to handle legal agreements, get real about weddings, set limits or add responsibilities or ambition to travel, people at a distance, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, or higher education, and get you to get real about what you want here. This has been going on since the fall of 2009 and will finally end on October 5th this year. It has been a Karmic experience for you in these areas and sometime slow going. On July 3rd Mars is going to enter the picture and in the weeks ahead he is going to make things happen, motivate you, help you express your passions or anger, and it’s all going to be about moving things along with the trip, legalities, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or education.
There is a FULL MOON on the same day bringing something Karmic to a peak for you. This is about wrapping things up that have been going on behind the scenes, in development, involving hidden romances, spiritual interests, film, music or other artistic interests, hospitals, addictions, dreams, research, or investigations, and celebrating the high points or ending things.
Mark the 4th as an excellent day for you when the talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements come through for you and brings a lot of freedom and excitement to play through partners, agents, attorneys, lovers, children, and creative ventures. It’s a wonderful day for recreational activities and connecting with who or what you love.
Your ruler, Uranus, Retrogrades on the 13th and you will definitely feel as though all the massive change and excitement that has been pushing your mental capacity in the months gone by will finally ease up a bit and mellow. You have had much change via agreements, decisions, writing, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, sales, and merchant interests and these will stabilize a bit now as well. You enter a phase of catching up to all these changes and getting a handle on where you stand. You may have one last shake-up or excitement today as the energy shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and over the next 3 plus weeks you will be revisiting past ideas, sales, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, and local activities involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or other significant people. You may see a relationship from the past come back around or an opportunity to readdress issues and reconnect or release them. A current relationship may exit during this period. It’s a good time for a do-over or to pick something back up to rework it. Try to double check information and watch for miscommunications or technical glitches related to these people. Today there is an opportunity for you in these tied to your love life, kids or creative interests.
The 18th is going to be a high energy day and part of this is about something taking place through a trip, at a distance, in legal realms, with media, marketing, publishing, a wedding, or higher education. Expect exciting or shocking news, meetings, agreements, decisions, or talks here between you and another person. Jupiter is asking that you do something big regarding a lover, child or creative project/interest today and this requires some major adjustment around something going on behind the scenes or in secret.
The NEW MOON on the 19th is your fresh start at work, in the pursuit of a job, in launching your services, hiring someone to work for you, with a co-worker, any health concerns, or with pets. You have 2 strong weeks to seed new beginnings here so get cracking!
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd illuminating your relationships over the next 30 days. This puts the spotlight on you and your personal and physical involvement with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents. You will want to pour your energy here and take the lead, stand out and move ahead. Today there is great energy around this and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans so open up the communications or make your decisions. There is big luck at play today involving lovers, kids or creative interests and the agreements, meetings, short trips, local activities, talks, news, offers, sales, or proposals that occur, be proactive.
The 25th and 31st are stellar days for you as well. These days are lining up to bring meetings and agreements, decisions and ideas, to bear between you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person that should benefit you and awaken a new sense of excitement and freedom. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
Since November of last year you have had more than your share of ups and downs, backs and forths, through your most significant relationships Pisces. This has been an extraordinary time for partnerships, representation, specialists, or dealing with competitors or opponents. You are wrapping that cycle up as you enter July and this has to feel good.
Saturn has been testing you with these same people over issues involving shared financial matters, outside resources, divorce, life and death scenarios, and sex since the fall of 2009. This is a tough transit when you feel more limited or take on more responsibility in these matters but the good news is it arms you with a new sense of mastery and this is going to wrap up on October 5th this year! I bring it up because on July 3rd, Mars moves into this territory and for the first time you are going to see a major push forward to make things happen here. Mars is about to give you the drive and determination, spark all kinds of sexy, attractive qualities to help you connect with someone intimately or get any anger or passion issues on the table to be dealt with, he is going to amp things up with the divorce, or he is going to give you the motivation to go after the loan, settlement, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, inheritance, or partner’s money and get things on their solid footing, commit more effort or end things here. From the get-go, this month is helping you to make your move. A younger male may enter the picture at this time and be pivotal in one of these arenas for you.
On the same day that Mars comes along, there is a FULL MOON in Capricorn and you will feel a peak around something involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, foundations, social networking, a social gathering or event, or your aspirations. This is a high point that may bring celebrations, achievements or endings.
Uranus Retrogrades on the 13th and all the ups and downs, excitement and shock, that has been associated with your income, spending, possessions, pleasure seeking, and values will finally stabilize a bit and you will have months ahead to regroup and catch up to where you find yourself. This has been a time of awakening for you and should have helped you figure out what you wanted regarding what you do for a living or the amount of money you earn. You may experience one last shake-up or exciting thing today as the energy shifts in the sky.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 14th and over the next 3 plus weeks you will be revisiting issues or people tied to work, co-workers, employees, services, health needs, or pets. This is your do-over to rework decisions, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, and rethink any past ideas you may have that you would like to implement. You may run into past co-workers or people you knew involved with work, health or pets and they may have something to impart to you that is important. You may decide to leave a job or see a co-worker or employee exit now. You may have a long lost pet return or go back to the shelter you visited before and adopt an animal. You may have a health issue vanish or decide it’s time to revisit a doctor for a follow up. Do watch for miscommunications or technical breakdowns in these areas. Double check paychecks and appointment times. There is an opportunity in the health, work or pet situation tied to home, a move, real estate, family, mom, or roommates today.
The 18th is going to be a wild day and it starts with you and another person dealing with money. This is about your income, the overhead or shared resources, and may also have some divorce or sexual situation playing into it. There is action, passion or anger stirred and surprise, shock or excitement in the mix. Jupiter wants you to go big on something involving your home, a move, real estate, mom, family, or roommates today and this means making adjustments involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations.
The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd shining his Light there for the next 30 days and putting you in the spotlight at work, in the pursuit of work, over paperwork services, co-workers, employees, health needs, and pets. This means that you will stand out in these areas and will feel best when pouring your personal and physical energy into these efforts. It’s creative so get out there and audition or interview, bring your ideas to the work place, do more with your co-workers or employees, start that healthy work-out or diet, take care of your physical needs, and do for your animals. Today there is an opportunity to big money, through divorce or involving your sex life in all of this. Lucky Jupiter is opening an opportunity for you at home, with a move, real estate, mom, family, or roommates today and this is going to excite your income zone so look for ways to make money or spend it here.
The 24th brings the Sun into an adjustment aspect with your ruling energy, Neptune. This means that you can expect to need to make an adjustment or concessions today as you work out the health need, pet situation, services, work issues or needs, or anything involving the co-workers or employees. Take the lead and adapt as much as you can. If you would like to get a private reading with Zoe to look at exactly how your unique energy pattern is opening up and meeting challenges, what’s likely to come your way and the timing on it all, you can call 818-613-6067 or email to inquire about getting on the schedule!
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site:
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: Listen to past shows on itunes: Follow the page: Sign up for the Astro Site: