Saturday, June 30, 2012

Beranda » » New Solaris Astrology Website now launched.

New Solaris Astrology Website now launched.


Just to let all my regular readers know, I have now launched my new Solaris Astrology website at . It incudes all my regular features and will also have pages concerned with fixed stars and other astrological subjects as well as a link back to my blog here on this page. Please go and have a visit, please bookmark it and link through to it (it all helps boost my ranking on the web). My aim eventually in time is to make my new website one of the foremost astrology ones on the internet. You can visit it by clicking on the screenshot above.

Thank you everyone around the world for all your kind comments about the blog here, I have been truly humbled with the fantastic reactions and the love that I have received from all my regular readers over the past 18 months since it began on 16th February 2012. We continue on here as per normal so please do not worry, both sites will live, hopefully thrive and complement each other.

Best wishes,

Paul Saunders…

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