Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beranda » , , » RIP Steve Jobs

RIP Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs made the world a better place.

He was only 56 when he died yesterday but his vision has already changed the way so many of us live our lives now – and the way we imagine the future.

In the summer I wrote a piece about him using his own inspirational words. To read it click here. I think he sums himself up better than I ever could.

But I'd like to point out a few transits and progressions to his natal chart yesterday, which are very interesting.

I've mentioned before that Jupiter, the greater benefit, is often active when people pass on. The deaths of the musicians Jeff Buckley and Kurt Cobain, and the psychoanalysts Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud are examples. To read that piece click here.

Jupiter is currently passing through Jobs 8th house of death. It's a planet we associate with blessing and also with taking a long journey. It's transiting exactly opposite his progressed Ascendant at 7° Scorpio. And speaking of progressions – his pr Sun, Moon and Mercury are also in the 8th house.

By transit, Saturn has just moved out of Jobs first house of the physical body. This sometimes means the end of an illness or the end of a struggle. Saturn is the Lord of Ending. We know that Jobs has just had a long hard battle with cancer.

Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld has been hovering around Jobs North Node for some time now. The North Node is called by some a karmic point, a point of destiny, the direction in which we are going.

This suggests Jobs achieved his destiny fully in this life. The Lord of the Underworld was waiting to guide his soul on the next stage of its journey at the very exit gate, the North Node.