Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beranda » , , » From beneath the earth…

From beneath the earth…

After making the sun and the moon and the sky and the mountains and the sea, and after making the animals and the birds and the trees, the creator decided to make something really special. So he fashioned men and women out of clay. But he did not want them all to be the same, so he painted them with different clothes, taught them different languages and music.

Then he buried them in the earth.

And they emerged in different parts of the world from caves and lakes - reborn as the tribes of the Andes.

The idea that the first people came from caves after being underground is a myth found throughout the Americas. The Hopi have a particularly rich and detailed version.

Today the Chilean miners are being reborn after two months held captive in the womb of the Earth. The symbolism is extraordinary.

In our European mythology, Pluto is the god of the Underworld. On August 5, when the miners were trapped, Pluto was retrograde at 3° Capricorn forming a tight T-square to Mars and Saturn in Libra opposing Jupiter and Uranus in Aries - the vaunted Cardinal Climax.  A T-square is a super-tense aspect. It's like a tightly strung bow. Capricorn is an earth sign and ruled by Saturn, the planet that rules rock, foundations, solidity, boundaries. So we have the transformer planet Pluto agitated in this earth sign and the collapse of the mine.

In the intervening months, the T-square disengaged. The planets involved went their separate ways - fot the time being. Pluto continued to retrograde and then began to go forwards again.

At this moment, the miners are re-enacting the ancient origin myth of the Americas, hauled out of the ground through an earthy birth canal and emerging in a metal caul.

Pluto has returned to 3° Capricorn. Just four days ago, Ceres, the fertility planet, also moved into Capricorn and today she is joined by her sister the Moon to midwife the miraculous rebirth of the Chilean miners.