Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Beranda » , » A God for Every Sign - yay

A God for Every Sign - yay

I find reading old astrology books a very good way to get to sleep. Dane Rudhyar is marvellously soporific. I hope some of it will filter into my dreams, and be reborn as a brilliant insight.

Last night I turned to CEO Carter, who is an old stand-by in the wee small hours. And in the footnotes I found this reference to Manilius, the Roman astrologer and poet.

"It is interesting to note that there was an allocation preserved by Manilius, of the 12 signs to the Twelve Great Gods. In this Aries is  ruled Minerva, Gemini by Apollo, Cancer by Mercury, Leo by Jupiter, Virgo by Ceres, Libra by Vulcan, Sagittarius by Diana, Capricorn by Vesta, Aquarius by Juno, and Pisces by Neptune. Taurus and Scorpio are unchanged."

So Taurus is ruled by Venus and Scorpio by Mars. The lover gods were in opposition then as they are today.
Minerva opposes Vulcan. (Wisdom vs craft? Not sure about this pair yet.)
Diana opposes Apollo. (They were twins, were they not.)
Vesta opposes Mercury. (Goddess of the hearth vs god of speed.)
Jupiter opposes Juno. (It's an institute you can't disparage.)
Ceres opposes Neptune. (Land vs sea.)

Welcome back to the Zodiac ladies.