Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Beranda » » Astrology of Now: Face the Music and Dance

Astrology of Now: Face the Music and Dance

As an über-Neptunian type, I am always excited when the god of the sea turns around and starts to surge forwards. Today's the day.

Dreams, fantasy, ideals. Love, sacrifice, deceit. Mob violence, peaceful activism. Fog, illusion, self-undoing. Music and movies. Drugs and alcohol. Neptune has many faces.

The collective unconscious – all the prejudices, fantasies, obsessions and desires of the group poured into the great bowl of ocean and swirled.

The face Neptune shows you may depend on how he is in your own natal chart and how you have learned to cope with his energy. He's in the last few degrees of Aquarius now, ready to go home to Pisces for the first time since the mid-19th century.

This week he's been opposed by Mars (action) in Leo, the individual, the ego and creative self-expression. This opposition could manifest in several ways, but on a personal level, try to go with this energy. It's powerful and creative.

OK, so it's an opposition. But out of tension comes dynamism. It's better to dance with a partner. Face the music. As the song says,  

Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill
And while we still
Have the chance
Let's face the music and dance

Pick up your paintbrush, your camera, your pen. Put on your dancing shoes.