Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Beranda » , » Crimson Pirate

Crimson Pirate

The Crimson Pirate: Sagittarius Rising
Happy Birthday (and RIP, natürlich) Burt Lancaster, superstar Scorp. Was there ever a more robust yet complex specimen of manhood.

Born 2 November 1913: Scorpio Sun (water), Capricorn Moon (earth), Sagittarius Rising (fire).

Trapeze with Tony Curtis
Gemini whispers to Scorpio
in Sweet Smell of Success
He was multi-faceted and used that to good effect playing completely different roles from washed up alcoholic in Come Back Little Sheba to Italian Prince in The Leopard. 

He had Venus in domicile in Libra, which gave him both beauty and charm. In which movies did he explore the airy side of his nature? Trapeze and The Birdman of Alcatraz, I guess. Oh and he does a lot of flying around in The Crimson Pirate too.

No one would argue that Burt Lancaster was a one dimensional actor. He was also probably the most successful independent Hollywood producer in the 1950s and directed.

In my book, he's at his best when he's all Scorpio as the terrifying creep JJ Hunsecker to Curtis's brilliantly slimy Sidney Falco in Sweet Smell of Success – a movie he also produced.

But some prefer his earthier side on the beach in From Here to Eternity.

Or when he shows that Libra class combined with a bit of Capricorn hauteur as a Sicilian prince in Visconti's The Leopard. Not bad for a boy from the mean streets.

Which Burt to you like best?