Monday, August 1, 2011

Beranda » » Monthly Horoscopes: August 2011

Monthly Horoscopes: August 2011

Claude Monet - Antibes
Ah August  - is this really a month in which to do … anything at all? 

Surely we should all be getting out our tents and heading off to the sea or the mountains for four weeks of … nothing much.

Even if you aren't on holiday, everything is bound to slow down with Mercury going retrograde for much of August. We might be wise to spend the holiday month reviewing this weird year - and seeing what we can learn from it.

Fiery Mars is about to run smack-bang into the Uranus-Pluto-Saturn t-square that has dominated the sky this summer - and caused no end of aggro this year. Need I tell you to fasten your seat belt?

In this months scopes, I've tried to focus on how you can best use the energies of this month, rather than dwell on the ongoing drama. To find out what I think you should look out for in the coming weeks, click here.